Cash-flow models. r = annual interest rate x = current investment After n years, discrete annual compounding yields Net value of the investment = NFV = Net Future Value yn x(1 r ) n Examples. Compute NFV for a cash-flow x after every t units of time for a finite period. x t=0 x t=1 x t=2 x t=3 Interest rate: r per annum investment: x every year Compute the worth of the investment after n years. NFV of the cash-flow = NFV (stream) x(1 r )n 1 x(1 r )n 2 ... x(1 r ) x x (1 r ) n 1 r If y dollar is available n years from now under a constant annual compounding interest rate of r , present value of y is PV ( y) y(1 r ) n Discounted cash 2. Compute the current worth (the Net Present Value) of the following cash-flow x t=0 x t=1 x x t=2 t=3 NPV ( stream) x x(1 r )1 x(1 r ) 2 ...x(1 r )( n 1) NFV ( stream) (1 r )( n 1) 3. Continuous compounding/discounting Annual interest rate = r If q units of time in the year, effective interest rate per unit r time = q Since there are q periods in a year, x invested now has a Future Value after 1 year q r FV ( x) x 1 q when q , FV ( x) xer r r Proof: Let z (1 )q . Then ln z q ln(1 ) q q r r r Since 0 as q , ln 1 q q q ln z r z er Thus, and , FV ( x) xer for continuous compounding PV ( y ) xe r for continuous discounting For a horizon of n years, Continuous compounding FVn ( x) xenr PVn ( x) xe nr Continuous discounting 4. For a continuous stream of cash-flow with continuous discounting: L NPV ( stream) x(t )e rt dt Return s 0 t=L t=0 Time Similarly for future values. 5. Internal rate of return for an investment. = IRR (Internal rate of Return) if NPV of a cash-flow using interest rate is zero. X y1 t=0 t=1 y3 y2 t=2 t=3 NPV ( stream) x y1 (1 ) 1 y2 (1 ) 2 ... 0 This means, X n 1 yk (1 ) k k 1 Given two investments, we should ■ choose the one that gives higher rate of return ■ * , some threshold parameter 6. Equivalent average rate of return NPV ( x, ) Net Present Value of a policy x for some Define R 1 NPV ( x, ) R is the equivalent average rate of return. An infinitely long cash-flow with return R after every t has same NPV as that of the policy x. R R R R NPV(Equivalent Stream) = R R(1 )1 R(1 ) 2 ... R = NPV ( x, ) 1 7. NPV of an infinite stream (continuous discounting model) After every L units of time, return is Rt NPV(infinite stream) = Rt et t If all Rt are same, say, R , NPV = R 1 e L 8. A typical model. An equipment replacement policy, or variations of this! R(t ) revenue generated at time t E (t ) operating expense on machine at time t S(L) salvage value of machine at time L cost of a new machine r continuous rate of discount A. Single replacement model. NPV of replacing the machine at time L. Salvage Value Time Operating cost Time NPVsin ( L) L rL rt R(t ) E (t ) e dt + S ( L) e 0 L must be such that NPVsin ( L) is maximum at L* , i.e. d NPVsin ( L) 0 dL L* B. Infinite chain replacement policy. Assume no technological change. Operating Expense Age L 2L 3L Assume R constant. Then L NPV ( L) Re rt 0 1 e t dt rL rt rL E (t )e dt ( S ( L))e 0 1 e rL The second term C (L) is the cost term, and the first term R reduces to . r Approximation. Assume, E (t ) E0 t , both E0 and positive. Then E0 S ( L)e rL Le rL C ( L) rL r r2 r 1 e rL 1 e If S (L) is a constant, optimality condition is ( S ) r L * r 2 (1 e rL* )0 For rL* 1 1 S ) 2 2( L* New machine at time t 0 , and then after every L units of time. C. Technological change over time In this case, we might take the cost function to be like E (t ) E0 t L This is Terborgh model. {G. Terborgh, “Dynamic Equipment policy, McGraw Hill, 1949} Optimality condition for S (L) constant ( S ) ( ) * ( ) rL* L ( 1 e )0 2 r r For rL* 1, 1 S ) 2 2( L* 9. Model for keeping a lossy capacitor charged. Dynamic memory recharging system. A normal capacitor loses its charge exponentially; so does a memory cell or a pixel on a monitor-screen. Single capacitor discharge: q q0 e kt Voltage across Capacitor Time How about injecting charge after every T units of time so that the level is maintained above some threshold? Charge Time Suppose q0 is injected after every T units. Therefore, q (T ) q0 q0 e kT q(2T ) q0 q (T )e kT = q0 q0 e kT q0 e 2 kT … q(nT ) q0 {1 e kT e 2 kT ... e nkT } At t , the amount of charge on the cell, is q c q0 want to maintain. 1 1 e kT . q c is the desired level we