CURRICULUM VITAE ESAM M.E.SHANNAG (Ph.D) Al al-Bayt University Faculty of Science Biology Department Mobile Phones :(962-0777612346) (962-0785159737), (962-0795755226) Mafraq, JORDAN 1-a : General Information: NAME: Esam Mohammad Eid Shannag Department: Biology Faculty: Science Institution: Al albeit University Date of Employment: September 07, 2008 Date of Birth: November 1, 1953 Place of Birth: Soum, Irbid, Jordan Marital State: Married Number of Children: Total of Four (Three males + One Female) 1-b : Scientific Degrees : Bachelor of Science Yarmouk University/ Irbid Biology 1980 Doctor of Philosophy University of Wisconsin/Madison, USA Botany/ 1987 Physiological Plant Ecology 1-c : Academic Experience (Professional ) : University of California/ Berkeley Graduate Student 1980- 1981 University of Wisconsin/ Madison Graduate Student / Teaching 1981-1987 Yarmouk University Faculty Member 1987-1993 Philadelphia University Faculty Member /Sabbatical 1993- 1994 Yarmouk University Faculty Member 1994-2008 Al- albeit University Faculty Member 2008-present 1-d: Doctoral Specialization and Thesis: Specialization: Physiological Plant Ecology Thesis Title : Ecophysilogical Studies Of Selected Wild and Cultivated Wheat Species 1-e : i ) Appointed as an assistant Professor in the Biology Department at Yarmouk University as of September 1, 1987. ii) Appointed as the Director of the Jordan Natural History Museum at Yarmouk University as of September 13, 1989 until my Sabbatical leave. iii ) Appointed as an assistant professor in the Pharmacy College at Philadelphia University as of September 1,1993 until August 31,1994 during my Sabbatical leave . iv ) Assistant Professor in the Biology Department at Yarmouk University from September 1, 1994 until present v ) Chairman of the Biology Department from February 1998 until February February 2002. vi ) Appointed as Director of the Jordan Natural History Museum at Yarmouk University as of September 2002 until 2008. vii) Assistant Professor in the Biology Department at Al-albeit University from September 07, 2008 until present 1-f (I): Courses Taught at the University Level: General Botany University of Wisconsin / Madison, USA Plants and Man University of Wisconsin / Madison, USA Economic Botany Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan Plant Anatomy Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan Evolution Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan General Ecology Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan Plant Physiology Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan Research Methods Yarmouk University ,Irbid ,Jordan Advanced Ecology Yarmouk University ,Irbid ,Jordan Advanced Biosystematics Yarmouk University ,Irbid ,Jordan Conservation Biology Yarmouk University ,Irbid ,Jordan Environmental Biotechnology Yarmouk University ,Irbid ,Jordan Ecosystems I Yarmouk University ,Irbid ,Jordan Seminar Yarmouk University ,Irbid ,Jordan Introductory Biology Yarmouk University ,Irbid ,Jordan Research Topics Yarmouk University ,Irbid ,Jordan General biology Philadelphia University ,Jordan Pharmacognosy Philadelphia University, Jordan Ecology and Pollution Al-albeit University, Jordan Plant Biology Al-albeit University, Jordan Plant Physiology Al-albeit University, Jordan Advanced Ecology Al-albeit University, Jordan Graduation Project Al-albeit University, Jordan (ii) Courses that I can teach: General Biology Principles of Plant Science Advanced Plant Physiology Plant Tissue Culture Scientific Writing and Presentation Medicinal Plants Toxic Plants Natural Resources and Man Plant Taxonomy Plant Anatomy Soil- Plant- Water Relations (one aspect of my research) Vegetation Measurement and Sampling Crop Physiology Advanced Physiological plant ecology Scientific Methods Special Topic Courses Seminars 1-g : Research : My main research interest is in using physiological parameters in developing Ecological hypothesis especially the effects of water stress and temperature on Photosynthesis and transpiration and plat biomass as well as shoot to root ratio Both in controlled environment as well as field conditions. My secondary research interest is to use various plant species to combat Desertification and in phytoremediation. I am also interested in surveying desert plant species that has both medicinal value as well as herbicidal effect on weeds that grows in crop plants and to use them in an environmentally friendly way. The last interest I have is to measure vegetational changes that result from Various human impacts on ecosystems and this type of research go under Long Term Ecological Research in which I use data collected by my students That is being done for the past twenty years in several areas like AJLUNE FOREST, THAGRET ASFOOR FOREST, and PETRA VEGETATION. 1-h : GRANTS AWARDED: 12345- Yarmouk University grant , 1988. 4500 J.D European Community, Natural Products at YU, 1994-1996. 150,000 EU Higher Council of Science and Technology, 1995-1996. 15,000 J.D Jordan Badia Natural products. 1997-1998. 22,400 J.D Yarmouk University, Effect of Crude Extract. 2003. 6120 J.D 1-i : Scientific Effort to Serve the University and Society : Graduate Student : NIBAL T. A. AL-DALKMOUNI (1991) Thesis Advisor HAMDA. S. ABABNEH (1991) Thesis Advisor FAISAL S. L> AL-ATHAMNEH (1990) Committee Member SABAH A. A. HUSSAIN (1989) Committee Member YUSRA M. E. AL-NAZAL (1989) Committee Member CAROL A. PALMER (1990) External Examiner ,UK SHOUROUQ M. EITAN (2002) Committee Member Abdel Hafez T. Abu Arrabi (2005) Committee Member Laila M. A. SAWALHAH (2005) Committee Member Taher H. T. AL-JARRAH Committee Member 2-Reports and Consultations : National Environment Strategy (NES) Department of Environment The State of the Environment in Jordan HCST Carbon Radioisotopes in Crop Plants Ministry of Energy The state of Wild Flora and Fauna RSCN Jordan Country Report to UNCE$D HCST Jordan Response to Sustainable Development RCSN Biological Diversity and Biotechnology Department of Environment Committee on Fertilizers and biocides HCST Committee on Medicinal Plants HCST 3- CONFERENCES and Workshops ORGANIZED: a-1996. December. Seminar and workshop : International Register for potentially toxic chemicals (IRPTC). Faculty of Science. YU. b- 1997. February. COSTED-IBN. 25th Executive Committee Meeting. Faculty of Science. YU. c-1998. June. National Workshop on Medicinal Plants. Faculty of Science. YU d- 1999. November. First Conference on Biological Sciences: Biochemistry and its applications. Biology Department. Faculty of Science. YU. e- 2000. October. The Second Conference on Biological Sciences. Biology Department. Faculty of Science. YU. f- 2001. November. Conference on Bioethics from the Scientific, Legal and Religious point of view. Faculty of science in collaboration with the faculty of Law and Shareeah. YU. g- 2006. February. Workshop on Bird flu facts and Jordan preparedness to combat it. Jordan Natural History Museum. Faculty of Science. YU. h- 2006. November. First National Conference on Museums. Jordan Natural History Museum and JICA. Faculty of Science. YU. 4- Editorial Membership in Jordan and Scientific Series : 1-Archives of Biotechnology 2-Al-Reem 3-Al-Yarmouk Editorial Board Editorial Board Editorial Board Muata University RSCN Yarmouk University 4- General Services: i) University Committees Membership: 1- Council for the Center of Jordanian Studies. 2-Steering Committee for the Sixth Arab and Third Jordan Biological Conference 3- The Joint Committee of Yarmouk University and Muata University on Biology. 4- Biology committee on Curriculum and Examinations. 5- The steering committee of Science Day at the Faculty of Science. 6- The steering committee for the Yarmouk Magazine. 7- University committee on Buildings. 8- University committee on Environment. 9- University Book Club. 10- Committee on Scientific Publication. 11- University Librarian committee. 12-Numerous committees with the faculty of science that has to function in reviewing curriculum and study plan and setting new plans for a newly formed programs in environmental sciences and related areas. 13- Faculty of Science representative in University Council 2004-2005 14- Al-albeit Central Tender Committee 2008 until present ii) Department Committees: I have served on all department committees several times department council representative in faculty of science council. iii)Non-University Committees Membership: 1-committee on development of labs. And environmental information HCST 2-committee to examine environmental and health locations MRAE 3-committee on flora and fauna in Jordan RSCN 4-committee on marine life and sea resources HCST 5-committee on control of environmental pollution MU 6-committee on environmental education JOU 7-committee on UNCED MRAE 8-committee on birds and their habitats RSCN 9-committee on the general atlas of Jordan RGC 10-committee on the usage of nuclear technology in crop improvements ME 11-committee on the use and abuse of pesticides in AL-GHOR area MHSD 12-committee on Jordan national museum GAM 13-committee on biodiversity DE 14-committee on the protection and conservation of natural resources RSCN 15-committee on Jordan environmental strategy RSCN 16-committee on national pollution standards HCST 17- Committee on MOE curriculum Publication MOE iv) Administrative Jobs: 1- Director of Jordan Natural History Museum, YU 1989-1993 2- Biology Department chairman , Yarmouk University 1998-2002 3- Director of Jordan Natural History Museum, YU 2003-2008 4- Acting Department of Biology Chair, Al-alBayt Unit 2008-present 5- lectures, scientific talks and seminars: Numerous lectures and talks to schools, University students, Government official's public audience, farmers and international student gatherings (London international youth science forum). The lectures covered a wide ray of topics from the price that we pay for our scientific and technological progress to alternative energy resources to all forms of pollution that create ecosystem imbalance to biological diversity and factors that lead to endangered species and extinction of species to vegetation studies and that affect vegetation structure and function to ecosystem interactions and how man affects them both positively and negatively to how biological sconces relate to hour social responsibility and our future. 6- International Meeting and Paper Presentations : 1- Ecological society of America Meeting. Oral Presentation. 1988. DAVIES /CA,USA 2- Ecological society of America Meeting. Oral Presentation. 1989. TORONTO, CANADA 3- Ecological society of America Meeting. Oral Presentation. 1993. MADISON /WI, USA. 4- International Workshop on: Water in the Mediterranean Basin: Resources and Sustainable Development. Oral Presentation. 2002. Tunisia. 7- Additional Information : i ) Societies Membership and Professional Affiliations : 1- American Institute of Biological Sciences 2- Ecological Society of America 3- Royal Society for Conservation of Nature (AIBS) ( ESA ) (RSCN) ii ) OTHER SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITES: 1- Invited Speaker to England to give lectures in London and Sheffield. 2- Scientific visit to London Natural History Museum and Kew Gardens. 3- Scientific visit to Paris Natural History Museum and Oceanography Museum in Monaco in Monaco, France. 4- The Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro ,Brazil as member of Jordan Delegation . 5- A visit to TUBIGEN UNIVERSITY ,GERMANY. Research Exchange Program supported by European community ( EC ) Medicinal Plants Project. iii) INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS: These are Projects that have impact on the Faculty of Science and YU: First : European Community / Jordan Cooperation: Project in Science and Technology. Project A: Medicinal Plants. 1996-1998. Collaborator: Dr. Hani Tabba. Total : 150,000 EU Second: Carleton University / Yarmouk University Joint Project : People Land and Water program. MSc. Program in Environmental Sciences. 1998-1999. Coordinator. 186,000 Canadian Dollars. Third: Phase Two of European community / Faculty of Science Infra structure 1997-1999. 8- Publications and Manuscripts in Review : Books: a- Ruben, I.A; Disi, A ; Palmer, C; and E. Shannag. 2006. Field Guide to the Plants and Animals of Petra. PNT Publisher. 224 p. b- Shannag, E and Y. Al-Adwan. 2000. Evaluating Water Balances in Jordan. In Water Balances in the Eastern Mediterranean. D.B. Brooks and O. Mehmet. Editors. Chapter 5, p85-95. Published by IDRC, Canada. 166 pages. Published Papers: i- Staub,J.E; E. Shannag-Mohammad; R. Kane; and M.S. Adams. 1987. Comparison of two gas exchange methods for measurement of carbon dioxide exchange of Wheat (T. aestivum) and Cucumber (C. sativus). Photosynthetica 21(4):595-598. ii- Shannag, E and M. S. Adams.1988.The Water Stress Dependence of Photosynthesis and Dark Respiration in Ten Wheat Species. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 73 Annual ESA Meeting, Volume 69 (2) Davies, California. USA. iii- Shannag, E and M. S. Adams.1989.The Effect of Preconditioning Water Stress on Leaf Water Potential, Stomatal and Intercellular Resistance, Transpiration , and Water Use Efficiency in Ten Wheat Species. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 74 Annual ESA Meeting, Volume 70 (2) Toronto, Ontario.CANADA. iv- Shannag, E and M. S. Adams.1993.The Effect of Water Stress on Growth and Dry Matter Distribution in Ten Wheat Species. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America. 78 Annual ESA Meeting, Volume 74 (2) Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Manuscripts in Preparation: a- Shannag, E. 2008. The Temperature and Water Stress Dependence Of Photosynthesis and Dark Respiration in Ten Wheat Species. b-Shannag, E. 2008. Modelling of Carbon Balance Using Experimentally Determind Physiological Resposes and Simulated Field Conditions. c-Shannag, E. 2008. Vegetational Changes on A Protected Semidesert Grassland Community. d-Shannag, E. 2008. The Pine Forests of Jordan: A History of Vegetation Change and Analysis of Causes. e-Shannag, E. 2008. Vegetation Dynamics in Maquis Oak Forest in A Mediterranean Ecosystem. f- Shannag, E. 2008. Biodiversity in Jordan and the Need for Habitat. g- Shannag, E. 2008. Vegetation Analysis of the Petra Region. h- Shannag, E. and A. Disi. 2008. The Effect of Human Impact on the Flora and Fauna of the Petra Region. i- Shannag, E and T. Akasheh. 2008. The Usage of Satellite Data and GIS in Studying Vegetation Cover in the Petra Reigon. j- Shannag, E. Human Impact on Vegetation Communities and Biodiversity: A Comparative Study between Ajlune and Jerrash Communities. k- Shannag, E. and A. Hunaiti. 2008. The Effect of Crude Extract on ABA levels in Cultivated Wheat and Lentil varieties. l- Shannag, E. 2008. Net Photosynthesis of Sarcopoterium spinosum Under Mediterranean Field Conditions During Drought and Re-Watering.