Jordan Fehr 9/17/2010 BTA 2010 Plagiarism Assignment 1. A student has used the quotation below in a research paper. Use the URL below and create a citation to be used in the bibliography. "Much of the material on the Internet is protected by copyright. This includes postings to news groups, e-mail messages, images, photographs, music, video clips and computer software. The general rule is that you must get permission from the owner (usually the person or organization that created the material) to use text, graphics, images, sound and video that have been created by others. There are some things that are not usually protected by copyright, for example, facts, information, titles, ideas, plots, and short word combinations; neither are works in the public domain." (University of Guelph Library) University of Guelph Library <> A student has used the picture entitled "Kids Sailing" in a research paper. Use the information below to create a citation to be used in the bibliography. License: Public Domain Keywords: boat Author: Gerald G. Title: Kids Sailing Gerald G., Kids Sailing, retrieved 9/16/2010 3. The picture in question two may be a violation of copyright, or it may not. states that “Each person who creates clip art, backgrounds, animation, images, music, or other content sets the terms of usage for their clip art or content. These terms of usage vary greatly from person to person.” Thus, depending on whether or not the person who created the clip art photo would allow other people to use his image, it may or may not be a violation of Canadian copyright law.