
Learning About Oceans Using ArcGIS Online
Your Name: _____________________
This activity uses ArcGIS Online, a Webbased Geographic Information System
(GIS) ( as a tool for
analyzing the geography and science of
water from a spatial perspective. This
activity focuses on oceans.
This activity is written for upper
secondary/university level but can be
used at the lower secondary level, and
Map of the ocean floor north of Puerto Rico in ArcGIS
can even be modified for primary levels.
Online. Examining this map is included in this activity.
It can be used in formal or informal
educational settings and in an
independent or whole-class format. Time estimated: 1 class period of 50 minutes. No previous
experience with GIS is necessary but (1) the geographic perspective is important, and (2) a background
in the topic investigated would be helpful; at a minimum, a short discussion on the processes and
phenomenon studied in each investigation should be held at the beginning; such as “What is the ocean
floor like? Why is studying the oceans important for life on land?”
Computer requirements: Web browser, Internet connection. Can be run in a computer lab setting using
equipment provided by the host institution or with students bringing their own tablets/laptops/devices,
or simply using 1 computer in front of the class with a projector.
Water is a spatial subject: It can occur in solid, liquid, and gas phases on our planet and can easily move
between these three states. It moves through oceans, rivers, wetlands, and glaciers, and through the
hydrologic cycle at different rates. It is affected by long-term climate, everyday weather, hurricanes,
landforms, and air pressure. It has been channeled into settling ponds, water treatment plants, fields,
irrigation ditches, drainage ditches, canals, reservoirs, and through many other means by humans. It
acts as a change agent above, on, and below the surface of the Earth, affecting such phenomena as crop
yields, aquifers, erosion, floods, stream sediment, soil chemistry, weathering, and much more. It
operates on a scale from local to global. Because water exists, moves, and acts at different scales and
affects so many other phenomena, the geographic perspective is critical to understanding it. And, GIS is
a very useful tool in which to study water in all of its forms, processes, and aspects.
Learning About Oceans Using ArcGIS Online - Page 1 of 4
Author: Joseph J. Kerski –
Copyright © 2012, Esri.
Watch the movie “geographic reflections on water”:
Considering the video, and your own previous knowledge, name 3 connections between water and
Because of these and a whole host of other factors, the geographic perspective is critical to
understanding water. GIS allows the geographic perspective to be applied to the study of water, and
ArcGIS Online provides a toolkit and rich set of data that allows you to study water right away.
ArcGIS Online Investigation
This investigation uses ArcGIS Online, on
Investigating Oceans
At ArcGIS Online, click on “map.” Change the basemap to a light gray canvas. Observe the planet as a
whole. How much of the world do you estimate is covered by oceans?
Next, research this question to determine the answer. How close was your estimate to the correct
Change the basemap to the Oceans basemap. Describe the ocean floor. Does the ocean floor look like
you expected it to look? Why or why not?
Examine the detail for the oceans basemap:
How was this map created? How is ocean floor mapping different from mapping on land?
What special challenges does ocean mapping pose?
How well do you think we as a global society understand oceans as compared to the land surface?
In what units are the ocean depths given?
Do some research on the three deepest trenches. What are trenches? What are their names?
Investigate them in ArcGIS Online, identifying their location, using the measure tool to measure their
length, and examining the depth readings to determine their depth.
Do some research on three seamounts. What are seamounts? What are their names? Investigate them
in ArcGIS Online, identifying their location, using the measure tool to measure their length, and
examining the depth readings to determine their depth. Can you determine how high they are, relative
to the surrounding ocean floor? Give the height of each seamount.
Do some research and answer the following question: Name three threats to ocean life, water quality,
coral reefs, or threats to any other component of in the ocean.
Learning About Oceans Using ArcGIS Online - Page 2 of 4
Author: Joseph J. Kerski –
Copyright © 2012, Esri.
Investigating Cities Along Coastlines
Watch the video: Waves at Newport Beach, California:
Name three ways that the ocean affects the shore.
In ArcGIS Online, examine cities along coastlines. Name five major cities along coastlines.
What percentage of major world cities lies along coastlines? Show your work.
What threats do cities pose to ocean life?
What hazards exist to cities along coastlines? Name at least three hazards.
If time permits, create a presentation using ArcGIS Online and your ocean basemap that summarize your
findings to one of the topics you examined above.
Zoom to an area of the ocean floor of interest to you. Describe that area, noting its physical features,
width, and depth. What threats to the sustainability of ocean life in the area you have chosen exist?
Investigating Additional Data Layers
Add additional layer: Volcanoes. What pattern do you notice? How do volcanoes occur in the oceans?
What are some famous islands that are volcanoes? What oceans and seas contain the most volcanoes?
Which volcanoes on islands are the most active?
Add layers: Earthquakes and plate boundaries. What pattern of earthquakes do you notice? What is the
pattern of plate boundaries? Through which oceans do plate boundaries run? How do earthquakes
occur in the ocean? Which plate boundaries are most active in terms of earthquakes in the oceans?
What is the relationship between plate boundaries and earthquakes? What is the hazard associated
with earthquakes in the oceans?
Add layer: USA historical hurricanes. What is the relationship of hurricanes to oceans? How do oceans
help foster and grow hurricanes?
Next, let us consider the relationship of current weather to oceans.
Watch the video: One day weather difference along the Atlantic Ocean shore:
Name two differences that you notice between the first day shown in the movie, and the second day.
Learning About Oceans Using ArcGIS Online - Page 3 of 4
Author: Joseph J. Kerski –
Copyright © 2012, Esri.
Add layer: Current weather. How does current weather affect ocean chemistry, wave height, and
temperature? How do oceans influence current weather? Name three ways that oceans influence longterm climate.
Name three things you have learned about oceans through any of the above investigations.
Name three things you have learned about GIS through these investigations.
How has the spatial perspective about oceans influenced your understanding of it?
If time permits, use the presentation mode in ArcGIS Explorer Online to create a presentation of your
own choosing where you explain what you have learned about a specific aspect about oceans. Give
your presentation to your peers, save it, and share it with others.
Additional Explorations
You have explored a few aspects of oceans from a spatial perspective, but much more could be done.
Write your own question about oceans, investigate it, and answer it!
Learning About Oceans Using ArcGIS Online - Page 4 of 4
Author: Joseph J. Kerski –
Copyright © 2012, Esri.