
Biology 3201 Human Reproduction
Multiple Choice (1 point each, 20 points total)
1. Theoretically speaking, what is the maximum number of children that a Newfoundland women may have in her lifetime (no twins)?
a. 100
b. 80
c. 40
d. 20
2. What is the success rate of most barrier birth control methods (condom and diaphragm)?
a. 50%
b. 75%
c. 85%
d. 95%
3. To ensure sperm develop normally, cells in the testes must:
a. be below 35  C
b. be above 35  C
c. under go meiosis
d. a & c
4. Which of the following carries sperm from the testes:
a. urethra
b. seminal vesicle
c. vas deferens
d. tubules
5. The production of an egg in the ovary is stimulated by:
a. LH
b. progesterone
c. FSH
d. estrogen
6. The inner cell mass will develop into:
a. amnion
c. chorionic villi
d. embryo
7. Which is not an embryonic membrane in humans:
a. yolk sac
b. chorion
c. amnion
d. endometrium
8. Which would lead people to try in vitro fertilization:
a. regular menstrual cycle
b. high sperm count
c. sperm not motile
d. uterus normal
9. Which hormone is most important in stimulating contractions of the uterus:
a. testosterone
b. oxytocin
c. estrogen
d. progesterone
10. A developing embryo is considered a fetus at:
a. 5 weeks
b. 6 weeks
c. 7 weeks
d. 8 weeks
b. chorion
11. No two species can occupy the same ecological niche. Why?
a. one species will exclude the other
b. one species will include the other
c. density dependant factors
d. density independant factors
12. Fertilization occurs:
a. high in the uterus to allow for development into a trophoblast
b. high in the oviduct to allow for development into a blastocyst
c. low in the uterus to allow for implantation of the blastocyst
d. low in the oviduct to allow for implantation of the trophoblast
13. What structure would be filled with fluid that
would act as a cushion to protect the developing embryo?
a. A
c. B
b. C
d. D
14. Which of the following is the correct path for fertilzation.
a. epididymus, vas deferens, urethra, vagina, uterus, cervix, oviduct
b. vas deferens, epididymus, urethra, vagina, uterus, cervix, oviduct
c. epididymus, vas deferens, urethra, vagina, cervix, uterus, oviduct
d. none of these will reach the egg.
15. To ensure sperm develop and grow properly, the testes must:
a. descend into the scrotum
b. under go mitosis
c. under go meiosis
d. expand
16. Which of the following carries sperm from the testes:
a. urethra
b. seminal vesicle
c. vas deferens
d. tubules
17. The production of a mature egg in females in stimulated by:
a. LH
b. progesterone
c. FSH
d. estrogen
b. chorion
c. chorionic villi
d. a, b & c
b. mesoderm
c. endoderm
d. enfoderm
c. low sperm count
d. a & b
c. estrogen
d. progesterone
c. 7 weeks
d. 8 weeks
18. The trophoblast will develop into:
a. amnion
19. Which is not a germ layer:
a. ectoderm
20. Which would not lead people to try in vitro fertilization:
a. irregular menstrual cycle
b. high sperm count
21. Which hormone is most important in stimulating contractions of the uterus:
a. testosterone
b. oxytocin
22. A developing embryo is considered a fetus at:
a. 5 weeks
b. 6 weeks
23. Fertilization occurs:
a. high in the uterus to allow for implantation of the blastocyst
b. high in the oviduct to allow for implantation of the blastocyst
c. low in the uterus to allow for implantation of the blastocyst
d. low in the oviduct to allow for implantation of the blastocyst
24. The best method of prevention of pregnancy and HIV transmission, is sex and proper use of:
a. a latex condom
b. a condom and Vaseline
25. Which is not important to the production of an embryo?
a. sperm
b. polar body
c. a diaphragm
d. the pill
c. egg
d. chorion
Short Essays: Answer three of the following (10 points each, 30 points total).
1. Compare the structure of the male and female reproductive systems. Why are they so different?
2. Describe the function of the 4 major female hormones. How do they interact to produce the menstrual cycle?