MASONRY STANDARDS JOINT COMMITTEE Construction Requirements Subcommittee Subcommittee Chair Subcommittee Secretary Chairman Richard Klingner Secretary Jason Thompson Subcommittees General John Melander Flexure & Axial Loads Russell Brown Veneer, Glass Block & Empirical Gregg Borchelt Infills Dean Brown AAC Masonry John Matthys Seismic Thomas Gangel Prestressed Masonry David Biggs Construction Requirements Diane Throop Reinforcement & Connectors David McLean Shear Scott Walkowicz DIANE THROOP, DIANE THROOP PE, LLC, 3421 Ivy Hills Boulevard, Cincinnati, Ohio 45244 272-2470, Fax: (513) 272-2146, e-mail: (513) DENNIS GRABER, National Concrete Masonry Association, 13750 Sunrise Valley Drive, Herndon, Virginia 20171 (703) 713-1900, Fax: (703) 713-1910, e-mail: Staff Contact, TMS PHILLIP J. SAMBLANET, (303) 939-9700, Fax: (303) 541-9215, e-mail: Staff Contact, ACI DANIEL W. FALCONER, (248) 848-3726, Fax: (248) 848-3720, e-mail: Staff Contact, ASCE JAMES ROSSBERG, (703) 295-6196, Fax: (703) 295-6361, e-mail: Minutes MASONRY STANDARDS JOINT COMMITTEE Construction Requirements Subcommittee October 10, 2004 Meeting, 1:00 – 5:00 PM Holiday Inn Hotel – Baltimore Inner Harbor 1. Call to Order at 1:00 PM by Chair Diane Throop. 2. Membership/Attendance A quorum was present with 15 of 18 voting members 1 associate and 3 guests. Voting Members Present Diane Throop, Chair Ron Barnett Dick Bennett John Chrysler George Crow Andy Dalrymple Dennis Graber Craig Henderson Keith Itzler Rochelle Jaffe Walt Laska John Melander Jerry Painter John Tawresey Dan Zechmeister Associate Members Present Ed Glock, Jr. Guests Present Ali Memam Matthew Estes Richard Klingner 3. Approval of agenda – The agenda was approved as presented. 4. Approval of Minutes of May 2004 (posted on web site). Moved for approval as presented by Don McMican, seconded by Ron Barnett. All approved. 5. Update on activity between meetings. Chair Throop gave an overview of the balloting that had occurred since the last meeting in an effort to address comments received as a result of the public ballot process. Since the balloting period was shortened to much less than the normal 30 days, members will not be held accountable for not responding. However, a lot of really tough issues were effectively resolved. 6. Old Business THE MASONRY SOCIETY AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS MASONRY STANDARDS JOINT COMMITTEE Construction Requirements Subcommittee Minutes – October 10, 2004 Meeting 6.1. Chair Throop indicated that the primary, unresolved TAC comments would be dealt with as a group. Some of the more complex issues that have been on the Subcommittee’s plate but yet to be resolved would be assigned to Task Groups as presented under New Business below. 6.1.1. Attachment 1 details the TAC comments addressed by the group at this meeting and actions taken. 6.2. Don McMican pointed out two errors in the Specification Commentary that needed to be corrected – “2.6B: ASTM C 476 is strictly a proportion” and in Table C-8 the values “13611” and “15060”. 7. New Business 7.1. Chair Throop outlined the four task groups and their reports are as follows: GROUTING ISSUES: Zechmeister, Chrysler, Graber, Crow, McMican, Painter, Melander Dennis Graber will revise the old ballot as discussed and send to the task group before balloting the subcommittee. Language for a subcommittee letter ballot was prepared and will be sent out. The task group affirmed the error identified by Don McMican in Table C-8 of the Specification Commentary UNIT STRENGTH TABLE REVISIONS: Dalrymple, Henderson, Tawresey, Clark, Throop, Bennett Group wrote a ballot item for a revision to Table 2 to reflect minimum ASTM unit compressive strength requirements. Group discussed strategies to obtain data and settled on initial search of existing articles for data on prism strengths both grouted and ungrouted. UBC requirements for Table 1 were discussed. Throop will contact Clark for input before moving in that direction. Dalyrmple agreed to be source for abstract collection. Task group members to send him abstracts by Dec. 15. AAC FORMATTING/CLEAN UP: Barnett, Itzler, Jaffe Work complete. New business items will go through AAC subcommittee, revisions to wording in specification will funnel through our committee. Ballot items will be sent after meeting for sub ballot. ODDS & ENDS & EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN: Johnson, Laska, Glock, Nelson, Matt Estes Group worked on clean up list with no recommendations for ballot items on any topic. 8. Adjournment. Don McMican moved for adjournment at 5:07 pm. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Dennis W. Graber Secretary attach: Attachment 1 – TAC Resoultions this meeting THE MASONRY SOCIETY AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS 2 MASONRY STANDARDS JOINT COMMITTEE Construction Requirements Subcommittee Minutes – October 10, 2004 Meeting Attachment 1 – Subcommittee actions on TAC comments Oct. 2004. Highlighted items to go to Main Ballot. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Motion: M is correct. No change needed. (Don/Dick) 14-0-0 Motion: Paragraph could change within ASTM. Not needed as proportion requirements are clear – redundant. (Rochelle/Don) 14-0-0 Decline to make changes for same reasons as above. (Rochelle/Don ) 14-0-0 Motion: Not add under material certificates since they aren’t necessary to meet minimum requirements for life safety. (Don/John C). 13-0-0 Motion: Don’t incorporate for reasons of redundancy, future housekeeping, etc. Reference cannot be confused as there are only one Table 3, 4,5. (Ron/Don) 13-0-0 Already addressed by ballot 2005-06 item 145 and 129 (05-08) New draft reads “flexural tensile strength” No change. Option needs to be given to use proportion or strength methods. (Rochelle/Dan) 14-0-0 No change. Not unique since these aren’t unique to the Specification. They are industry terms but are of particular importance to this document. (Rochelle/ John C) 14-0-0 Motion: No change. Good practice per ACI Spec and ACI style manual suggests not adding extra or extraneous adjectives such as “Additional”. And prism testing may actually save expenses on certain project. (Don/Keith) 14-0-0 ( No change. Correct as THE MASONRY SOCIETY AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS TMS 32 The dimension should be “material per m2 “ 7 E 18 13 E After ‘C476’ add ‘Paragraph 4.2.1, 18 14 E After ‘C476’ add ‘Paragraph 4.2.2, 18 22 E Add: ‘e. Flashing’ and ‘f. Weep hole devices’ 19 11 E After ‘with’ add ‘Quality Assurance Tables….’ 26 11 E “flexural tensile bond” is redundant. Delete “tensile” in accordance with 116R. 35 17 E Add the end of the sentence: ‘By the compressive strength method’ after ‘C476’. 5 9 E Replace “particular” with “unique” 6 3 E 6 6 E ACI ACI ACI ACI ACI ACI ACI ACI ACI Insert “additional” before “expense” Revise to “… select the test method to 3 MASONRY STANDARDS JOINT COMMITTEE Construction Requirements Subcommittee Minutes – October 10, 2004 Meeting 11 12 13 14 15 16 written since unit strength method is not a “test method”. (Jerry/ Andy) 14-0-0 Motion: No change. Level A QA provisions do not require testing laboratories to provide tests so “may” is more appropriate wording. Some firms do their own testing rather than hiring a testing lab. (George/Dan) 14-0-0 Motion: Agree with TAC comment and delete the sentence. (Walt/Andy) 14-0-0 Motion: Leave as is. Change is too detailed for commentary and gets into specifics of testing procedures. (John/Dan) 14-0-0 Agree except use “Mix” not “mixture”. Will read.. …and the mix proportions developed in the laboratory are…” delete: and the proposrtions of ingred. As det. In the lab..” ( George/ Don) 14-0-0 Agree. The performance… delete first part of sentence. (Dan/Dick) 14-0-0 Motion: TAC comment is incorrect. High water content is not necessary for placabiltiy as that can be achieved with water reducers. Work is planned on this section during 08 cycle. (Ron/Don) 12-0-2 THE MASONRY SOCIETY AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF CIVIL ENGINEERS determine compressive …” ACI Change ‘may’ to ‘typically requires’. 10 11 E 10 12 E Delete ‘See…commentary for Article 1.4’. 11 27 E Add ‘calibrated’ before ‘metal’ add ‘or digital’ before ‘thermometer.’ ACI ACI ACI 15 12 E 15 31 E ACI Revise to “… and the mixture proportions developed in the laboratory are …” Revise to “The performance … the panel should be considered when specifying the type of mortar.” ACI 23 8 E A high water content is necessary for placeability, not because of the units absorption. Delete this sentence. 4