Stage 27 Day 1 -

Lesson Topic(s): Purpose Clauses/Culture Grade: 9-12
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Sawyer
Student: Sara Van Dyke
Subject: Latin II
Date: 3/28/12
The student will understand written Latin texts based on various topics.
The student will use information acquired in the study of Latin and information acquired in other
subject areas to reinforce one another.
 The students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of Stage 27 vocabulary by filling out
the vocabulary sheet as a class.
 The students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of indirect commands by finding
examples in the Latin text.
 The students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of “sub horreo” by translating into
English and illustrating the story.
Do the students know the vocabulary of Stage 27? (no)
Do the students know what an indirect command in English is? (yes)
Do the students know how an indirect command is written in English? (possibly)
Do the students know how to translate an indirect command from Latin to English?
Do the students know how to translate “sub horreo?” (possibly)
KEY TERMS: “sub horreo,” subjunctive uses, indirect command, vocabulary
Anticipatory Set:
 Tell students to think back to the line drawings they translated after the test. Give them
2-3 minutes to think of 3 things about direct and indirect commands (it can be anything
they remember).
 Tell them to discuss with a partner and then we will go around the room and share.
Teacher Input:
 Go over indirect command notes-students will use “Matchbook” notes for this (review
purpose clauses with this)
 Go over p.128 About the Language pt. C #1 and 2 as examples
 Using “Modestus attonitus” highlight the first example of an “ut” clause, then have
students finish finding the “ut” clauses in the rest of the story
 Go over Stage 27 vocabulary PowerPoint
 Students will fill in their vocabulary sheets as we go over the words
Checks for Understanding:
 How can you tell it is an indirect statement? What is the difference between direct and
indirect statements?
 What do you keep seeing in an indirect statement?
 What 3 things are used/seen in an indirect statement?
 What patters do you see in 1st conjugation verbs?
 What is a purpose clause? How is it translated?
Lesson Topic(s): Purpose Clauses/Culture Grade: 9-12
Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Sawyer
Student: Sara Van Dyke
Subject: Latin II
Date: 3/28/12
Guided Practice:
 Going through “Modestus attonitus” to find “ut” clauses
 Going over St. 27 vocabulary
 About the Language pt. C 1-2 together
 Notes
Independent Practice:
 Translating p. 128 About the Language pt. C 3-8
 Translate and illustrate “sub horreo”
 Students will complete the Word Study on page 139
 “Snowball Fight”—students take out a sheet of paper; write anything NEW they learned
about indirect statements or any questions they still have. Crumple up paper and gently
toss across the room
 After they have gently tossed the paper balls, pick up one and read it out loud, if question
have class try to answer or I answer.
 Auditory-hearing translation of pt. C on p. 128, hearing notes on indirect commands,
hearing questions/new things from snow ball fight
 Visual-drawing a picture for the translation, seeing “ut” clauses highlighted on computer,
seeing vocabulary words on computer and pictures, seeing indirect command notes
 Kinesthetic-going to computer to highlight “ut” clauses, “snowball fight”
 Social-“snowball fight,” going over vocabulary, translating together
 Informal Assessment: finding “ut” clauses on computer, anticipatory set about indirect
 Formal Assessment: translation/illustration, pt. C 3-8 on page 128
LCD projector/Computer
Cambridge Unit 3 Book
Stage 27 vocabulary sheet
Stage 27 vocabulary PowerPoint
Matchbook notes
Indirect command notes
 LCD-highlighting “ut” clauses in stories on computer, vocabulary PowerPoint