Spanish - St. Oliver's Community College

St Oliver’s C.C. – Leaving Certificate Applied
Modern Languages: Spanish
Course Overview
Aims & Rationale
The Spanish course in Modern Languages in St. Oliver’s Community College is designed to
encourage Leaving Certificate Applied students to take up the challenge of learning a foreign
language and to develop a basic level of language competence. The students may or may
not have studied the language before, no prior knowledge or learning is required.
The language learnt in this course aims to enable students to comfortably and confidently
communicate with native speakers of Spanish. Module 1 aims to provide the students with
basic communication skills while Module 2 aims to equip the learner with social/survival skills
in Spanish. This module aims to enable them to travel and communicate with confidence in a
hispanophone country. The course is taught with a communicative approach to expose the
students to natural forms of the language that is reinforced with exercises in both reading
and writing.
Time Allocation
Spanish is delivered throughout 5th year of the Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) Programme
in St. Oliver’s Community College. The course is allocated 4 class periods per week in 5 th
Students complete 4 Key Assignments in Session 1 and 4 Key Assignments in Session 2. In
Session 1 students are required to make and I.D. card, record themselves speaking with
other students, research one aspect of Spain to present in class and record a role-play on
ordering food. The Key Assignments in Session 2 require students to record a role-play on
buying a train ticket, research and report the organisation of a trip to Spain, record a phone
call to book accommodation and present a poster of various signs.
In Spanish, students are assessed in two areas – Spanish classwork and end of year
exams. With regards to Spanish class work, students receive credits through the successful
completion of key assignments. With regards to exams at the end of the year, students are
required to do an oral, aural and reading/writing exam.
St Oliver’s C.C. – Leaving Certificate Applied
Oral – 35% (May)
Reading & Writing Comprehensions – 30%(June)
Aural – 35%(June)
6 credits in total oral & aural, 4 credits reading & writing
The resources available in Spanish include:
Modern Language Module Descriptor (LCA/SLSS)
Power Point presentations of Spanish vocab
Matching activities
Appropriate web resources including, but not limited to;
Spanish comprise two modules, within which there are four units of work:
Module 1 – Social Relationships
Sept – end January
1) Introduction and Greetings
2) Numbers
3) Likes/Dislikes
4) Food & Drink
Module 2 – Travelling and Finding the Way
1) Travel and Transport
2) Shopping and Services
3) Accommodation
4) Money
Feb - mid May