Welcome to Honors Physics

Holy Ghost Preparatory School
Fundamentals of Electronic Circuits Course Information Sheet
Instructor: Mr. Michael Pappadakis
E-mail: mpappa01@holyghostprep.org
Required Textbooks: Introductory DC/AC Electronics (6th Edition)
Nigel P. Cook
Laboratory Manual to Accompany DC/AC Electronics and
Introductory DC/AC Circuits (6th Edition)
Gary Lancaster & Nigel P. Cook
Course Description
This course is a basic course in electronic theory that investigates the behavior of
resistance, capacitance, inductance, transformers, semiconductors, and integrated
circuits in direct and alternating current applications. Analysis of series, parallel and
series-parallel circuits is accomplished through basic circuit formulas according to
Ohm's and Kirchoff's laws. Circuit construction techniques, and utilization of electronic
equipment in circuit design and troubleshooting are covered.
Physics is a pre- or co-requisite.
o Direct Current
o Alternating Current
o Series/Parallel Circuits
o RC Circuits
o Semiconductor Devices and Circuits
o Diodes and Power Supply Circuits
o Bipolar Junction Transistors and Circuits
General Goals
 To develop a good understanding of AC and DC circuit devices and their
To familiarize the student with basic circuit design principles and techniques.
To be able to apply circuit theory to actual circuit design applications.
To develop the students’ quantitative reasoning and problem-solving skills.
To work successfully in a laboratory environment.
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Classroom Rules
The rules of this classroom are simple and all directed to one end --- to help you and
your classmates succeed in this course. I follow one general principle --- if a student is
doing anything that interferes with his opportunity to learn, with any classmate's
opportunity to learn, or with my opportunity to teach effectively then that behavior will
not be tolerated, and you will be told to leave the class.
Be in your seat with the necessary supplies on time. Being late not only makes it
more difficult for you to learn, but also disrupts everyone else. School rules on
lateness and unexcused absences will be followed.
Since I refer to the textbook quite often for class exercises and problem
examples, you are required to bring your textbook to class.
I do not have extra pencils, pens, paper, erasers, textbooks, or calculators so
don’t ask me for them. It is your responsibility to come to class prepared.
Be attentive to me when I am lecturing, and to your classmates during class
discussions. No one else is to be talking when I am lecturing. If one of your
classmates asks a question, it does not give the rest of the class license to talk.
It is rude and discourteous to talk when someone else is talking. I do not tolerate
this behavior.
Observe safety rules in the classroom and lab at all times. No put-downs. The
material can be difficult.
 Grades will be percentage-based, and will be calculated by taking the total points
scored in all tests, quizzes, homeworks, and mid-term or final exams, and
dividing by the total points for the course. This percentage will be converted to a
letter grade.
I do not drop tests or quizzes, nor do I grade on a curve.
If you have questions or problems, or are having difficulty, please see me right
away. Don’t wait for a progress report. The longer you wait, the more difficult it
will be to get you back on track.
 Tests will be given at the completion of each chapter, and will consist of
computational problems and multiple choice questions on the concepts
discussed in the lectures and the laboratory.
If you are absent on the day the test was given, you have one school day from
the day you first return to school to make up the missed test. If the test is not
made up within this time, a grade of zero will be given for the missed test.
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All tests and are to be done in pencil. Students are not permitted to use pens. If
a student comes to class on test day without a pencil and an eraser, 5 points will
be deducted from the student’s final test grade.
A working scientific calculator is required for all tests. If a student comes to class
on test day without a working calculator, 5 points will be deducted from the
student’s final test grade.
Labs and Laboratory Behavior
 If you are absent on the day the lab experiment is performed, you have one
school day from the day you first return to school to make up the lab.
You will be expected to behave properly while in the laboratory. Mishandling of
equipment, fooling around, throwing objects, etc, will not be tolerated. If you
exhibit inappropriate behavior, you will be removed from the lab and sent to the
Dean of Discipline.
Homework Assignments
Homework is a necessary part of the learning process because it forces you to practice
what you have learned in class. It is important to develop the ability to not only do
assignments well, but also to do them on time. To that end, homework will be assigned
for just about every class meeting.
Homework assignments are posted on my website. If you are absent from class
or forgot to copy the assignment during class, you can get the assignment from
my website.
You are expected to read the assigned material. Don’t rely on your class notes
Every student begins the semester with 100 points for their homework grade. I
do not grade homework assignments, but there will be periodic, unannounced
checks of the homework assignment. If you have not done the homework
assignment, or you do not have the homework assignment with you in class, 3
points will be deducted from your homework grade.
If you are absent from class on the day I checked the homework, but you were in
class when the homework assignment was given, you must show me the
homework assignment at the beginning of class when you return. If you are not
prepared, 3 points will be deducted from your homework grade.
If you were absent from class when the homework was assigned, you can get the
homework assignment from my website. Absence from class does not excuse
you from doing the homework.
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Academic Integrity
The policy of Holy Ghost Preparatory School as stated in the Student Handbook will be
Beepers and Cell Phones
The policy of Holy Ghost Preparatory School as stated in the Student Handbook will be
followed. Beepers are not permitted at any time for any reason. Cell phones may not
be on during the school day. Cell phones that ring during class will be confiscated and
turned over to the Dean of Discipline.
I have created a website to help you succeed in this course. A sample of the material
available on my site are:
Homework assignments
Reference sheets
My website can be accessed via the faculty list on the Holy Ghost Prep website.
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