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<Give Here Your Own Project Title>
Design Document 1
Version 1.0
Group Id: <Mention your group id>
Supervisor Name :< Mention your supervisor name>
Revision History
Current date
Introduction of the project
Write student(s)
Table of Contents
1. Introduction (of analysis and design phase)
2. Overview (of proposed system)
3. Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)
(To be developed using Microsoft Visio)
4. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
(To be developed using Microsoft Visio or ERWIN)
5. Activity Diagram
6. Sequence Diagrams
(To be developed using Rational Rose)
7. Architecture Design Diagram
1. Introduction (of analysis and design phase)
<Write here in detail about what you have included in analysis and design phase of
your project and also write about the benefits and purpose of analysis and design
phase in a software development project >
2. Overview (of proposed system)
<Provide a brief overview of the project features and functionalities>
3. Data Flow Diagrams (DFD) (To be developed using Microsoft Visio)
<Provide Context Diagram/Level-0 Data Flow Diagram/Scope Diagram to
illustrate the overall picture of your system>
4. Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) (To be developed using Microsoft Visio or
<Provide Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of your system>
5. Activity Diagram
<Provide activity diagram for each major process of the system>
6. Sequence Diagrams (To be developed using Rational Rose)
<Provide Sequence Diagrams for each of the use case to show the task sequence of
the system>
7. Architecture Design Diagram
<Provide a Tiered Architecture of the system>