Website: E-Mail: UNDERGRADUATE ADVANCED ENTRY APPLICATION FORM 2014 (Form to be used by applicants seeking admission to 2nd year or subsequent years of full-time programmes) For Office Use Only Request Qualifications Request Work Experience Request QQI Validation Offer Full-time: Request English Language Qualifications Yes / No Offer Part-Time Day: Programme: Year Signed Head of School/Department Date: Interview Waiting List Yes / No Please refer to Application Guidelines before completing this form Section 1: I.D If you have previously been registered for a course in LIT, please quote your Student ID Number here: Section 2: Personal Details Surname First Name Permanent Address Home Phone Number Mobile Number Email Address PPS Number Date of Birth Gender (M/F) Country of Birth Citizenship Next of Kin Name Next of Kin Relationship Next of Kin Address Next of Kin Phone Number Section 3: Programme Choice (See prospectus or – Application may be submitted for two programmes only Pref. Level Year of Programme Course / Programme Title No. (i.e. 6,7,8) Applied for (i.e. 2,3,4) 1 2 Do you plan to study Part time by day? (Yes or No) Section 4: Previous Third Level (Study at Institute of Technology, University, College of Further Education, FAS Apprenticeship, Etc.). 1. Transcripts of qualifications obtained prior to the current year MUST be submitted with this application form. 2. Applicants taking current year examinations should write pending in the results section, submit a list of examination subjects being taken and must arrange to have these results forwarded to this Institute by 30 th June 2014. Name & Address of College (Most Recent) Full Title of Programme Studied (e.g. Higher Certificate in Business in Accounting & Finance) Dates of Attendance From Name & Address of College (Next Most Recent) Full Title of Programme Studied Dates of Attendance From Name & Address of College (Next Most Recent) Full Title of Programme Studied Dates of Attendance From AOPP-03 – 6/12/13 Result (if known) To Result To Result To Page 2 of 6 Section 5: Relevant Work Experience Documentary evidence of industrial experience relevant to your application should accompany this Application form. Official Reference letters should be submitted with application for all relevant work experience, giving the dates and duration of employment and the duties undertaken. Name, Address & Tel. No. of Employer (Most Recent) Position held Dates of Employment From Name, Address & Tel. No. of Employer (Next Most Recent) Position held Dates of Employment From Name, Address & Tel. No. of Employer (Next Most Recent) Position held Dates of Employment From AOPP-03 – 6/12/13 Brief Description of Duties To Brief Description of Duties To Brief Description of Duties To Page 3 of 6 Section 6: Part Time Study If you wish to pursue a day programme on a part-time basis please note that you will be liable for both Student Contribution and Tuition Fees on a per credit basis. The breakdown of the credits attached to each subject is outlined in the programme’s approved course schedule. (Please refer to the relevant policy Do you wish to apply to study part-time during the day via the ACCS Programme? Section 7: Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) You may apply to be considered for Module Exemptions based on Prior Certified Learning and/or Experiential Learning. You will subsequently be issued with an RPL Application Form and must submit a complete syllabus and a transcript of prior results and a portfolio for any experiential learning to be evaluated. Do you wish to have your prior learning considered as part of your application? Section 8: Special Needs / Medical Conditions If there any special circumstances, disability or medical conditions you would like the Institute to know about please give details below and attach medical documentation obtained within the last three years. Section 9: English Language If your first language is not English, you are required to provide certification of competence in English. Please see the table below for English Language requirements for entry to courses at LIT. Mother Tongue Language of instruction at Home Institution Section 10: Verification I certify that I have read and understood the guidelines for filling out this form and that the information I have provided on this form is complete and accurate. If emailing this form, typing your name in the box below, in conjunction with your email address, will be accepted as a digital signature. Signed Date Completed application form should be returned to the most appropriate office: Admissions Office, Limerick Institute of Technology, Moylish Park, Limerick or Tel: +353 61 293853 Fax: +353 61 293001, Email: Or Student Administration Offices, LIT Tipperary, Nenagh Road, Thurles Tel: +353 504 28072 Fax: +353 504 28001, Email: Closing Date: 1st May, 2014 All application forms together with any attachments must arrive at Admissions on or before 1st May, 2014. Emailed applications will be accepted. Limerick Institute of Technology is a registered Data Controller and will comply with its obligations under the Data Protection Acts of 1988 and 2003 with regard to the dissemination of personal information to any third party. The Institute may provide information to relevant authorities, such as HETAC (Higher Education & Training Awards Council), FETAC (Further Education & Training Awards Council), HEA (Higher Education Authority), CAO (Central Applications Office), Grant Awarding Bodies, other Colleges and Research Institutes and Research Collaborators, the Department of Education & Science, and other relevant authorities such as: the Department of Social Protection, the Department of Justice and Equality, and the Department of Health and Children. AOPP-03 – 6/12/13 Page 4 of 6 Application Guidelines Please read carefully before completing application form 1. All Admissions and Progressions are subject to availability of places on the program applied for. Applicants may not present more than one form in any one-year. Late applicants are those received after the closing date and will only be processed at the absolute discretion of LIT. 2. Please do not send original documents, as any documentation submitted will not be returned. The Institute reserves the right to request original documentation if deemed necessary. Transcripts of qualifications obtained prior to the current year MUST be submitted with this application form. Applicants taking current year examinations should write ‘pending’ in the results section and must arrange to have these results forwarded to this Institute by 30th of June 2014. Transcripts received after this date will only be considered in later rounds of offers should places remain available. 3. Ordinary Degree (Level 7) Applications: Applicants holding a National Certificate, Higher Certificate (or equivalent) or having passed a recognised qualifying examination, will be considered for entry into the Ordinary Degree Stage of a related Institute of Technology Course. 4. Honours Degree (Level 8) Applications: Applicants holding a National Diploma or Ordinary Degree Level 7(or equivalent), or having passed a recognised qualifying examination with a *50% average, will be considered for entry into a related degree level course. The level of exemption granted depends on the level of Award and the degree course applied for. *Except in the case of Students who are progressing from the Bachelor of Business in Accounting & Finance (Level 7); the Bachelor of Business in Marketing & Management (Level 7); and the B.Sc. in Environmental & Chemical Analysis (Level 7) to a cognate Level 8 Programme, an overall average of 40% is acceptable. For all Level 8 programmes in the School of LIT Tipperary an overall average of 40% may be acceptable. 5. QQI Validation: If you are presenting a foreign qualification (i.e., a qualification which has been made by a recognized body outside of Ireland and the UK) you must firstly gain QQI Validation before LIT can process your application. You should contact the QQI: Quality and Qualifications Ireland 26-27 Denzille Lane, Dublin 2 Tel: 01-9058100 E-Mail: Please note that it takes 8-12 weeks for the QQI to process an application for recognition of a foreign qualification. If you are awaiting QQI Validation, you may submit your application for a place at LIT by the approved Closing Date (1st May), but it will NOT be processed until we are in receipt of your QQI Validation documentation. 6. English Language Requirements: If your first language is not English, you are required to provide certification of competence in English. Please see the table below for English Language requirements for entry to courses at LIT. Examination Level Required Irish Leaving Certificate in English Ordinary level grade D GCSE English Language Grade C GCE O-Level English Language Grade C University of Cambridge Pass in Use of English Examination 220(computer based test) TOEFL 550 (paper based test) 80 (Internet based test) Undergraduate Courses: Minimum IELTS Score required is 6 IELTS Post Graduate courses: Minimum IELTS score required is 6 Cambridge Proficiency Grade C Cambridge Advanced Grade A ARELS oral examinations Pass AOPP-03 – 6/12/13 Page 5 of 6 7. Offers: Round 1 offers will be made in June. Subsequent offers will be issued in September subject to availability of places. 8. If you have any queries regarding grants, please contact SUSI, or log onto 9. Any Checklist items unticked may mean that your application will not be processed and will be returned to you. For Further Information please visit our website or contact the relevant Admissions Office. Moylish: 061-293853/ 061-293851 or Tipperary: 0504-28072. Application Checklist Please read each question below and insert a Y in the boxes as appropriate. Section 1. If you were previously a registered student in LIT, have you entered your student ID Number? Section 1. Have you entered your PPS Number? Section 4. Have you enclosed certified copies of any relevant Higher Education Qualifications, or transcript of results with your application? Section 4. If you are presenting Overseas Qualifications, have you enclosed QQI Validation? Section 5. Have you enclosed documentary evidence of Work Experience (Reference from Employer)? Section 9. Have you provided certification of competence in English? Section 10. Have you signed and dated the application form? AOPP-03 – 6/12/13 Page 6 of 6