Unit 1: Beginning of American History Chapter 1: Roots of the American People Vocabulary Glacier - A thick sheet of ice Irrigation – To water crops by channeling water from rivers or/and streams Surplus – Excess quantity that is left over - EXTRA Civilization – Advanced cultures that have developed cities, science and industry Culture- ways of life Culture area – regions in which groups of people have a similar way of life Kayak – small boats made with skins Potlatch – ceremony at which the hosts showers their guests with gifts Adobe – sun-dries brick Clan – groups of families that were related to one another Sachem – tribal chief Muhammad – Muslim ruler Mansa Musa – Muslim ruler who’s pilgrimage became famous - he was known as the richest and most noble king Navigation – the science of locating the position and plotting the course of ships Zheng He – Chinese explorer Monotheism – the idea that there is only one God Jesus – Jewish teacher some believed he was the Savior chosen by God Salvation- everlasting life Direct democracy - is a form of gov’t in which an assembly of ordinary citizens makes decisions Republic – a form of gov’t in which people choose representatives to govern them Feudalism –a system in which a ruler grants parts of his lands to lords Martin Luther – German monk who demanded that the Catholic Church reform Henry the Navigator – set up a school for sailors that used compasses and astrolabes to find longitude and latitude Vasco de Gama – first Portuguese sailor to sail around the southern tip of Africa Chapter 2: Europe Looks Outward Vocabulary Christopher Columbus Vasco Nunez de Balboa Ferdinand Magellan Strait Circumnavigate Conquistador Hernando Cortes Moctezuma Plantation Encomienda Bartolome de Las Casas Mission Peninsular Mercantilism John Cabot Northwest Passage Henry Hudson Samuel de Champlain Coureuer de bois Jaques Marquette Alliance Chapter 3: Colonies Take Root Vocabulary John Smith Representative government Pilgrim Squanto John Winthrop Toleration Roger Williams Ann Hutchinson Thomas Hooker John Wheelwright Town Meeting Metacom Proprietary Colony Royal colony William Penn Backcountry Nathaniel Bacon Lord Baltimore James Oglethorpe Debtor Plantation Chapter 4: Life in the Colonies Vocabulary Legislature Bill of rights Habeas corpus Freedom of press Libel Extended family Apprentice Gentry Middle class Indentured servant Triangle trade Racism Slave code Public school Dame school Ann Bradstreet Phillis Wheatly Benjamin Franklin Jonathan Edwards Natural rights Divine right Separation of powers