Georgia Bowers The Fitness Bank Social Media Marketing Strategy Template Background and experience (you not the company) I have had plenty of experience in customer service with working at Leicester Tigers, Pandora and River Island. I have a BTEC National Diploma in Business Retail Pathway (level 3). I also have an AS in Media. My current job is it at River Island and I am head cashier on ladies wear, I help cash up and organise paperwork at the end of the night to make things easier for banking. At Leicester College I was manager of the mock shop and I had to visual merchandise everything for all four seasons (kids wear, ladies, men’s and home). I’m currently doing an apprentice course with SSC learning and Digital Marketing Mentor. The course is about social media and how to use it in businesses it’s also a BTEC so I will earn some qualifications from it. Situation Analysis – Fitness Bank Customer profile (appendix 1) Market segments AJ’s inactive customers AJ’s active customers The Fitness New Bank’s Customers. customers who aren’t willing to move. SWOT Analysis (appendix 2) Market Focus Market Penetration = Existing markets + existing products. The Fitness Bank’s customers who are willing to move. Product Development = Existing markets + new products. Market Development = New markets + existing products. Decision Making Process – the user tends to be the person (the customer) who makes the decisions maybe taking the family membership out and just letting the customers go pay as you go. Decision Making Unit – the recipient, because it’s up to them what kind of membership they can afford. Marketing Mix (Appendix 3) Business goals and objectives - Get AJ’s inactive members into active Fitness Bank members. - Listening to active AJ members on their views to make them feel comfortable and included. - Communicate the benefits of the new gym to The Fitness Bank customers - Changing The Fitness Bank members’ routines. Social Media Marketing Strategy Business Strategy (R.A.C.E.) Objective(s) Get AJ’s inactive Convert and members into active engagement Fitness bank members. Tactics Facebook – voucher code so they could come to classes free for a week to try them Tools to use Facebook events to get people involved with a out. video of a demo of the class. Listening to active AJ Engagement. members on their views to make them feel comfortable and included. Communicate the Awareness benefits of the new gym to the Fitness Bank members Facebook – could have an additional facebook group to be used to engage with member from both clubs. Have someone from the club be the admin so they feel involved. Youtube – testimonials from members who have seen the new gym and their opinion and also videos of the classes as little demos. Changing Fitness Awareness, act Bank members’ Facebook group – make a group so Promotion statues to get people involved. Direct messages to people who like the page but don’t attend. Facebook polls. Fourms on the website. Groups Facebook. on Making demo videos of the classes and posting them on facebook and into facebook events so people can see what sort of classes are going on. Posting testimonials on the website showing what existing customers think of the gym so new customers can see what it’s like rather than just reading text. Also having videos of staff members so customers can see who is who and what they do for the gym and how they can help the customers. Buddying people routine. people can car share on certain nights to make sure people can get to classes and so people can get on and make friends. This could be called The Fitness Bank ‘Buddying’ scheme. up so that they can attend classes or train with someone and lower the cost of transport. You could use Facebook to make a group so that it is private and you have to invite people to join so that customer data is safe and people can say where about’s they are and who they can take with them on what nights. Social Media Channel(s) Selection Social Media Channel Youtube Facebook Twitter Reason for selection To video and show customers the classes that is ongoing in the gym and to engage customers into wanting to attend these classes. Target audience(s) Possible new customers or AJ’s existing customers who haven’t attended the new classes that have come from The Fitness Bank and vice versa The Fitness Bank customers who haven’t attended the current classes that AJ’s Fitness. Can have polls to see how Current customers of both AJ’s much customers are Fitness and The Fitness Bank. enjoying classes, can also see if some classes are needed or not needed anymore. Can also engage with customers and post youtube videos onto facebook. Although existing New potential customers. customers may not use twitter new customers could possibly use it and want to follow the gym. Reputation management Activity Identify keywords to listen out for How? Gym, fitness, fitness clubs, health, gym for. Monitor and respond to conversations about your brand Reply to customers on Facebook and website directly for people to see how you handle the situation. Have a look on Klout, follow anyone who’s locally influential (a regular member who everyone looks too) Say how it is going to be dealt with. Identify key influencers Respond to negative comments Content creation Type of content Location to be posted Competition Facebook Videos of classes. Youtube/ Facebook. Videos of staff members. Facebook Key message(s) (D.R.I.P.) To get customers involved and wanting to win the prize. (P) Show members and potential customers what you do what classes you have going and how they run. So customers know who the friendly faces are and how they can help the customer. Target Group New Customers and AJ’s inactive members. New Customers. Fitness Bank Customers and AJ’s Customers. New Customers. AJ’s customers. TFB Customers. Timescale Activity Facebook Voucher codes for the free classes. Facebook Group to engage both clubs members. Youtube Videos for testimonials and class demos. Making the ‘buddying’ group on Facebook. Facebook events for classes. Start 25/06/12 25/06/12 25/06/12 25/06/12 25/06/12 End Appendix 1. Name - Bodybuilding Bella. Age – 30 + Gym Needs – Working on bodybuilding. Personal – Issues – Married 2 children Owns a house. Has disposable income to fund her hobby of bodybuilding. Work – Key messages – Currently has an office job that pays well. Goals – That most of the weights are going to be changed into cardio machines. Not having enough room for weights. Not wanting to leave her current gym but thinking about it. Keeping the weights at the gym. Making sure there is enough room for the weights and all the people wanting to use them. Benefits – Reach the level of bodybuilding she desires. Be able to go into competitions in body building. Be able to retire early and spend time with her children. Bella will keep her gold membership at the gym. She’s also the voice of other bodybuilders so she’ll reason with them to stay. She’ll recommend the gym to others. Name – Class Loving Lilly Age – 18 – 20 Gym Needs – wants to workout but with fun. Personal – Issues – Single. Living at home still. No major income. Loves doing things with friends. Constantly on Facebook and checking her news feed. Work – Key messages – Just finished school. Has a part time job at a high street store that doesn’t pay a lot so not much disposable income. Goals – Not a lot of income. Working funny shifts. Not always having the transport to get there. Doesn’t like using anything else in the gym. Doesn’t know which classes she’d like. Focus on the pay as you go membership. Make Facebook events so she can see and plan how to get to the class. Make clear of the new opening times. Make youtube videos so she can look at classes. Benefits – Wants to have a successful job in retail Hopes to have a house of her own. Family To be able to go on holiday to the Caribbean. She can come to classes with friends. She can come whenever she wants to what class she wants. Doesn’t have to pay for a full membership so she can afford to come every so often to the classes she likes. Name – Cardio Carl Age – 30 Gym Needs – just to keep himself healthy. Personal – Engaged to be married. 2 small children. Owns his own house Occasionally has a look on Facebook. Work – Busy at work so needs to go in the evening or on the weekend. Doesn’t want to spend too much if he’s not going to use it. Key messages – Is a self-employed plumber with no assistants. Goals – Issues – Opening hours are later. Can have a family membership so that the family could go with him while he does his workout. Benefits – Set his kids up with a good life from working hard. Be able to retire early. Have a nice house. Going with the family. Being able to go after work. Having good open hours on the weekend. Name – Step class Silvia Age – 60+ Gym Needs – Just to keep healthy and have something to keep busy in the day and meet friends. Personal – Issues – Married. 3 Children. 4 Grandchildren. Living in a bungalow. Not on social media sites. Work – Key Messages – Used to be a social worker. Now retired. Goals – Can’t use the buses until after 9.30. Only wanting to use the step up classes so doesn’t want to pay for a full membership to go on other machines. Sometimes can’t afford a lot with her pension. Classes are on all throughout the day, some times more than once. Introduce her to more than the one class that she might be interested in by showing her the demo videos of other classes. Pay as you go membership would be perfect as her pension doesn’t cover a lot. Benefits – To keep busy in the daytime and to keep fit and healthy. Being able to pay when she wants to turn up. Maybe being interested in other classes than just the step classes. Making friends at the classes. Appendix 2 SWOT Analysis Strengths – Friendly Classes are a USP (unique selling point) Good price Good value Good use of social share buttons Staff merging together Good use of engaging people Customers are going to meet new people. Opportunities – Blend members to create a new culture. Enhance brand perception Enhance customer awareness Weakness – People not liking change New location not ideal to some existing TFB customers. No pool Large portion of inactive AJ members. AJ members worried of equipment change. Threats – Four other local gyms Inactive/old members may leave. AJ’s culture could be a threat to TFB TFB customers not willing to move with them. Appendix 3 Marketing Mix. Price – Product – £3 pay as you go + £20 joining fee Full membership £33 Daytime £26.40 Flex 1 £13.20 Flex 2 £22 Causal £4.50 Cardio Gym Machines Weight lifting Classes; Pilates Fab abs Step Kettlecise Total body conditioning Zumba ‘pump it up’ Slow tone Blast aerobics Circuit training Yoga Tai chi Legs bums and tums Places – Facebook Twitter Website Leaflets People – Customer service Face to face at the gym Recommends from others Partnership – TBA Double decker Ladies kick boxing 500 club Sports therapy. Promotions – TBA Physical experience – Friendly Good help Fun Process – TBA = information not known, to be supplied by client. Relevant services e.g. therapy for injuries