Steps of the Dichotomous Key for fictional organisms Pegasus Centaur Griffin Dragon Chimera Hydra step Dichotomous Key Go to step: 1 A. wings are present. Step 2 B. organism does not have wings. Step 4 A. the wings have feathers Step 3 B. the wings do not have feathers Step 4 A. hooves Pegasus B. no hooves Griffin A. multiple heads Hydra B. one head Centaur A. hybrid Chimera B. not a hybrid Dragon 2 3 4 5 Group A: Housefly Mushroom Pine tree Pig Paramecium Tulip plant Iguana Leech Salamander hornet Steps Dichotomous Key Go to step: 1 A. organism has wings Step 6 B. organism is without wings Step 2 A. organism has roots Step 5 B. organism has legs Step 4 A. organism is microscopic Paramecium B. organism is not microscopic Step 4 A. organism lays eggs Step 6 B. organism is a mammal Pig A. Plant has bark Pine tree B. without bark Step 8 A. Live sin hollow trees, chimneys, and similar structures. hornet B. Lives wherever there is food. housefly A. organism has a tail Step 9 B. organism does not have a tail leech A. flower petals Tulip plant B. without flower petals mushroom A. tropical rainforests Iguana B. elsewhere Salamander 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Group B: amoeba birch tree horse bread mold blue jay earth worm lamprey bat moth wheat step Dichotomous key Go to step: 1 A. unicellular Step 5 B. multi-cellular Step 2 A. roots Step 7 B. has legs Step 3 A. more than 4 legs Step B. without legs Step A. wings Step 6 B. without wings horse A. grows on bread Bread mold B. lives in fresh water amoeba A. Mammal Bat B. lays eggs Step 8 A. organism cannot be used to make bread. Birch tree. B. organism is used to make bread. Wheat. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A. active during night. Moth. B. active during day. Blue jay. A. organism lives in freshwater. Lamprey. B. organism lives in the earth. Earthworm. Group C: Euglena Cow Snake Spruce tree Bread mold Robin (bird) Sunflower Ant Starfish Sea anemone step Dichotomous key Go to step: 1 A. The organism is capable of moving on its own. Step 2 B. The organism cannot move on its own. Step 7 A. Organism lives on land. Step 3 B. Organism lives in water. Step 6 A. organism has 4 or more legs. Step 4 B. organism has less than 4 legs. Step 5 A. organism has a segmented body. Ant B. organism does not have a segmented body. cow 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A. the organism is capable of flight. Robin B. the organism is incapable of flight. Snake A. organism is microscopic. Euglena B. organism is not microscopic. Sea anemone A. organism uses photosynthesis. Step 8 B. organism does not use photosynthesis. Step 9 A. organism has bark. Spruce tree B. organism does not have bark. Sunflower A. organism grows on bread. Bread mold B. organism does not grow on bread. starfish Group D: -Red Algae, -Wasp, -Python, -Prairie dog, -dandelion, - beetle, -poison ivy, -blue whale, -moss, -E.coli step Dichotomous key Go to step: 1 A. Organism is capable of moving on its own. Step 2 B. Organism is not capable of moving on its own. Step 7 A. Organism has 4 or more legs. Step 3 B. Organism has less than 4 legs. Step 5 A. organism is an insect. Step 4 B. Organism is not an insect. Prairie dog A. organism’s race has a queen. Wasp B. organism’s race does not have a queen. Beetle A. organism lives in water. Blue whale B. organism lives on land. Step 6 A. microscopic E. coli 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B. not microscopic Python A. uses photosynthesis. Step 8 B. does not use photosynthesis. Step 9 A. organism causes a rash. Poison ivy B. organism does not cause a rash. dandelion A. organism incapable of moving on its own and lives in water. Red algae B. organism cannot move on its own and lives water or land. moss Group E: Penguin Robin Cricket Paramecium Porcupine Blue heron Tamarack Killer Whale Canola diatom Step Dichotomous Key Go to step: 1 A. organism can move on its own. Step 2 B. organism is incapable of moving on its own. 2 A. organism has wings. Step 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 B. organism does not have wings. Step 6 A. organism is incapable of flight. Penguin B. organism is capable of flight. Step 4 A. organism can swim. Blue heron B. organism cannot swim. Step 5 A. organism is an insect. Cricket B. organism is not an insect. Robin A. organism lives on land. Step 7 B. organism lives in the sea. Step 10 A. organism uses photosynthesis. Step 8 B. organism does not use photosynthesis. Step 9 A. organism has bark. Tamarack B. organism does not have bark. Canola A. organism is microscopic. Paramecium B. organism is not microscopic. Porcupine A. organism breathes through a blow hole. Blue whale B. organism does not breathe through a blow hole. diatom Group F: beaver sugar maple blue green algae tick lice zebra grizzly bear grasshopper wolf tulip Step Dichotomous Key Go to step: 1 A. organism’s that have legs. Step 2 B. organism that do not have legs. Step8 A. organism has 4 legs. Step 3 B. organism has more than 4 legs. Step 6 A. organism is an herbivore. Step 4 B. organism is not an herbivore. Step 5 A. organism has paws. Beaver B. organism has hooves. Zebra A. organism is a carnivore. Wolf B. organism is an omnivore. Grizzly bear A. organism that flies. Grasshopper B. organism that does not fly. Step 7 A. organism lives in human head hair. Lice B. organism that lives in animal fur. tick A. organism that has roots. Step 9 B. organism that does not have roots. Bleu green algae A. organism has bark. Sugar maple B. organism has no bark. Tulip 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9