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CST2406 Systems Analysis and Design Course Syllabus

New York City College of Technology/CUNY
Computer Systems Technology Department
Office hours will be announced
Systems Analysis and Design
(2 Class Hours, 2 Lab Hours, 3 Credits)
Course Description:
An introduction to systems analysis and design concepts and tools. Detailed study of the Context of
Systems Development Projects and System Design Methods. Introduction to the System
Development Life Cycle and System Development Methodology.
Course Objectives:
Upon the completion of the class, the student should be able to:
• Define information system; identify the basic types of applications.
• Identify the stakeholders in an information system development project
• Define the role of a systems analyst and the skills required
• Describe a simple process for developing information systems and differentiate between
the waterfall and the interactive/incremental approaches to systems development.
• Define information systems architecture and understand the role it plays in systems
• Understand the motivation for a standard system development methodology from a
quality management perspective
• Define the essential phases of the system development methodology in terms of purposes,
inputs, and outputs
• Understand why and how alternative “routes” through the system development phases
may be constructed to handle the special requirements of different project goals
• Define and differentiate project, project management, and process management
• Understand the use of PERT and Gantt charts in managing a project
• Define system analysis in terms of purposes and goals and relate these to the phases of
the system development methodology
CST2406 Systems Analysis and Design Fall 2018
Describe different system analysis approaches including Model-Driven (Structured
Analysis, Information Engineering and Object Oriented) and Accelerated Analysis
Approaches (Discovery Prototyping and Rapid Architected Analysis) for solving
business problems
Describe the scope definition, problem analysis, requirements analysis, logical design,
and decision analysis phases in terms of purposes, participants, inputs, outputs,
techniques, and steps.
Understand the activities in problem analysis and the use of tools like Ishikawa diagrams
to aid in problem solving
Identify the basic seven fact-finding techniques and characterize the advantages and
disadvantages of each
Describe the purpose of a Joint Requirements Planning (JRP) Session, the participants
and their roles in the session
Understand the basic concepts and constructs used in the Entity Relationship Diagram
Be able to describe the basic steps used in constructing a data model:
1. Entity Discovery
2. Construction of the Entity Context Data Model
3. Construction of a Key-Based Model
4. Develop the Fully-Attributed Model
5. Normalization of the Data Model
Use a Software tool such as VISIO to construct various data models used in the
development of application system data requirements.
Understand the purpose and use of the Process Model in system development
Understand the basic concepts and constructs of the Process Model
Describe the various steps and types of diagrams used to develop the Process Model for
an application system
Use VISIO or other Software tool to construct the various components of the Process
Model for an application system.
CST2406 Systems Analysis and Design Fall 2018
General Education Outcomes:
SKILLS/Communication: Students will communicate in diverse settings
and groups, using written (both reading and writing), oral (both speaking and
listening), and visual means.
Students will employ scientific reasoning and
logical thinking. Students will use creativity to solve problems.
CST1201 and CST1204
Required Materials:
Essentials of System Analysis and Design (paperback Edition)
6th ED, by Joseph S. Valacich, Joey F. George, and Jeffrey Hoffer,
Pearson, 2015
Material to be covered: Part One: Foundations for Systems Development
Software Tools:
Chapters 1,3
Part Two: Systems Planning and Selection.
Chapter 4
Part Three: System Analysis
Chapters 5,6,7
Part Four: Systems Design
Chapter 8,9
VISIO (Modeling Tool) and other CASE Tool
Academic Integrity Policy:
Students and all others who work with information, ideas, texts, images, music, inventions,
and other intellectual property owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in
using, crediting, and citing sources. As a community of intellectual and professional
workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information
literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly
and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity. Accordingly, academic dishonesty is
prohibited in The City University of New York and at New York City College of
Technology and is punishable by penalties, including failing grades, suspension, and
expulsion. The complete text of the College policy on Academic Integrity may be found in
the catalog.
CST2406 Systems Analysis and Design Fall 2018
Course Requirements
Work Load:
For every ONE-hour of class time you are expected to do Two and a Half to Three
hours of homework. (Reading lessons, doing written assignments, using the System
Architect program, preparing for tests, etc.). College is a very demanding experience.
This is the time in your life that you are training for a profession and it requires a very
serious commitment and allotment of ample time to learn the material.
There will be three tests during the term (the last one is the Final Exam).
Projects and Lab Work:
The projects will be assignments analyzing typical business cases where the goal is to
develop information systems requirements to meet business needs. VISIO will be used to
draw organizational charts and some system models (functional decomposition). Visio
and/or other case tool will be used to produce data and process models that will help develop
the requirements for these business case studies. Although VISIO and other case tool will be
introduced in class, students are expected to supplement these class efforts by spending the
necessary time in the computer lab to learn these and other applications necessary to
complete their assignments.
Course Grade:
The course grade will be determined from the following formula:
HOMEWORK + Quizzes
CST2406 Systems Analysis and Design Fall 2018
Course Outline:
9 &10
Material to be covered
CHAPTER 1 –Systems Development EnvironmentCHAPTER 1 (continued) –Phases in the System Development Process.
CHAPTER 3- Managing the Information System Project. Use of VISIO to produce organizational charts.
CHAPTER 3 –Systems Planning and Selection
Identifying and Selecting Projects
CHAPTER 5 – Systems AnalysisPerforming Requirements Determination; Traditional Methods for Determining Requirements, Modern Methods
for determining Systems Requirements.
CHAPTER 6 –Process ModelingData Flow Diagrams DFDs
CHAPTER 7 –Data Modeling and AnalysisConcepts of data Modeling, Definition of Terms, Entity Relationship Diagrams; Process of Logical data Modeling;
How to Construct Data Models, Entity Discovery, Context Data Model, Key-Based Data Model; Fully-Attributed
Model; Normalization.
Use of Visio or other tool for Data Modeling
Test 2
CHAPTER 8 & 9- Systems Design
Designing Human Interface. Designing Databases
Assessment Criteria:
Students will be assessed in exams, quizzes, homework, laboratory assignments, projects, and
through class participation. The major areas include:
• The concept of an Information System, the components of an information system, the
basic types of information systems, the stakeholders involved in the development
• The role of a systems analyst in the development effort, the other stakeholders and
their roles
• The definition and examples of simple system development processes
• The phases, purposes, participants, inputs, and outputs of a formal system
development methodology
• The concept of a project, project management, the Gantt and PERT chart tools
• The various methods of Fact Finding (Data Collection)
• Employing Fact Finding techniques in class sessions, lab sessions, and student
projects on Case Studies to develop system requirements
• Data Modeling, drawing ERD diagrams with a CASE or Modeling tool
• Process Modeling, drawing Data Flow Diagrams and Decomposition Diagrams using
a CASE or Modeling tool
CST2406 Systems Analysis and Design Fall 2018
General Education Outcomes and Assessment:
Learning Outcomes
SKILLS/Inquiry/Analysis Students will
Assessment Method
Assignments, quizzes and exams.
employ scientific reasoning and logical
thinking. Students will use creativity to solve
SKILLS/Communication: Students
will communicate in diverse settings
and groups, using written (both reading
and writing), oral (both speaking and
listening), and visual means.
Case studies, projects and PowerPoint
CST2406 Systems Analysis and Design Fall 2018