RRJ Rubric Abbrev2

AP Literature
Reader Response Journal Part Two
“King Lear” – play
Slave the Block – short story
The Blue Hotel – short story
I Stand . . . Ironing – short story
NAME _________________________
Joy Luck Club
The Fixer
The Kite Runner
Yellow Raft in Blue Water
Farewell to Arms
I Know Why … Bird Sings
of 40
All works completed?
All works are addressed at an appropriate length
All works are addressed, albeit some quite briefly
A small, minimal portion is missing (-4 points for each missing work)
Many works are missing (-4 points for each missing work)
of 40
Depth of discussion about the literature?
Lit. is discussed fully, personal opinions are clear and an understanding of the literature is evident
Lit. is discussed but either falls short in personal opinion or in analysis
Superficial discussion without either true understanding or critical analysis
Mere plot summary if anything
of 20
Ease of reading and finding material?
Journal is easy to read, clearly labeled, and well organized
Journal is slightly disorganized or tough to read
Journal is either difficult to read or poorly organized
Journal is difficult to read and poorly organized
AP Literature
Reader Response Journal Part Two
“King Lear” – play
Slave the Block – short story
The Blue Hotel – short story
I Stand . . . Ironing – short story
NAME _________________________
Joy Luck Club
The Fixer
The Kite Runner
Yellow Raft in Blue Water
Farewell to Arms
I Know Why … Bird Sings
of 40
All works completed?
All works are addressed at an appropriate length
All works are addressed, albeit some quite briefly
A small, minimal portion is missing (-4 points for each missing work)
Many works are missing (-4 points for each missing work)
of 40
Depth of discussion about the literature?
Lit. is discussed fully, personal opinions are clear and an understanding of the literature is evident
Lit. is discussed but either falls short in personal opinion or in analysis
Superficial discussion without either true understanding or critical analysis
Mere plot summary if anything
of 20
Ease of reading and finding material?
Journal is easy to read, clearly labeled, and well organized
Journal is slightly disorganized or tough to read
Journal is either difficult to read or poorly organized
Journal is difficult to read and poorly organized