Question number 1 Great Britain Interpret contents of the following

Question number 1
Great Britain
Interpret contents of the following article.
Each woman's passion is going shopping for new clothes, accessories and shoes. Alone or
accompanied by a friend, women decide to go shopping, especially when they feel annoyed
about a certain matter. In this case, going shopping is like a relaxation for them because
spiritually they feel fulfilled after buying something wonderful for them-selves. And the
pleasure is even greater when the money spent on clothes isn't theirs, but they have just used
their husbands' credit cards. I can say that I spend quite a lot of money on clothes, because I
always become fed up of my old clothes and I want more and more. I do spend a lot of
moneyn because I consider that it is better to pay a little more on original models and better
quality, than buying clothes of lower quality. It is true that the majority of people don't have a
lot of money to buy expensive clothes, but there are others who have money but prefer to buy
cheap clothes and have no taste at all. My advice is that it is better to have clothes of good
quality even if these are more expensive.
To conclude, I will say that buying new clothes is like a hobby and it's the perfect way to feel
better when I am upset about something or when I want a little change in my life.
1. Do you like shopping?
2. Do you agree? „I consider that it is better to pay a little more on original models and
better quality, than buying clothes of lower quality.“
3. Have you ever been cheated in the shop?
Present perfect and Past simple
Question number 2
Interpret contents of the following article.
Although Italians are known throughout the world for pizza, pasta, and tomato sauce, the
national diet of Italy has traditionally differed greatly by region. During the last decades of the
twentieth century (1980s and 1990s), however, pasta and pizza (traditional southern food)
became popular in the north of Italy. Pasta is more likely to be served with a white cheese
sauce in the north and a tomato-based sauce in the south.
Italians are known for their use of herbs in cooking, especially oregano, basil, thyme, parsley,
rosemary, and sage. Cheese also plays an important role in Italian cuisine. There are more
than 400 types of cheese made in Italy, with Parmesan, mozzarella, and asiago among the best
known worldwide. Prosciutto ham, the most popular ingredient of the Italian antipasto (first
course) was first made in Parma, a city that also gave its name to Parmesan cheese.
1. What kind of cuisine do you prefer?
2. How often do you go to the restaurant?
3. What do you know about Czech traditional meal?
Comparison – Adjectives and Adverbs
Question number 3
Australia and New Zealand
Interpret contents of the following article.
In contemporary usage, picnic can be defined simply as a pleasure excursion at which a meal
is eaten outdoors (al fresco or en plein air), ideally taking place in a beautiful landscape such
as a park, beside a lake or with an interesting view and possibly at a public event such as
before an open air theatre performance, and usually in Summer.
Picnics are often family-oriented but can also be an intimate occasion between two people, or
a large get-together such as company picnics and church picnics.
On romantic and family picnics a picnic basket and a blanket (to sit or recline on) are usually
brought along. Outdoor games or some other form of entertainment are common at large
Some picnics are a potluck, an entertainment at which each person contributed some dish to a
common table for all to share. When the picnic is not also a cookout, the food eaten is rarely
hot, instead taking the form of sandwiches, finger food, fresh fruit, salad, cold meats and
accompanied by chilled wine or champagne or soft drinks.
1. Could you translate: "Driving in rush hour traffic is no picnic."
2. What would you prepare for your own picnic?
3. Could you explain or translate: „outdoor games, finger food, sofr drinks.“
Present simple and continous
Question number 4
Interpret contents of the following article.
Before I go any further I must explain the irony of my choice of subjects. As I sit here writing
this article on my laptap I'm on "vacation" in South Florida. My daughter is out at the pool
with my parents, with whom we are staying. My husband is out for an afternoon run. So when
I ask you if you know how to relax, I must first answer that question myself. No. But, I'm
willing to learn.
I tried to relax yesterday. I didn't go near my computer all day, not even to check email. I paid
the price. Today I woke up with a splitting headache. The cause of it? I suspect too much
All joking aside, relaxation is important. There are a variety of relaxation techniques. Some
people choose meditation, while others choose physical exercise. There are breathing
exercises and muscle relaxation techniques as well.
1. How do you relax?
2. Do you practice outdoor or indoor sports?
3. Do you work 8 hours a day?
Present perfect simple and continous
Question number 5
Czech Republic
Interpret contents of the following article.
You hear a lot about living a healthy lifestyle, but what does that mean? In general, a healthy
person doesn't smoke, is at a healthy weight, eats healthy and exercises. Sounds simple,
doesn't it?
The trick to healthy living is making small changes...taking more steps, adding fruit to your
cereal, having an extra glass of water...these are just a few ways you can start living healthy
without drastic changes.
One of the biggest problems in America today is lack of activity. We know it's good for us but
avoid it like the plague either because we're used to being sedentary or afraid that exercise has
to be vigorous to be worth our time. The truth is, movement is movement and the more you
do, the healthier you'll be. Even moderate activities like chores, gardening and walking can
make a difference.
1. Do you agree with this article?
2. What are you doing for living a healthy lifestyle?
3. What are the other problems in America (concerning healthy lifestyle)?
Imperative and Pronouns (myself, ..)
Question number 6
Interpret contents of the following article.
Tea is definitely a popular drink in the UK, but it is not as popular as many people think.
Many people don't drink tea at all, among students for example, coffee tends to be more
popular. Certainly, when we are inviting friends to come and visit us, we invite them in for a
coffee, not a tea.
Tea can be served in cups with saucers, but that is quite posh or even old-fashioned. At home
most people have tea in mugs. In restaurants and hotels, tea is served in teapots. In some
places tea is automatically served with milk in it, so if you like tea without milk, you have to
ask. It's interesting that coffee without milk is called „black“, but we never ask for our tea
black. It's a shock for British people abroad when we ask for a tea and it comes as hot water
and we have to put our teabag in ourselves.
Tea is often thought of as a morning drink, it is less popular in the evening. However, for
many families - especially working class families, „tea“ is also the name for the evening meal.
People say, I'm going home to have my tea - meaning they are going to eat. This tea is
normally at about 5.30 or 6pm.
1. Are you a great tea-drinker or do you prefer coffee?
2. Do you like herbal teas? What can you serve with tea?
3. Do you think it's quite old-fashioned to serve tea in cups with saucers?
Present perfect and Past simple
Question number 7
My future career
Interpret contents of the following article.
There are many reasons for travelling. Probably the most common reason is tourism. People
have always been curious about far-away places and cultures and travelling is really the only
way to experience these different environments. Travelling for tourism is not limited to any
age group. Even small children can travel with their parents on a family vacation to see
another city, another region, or even another country. If you travel abroad you must be sure
you have all the necessary documents like a passport and a visa to travel to a specific country.
You need to arrange tickets to travel to the foreign country. You will also need to exchange
some money into the local currency of the country where you are travelling.
There are many advantages to travelling like fun, adventure, the excitement of seeing a new
place, and learning about a new culture but there are also disadvantages. When you are
travelling you don't have all your comforts from home, you are in an unfamiliar environment,
you might not like the food that is available in a foreign country, or you might even meet
dangerous people who would like to rob you. When you are travelling you must take extra
precautions to be sure that you have a safe journey.
1. Do you like travelling?
2. What is your favourite destination?
3. Do you prefer lying on the beach or seeing the sights?
Present simple and continous
Question number 8
Meals and Dining
Interpret contents of the following article.
The goods that we offer is Bohemian Crystal and glass made in Bohemia (the Czech
Republic) famous all over the world for its oneness and high quality.
For centuries, Bohemian crystal glass has been a synonym of beauty and perfect workmanship
quality. As far back as the beginning of the 18th century, crystal chandeliers and glass
products of Bohemia became a popular and European rulers of major importance decorated
their palaces with Bohemian glass.
You may be surprised that even today, at the beginning of the 21st century, Bohemian highquality glass is made in small family-enterprises using the same technology, emphasizing the
quality and uniqueness of the precise manual workmanship.
Even today, there are enthusiasts loving to do exciting things just because it is a hobby - Glass
melting in wood-heated ovens. In their houses they build up a wood-heated glass oven (just as
people used to for the past five thousand years since humans can make glass).
1. Do you like Bohemian Crystal and glass?
2. Do you know any other Czech traditional products?
3. What do you think about those enthusiasts?
Comparison – Adjectives and Adverbs
Question number 9
Seasons of the year
Interpret contents of the following article.
A fairy tale or fairy story is a fictional story that may feature folkloric characters (such as
fairies, goblins, elves, trolls, witches, giants, princesses, and talking animals) and
enchantments, often involving a far-fetched sequence of events. In modern-day parlance, the
term is also used to describe something blessed with princesses, as in "fairy tale ending"(a
happy ending) or "fairy tale romance", though not all fairy tales end happily. Colloquially, a
"fairy tale" or "fairy story" can also mean any far-fetched story.
The older fairy tales were intended for an audience of adults as well as children, but they were
associated with children as early as the writings of the précieuses; the Brothers Grimm titled
their collection Children's and Household Tales, and the link with children has only grown
stronger with time.
1. Could you translate: „far fetched story“?
2. What is your favourite fairy tale?
3. Do you know any other fairy tale writers?
Imperative and Pronouns (myself, ..)
Question number 10
Clothing, Dressing, Fashion
Interpret contents of the following article.
Prague is the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic. Its official name is Hlavní město
Praha, meaning Prague, the Capital City.
Situated on the River Vltava in central Bohemia, Prague has been the political, cultural, and
economic centre of the Czech state for over 1100 years. The city proper is home to more than
1.2 million people, while its metropolitan area is estimated to have a population of over 1.9
Prague is widely considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe with preserved
examples from all periods of its history and is among the most visited cities on the continent.
Since 1992, the extensive historic centre of Prague has been included in the UNESCO list of
World Heritage Sites. According to Guinness World Records, Prague Castle is the largest
ancient castle in the world. Nicknames for Prague have included "the mother of cities" (Praga
mater urbium, or "Praha matka měst" in Czech)", "city of a hundred spires" and "the golden
1. How many times have you been to Prague?
2. Explain the different: tube / subway
3. Would you like to live in Prague? (pros and cons)
Present perfect simple and continous
Question number 11
My town, my house
Interpret contents of the following article.
The six-week period between November 17 and December 29, 1989, also known as the
"Velvet Revolution" brought about the bloodless overthrow of the Czechoslovak communist
regime. Almost immediately, rumors (which have never been proved) began to circulate that
the impetus for the Velvet Revolution had come from a KGB provocateur sent by Gorbacev,
who wanted reform rather than hardline communists in power. The theory goes that the
popular demonstrations went farther than Gorbacev and the KGB had intended. In part
because of this, the Czechs do not like the term "Velvet Revolution," preferring to call what
happened "the November Events" (Listopadové události) or - sometimes - just "November"
1. How did you take notice of these events? Were there any changes for you?
2. Do you know how the Slovaks call the Revolution?
3. What foreign country did you visit for the first time since 1989 and when?
Comparison – Adjectives and Adverbs
Question number 12
Human body, Health care
Interpret contents of the following article.
The international beers like Stella Artois, Heineken and Kronenbourg are not beer to us - they
are lagers. There's a big difference. British Beer is served at room temperature, and hasn't got
a head of foam, and can be pumped directly and quickly into your glass. Lager can't.
There are many types of beer in the UK, although big industrial companies have bought many
smaller regional breweries. In a pub you never ask for a pint of beer, because there are so
many. You should name the beer you want. If in doubt, ask for a pint of best: every pub has
it's best beer.
In many pubs, if you ask for a pint the barman will ask if you want a straight glass or a glass
with a handle. This does nothing to change the taste, but „real men“ prefer straight glasses
with no handles. Why? This is a British mystery.
1. Have you ever tasted English beer?
2. Do you prefer beer to wine? What do you drink when you are abroad?
3. What kind of Czech beer do you like the best?
Present perfect and Past simple
Question number 13
Enviroment Damage and its Protection
Interpret contents of the following article.
Rugby is a very popular game in the UK, and not only because the English national team won
the world cup in Australia in 2003.
The sport is often associated with public schools and gentlemen. That's perhaps why people
say: Football is a game for gentlemen played by hooligans, and rugby is a game for hooligans
played by gentlemen.
You don't score a goal, in rugby you score a try. You can kick the ball forward, but you can
only pass it backwards. Although it is very physical - it's a contact sport - there are not many
injuries, not many more than in football. Despite the fact that it's a contact sport, many
women's teams play rugby too.
Unlike at football games, the spectators are not separated according to which team they
support in rugby matches. There are no rugby hooligans. It's much more of a family game,
and the atmosphere in the crowds at matches is often positive, fun and welcoming.
1. What
do you think about women's teams?
2. Do you agree? „The atmosphere in the crowds at matches is often positive, fun and
welcoming in the Czech Republic?
3. Sports – which do you prefer watching?
Present simple and continous
Question number 14
Village vs. Town Life
Interpret contents of the following article.
The Beatles were Paul McCartney, John Lennon, George Harrison and Ringo Starr. They
were one of the first British groups to become popular in the United States. They became so
popular that the newspapers invented the term „Beatlemania“ to describe their fans, who got
the same haircuts as the Beatles, and shouted so loudly at them during their concerts that the
Beatles couldn't hear themselves playing. Everyone knows at least one of their most famous
songs: Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, I want to hold your hand, All you need is love,
Yellow submarine, Yesterday, Help!, or Something.
Most fans seems to divide into two camps - those who like Paul, and those who think John
was the main figure in the group. This rivalry still continues.
The Beatles are now a big industry in Liverpool - thousands of tourists visit the city just to
visit where they lived and played. It's big business!
1. Are you The Beatles fan? What's your favourite song?
2. Can you play any musical instruments?
3. What kind of music do you prefer?
Present perfect simple and continous
Question number 15
Means of Transport and Travelling
Interpret contents of the following article.
The National Theatre is the Czech Republic’s representative stage. It is one of the symbols of
Czech national identity and a part of the European cultural arena. It is a bearer of national
cultural heritage and at the same time an arena for free artistic creativity. The theatre is a
living artistic organisation which understands tradition as imposing a task and duty to find
constantly new interpretation and an endeavour to achieve the highest artistic quality.
he idea of building a stately edifice to serve as a theatre was first mooted in the autumn of
1844 at meetings of patriots in Prague. The era of Bach’s absolutism brought to a halt
preparations for the construction and gave rise to the concept of a modest provisional
building. The Theatre’s foundation stones were laid at a ceremony on 16 May 1868. The
National Theatre opened on 11 June 1881. During completion works, however, the building
burnt down, which was considered a national disaster, and an immense resolve for new
collections followed. The National Theatre building reopened on 18 November 1883 and
served without any major refurbishments for almost a century.
1. Have you ever been there?
2. What do you prefer – opera, drama or ballet?
3. How often do you go to the theatre?
Imperative and Pronouns (myself, ..)
Question number 16
Communication and Media
Interpret contents of the following article.
If you go to a butcher's shop in England, you'll see lots of bacon. It's very popular in Britain especially for breakfast. However, nowadays, not many people have time to cook a traditional
English breakfast at home.
One very popular quick meal is a bacon sandwich: hot fried bacon served between two slices
of bread.
Lots of breakfast bars and cafes offer bacon sandwiches as an all-day meal that you can order
and eat any time. But be careful, it's not very healthy for you!
Maybe you wouldn't hear in the Czech Republic: „Sorry - I don't eat pork." but rather: „ I like
it crispy!" Do you agree?
1. What does the traditional English breakfast mean?
2. What about your healthy lifestyle?
3. Could you characterize Czech cuisine?
Present simple and continous
Question number 17
Holidays, Hobbies
Interpret contents of the following article.
Many people in Britain don't like the idea of joining the euro and abandoning our currency.
They are very attached to the pound.
The currency is now decimal, with 100 pence in one pound. Before decimalisation in 1971,
there were pounds, shillings and pence. Each coin has a different picture on the back: the 5p
has a thistle, the symbol of Scotland. The 20p is the Tudor rose, symbol of the monarchy.
Britannia is on the 50p, symbol of the nation. There are lots of slang terms for money,
including: dosh, cash, wonga, wads, folding stuff, bread, dough, sponduliks, shekels, and
more. Specific notes and coins also have names. We say 'fiver' for a £5 note, and 'tenner' for a
£10 note.
When British people talk about the salaries we earn, we always refer to how much we earn a
year - not a week or a month. So we say things like this: My brother's on £50,000.
Our shopping habits have changed. We use cash for small things, and either cheques or credit
cards for bigger purchases. It's quite easy to get a credit card, so lots of people use them.
That's why lots of people are in debt!
1. Do specific notes and coins have names in the Czech Republic too?
2. How often do you use your credit card?
3. How do you like the idea of joing euro?
Comparison – Adjectives and Adverbs
Question number 18
London, New York
Interpret contents of the following article.
Birthdays are important occasions. There are all sorts of birthday cards you can send friends.
For youngsters the cards often have their age on the cover. After 21, we tend to stop counting
so accurately! After 21, the important birthdays are 30, 40, 50 and so on.
At school, it's common to take a cake to school if your birthday falls during term-time. Also at
school and college you might find that your friends give you 'the bumps' on your birthday: a
group of friends make you lie on the floor, or on a mat, then lift you in the air and „bump“
you nearly to the floor - once for every year.
Birthday parties are occasions for nice food, birthday cake and games. One tradition with the
cake is to put a candle for each year on it, and the birthday boy or girl tries to blow out all the
candles in one go. At the same time, they make a wish - but without telling the others.
Local newspapers often carry adverts wishing people happy birthday, paid for by family or
1. Do you celebrate your name day?
2. What would you like to be served on your birthday?
3. What's the best gift you have ever got and is there a present that have
disapponted you so much?
Present perfect simple and continous
Question number 19
European Union – Its History and Organs
Interpret contents of the following article.
Luck is an important part of life. We believe some people are luckier than others. We even
say someone has „the luck of the Irish“ if they are lucky. This implies we think the Irish have
more luck than most people. The Irish don't always agree. Another example is a lucky rabbit's
foot that some people carry - but it is not lucky for the rabbit, of course.
Common superstitions are that black cats are unlucky. Many people avoid walking under
ladders, and breaking a mirror can cause 7 years of bad luck. If you spill salt when you are
eating, you should throw some of it over your left shoulder.
Lucky things include a four-leaf clover - because most of them only have 3 leaves. We also
say „touch wood“ to protect us from bad luck when we are talking about things that could
In sports, many teams have lucky mascots - generally animals and you can see people in
animal costumes encouraging the team and the crowd during matches.
Some professions are more superstitious than others. Actors wish one another luck during a
play by saying „break a leg“. They never say „Good luck“, because they think that will bring
bad luck!
1. Are you superstitious? No? And do you put new shoes on the table?
2. Could you translate: „Third time lucky. Touch wood. Break a leg.“
3. Do you know any wedding superstitions?
Imperative and Pronouns (myself, ..)
Question number 20
Living in the European Union
Interpret contents of the following article.
Now that Britain is a multi-cultural and multi-ethnic country, lots of people are not christian.
That's why official documents don't normally refer to our „christian names“.
Names are often abbreviated: Jonathan becomes Jon, David becomes Dave, Margaret
becomes Marge, Susan becomes Sue. In addition, especially when we are younger, it is
common for people to use a more friendly '-y' form of the name: David - Davey, Jonathan Jonny, Margaret – Maggie.
In the UK, double christian names are much less common than in the US. It's rare to find
anyone with names like: Billy Joe, Sarah Jane, Laura Sue etc.
Family names often tell us something about where the family is originally from, or what job
their ancestors did.
It's becoming more common to name children after famous people. Now there are more
Britneys than ever before, and Chelsea - after former President Clinton's daughter - is also
Now when women get married, they can choose to take their husband's name or keep their
maiden, unmarried name. Women can also join their two family names.
1. Do you agree? „Now when women get married, they can choose... . “
2. What's in a name nowadays?
3. Do you think it's common to name children after famous people here, in CZ?
Present perfect and Past simple