Student Name: Student Number: Short-term overseas study – application form Applications for UTS Winter period (June/July) due: Student centres by 21 February 2014 Assessed application then due at UTS International by 30 March 2014 Steps to apply 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Register your interest in short-term overseas study programs 2014 Complete this application form and take it to your student centre for subject approval Complete Concurrent Study Form if required (see table of options) Collect your assessed application from your student centre Make a photocopy for your records Return the assessed form to UTS International by 30 March 2014 UTS International will contact you regarding the outcome of your application Once approved, apply to the partner university. PERSONAL DETAILS Student Number Title Family Name Given Names Gender Date of Birth Nationality Faculty Course Code Course Name EMERGENCY CONTACT DETAILS Emergency contact name Relationship Emergency contact phone Emergency contact email SHORT-TERM PROGRAM DETAILS Year Start date Country Course name* See list of pre-approved short programs Page 1 End date University Student Name: Student Number: FACULTY APPROVAL – CREDIT TRANSFER This page is to be completed by the UTS Student Centre. Country University Place type Pre-approved UTS credit points Faculty approval for credit transfer please circle: China Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) International Summer Program (ISP) Concurrent study Yes No France EM Strasbourg Business School International Summer School: Business in Europe Télécom Ecole de Management European Summer School in France Concurrent study FEIT: UG UTS credit points ENG/IT electives (UG) SCI: 12 UTS credit points science electives (UG) FEIT: 6 UTS credit points ENG/IT electives (UG) SCI: 6 UTS credit points science electives (UG) Yes No Yes No Yes No France Exchange or Concurrent study Concurrent study Mexico Universidad de las Américas Puebla Spanish Immersion Program (SIP) Peru Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) Spanish Language and Peruvian Studies Program Nanyang Technological University GEM Trailblazer Summer Concurrent study FEIT: 8 UTS credit points ENG/IT electives (UG) Yes No Concurrent study Yes No Slovenia University of Ljubljana Ljubljana Summer School Concurrent study Yes No United Kingdom University of East Anglia UEA International Summer School 2014 Concurrent study FEIT: 6 UTS credit points ENG/IT electives (UG) FEIT: 6 UTS credit points ENG/IT electives (UG / PG) FASS: 8 UTS credit points general electives (UG) Yes No Singapore Page 2 Student Name: Student Number: OVERALL FACULTY/STUDENT CENTRE APPROVAL Instructions to UTS students centres 1. Circle the approval box above to indicate approved faculty credit transfer 2. Attach the students approved concurrent study form – required if this place time is indicated in the place type above 3. Complete the box below 4. Return the assessed form to the student; the student then submits the form to UTS by 30 March 2014 5. UTSI will check that students meet the following eligibility requirements: WAM of 60 (65 for Law students) No more than 10% of subjects failed fails Completion of 48 credit points in an undergraduate degree or 24 credit points in a postgraduate degree by the time faculty pre-approved short-term overseas study program is undertaken Does this student have space in their degree to receive credit for the proposed short program? Yes No YES this student is approved for a short-term overseas study program NO this student is not approved for the following reason(s): I have attached the concurrent study approval form for this student, if required, in the table above. Student centre/ faculty approval: Name:______________________________ Signature: __________________________Date:_____________ Page 3 Student Name: Student Number: CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION Please read the UTS Global Exchange Conditions of Participation thoroughly and tick the check box to indicate you have read and accepted each of the following: Exchange Approval I agree that final approval to participate in the Global Exchange Program remains with UTS International, my Faculty and the overseas institution Credit transfer I understand the UTS short programs website specifies how many credit points / subjects I must study overseas and the credit points that I will be eligible to gain for this study. I will not duplicate subjects already undertaken in my UTS degree. The UTS faculty has final authority on credit transfer. Credit transfer for exchange will occur when I present an official host university transcript. Access to subjects at the host university is provisional on host university subject availability and access conditions. Enrolment into subjects will be finalised on acceptance into the host universities short program. I will be enrolled at both UTS and at the host university at the same time. I give permission for my faculty to add the corresponding UTS exchange subjects to my plan, or alternatively I agree to add exchange subjects to my Study Plan and enrol myself in the subjects before commencing my exchange. I understand that the UTS dates for adding/withdrawing from subjects still apply to my UTS enrolment while I am on exchange. I recognise that UTS online enrolment may occur when I am overseas I agree to getting my host university transcript officially translated into English if English is not the language on my host university transcript. Degree progress I will research and accept any impact exchange may have on my degree progress. I understand that if I go on exchange in my final semester, my graduation may be delayed for one semester. I understand that I may not receive updated results from my host University in time to apply for additional courses of study commencing in the semester following exchange. Preparation I will attend the compulsory Pre-Departure Workshop. I will keep copies of all documents relating to my exchange, including copies of subject approvals and email correspondence with faculty staff while I am overseas. Partner university requirements I understand that I will contact the host university directly using the contact details provided on the UTS website if I have questions regarding their program details. I will be subject to the rules of my host university and its exchange program. Costs and charges I accept financial responsibility the full cost of the short program, including accommodation and flights. I understand that host universities may charge nontuition fees such as fees for student unions/insurance, etc. If both exchange and Study Abroad (full fee places) are available I understand that exchange places will be allocated on the basis of WAM by UTS International. If scholarships are available, I will repay any scholarships I have been offered if I do not go on exchange. I will not leave debts owing to my host institution. I recognise that unpaid debts for accommodation or library fines at my host university may block my transcript being returned to UTS. Communication with UTS International I will notify UTS International and my Faculty if I decide not to go on exchange. I will check my UTS email account regularly and recognise that this is an official means of UTS communication. I have updated my emergency contact details in My Student Admin. I agree that in the event of an emergency occurring overseas, UTS International can contact the emergency contacts provided on this form and other support services to facilitate a safe exchange. I authorize UTS International to release personal details upon request to government departments. This may be required if in receipt of Government funds during my exchange semester. Conduct and contribution to UTS Global Exchange I will be an excellent ambassador for UTS while on exchange. It is a condition of my exchange that I complete the ‘Evaluation of Exchange Experience’ form on return from exchange and I understand that my results will not be updated until I return this form. I will attend at least one “Exchange Fair” and/or Global Exchange Information Session upon my return. Disability assistance I do not have a disability or an illness I have a disability or an illness, which may require me to seek additional assistance at my host university to successfully complete an exchange semester abroad. I will provide a brief statement outlining my needs and special requirements. I understand that not all UTS partner institutions can accommodate special need requirements. FASS International Studies Only I am aware I must complete my ICS year before being eligible to study on exchange. I am aware that to be eligible for the UTS corporate health and travel insurance for an exchange semester, I am required to return to Australia after completion of Incountry studies and before my exchange semester commences. I will only be covered for UTS insurance while on exchange if I return to Australia after ICS. I agree to and will abide by the terms and conditions as set out in the Conditions of Participation. I declare that the information I have supplied on this form is complete, true and correct: Name:______________________________ Signature: ___________________________Date:___________ Page 4 Student Name: Student Number: SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION After your application has been assessed by your student centre: Post/ Email (email preferred) In person Global Exchange, UTS International UTS International University of Technology, Sydney Level 3A, UTS Tower Building PO Box 123, Broadway 2007 NSW, Australia 15 Broadway, Ultimo 2007 NSW Phone: (02) 9514 7915 Page 5