Bienvenidos a la clase de español Instructor: La Señora Fahrner Email: Phone: 224-765-2196 Class Room B405 Spanish III The third year student develops more complex language proficiency, cultivating a more natural fluency with the language. Students express themselves with a reasonable amount of accuracy in writing more extended compositions and in daily class discussions. Readings include magazine articles and short stories. This class is conducted in Spanish. Students are expected to speak Spanish throughout the class period. Short oral presentations in the target language are a component of the class. Cultural aspects of Spanish speaking countries are taught, and projects requiring independent research may be assigned. Students are prepared for success in Spanish IV. Prerequisites C- in Spanish II Teacher recommendation Required Text ¡Qué chévere! Level 3 ATE Spanish English Dictionary Your cell phone may only be used to encourage language use. If you are using your phone in any inappropriate ways, you will be required to give it to me immediately and the consequences laid out in the student handbook will be enforced. A trip to the bathroom is not the appropriate time to use a cell phone. Your Grade Each quarter your grade will be comprised of the following components. Homework Participation Projects and Compositions Quizzes and tests Each semester grade will be calculated from 40% first quarter 40% second quarter 20% final exam Homework Assignments Work that you complete at home is designed to supplement vocabulary and structures that you learn in class. The assignments will vary to aid you in acquiring each set of language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing). You should typically be spending 30 minutes a night to complete homework assignments. It is both your and my responsibility to review homework to see if you are completing the work in a satisfactory manner. I reserve the right to collect and/or quiz any homework assignment that I give you. Copying and cheating will result in a zero. Your written work must be done on your own in your own unique style. Brainstorming with others is permitted; however, editing by tutors, native speakers, online translators, family members etc… is prohibited. If you do not know how to say something in Spanish, use a dictionary, glossary in your textbook or ask me. Do not use on-line translators or the help of a tutor for any assignment. Use of a translator will result in a dean’s referral for academic dishonesty, as well as a grade penalty. Class Participation The best way to learn Spanish is if you practice with it. You will earn points in this class for practicing Spanish. The more you use Spanish the more points you earn. My goal is to use Spanish as much as possible in the classroom and to encourage the same from you. Quizzes You will be quizzed on the material covered in each etapa of the Unit. Generally you will have two to three large quizzes per Unit. Each quiz will cover material in the chapter and from class. Each unit will be accompanied by a set of core targets to help guide preparation. If you will be absent on the day of a quiz or test I encourage you to email me or talk to me personally so that we can make arrangements ahead of time. If you are absent on the day of a quiz, test or project, you are expected to complete it upon your return either before or after school or during a free period. Tests You will be tested at the end of every Unidad. Cultural Experience A cultural experience is something that you will complete outside of class. This experience is meant to complement your class instruction. You may choose the cultural event that you do. Some examples of cultural events that students have done in the past may include going to see a movie in Spanish, attending a dance performance, going to a museum that has an exhibit related to Hispanic culture. This is something that you initiate yourself. Going to a restaurant with your parents and eating food does not count as a cultural event. If a teacher plans a field trip you have not initiated the event and it will not count. You will do a write up of the cultural event and turn it in at the end of the semester. Your write up will include a summary of the event, an explanation of why it was considered a cultural even and finally your description of the part that was most interesting to you. You should attend an event that pertains to Hispanic culture and write in Spanish if you would like to receive full credit for your cultural experience. Students may complete cultural experiences for extra credit. Each experience can earn a max of one point. No student can earn more than one percentage point of extra credit through completion of cultural experiences. There is a ton of Spanish and fun to be had this year and I am glad to have you in class! I believe that each student has the ability to learn. My job is to support you. I will do my best to do so. If you need to share with me something that can make your experience better I would love to hear it!