1. Although the progressives often differed about what progressivism meant, most agreed that
2. The progressive approach to reform was influenced by
3. The traditional view of progressivism described it as a movement by the “people” to curb the power of
4. The group of crusading journalists of the late 1800s and early 1900s who attacked corruption in
business and government were called
5. Gabriel Kolko argued in his 1963 book that progressivism was an attempt by
6. The favorite targets of the muckrakers included all of the following except
7. According to historians writing in the 1970s and 1980s, the progressive movement resulted in
8. In the late 1800s, a group of Christian reformers started a movement that acquired the name of the
Social Gospel. One organization that originated as a result of this movement was the
9. One of the most important members of the Social Gospel movement of the late 1800s was
10. Father John Ryan focused on
11. Hull House, a settlement house designed to aid immigrants, was started by
12. The new middle class of the early 1900s placed a high value on
13.As a result of the increasing demands for reform in medicine by the progressives, the medical
14. The growing demand for reform by the progressives in the newly developing professions was the
result of their attempts to
15. As a result of their attempts to regulate the medical profession, doctors such as William H. Welch
revolutionized the teaching of medicine by
16. The so-alled “women’s professions” of the progressive era included all of the following except
17. To be more actively involved in the progressive effort to remake American society, the great majority
of American women
18. All of the following were women’s organizations of the progressive era except
19. Most progressive reformers advocated suffrage for women because they thought it would
20. The most radical and militant women’s suffrage leader who advocated both the vote for women and
the Equal Rights Amendment was
21. Most progressives agreed that the only societal institution that could provide the regulation and
control necessary to modern society was the
22. The progressives attempted to challenge the dominance of the two major political parties through all
of the following methods except
23. Most urban working people opposed the actions of the progressives against the party machines
24. The progressive belief that government must remain untainted by the corrupting influence of politics
led to the creation of the form of municipal government known as
25. Progressives introduced reforms that attempted to make government more responsive to the people.
Those reforms included all of the following except
26. The progressive measure that gave voters the right to remove a public official from office through
special election was
27. Progressives came to regard one state as the center of reform and its governor as the leading
progressive. The most progressive state and governor were
28. During the progressive era, New York’s Tammany Hall was an example of
29. The death toll in the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire was much higher than it should have been because
30. Western progressives wanted the federal government to help their states because
31. The black leader who became the chief spokesman for the new civil rights movement and who helped
to found the Niagara movement and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
32. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People approach to obtaining civil rights for
black Americans included
33. Although many progressives felt that the elimination of alcohol from American life was a necessary
step in remaking American society, the primary group in society who pushed for prohibition was
34. In the progressive push to adopt the Eighteenth Amendment in 1917, only Connecticut and Rhode
Island refused to ratify it because
35. In adopting the Eighteenth Amendment, progressives felt the federal government had taken a step
toward the elimination of
36. Which statement would most likely have been said by a nativist?
37. Progressives used all of the following reasons to justify immigration restriction except
38. The Dillingham Report concluded that
39. In the early 1900s, the man who became famous as the leader of the Socialist party and who was its
perennial presidential candidate was
40. In the early 1900s, supporters of socialism argued that the main problem of American society was not
the abuse of the economic system by big business but the
41. The Wobblies were a group of
42. Louis D. Brandeis, who was a brilliant lawyer, Supreme Court justice, and author, was associated
with the economic viewpoint that
43. Herbert Croly, whose 1909 book The Promise of American Life was one of the most influential
progressive documents, expressed a “nationalist” position on the American economy. This nationalist
policy called for
44. The president who became the most powerful symbol of the reform impulse at the national level was
45. All progressives were in agreement that
1.The Progressive movement switched emphasis from the state to the federal level because
2. The one branch of the U.S. government capable of providing leadership to the national reform
movement of the early 1900s was the
3. President Teddy Roosevelt’s philosophy is best described as
4. President Roosevelt saw his reforms as a way to
5. President Teddy Roosevelt believed that corruption in big business could be controlled by
6. At heart Teddy Roosevelt was a
7. President Teddy Roosevelt’s economic program was hampered in his first term by
8. In the election of 1904, President Teddy Roosevelt won an overwhelming victory for all of the
following reasons except
9. In the election of 1904, Teddy Roosevelt ran against
10. President Teddy Roosevelt’s 1904 reform program was called the
11. One reform that was passed during Teddy Roosevelt’s second term was
12 . Support for the Meat Inspection Act of 1906 was generated by Upton Sinclair’s novel,
13. In 1907, President Teddy Roosevelt proposed all of the following measures except
14. The reaction by Congress to President Teddy Roosevelt’s reform programs revealed
15. President Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation policy showed his desire to
16. President Teddy Roosevelt’s conservation policies were influenced by
17. The Panic of 1907 showed
18.For the election of 1908, William Howard Taft enjoyed the support of all of the following except
19. Taft differed from Teddy Roosevelt in all of the following ways except
20. The main result of the Payne-Aldrich Tariff of 1909 was to
21. During his first year in office, President Taft showed himself to be
22. President Taft fired Gifford Pinchot for
23. In 1910, Teddy Roosevelt reacted to Taft’s actions as president by\
24.In 1912, Teddy Roosevelt reacted to President Taft’s actions by
25. The New Nationalism referred to the
26. In Teddy Roosevelt’s New Nationalism speech, he called for all of the following reforms except
27. The congressional elections of 1910 showed that the people
28. Teddy Roosevelt opposed Taft’s handling of the antitrust suit against U.S. Steel because
29. In the election of 1912, Teddy Roosevelt
30. To progressives, the Republican party convention of 1912 symbolized the
31. As a politician, Woodrow Wilson possessed all of the following characteristics except
32. Woodrow Wilson’s program was called the
33. Woodrow Wilson and Teddy Roosevelt differed fundamentally on the issue of
34. Wilson won the election of 1912 because
35. President Wilson wielded his power in all of the following ways except
36.In its first two years, the Wilson administration persuaded Congress to pass legislation that took all of the
following actions except
37. Woodrow Wilson’s most important piece of domestic legislation was the
38. The Federal Reserve System represented
39. The Federal Trade Commission Act allowed business regulation through all of the following means
After backing away from further reforms in late 1914, Wilson began pushing reforms again because
President Teddy Roosevelt’s foreign policy was dominated by his belief that
In 1905, Teddy Roosevelt intervened to force a peace in a war between
The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine stated that
The United States originally planned for its inter-ocean canal to go through the country of
President Teddy Roosevelt secured the Canal Zone in Panama by
The term “Dollar Diplomacy” refers to the
President Wilson used “morality” to justify intervention in all of the following nations except
During the period 1900–1915, the United States offered support to the Mexican leader
The work of George Marsh led Americans to fear that deforestation would cause all of the following
environmental disasters except