Guided Reading Unit 4

**if information is designated to be covered in class, students do not need to take notes**please look
closely at your calendar for exact homework pages
14.1 (p.336-341 will be covered in class)
Define vocabulary terms.
Why was the Medici family important?
How did Italian merchants help bring about the Renaissance?
How did Renaissance thinkers differ from medieval scholars?
What did Machiavelli stress? What does this phrase mean?
14.2 (p. 342-345 will be covered in class)
Define vocabulary terms.
What was the purpose of The Praise of Folly?
Who was the most famous poet and playwright of the Northern Renaissance?
What did Johan Gutenberg do in 1456?
How did the printing revolution change European culture?
14.3 (p.346-350)
Define vocabulary terms.
What were three ways that the Catholic Church seemed to be more concerned with money than with
What were Luther’s three main beliefs?
Why did some German princes support Lutheranism?
How did John Calvin’s ideas differ from those of Luther?
14.4 (p.351-355)
Define vocabulary terms.
Why did Henry VIII want to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon?
Did Queen Elizabeth support Catholics or Protestants? How?
What did the Inquisition do?
How were the rights of Jews restricted during this time?
14.5 (p.356-359 will be covered in class)
Define vocabulary terms.
What was Ptolemy’s theory?
What did Copernicus believe?
Why was Galileo attacked?
What did Francis Bacon stress and want?
What did Isaac Newton believe about nature?
What were Robert Boyle’s accomplishments?
15.1 (Chapter 15 will be covered entirely in class)
Define vocabulary terms.
What three motives pushed Europeans to sail?
What did Prince Henry do at Sagres?
What did Vasco de Gama do in 1502 and why did he do this?
Why was Magellan’s crew forced to consume spoiled food and water?
How were Columbus and Magellan different?
15.2 (Chapter 15 will be covered entirely in class)
Define vocabulary terms.
How did monsoons affect sea travel?
List the examples of the power of women in Southeast Asia.
What religions took root in Southeast Asia?
How did China influence the culture of Vietnam?
What did the Trung sisters do?
15.3 (Chapter 15 will be covered entirely in class)
Define vocabulary terms.
How did the Portuguese build their trading empire?
How were the Portuguese and the Dutch alike?
How did the Spanish change the Philippines?
What mistake did the Mughals make in regard to Europeans?
Who was Robert Clive and what did he do?
15.4 (Chapter 15 will be covered entirely in class)
Why did Qianlong reject Britain’s request for trading rights?
What Chinese ideas did Korea accept?
Why did Korea fell like “a shrimp among whales”?
Why did the Tokugawa shoguns become more hostile toward foreigners?
16.1 (p.386-388)
Define vocabulary terms.
Who were the Tainos?
Who was Malinche?
Create a 3-way Venn Diagram to compare Christopher Columbus, Hernan Cortes, and Francisco Pizarro.
Summarize the four reasons for Spanish success.
What are two similarities between the Spanish conquest of the Americas and the Crusades?
16.2 (p.389-393)
Define vocabulary terms.
What was the Council of the Indies?
Make a PERSIAN chart for the Spanish colonies.
What are two differences between the Spanish and Portuguese colonies?
16.3 (p.394-397)
Define vocabulary terms.
What was New France?
What did Samuel de Champlain do?
Why was Jamestown important?
Who were the Pilgrims?
What were the main businesses for French settlers in New France?
How did King Louis XIV change New France?
How did the settlers in the English colonies have more freedom than the settlers in the Spanish colonies?
Why were the Caribbean islands so important to Europe?
Why were England and France bitter rivals in North America?
What were the results of the Treaty of Paris?
16.4 (p.398-402)
Define vocabulary terms.
What was the Middle Passage?
How did the Portuguese affect Africa?
How did Africans help Europeans in the slave trade?
How were King Affonso and the almamy of Futa Toro similar?
How did the Asante become powerful?
What did Usman dan Fodio do?
Who were the Boers?
Why did Boers have conflicts with the Africans?
What did Shaka do?
What were the reasons and results of the Great Trek?
16.5 (p.403-407)
Define vocabulary terms.
What was the Columbian Exchange?
What were the causes of European inflation?
What was the “putting out system”?
Who was hurt by the price revolution?
How did European mercantilism affect the people of Africa?
17.1 (p.412-415)
Define vocabulary.
How did wearing two crowns cause problems for Charles V?
What was Philip II’s great undertaking and what did he do to accomplish this?
List the many reasons for revolts in the Netherlands.
Why did Philip decide to invade England?
What were the reasons for the failure of the Spanish Armada?
List the many reasons for Spain’s economic decline.
17.2 (p.416-420)
Define vocabulary.
What did Henry IV do to help solve religious problems in France?
How and why did Cardinal Richelieu destroy the power of the Huguenots and the nobles?
What was the Estates General?
How did Jean Baptiste Colbert help France’s economy?
Why did the Louis XIV bring nobles to Versailles?
Why was revoking the Edict of Nantes a mistake?
17.3 (p.421-426)
Define vocabulary.
Why did Henry VIII keep good relations with Parliament?
Why did James I dissolve Parliament?
What was the Petition of Right?
Who were the Cavaliers?
Who were the Roundheads?
Who won the English Civil War?
What happened to Charles I?
How did the government of England change after the Civil War?
What was the Glorious Revolution?
What was the English Bill of Rights?
17.4 (p.427-430)
Define vocabulary.
How was the Holy Roman Empire divided?
What was Germany affected by the Peace of Westphalia?
Why was it hard for the Hapsburgs to unite their empire?
What improvements did Maria Theresa make?
What was Prussia known for?
17.5 (p.431-435)
Define vocabulary.
Create a PERSIAN chart to show the changes Peter the Great made to Russia. There will be no A and
only one idea under R; for the rest put 2-4 facts in each category.
How was Catherine the Great good for the boyars?
How was Catherine the Great bad for the peasants?
Which countries were involved in the Partition of Poland?