Spanish 101 - Centenary College of Louisiana

Centenary College of LA
Spanish 101 A & B
Tues. / Th. 9:45-11 AM or 1:00-2:15 PM
Fall 2014
Professor: Maureen Murov
Office: Jac 306 B
Office Hours: T/TH 12-1 PM and Friday morning by appointment
Office Phone: x 5259
Course Description and Objectives:
Spanish 101 is a first-semester college level Spanish course. This course is designed to
develop students' listening comprehension, speaking, reading and writing skills. Classes
will consist of conversation, vocabulary, and grammar review as well as reading and
writing exercises. At the end of this course, the student will be on their way to
communicating using basic Spanish and will appreciate diverse elements of Hispanic
The class will be conducted almost entirely in Spanish, using English when necessary for
clarity and efficiency. Full participation of the student is necessary for learning in
this class.
Required Tests and Materials:
● Plazas: Lugar de encuentros, 4th. ed. ILrn package
●Heinle Ilrn audio-enhanced workbook/lab manual *(WB & LM)
● A good Spanish-English Dictionary
Course Requirements and Evaluation:
Attendance and Student participation
You are graded on the following factors DAILY:
● Students are expected to review and prepare the assigned materials for each class
● Alertness and positive good attitude
● Making positive contributions to the class
● Regular use of new vocabulary and recycling vocabulary from previous chapters
● Always using Spanish in the classroom and volunteering
Attendance is mandatory. As a general rule one to three absences would be considered
reasonable; four to six absences is considered excessive and more than 7 will result in an
“F” in class attendance. Beyond that, the student runs the risk of failing the course. Work
closely with the instructor--especially in case of serious illness or athletic responsibilities.
Exceptions require a letter from a doctor, a note of the provost, or other extraordinary
circumstances. If you miss class for any reason, you are still responsible for all the
assignments. Please contact a classmate and follow your syllabus to find out about the
material covered during your absence. You may not miss scheduled tests, presentations
and final exams.
Cell Phones- will be in the OFF position before student enters the classroom.
Ear Phones- may not be worn in class and must be removed from sight before class
Laptops- may only be used with the permission of the instructor. This is not a course
based on laptop use. It is based on conversation and human contact.
Late arrivals / Early Departures are considered unexcused absences. Three late
arrivals (+5 minutes) will count as one absence.
Leaving and Returning during class is not permitted- except in the most serious cases.
Visit the restroom before class begins. Bring tissues with you to class if you are
Homework: Quia and Written Assignments:
1. Most homework uses an electronic version of QUIA Workbook and Lab Manual. It has
to be done by the date it is assigned. All activities assigned will be automatically recorded
for your instructor by computer at the moment they are done. Students will receive credit
for all assignments completed. Remember that homework is a big part of your grade.
2. Any other homework assignments will be announced in class.
3. Short Written Assignments and textbook exercises; you will submit 3 written
assignments during the semester (A Escribir).
4. The iLrn website/ Quia has links to a video series. Exercises are optional this term, but
you are welcome to watch and enjoy learning from the video.
5. Tests and quizzes will also be online via your iLrn Quia website or another website
like These lab exercises along with your textbook video will take
approximately one hour per week.
Printable instructions are available at the Quia website:
you will need:
(1) the "student book key" (code) which comes with your NEW textbook (Students
purchasing used books should connect to the Quia website above for online book key
(2) The "course code" is specific to your instructor and current only for this semester. The
instructor will provide it: KMKN366
***a).-Course: Spanish 101 be sure to sign up for your correct CLASS SECTION (the
MWF class has its own section; Intermediate has another)
b).-Book: Plazas: lugar de encuentros, 4th ed.
c).- Course code: KMKN366
Complete the assigned activities for each lesson's lab and workbook assignments by the
due date. Spend as much time as necessary to complete all assigned activities--the ones
that are automatically graded. Students are encouraged to do exercises repeatedly until
they have a score of 100%. Less than 85% for any chapter's LM or WB activities is
Be sure to check your lab and workbook total scores per chapter separately. Each chapter
total for lab and each chapter total for workbook activities should be at least 85%
(preferably 100%).
VERY IMPORTANT: to avoid problems with scores, be sure to “logout” when you are
finished. Don't just “ X” down.
Spanish 101 will cover chapters P-4. There will be 4 in-class tests, including a midterm
and a final exam. There will be NO make-up exams unless resulting from an excused
absence. Pop quizzes: Your instructor may also give unannounced quizzes at any time.
These quizzes cannot be made up for any reason, but I drop your 3 lowest grades.
Final Exam: It will be a comprehensive exam covering all chapters studied in class. The
instructor will give you more the instructions the week before the exam.
Assessment of Oral Communication Skills:
Each student must complete one in-class presentation on a cultural topic treated in one of
the chapters covered in the course and which includes recently studied vocabulary and
structures. It is not necessary that students memorize the complete presentation but
presentations must be well prepared and practiced and presented with minimal use of
notes (reading will affect your grade negatively). Each presentation should have a clear
theme and be well organized. Please use props, music, visuals, etc. In fact, it is
encouraged that you do so in order to enhance your presentation. Be creative and have
Honor Code:
Tests, quizzes, presentations and extra credit are subject to the term of the honor code.
You may consult classmates and friends on homework assignments but should never
copy another's work or have anyone else write your compositions for you. You should
also not rely on computer translators. They will give wrong translations and won't help
you learn.
Centenary College Disabilities Policy:
It is the policy of Centenary College to accommodate students with disabilities, pursuant
to federal law, state law, and the College's commitment to equal educational
opportunities. Any student with a disability who needs accommodations, for example in
seating placement or in arrangements for examinations, should inform the instructor at
the beginning of the course. Students with disabilities need to contact Disability Services
(a division of Counseling Services), which is located in the ground floor of Rotary Hall to
obtain services. Telephone: 318-869-5466.
Course Grading: %
Performance in class (participation, attendance): 10
Quizzes/ pop quizzes: 10
Chapter Tests (2): 15
A escribir (3) 10
Homework (Workbook and L. Manual and other ex.): 15
Oral Presentation: 10
Film and Short Story Questions: 10
Mid Term: 10
Final: 10
Semana #1
Homework due Before
Cap. Preliminar
26 de agosto
28 de agosto
Work in Class
Welcome/ Bienvenidos!!
Saludos y Despedidas
Introduce yourself
pp. 1-7
Semana #2
Cap. 1
2 de sept.
Homework due Before
Texto: pp. 1-10
El verbo Ser p. 10
Work in Class
El Verbo Ser pp. 10-11
(to be/ subject pronouns)
Números pp. 12-13
Question Words pp. 14-15
Encuentro Cultural pp. 1617
4 de sept.
Texto pp. 1-15
Vocabulario 1: La Clase pp.
WB P-1 & P-3
LM P-1-P-3
Estructura 1: Articles pp.
WB P4-P5
WB P7-P8
LM P 7
WB P9, P11
LM P11
Semana #3
Cap. 1
9 de septiembre
Homework due Before
Texto pp. 19-27
& pp. xv-xviii
Work in Class
Voc. 2: Los cursos pp. 3033
Cultura: Los Estados
WB 1: 2-4
LM 1:2
WB 1: 5-7
LM 1: 5
Texto pp. 30-33
WB 1: 8-9
LM 1: 8
Semana #4
Homework due Before
Texto: pp. 34-37
Estructura 2: AR verbs pp.
A Leer (cognates) pp. 42-43
Work in Class
La hora pp. 38-39
WB 1: 11-12
LM 1: 10-11
Semana #5
Cap. 2
Texto: pp. 38-39
WB 1: 19
Texto: pp. 46-47
Quia Online: Self Tests
Homework due Before
Repaso/ Practice Quiz
pp. 46-47
Examen #1 --Preliminar &
Cap. 1
Work in Class
Writing Practice
A Escribir p. 44
Voc. 1: La Familia pp. 4955
Texto pp. 49-57
WB 2: 1-4
LM 2: 1-2
Semana #6
2 de oct.
Semana #7
Cap. 2
7 de octubre
WB 2: 5-6
LM 2: 1-2
Tarea para Entregar Hoy
Terminar A Escribir
Estructura 1: Possession pp.
Estructura 2: Uses of Ser
pp. 58-59
Estructura 3: Adjective
agreement pp. 60-63
Tarea en Clase
Cultura: México pp. 64-65
Texto pp. 58-63
Voc. 2 ¿De Dónde Eres?
Pp. 66-67
WB 2: 7-8
LM 2: 7-8
Estructura 4: Er and Ir
Verbs pp. 68-69
WB 2: 10
LM 2: 10
Texto pp. 66-69
Estructura 5:
Verb Tener p. 70-71
WB 2: 11-12
LM 2: 13-14
Numbers 30-100 pp. 72-73
WB 2: 13-14
LM 2: 16-17
A Leer (Cognates &
Skimming) pp. 76-77
Tarea para Entregar Hoy
Tarea en Clase
Texto pp. 70-73
A Escribir : A Family
Profile p. 78
WB 2: 17, 18, 20
Review/ Repaso pp. 80-81
WB 2: 22-24
9 de oct.
Estudiar para su examen
Quia online Self Tests
Repaso, cont.
Examen #2
Cap. 1-2 (45 minutos)
Semana #8
Cap. 3
Tarea para Entregar Hoy
Tarea en Clase
Terminar A Escribir p. 78
Voc. 1: El Tiempo Libre pp.
Estructura 1: Gustar with
infinitives and with nouns
pp. 88-91
Semana #9
Cap. 3
Tarea para Entregar
Texto pp. 83-91
WB 3: 1-3
LM 3: 1-2
WB 3: 4-6
LM 3: 4
Texto pp. 94-99
WB 3: 7-8
LM 3: 7-8
WB 3: 9
Semana #10
WB 3: 11-13
LM 3: 12
Tarea para Entregar
Texto pp. 100-103
WB 3: 14-16
LM 3: 15-17
Fall Break—dia libre
Tarea en Clase
Voc. 2: Un pueblo pp. 9495
Estructura 2: Ir/ Ir + a pp.
Estructura 3: Verbs with
irregular Yo forms pp. 9899
Estructura 4: Saber,
A Personal pp. 100-101
Weather/ El tiempo pp.
Tarea en Clase
Encuentro Cultural
Colombia, pp. 92-93
Repaso pp. 110-111
WB 3: 19
LM 3: 18
Estudiar para su examen
Quia online Self Tests
Examen #3
A Escribir—Connectors:
Writing a Blog Posting
Semana #11
4 de nov.
Tarea en Casa
Estudiar Voc. 1= La Casa
pp. 114-117
& Voc. 2 = Los quehaceres
pp. 126-127
Voc. Cap. 4: Los
Terminar A Escribir Cap. 3
6 de nov.
Leer un cuento en español
+Prepare the assigned
Semana #12
Tarea en Casa
Estudiar verbos con
cambios de raíz/ stem
changing verbs pp. 120-123
Ver una película en español
+ Prepare assigned
Tarea en Casa
Preparar actividades para la
Preparar su Presentación
Tarea para Entregar
Semana #13
Semana #14
Semana #15
2 de dic.
4 de dic.
Semana #16
9 de diciembre
Tarea para Entregar
Tarea para Entregar
Hablar del cuento
Tarea en Clase
Tarea en Clase
Presentaciones—Grupo 1
Presentaciones – Grupo 2
Tarea en Clase
Voc. 1: La Casa pp. 113119
Estructura 1: Stem
Changing Verbs, pp. 120123
Voc. 2: Los quehaceres
(chores) pp. 126-127
Estructura 3: Estar
pp. 130-33
Semana #17
Tarea para Entregar
Quia online Self TestReview
Repaso Cap. 4 pp. 142-143
Tarea en Clase
Exámenes Finales
Día = TBA