Course Expectations

U.S. History
2008-2009 Class Overview
Mr. Suggs – Room H-10
(360) 662-2836
Course Overview
Welcome to Mr. Suggs’ U.S. History class. I want you, the student, to be comfortable in
this classroom. You can’t learn if you are not comfortable. By comfortable I don’t mean
that I want you to take off your shoes (can you imagine the smell?), lie down on the floor,
and take a nap. Quite the contrary. There will be days when we are having ambulatory
lessons, or imagination exercises, or physical manifestations of Eureka-hood! So, by
comfort, relax with regards to what is required of you. Assignments will come and you will
do them—though not all at once, so please do not stress. Life is full of enough stress, so I
insist on my class being as stress-free as possible (although you will notice that I did not
say work-free). So just what is this U.S. History class about?
By the end of the year we hope to be able to:
1. Understand and analyze historical time and chronology (why did things happen
when they happened and why is it important)
2. Understand events, trends, individuals, and movements shaping World
3. Understand and examine the influence of culture on the World
4. Understand the origin and impact of ideas and technological developments
on history
5. Understand how ideas and technological developments influence people,
culture, and environment
To help accomplish our designs we will use a textbook entitled, “The Americans,” and
rightfully so, this being a U.S. History class and all. The focus of this year will be on
events and people following the U.S. Civil War. This means that, unfortunately, we do not
get to study The Great Okeefenokee Horseshoe Migration of 1816, due to lack of time. If
we’re lucky, though, we will get to find out exactly why a woman named Squeaky tried to
assassinate president Leslie Lynch King Jr. (Didn’t know we had a president with this
name, did you? Intrigued already, aren’t you?)
Quit yapping and give me all the stuff I hafta do. Without further ado:
Celebrations of Knowledge
Daily Work/Assignments
CBA/Presentation (1 per semester)
Book Review (1 per semester)
Current Events
Participation/Entry Tasks
Now that you are cursing me in your mind (or aloud) let me explain my policy on class
work (and extra credit):
On our Celebrations of Knowledge (most of them anyway), you will be allowed to use class
notes, assignments, and whatever other materials I designate appropriate (i.e. handouts,
worksheets, etc.). Therefore, it is very important that you take notes and pay attention in
class. If you choose not to, and the choice is most certainly yours, you will hate life come
celebration time. I want you to learn in this class, not cram. Beware! Being able to use
notes on a celebration does not mean you don’t need to study. On the contrary, you
should go over and perhaps reorganize your notes in a user friendly manner in preparation
for the celebration. You only have the time in class to complete the celebration so you
will have to move swiftly.
Daily work includes in-class assignments, homework, etc. I do not accept late work. Now
for the fine print. If you are absent (excused) you have the number of days you were
absent to complete and turn in the assignment. It is your responsibility to check my
website and at least 3 classmates to find out what you missed before coming to me. If you
have an excused absence on a celebration day you will celebrate the day you come back to
class. If you are excused on a review day you will still be expected to celebrate on the
assigned day. Writing assignments (i.e. papers, take home writing assignments) can be
rewritten for a better grade. If you don’t like the fact that you got a C on a paper, look at
my comments, come in and ask me for help, and rewrite the paper. You can turn it in for
a better grade. If it comes back with a B and you want an A, rewrite the paper again. I
want you to succeed!
On the “scary” assignments (i.e. Presentations and Book Reviews) I will provide a rubric
with my expectations so that you will know how to succeed. These assignments are
designed to let you study more in-depth a subject or topic that fascinates you. They are
assigned so that you can learn. Don’t be afraid of them.
Participation accounts for what you do in class. If you are attentive during class, take
notes when appropriate, are involved in class discussions, simulations, reviews, etc. you
will be fine. If, however, you come into class, put your head on the desk, and never show
me the whites of your eyes, you will not fare so well. Come to class and be part of it and
you’ll get your full participation points.
Grading Scale
94-100% =
90-93% =
87-89% =
84-86% =
80-83% =
77-79% =
74-76% = C
70-73% = C60-69% = D
Below 60% is failing
(Insert whiny voice again) Mr. Suggs! I have done all my work and I only have a C. That’s
not fair! If you have indeed worked yourself silly in this class (meaning: you have turned
everything in and really have worked hard) there is the opportunity for extra credit.
Check my website or check with me for details.
Materials Needed
You need the following items for this class. Blue or black pen (everyday), red pen/pencil,
paper (everyday), book (everyday), and a sense of humor (everyday). Should you forget an
item (particularly those you need everyday) you will not be excused to your locker to
retrieve it, so plan ahead!
You will need a 3-ring notebook for this class with the following sections: 1) Entry Tasks;
2) Notes; 3) Writing; 4) Current Events; and 5) Best Work. You may add a 6th section
(Miscellaneous) if you wish because sometimes you end up with extra stuff you need to
keep but don’t know where to put it.
Rules and Behavior
I believe in the “Big 6.” These are: Learning, Respect, Responsibility, a Safe Environment,
Integrity, and Cooperation. With relation to rules and behavior, Respect and Integrity are
vital. Please respect yourself, your classmates, and your teacher by dressing appropriately.
I do not come to class showing you my underwear and so I ask that you not show me yours
either. This is for males and females. If you have any question as to whether Mr. Suggs
might think your pants are too low, your shirt is too tight, too low cut, doesn’t cover
enough skin, cover up. Wear a belt and/or a sweatshirt. Please leave all personal
electronic devices (i.e. cell phones, Ipods, etc.) and playing cards (and dice) outside of the
classroom. With regards to attendance, I follow school policy, including tardy policy.
As your teacher I promise to come to class prepared each day to teach you something of
worth. I will treat you with respect and do my best to make your learning as enjoyable
and engaging as possible. If I do this thing for you, I ask that you come to class each day
prepared to learn something of worth. I ask that you treat me with respect and do your
best to make my teaching as enjoyable and engaging as possible.
Last of all…
Reasonable accommodation will be provided for any student who is in need. Please,
please, please talk to me. I cannot help you if you don’t talk to me. I am here to help you
succeed. Use me accordingly.
After reading the Course Expectations (with your parents/guardians) please fill out (with
your parents/guardians) and turn in the following sheet. This is your first assignment!
I have read, understand, and will follow the class expectations for Mr. Suggs’ World History
Student Signature
Parent/Guardian Signature
Name _______________________________________________________________
Grade ____________
Birthday __________________ Gender ______________
Address __________________________________________________________________
Parents/Guardians names ____________________________________________________
Phone number (where parent/guardian can be reached) _____________________________
Best time to call parents/guardians: _____________________________________________
Do you have a computer at home that you are able to use? ______ Internet access? _______
Email address (where parents/guardians can be reached): ___________________________
What extracurricular activities do you participate in? (sports, clubs, etc.) ______________
What other activities (community/volunteer/church) are you active in? ________________
Do you plan to attend college? ________________________________________________
What degree/career are you thinking of pursuing? _________________________________
What other interests do you have? _____________________________________________
Do you have any ideas of activities that would make this class more exciting , yet still provide you
with the material you need to know about world history (not counting movies)
What is one topic in U.S. History you would like to learn about? Why? ______________
What is your favorite song? (name the artist also) __________________________________
What is your favorite food? ___________________ Favorite Movie? _________________
Favorite book? __________________ Favorite School Subject? _____________________
Any other information you want me to know about you? (Be gentle, I frighten easily) _________