Serving God's People on the Summit since 1838

~ Parish founded in 1799 by the Servant of God, Father Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin ~
Parish church raised to the honor of a minor basilica by St. John Paul II in 1996
Basilica of Saint Michael the Archangel
Home of the Prince Gallitzin Chapel House and the Shrine of Our Lady of the Alleghenies
A parish of the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown
Very Rev. Father John David Byrnes, JCL, JV, Rector
Deacon Richard T. Golden
321 St. Mary Street PO Box 10 Loretto, PA 15940- 0144
Rectory / Parish Office 472- 8551
St. Michael School 472 - 9117
Our Lady of Loretto Hall 886-4619
Parish Secretary
Mrs. Sherri Krug
Bingo 471-2764
Parish e-mail
Parish Website
Parish FAX 814 - 471 - 4959
Parish Office Hours
Monday – Friday 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday Masses
Saturdays at 4:00 PM,
Sundays at 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM
Celebration of Sacraments:
Penance/Reconciliation ( Confessions )
Saturdays 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM or anytime by request
Anointing of the Sick
Infant Baptism
upon request for the sick or homebound.
by previous arrangement and preparation.
Baptism Preparation Process
Betty Soisson
9 months notice /pre-marital preparation required. Please call the parish.
Christian Initiation of Adults
Please call the parish.
Persons interested in becoming Catholic are welcome!
Christian Initiation Process
Eucharistic Adoration/Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Forty Hours Eucharistic Devotions
Rosary for Vocations
Devotions to Our Lady of Loretto
Parish Mission of Our Lady of Loretto
Cindy McMullen 471-6658
6 PM Holy Hour Every Wednesday Night
Celebrated TBA
twenty minutes prior to Sunday Mass
Every Monday after 7:30AM Mass
Celebrated during the Fourth Week of Lent
Diocesan Tribunal Office, Hollidaysburg Fr. Byrnes 693 – 9485
Father’s e-mail
Education/Faith Formation
St. Michael Catholic School
Mrs. Renee Phister, Principal
472- 9117
Bishop Carroll Catholic High School
Mrs. Lorie Ratchford, Principal
CCD Religious Education/ Confirmation Process
Ms. Celeste Stolz, Director
472-9808 Religious Ed Sundays-call 846-5114
Parish Life
Catholic Fraternal Organizations
Parish Council Mrs. Mary Ann Baker
Legion of Mary
Mrs. Janet Zabrosky
Finance Council Mr. Nick Byrne
Knights of Columbus Mr. Nick Byrne
Liturgical Music Mr. Jonathan Nagy
Secular Franciscans Mrs. Betty Soisson
Catholic Outreach
Diocesan Website
Chapel House/Vocation Office 472-5441
Diocesan Family Life Office, Lilly 886-5551
Dorothy Day Center, Saint Francis University 472 -3359 472-2877
Catholic Charities, Johnstown 535-6538 Altoona 944-9388
Crisis Pregnancy/Pro-Life 1-800-395-HELP * *
Away from Loretto on Sunday? will find the nearest Catholic Church
Sunday, Feb 14:
First Sunday of Lent
8:00AM Ferd & Margy Knopp, Carl, Dorothy & Denny Klatt (Bill & Margaret Klatt)
10:30 AM People of the Parish
Monday, Feb 15:
Lenten Weekday
7:30AM James McDermott (family)
Tuesday, Feb 16:
Lenten Weekday
7:30 AM Bob Haid (Dolly & family)
Wednesday, Feb 17: Lenten Weekday
7:30 AM Gerald Link (wife-Aileen & family)
6 PM Weekly Eucharistic Holy Hour with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursday, Feb 18:
Lenten Weekday NO MASS (Mass at Carmelite Monastery@ 7:45)
Friday, Feb 19:
Lenten Weekday
8:45 AM Matthew Kubat Jr. (family)
7PM Stations of the Cross/Eucharistic Adoration
Saturday, Feb 20:
Vigil: Second Sunday of Lent
4:00 PM Dan Oswalt-BD (family)
Sunday, Feb 21:
Second Sunday of Lent
8:00AM People of the Parish
10:30AM Kenneth Smolko (George & Betty Soisson)
LENT 2016 – the yeaR of MERcy
Dear Parish Family,
Included in our bulletin this week is another copy of our Calendar for the Season of Lent 2016. As
we have entered into this holy season, please refer to it for a schedule of the Lenten prayer, education and
service opportunities within our parish!
Next to the doors of our basilica, you will find helps to your Lenten prayer. A book of meditations,
The Word Among Us, Lent 2016 is provided for your personal prayer in the home or at Eucharistic Adoration.
Please take one. These booklets are excellent for use in the home, and by our homebound.
Announcement Sunday - Annual Catholic Appeal 2016 Please see Bishop Mark’s letter attached to
this week’s bulletin. You will also be receiving my letter in next week’s bulletin. I ask that those families
and individuals who have registered recently in the parish to join our long-time parishioners in helping
us reach our goal! May we have 100% participation in our Appeal as a sign of our almsgiving this Lent.
Sunday March 6 to Friday March 11, 2016, the Fourth Week of Lent. Our mission director/homilist will be
Father Daniele Vallecorsa, STL, from St. Louise Parish, Diocese of Pittsburgh.
A reminder that All Religious Education Students are required to attend the opening prayers of the Mission
on March 6 at 7 PM. 8 priests will be present to hear confessions following the Sunday Mission Prayers, homily
and Benediction. This will serve as our Religious Education penance service. All in the parish are invited to
receive the sacrament. Mass with Mission Prayers will be held each day, Mon – Fri at 7 PM. Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament will begin each day at 6 PM Mon – Fri. Confessions will be available each evening at 6 PM.
Prayer intentions may be placed in the box near the statue of Our Lady of Loretto beginning next Sunday. We will
have two large bouquets of roses at the statue of Our Lady of Loretto during the Mission. Our parish Altar &
Rosary Society will be providing the roses! Thank you ladies for your generosity! I encourage your full, active
participation in this annual parish Lenten Retreat!
LENTEN REGULATIONS - Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of Fasting. There is a limit
of one full meal/light eating on these days for all between the ages of 18 and 59 inclusive. Those
with serious health problems are not required to fast.
Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of total abstinence from meat.
Days of Abstinence: All Fridays in Lent are days of abstinence. All who have reached their 14th year
are bound to abstain totally from meat.
Easter Duty Obligation: After they have received their First Holy Communion, Catholics are
bound by the obligation of receiving Holy Communion at least once a year. This precept should be
fulfilled during the Easter Season. Catholics are also bound to confess serious (mortal) sins at least
once a year, but this is not limited to the Lenten/Easter Season.
Stations of the Cross - will be celebrated each Friday of Lent at 7 -7:30 PM. Eucharistic Adoration will
be offered at 7:30- 8:00 PM. As these are two separate forms of prayer, you are welcome to participate in
either Stations, Adoration or both services. They are placed together on Friday evenings for your convenience.
I encourage you to bring your children to these beautiful devotions throughout Lent.
LITURGICAL REFLECTION Throughout the weeks of Lent in this Jubilee of Mercy, the Diocese will reflect
on the Corporal Works of Mercy. These are seven ways to do almsgiving the forty days of Lent. This first week,
the works to feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty are highlighted. We share our own resources with
others. Have you ever made lunch or dinner for the family - or picked dinner up for someone at the drive-through?
Ever made a peanut-butter-and-jelly sandwich for a younger sister or brother? Ever poured a glass of milk or water
for someone? Is there a place in your community that collects food for the hungry? Maybe a monetary donation
can be given to aid the starving and thirsty beyond our borders. To do this we may have to go without something
we like to have, but don't actually need. God's mercy shines through our acts.
Weekly Eucharistic Holy Hour
Wednesdays 6-7 PM
Make a commitment to weekly prayer at Eucharistic Adoration this Lent! Spend some time with Jesus!
6 PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, scripture, brief reflection, quiet prayer and adoration, rosary at
6:30 PM, prayers for vocations, quiet prayer, closing with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
Leona Shuty, Mike LeCompte, Cindy McMullen, Betty LeCompte, Laverne Conrad, Rita M.
Farabaugh, RoseAnn Servinsky, Edna McConnell, Josh Bungard, Christopher Ruffing, Tina Ruffing, Ann Sutton, Clair
Smithbower, Adam Lee, Heather Swope, Tessie Garell, The intentions of the Alumni Circle of Prayer, our Military, and the
Sainthood Cause of our founding Pastor, the Rev. Demetrius Augustine Gallitzin.
(R) Ann Sutton ( Feb. 15, 16, 17)
Liturgical Ministries: Feb 15-21
(EM) (Feb. 15, 16, 17) (if deacon is present, he assists)
Mornings: Feb.15, 16, 17 Nathan Little, Mia Wyland
Holy Hour Wednesday, Feb. 17 6PM -7PM Nicole Barnett
Stations Friday, Feb. 19 7PM Evan Rieg, Heather Rieg, Emily Zabrzeski
Feb. 20-21
4:00PM Neil Sutton, Jude Koehle, Haley Gray
8:00AM Jimmy & Mia Wyland, Nicole Barnett
10:30AM Ashley & Alec Kubat, Hannah Grace Wirfel
READERS: February 20-21
4:00PM Donna Schenk
8:00AM Marcia Itle
10:30AM Eileen Farabaugh
4:00PM Donna Schenk, Maggie Biter,
8:00AM Joe Spinner, Suzette Spinner
10:30AM, Betty Soisson, Eileen Farabaugh
MUSIC MINISTERS: Feb. 20-21 ORGANISTS: 4:00PM Jonathan Nagy 8:00AM Brandyn Pryce 10:30AM Jonathan Nagy
CANTORS: 4:00PM Folk Choir 8:00AM Ashley Smith 10:30AM Heidi Shoemaker
February 7th
Offertory $8,884
Online Giving $705
"Online Giving is available at"
Total $9589
Weekly Goal $6,800
Difference +$2,789
We are sending contribution reports upon request. If you would like a copy of your 2015 contributions, please call
the rectory or email Sherri at Thank you.
Students will not have school on Monday, February 15th due to President’s Day. Classes will resume on Tuesday,
February 16th.
The Saint Michael Home School Association is sponsoring a Hoss’s Community Night on Monday, February
15th. Please see additional information about this fundraiser in the bulletin. Remember to purchase your Hoss’s
gift cards from our school office. Thank you in advance for supporting our efforts!
Registration for kindergarteners and new families for the 2016-17 school term will be held on Tuesday, February
16th from 8:30AM – 11:00AM and 12:00PM - 3:00PM in the Art Room. Students registering for kindergarten
must be 5 years of age by August 31, 2016. Please bring the following information with you for registration: birth
certificate, baptismal certificate (if not baptized at the Basilica) child’s social security card, and current
immunization record. If you have any questions or are interested in registering your child, please call the school
office @ 472-9117 we would be happy to assist you.
Re-registration for students currently enrolled at Saint Michael School (K-8) will begin on Tuesday, February 16th
thru March 11th. A re-registration form will be sent home with your child this week.
Mid-point of the third marking period is Thursday, February 18th. Mid-term reports will be sent home with
students in grades 4-8 on Monday, February 22nd.
Students will attend Stations of the Cross on Friday, February 19th @ 2:00 PM. All are welcome to join us.
Gift cards from numerous retailers, restaurants, and grocery stores can be purchased daily from our school office.
If you have any questions about our gift card program, please call the school office @ 472-9117. Thank you to
our school families and parishioners who have and continue to support this program!
Weekly reflection: "Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
(Matthew 25: 31-46)
Letters from the Basilica were sent the week of February 1... Dates to remember:
February 14 = no classes, Presidents’ Day ~ holiday weekend
February 21=Confirmation spring sessions (grades 9-11) Bishop Carroll and Penn Cambria candidates
inclusive...beginning promptly at 9:00am., St. Aloysius Community Center, Cresson ~ Students can be picked-up
after Mass at approximately 11:45am in the St. Aloysius parking lot. Sessions discussions include:
Freshmen (prayer)Sophomore (witness to faith) Junior (morality)
Looking ahead...
Sophomore Retreat~Bishop Carroll, Penn Cambria candidates inclusive! March 12 beginning at 8:30am in St.
Michael School Hall. Retreat will conclude with 4:00 Mass at the Basilica.
Retreat theme: “Parables/gifts of the Holy Spirit/in the footsteps of Fr. Gallitzin”
March 19~First Communion gathering...St. Michael and Penn Cambria families/ banner making retreat with
students and parents. The mini-retreat will begin at 10am @St. Michael's school hall. Each family will purchase a
banner kit to make at the retreat which will be displayed in the Basilica for the First Communion celebration.
Letters will be sent home prior to the retreat instructing families on the making of the banner. The banner project
is simple and beautiful! The banner kit has everything you will need to create and personalize the banner for your
child. Any questions regarding the upcoming retreat/project please call Celeste Stolz 472-9808.
Eucharistic Adoration: every Wednesday evening from 6-7 pm.
1st Annual Mission of our Lady of Loretto will be held from March 6-11.
Choir practices are held every Monday evening from 7-8:30 PM. We are preparing for the Lenten and Easter
seasons. All are welcome to join us as many voices make for wonderful music!
LATIN AT MASS ~During Lent, the Ordinary of the Mass (what we call the Holy, Holy, Memorial Acclamation,
Great Amen and Lamb of God), will be sung in Latin (Sanctus, Post Consecrationem, Amen, Agnus Dei). It is a
preference of the Catholic Church that when possible, these are sung or recited in Latin (Jubilate Deo, Pope Paul
VI, and The Roman Liturgy and Inculturation, Congregation for Divine Worship). As a Papal Basilica, we are
held to a higher standard than other churches. We are called to a deeper connection with the Universal Church.
Using Latin at various points in the mass not only strengthens our connection with the Holy Father and the Church
at large, it also harkens back to our roots as Christians. The words for these Mass parts are in the hymnal and the
numbers will be posted on the hymn board. Listen to the beauty of these chanted words. If you know them,
please join in. If you do not, please follow along and join us. This will add to the beauty of the Lenten season.
in 1851 >> It was the very FIRST Mission ever offered at Loretto and the FIRST Mission ever among the rural
districts of the Pittsburgh Diocese since its creation in 1843. The Great Mission – dedicated to Mary, the Mother
of God here on earth - began on Low Sunday, the first Sunday after Easter, [Easter fell on April the 20th] and ran
through the third Sunday after Easter. The weather that spring in this locale was generally cool with some
morning frosts and warming sun. The roads were in a muddy condition and rutted but serviceable for wagons,
buggies and walkers. The homes and hotels in the town of Loretto, in Allegheny and Munster Townships, and in
all the surrounding towns and vicinity were “thrown open” for the many who came from distances too far to
commute by day; here they lodged, dined, and worshipped as one body. The frame church, or second one built by
Fr. Gallitzin in 1817, about 40’ by 80’, adjacent to the Gallitzin Chapel House, was the scene of the Mission
activities, as the third, or brick church, was then under construction and not far enough along to accommodate the
endless Mission attendees who passed through the old church over the course of the three weeks activities. Fr.
Hugh Patrick Gallagher [1844 - 1852] was the Pastor at Loretto then and the person responsible for scheduling the
Mission with the renown Redemptorist Fathers, those coming here themselves all converts but a short time to the
Catholic Faith. They were by name Fathers Hecker, Alexander, Walworth and Hewitt. I will now quote and
paraphrase from a “Spectator” who attended this Mission in 1851: “Business of importance having brought me at
this juncture to this most flourishing and important Catholic Settlement, the creation of the zeal and noble
sacrifices of the late Rev. Dr. Gallitzin, I was singularly favored by having thus an opportunity of witnessing
scenes of the deepest and most abiding interest to Religion --- scenes of such edification and spiritual fruits as
vividly recalls to mind the fervor of primitive times, and brings us back to those halcyon days of the church when
‘the multitudes of believers had but one heart and one soul. . . We are at a loss where to begin or end our
description of this successful Mission. We know not whether we are more to admire the untiring zeal, charity,
apostolic energy and devotedness of the good Fathers, or the corresponding happy fruits exhibited by the laity,
who, day after day, and from a-far, thronged the church and tribunals of penance, utterly heedless of all
inconveniences and impediments, having but one end and aim --- the profiting by the copious graces of the
Mission --- manifesting but one heart and one soul; and, judging from the kindness and generous hospitality of the
resident Catholics towards the pilgrims from a distance, we must acknowledge that the rest of the description of
the conduct of the first Christians in those early days of the Church was most edifyingly exemplified on this
extraordinary occasion --- ‘Neither did any one say that aught of the things which he possessed was his own, but
all things were common to them.’ Perhaps in all the United States there is not a section of country that can boast
of what the region around the village of Loretto, in Cambria County, Pa., is distinguished for. It is an entirely
Catholic country for many miles in every direction; none is more worthy of a visit from the Catholic pilgrim --- no
where can the Catholic heart throb with more delight than here, where the conquest of these wilds and fastnesses
[sic] of the Allegheny to the Cross and Catholicity is so complete. It is this spot that the illustrious Prince and
Priest De Gallitzin made the theatre of his labors in 1799, and by his indefatigable exertions and unheard of
sacrifices and struggles for forty-one years, made the wilderness blossom as the rose; left behind him, after his
happy death, a Catholic population of some thousands, and thus formed the nucleus of the vast settlement of the
Faithful that surrounds the auspiciously named village of Loretto, sacred to the veneration of Mary.” [To Be
Cont.] f.i.s.
STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION The Israelites returned their first fruits of the harvest to God. May we experience
a life-changing conversion that causes us to return the first fruits (not the leftovers) of time, talent, and treasure to God.
Mark your calendars!! The Men’s Turkey Dinner is March 20th !!
Besides the delicious meal, we will also be having a basket raffle! If you are able, we are asking that
you please donate a basket for this fundraiserīŠ Thank you for supporting in any way you can!
CEMETERY DUMPING - It has come to our attention that several trucks have been seen dumping building
materials and debris over the bank on the lower road of our cemetery. This practice of illegal dumping in
unauthorized areas on our private property is not only illegal and against borough codes, but carries with it
penalties of the law. Those responsible are requested to discontinue this practice immediately. This area will be
posted for NO DUMPING OF TRASH OR GARBAGE. We are asking that you report to the basilica personnel
any signs of suspicious activity in this regard, specifically trucks entering the cemetery with construction materials
LAMAA Baseball & Softball Registration: All children ages 5-19 years who are interested in playing baseball
or softball this year will need to sign up on Saturday, February 6th from 5pm-6pm and Sunday, February 7th from
February 21st from 5pm-6pm and Sunday, February 22nd from 9am-12pm at the Loretto Firehall. Please bring
payment. There will be an additional late fee if your child does not sign up at these designated times.
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition New date ~ February 20th at OLOL Hall 9am (doors open at
8:30). Open to ALL Boys and Girls ages 9 thru 14. Must be 9 years of age on 1/1/16 and no older than 14 on
1/1/16. Basketballs will be provided for practice prior to competition. Doors will open at 8:30 am to allow for
practice time. Competitor shoots 15 free throws after 3 practice shots. Player competes with others in their own
age group. You do not have to actively participate in basketball to compete. * Note the district competition will be
held the same day at OLOL Hall. Winners of the 9am competition will return at 2pm for the KOC District
The next Knights of Columbus Hoagie Sale will be held Saturday, February 20th 18” Italian style or turkey
$8. Please place your order by February 15th by calling Jerome Smith 344-8269, Dick Mullen 471-2894, or Bob
Crusciel 243-9971. Anyone wishing to help make or deliver hoagies is more than welcome to help. Preparations
begin at 5AM Saturday. All help is greatly appreciated.
St. Michael Bingo - Our Lady of Loretto Hall 471-2764 - $20 Admission BOTH NIGHTS
ALL Regular & Double Games pay $100- 3rd Regular Game pays $200 ~Special Games pay $300 except Jail Bars
& Top 3/Bottom 3 pay $600 ~ Whopper Coverall $1,800-Two Full cards 1st pay $1,000 2nd pays $300
Tuesday Doors open at 5:30 ~ Games begin at 7:00Friday Doors open at 6:30~ Games begin at 7:00. Full
Kitchen is open with Nightly Specials.. Hamburgers, pizza, homemade desserts and more! ALWAYS- FREE
coffee, tea, hot cocoa, and popcorn
The Basilica Prayer Shawl ministry will meet on Wed.,Feb. 17 at 7pm in the Basilica Hall. All are welcome to
come pray and stitch with us. Since we started this ministry several years ago we have presented 156 prayer
shawls, lap shawls, baby afghans and quilts to elderly or ill persons and to The Gabriel Project for newborn babies.
If anyone knows of a person who would like to have a shawl, please call 472-9465. THANK YOU to all were so
kind to donate yarn and cash to help us with this very worthwhile project. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Planning a Special Event? Our Lady of Loretto Community Hall is available for dances, receptions, social events
and more. The St. Michael School Hall can also be rented for a smaller occasion. Please call Katie at 886-4619 for
Come join us at Bishop Carroll for a night of food and fun with a trivia contest to benefit the school.
When: Saturday, February 20th. Doors open at 6 PM, a light supper will be served at 6:30 PM, and the trivia
contest will begin at 8 PM.Who: Anyone 21 or older is invited to join us. You may have as many or as few
people on a team as you would like. Cost: $25 per person. Checks should be made payable to BCCHS.
Prize: Winners will be able to select a charity of their choice of which a donation will be made in their name.
How to register: Please send cash or checks to the school to Mr. Nagy’s attention and indicate how many team
members you will have. Deadline to register will be February 17th. There will also be raffle prizes and a 50/50. If
you would like to donate an item or a basket for the raffle, please send that to the school by February 17th as well.
You may also call 472-7500 extensions 105 or 107 for more information. We hope to see you there!
Bishop Carroll Catholic High School will be hosting our 27th Annual Spring Craft Fair on Saturday, March 19th
from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Vendor spaces are $40.00 for a 10 foot table. Call BCCHS at 814-4727500, ext. 101 or
103 for an application.
Bingo, Sunday March 6 at 2:00PM1 Bishop Carroll Catholic High School Cafeteria, 728 Ben Franklin Highway,
Ebensburg. Vera Bradley Prizes and More Complimentary Beverages and snacks. Tickets $20.00 each, available
at the BCCHS office or from a BCCHS student. Phone 814-472-7500 for more information.
Community Indoor Yard Sale and Book and Bake Sale Saturday, February 27 8:00am-1:00pm St. Nicholas
Church Hall, Nicktown Benefits Northern Cambria Catholic School
Fish Dinners at the Loretto Legion Post 748 from 5 to 7PM every Friday during Lent starting February 12, 2016
$8.00 TO GO ONLY Fried Haddock, Baked Mac & Cheese, Stewed Tomatoes, Coleslaw, Roll, Butter & Dessert
Holy Family Parish, 509 Caldwell Ave., Portage, PA will hold Fish Dinners on Friday's, Feb. 19, Mar. 4 & 18
from 4-6 PM in the Parish Hall. MENU: Baked or Fried Fish, French Fries, Haluski or Macaroni & Cheese,
Cole Slaw, Vegetable, Roll, Coffee/Punch and Dessert. Orders for takeouts will be taken starting at 1 PM, but will
not be ready until 4 PM or later. Please call 736-3146 to place orders. Adults $10, Children 6-12 $5, Children 5 &
under are free.
St. Benedict Parish, Johnstown, Schedules Lenten Fish Fries St. Benedict Parish, 2310 Bedford St. in the
Geistown section of Johnstown, will again be holding Fish Fries throughout the season of Lent: Jan. 29, Feb. 5,
12, 19, 26, Mar. 4, 11, and 18. Sit down dinners are served in the school hall from 3–7 pm. Take-out dinners are
available for pick up. Orders may be placed from 2:30 – 6 pm by calling 266-9718, Ext 206 or fax to 269-4220
until 4:00 p.m. We have also added a new feature : online ordering for our friends with computer access. Log
onto and place your order. We will have it ready when you arrive!
LENTEN FISH DINNERS - Queen of Peace Parish Center, Patton (upper level)- Fridays of Lent (including
Good Friday) starting Friday, February 12th. For your convenience, please park in the Parish Center parking lot.
Menu: choice of baked fish, fried fish, or salmon cake; choice of baked potato or french fries. The dinner also
includes: fresh baked rolls, cole slaw, stewed tomatoes, macaroni & cheese, haluski, dessert, coffee, tea & punch.
Pierogies a la carte. Time: 4 to 7 PM. Prices: Adults, $10.00! Children (5 to 12 yrs), $5! Children (under 5), free.
Take out's are available in the lower level of the Parish Center.
Carmelite Community of the Word offers Lenten Opportunities for Spiritual Enrichment
CCW Sunday Sabbath Series: Once again the Carmelite Community of the Word is offering their well-known
“Sunday Sabbath Series.” Take an opportunity to spend Sunday afternoon in a relaxed and yet prayerful
Sunday February 21: Do You Believe A dozen different souls-all moving in different directions, all longing for
something more. As their lives unexpectedly intersect, they each are about to discover there is power in the Cross
of Christ even if they don't yet believe it. Pre-registration required by February18. Each Sunday Sabbath begins at
1 p.m. and ends by 4:30 p.m. and includes film viewing, discussion and prayer. Free-will offering is suggested.
Sessions will be held at Carmelite Community of the Word Incarnation Center, 394 Bem Rd., Gallitzin, PA.
To register, get directions, or for more information, call 814-886-4098.