Welcome to ArmadaCon 27! After last year’s fascinating filming for the ‘Convention of Death’ we return this year with another play from the Dreamcatcher Theatre and some interesting and entertaining guests. Even without filming action, we have arranged a fun packed weekend with a lot of gaming, panels and duels (Tea of course)! ArmadaCon is not about who runs it...but you who attend it, so, sit back, relax and enjoy the trip. Have Fun! Isa Hitter Acknowledgements: We couldn’t have done it without you! A lot of people work behind the scenes to make ArmadaCon happen. We would like to thank everybody who volunteered (or were volunteered!) to help us. Apologies to everyone we have forgotten: Liz Woodburne, Chris Smirthwaite, Gary Loveridge, Jemma Nicholls, Chris Nicholls, Jonathan Harris, Barry Quick, Fiona Clarke, Dave Anderson, David A Harvey, Ros Day, George Nex, Linda Marques, Alan Marques, Amanda Kear, Dave Trace, Ali Trace, Jamie Trace, Jenny Smirthwaite, Sammy Nicks, Norman Lyddiatt, Kevin Mortimer, The Gamers and Dealers, and last but not least, the Future Inns staff. Want a Board Gaming Event in November? How does Friday the 13th sound? Plans are in motion to give over half of the ground floor of the Futures Inn on the afternoon and evening to Board Gaming. And the great news is we won't charge a penny! Learn to fight like a Jedi! This year we are joined by Andrew Lawden, a man trained to fight with a light saber for Star Wars Episode 1. Space is limited and we will be charging £5 to cover the cost of insurance. BUT, full-weekend ArmadaCon ticket holders, who paid, will get one lesson included in their ticket! Please note, panels/items are subject to change and all times are approximate Time 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 … Friday STREAM 1 Quiz Opening Ceremony ArmadaCon Unplugged ADDITIONAL Future Gaming Dreamcatcher Theatre Videos till late Friday: 1830 – 1900 = Quiz: A short quiz to get the old grey matter going! 1900 – 1930 = Opening Ceremony: A chance for us to give you an overview of the coming weekend. 1930 - 2130 = ArmadaCon Unplugged : Pull up a chair and join the virtual campfire circle for your chance to read a favourite short extract or poem, sing a silly or sad song, play the spoons, or just relax and listen. No mikes, no pressure! 2130 - 2300 = Dreamcatcher Theatre: Play(s) for your delectation. (Please note, this item is for those aged 18 and over) 2300 - ???? = Videos: One, or more, for your visual delight... Time 9:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 … Saturday: Saturday STREAM 1 Liesel Schwarz ADDITIONAL Jedi Fight Academy Andrew Lawden Lunch Jedi Fight Academy Auction Masquerade & tech rehearsal Tea Duelling (Earth Vs Mars) Auction wind up / paying & collection Science Panel Jedi Fight Academy Dinner Masquerade Readings Parlour Tag Videos till late Laser Tag 0930 - 1100 = Guest Panel: Liesel Schwarz: The first panel with this guest. 1100 - 1200 = Science Panel: Gary finds an excuse to electrocute the audience and teach a little physics. 1200 - 1300 = Lunch: Well, everyone has to eat! 1300 - 1500 = Auction: Many strange and wondrous things on offer...bring lots of money! 1500 - 1600 = Time to pay for and collect those Auction items & Masquerade Rehearsal. 1600 - 1730 = Tea Duelling: A chance for you to get involved! 1730 - 1830 = Panel: Our third panel for today. 1830 - 1930 = Dinner: Yum! 1930 - 2030 = Masquerade: Costumes and sketches galore. 2030 - 2130 = Readings: Some of our authors delight us with their work. 2130 - 2300 = Parlour Tag: Live action Role Play including a Laser Tag component! 2300 - ???? = Videos: One, or more, for your visual delight... Time 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 … Sunday STREAM 1 Prof. Susan Blackmore Out of Body Experiences Liesel Schwarz Turkey Readings Dr. Adam Hart Davis Are We Alone in the Universe? TransWarp Tea Party Raffle & Closing ceremony Strike Down Post Con Meal ADDITIONAL Scalextric Racing Sunday: 1000 - 1130 = Guest Panel:Prof.r Susan Blackmore: Susan discusses OBEs (not the awards). 1130 - 1230 = Guest Panel: Liesel Schwarz: The final panel with this guest 1230 - 1400 = Turkey Readings: Bad science fiction and fantasy is read until people give money for the torture to stop! An event that has to be experienced!!!...bring lots of change! 1400 - 1530 = Guest Panel: Dr. Adam Hart-Davis: Adam asks that most important fan question, “Which is the best Star Trek Captain?”. What not that one? It must be are we alone in the universe? 1530 - 1630 = Trans Warp Tea Party: A tea party in the spirit of Alice in Wonderland. 1630 - 1730 = Raffle & Closing Ceremony: We say goodbye to this year's convention, but it is not yet over! 1930 - ???? = Post Con Meal: A relaxed meal, to celebrate the end of a good convention Liesel Schwarz Liesel Schwarz is the award-winning author of A Conspiracy of Alchemists, the first book in her Chronicles of Light and Shadow Steampunk series. A life-long fan of 19th Century Gothic literature, she is a hopeless romantic with a penchant for everything that's odd from fairies to giant snarling fantasy monsters. She is currently completing her PhD creative writing at Brunel University and teaches creative writing in her spare time. She really does live in a haunted stone cottage on the edge on an enchanted forest and is definitely a cat person. And if you ask her nicely, she might show you the correct way to drink absinthe. Dr. Adam Hart-Davis Adam Hart-Davis is a freelance writer and lecturer - former presenter on television of Local Heroes, Tomorrow's World, What the Romans (and others) Did for Us, How London was Built, and many others. He has collected various awards for both television and radio, as well as four medals and 14 honorary doctorates. He has read several books, and written about 30; the most recent were about Time, Inventions, Engineers, and Science. He spends a lot of time hacking at green wood, making chairs, tables, egg cups, bowls, and spoons, and is trying to learn how to draw and paint in water colours. Adam will be with us on Sunday only. Prof. Susan Blackmore Sue Blackmore is a freelance writer, lecturer and broadcaster, and a Visiting Professor at the University of Plymouth. She has a degree in psychology and physiology from Oxford University (1973) an MSc and a PhD in parapsychology from the University of Surrey (1980). She no longer works on the paranormal. Her research interests include memes, evolutionary theory, consciousness, and meditation. She practices Zen, campaigns for drug legalization and plays in her village samba band, Crooked Tempo. Susan will be with us on Sunday only. General Rules and Info 1. Please wear your badge at all times, in plain sight. You need it to access convention spaces. 2. Bear in mind that we’re a family-friendly event: there’ll be kids around. Keep it PG-13. 3. We’re not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged property, or for injuries sustained during the convention. We can offer sympathy though. 4. We reserve the right to ask attendees to leave the convention without refund if they are behaving inappropriately. 5. Events and guests are subject to change and cancellation. We’ll do our best to warn you of changes via our website, Twitter, and Facebook, but sometimes changes will happen without notice. 6. We love photos, but please ask your subjects for their permission first - it’s only polite. 8. Under-13s must be accompanied by their adult at all times. We want children to enjoy themselves, but we are not a crèche. Anti-Harassment Policy ArmadaCon is dedicated to providing a great convention experience for everyone, whatever their gender, sexuality, disability, physical appearance, body size, race or religion. For this reason, we will not tolerate any form of harassment of convention participants. Con participants found to be engaging in harassment may be sanctioned or expelled from the con without refund. Harassment can include: - offensive verbal comments about gender, sexuality, impairment, physical appearance, body size, race or religion - showing sexual imagery in public spaces - intimidation, stalking or following - photographing or recording someone without their permission - sustained disruption of talks or other events - uninvited physical contact - uninvited sexual attention CODE OF CONDUCT What should I do if I am being harassed? In some cases you may find the harassment stops if you clearly say ‘no’ or ‘please leave me alone’, or simply walk away. We would appreciate it if the safety desk was still informed to help us identify any repeat offenders. If you continue to be harassed or notice someone else being harassed, please visit the registration desk, or contact a member of the convention committee. Staff can help participants contact the hotel or law enforcement (if that's what they'd like to do), provide a listener, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe during the con. Costumes and Weapons Policy NO REAL weapons may be carried or worn except as part of a costume in the Masquerade and its sub-categories or as part of an authorized display or panel. No weapons should be carried or brandished off the Convention Premises unless they are obviously not real. As the hotel is a public place, we would ask you to consider the effect that carrying a weapon may have one the other patrons. Weapons may be displayed (with consideration for others) and you can have your “my weapon is bigger than yours” contest in the Main Hall and Games/Model Room, but must be stowed away safely at all times whilst in public areas. We know they are not real; a member of the public may not. The Committee reserves the right to confiscate any weapon not complying with the above and remove from the convention any attendee consistently ignoring this policy.