Peter Tirivanhu Warure

Peter Tirivanhu Warure
Merchant Bank of Central Africa (MBCA)
14th Floor Old Mutual Centre
Cnr 3rd St/Jason Moyo Ave
P. O. Box 3200
+263 4 701637-52 (Tel)
+263 4 708005 (Fax)
+263 11 802794 (Mobile) (preferred) or
A challenging Internetworking position with a progressive IP Tier 1 or Tier 2 Carrier,
Internet Service Provider or e-Commerce company that will effectively utilize acquired
expertise and experience.
Total number of years of schooling
7 years of Primary Education leading to a Grade 7 certificate.
6 years of Secondary Education leading to a University of Cambridge (UK) GCE “A” Level.
4 years of University Education leading to an Electrical Engineering degree.
University last attended
University Of Zimbabwe – Harare, Zimbabwe
BSc Eng (Hon) Electrical (1988 – 1991)
This degree is recognised by The Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE – UK) and The
Institution Of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). Qualification results in automatic
transition from Student membership to Associate Membership.
Qualification Highlights
Ten years in the Telecoms Industry specialising in Digital Switching and six years in the IP
Internetworking environment.
Experienced in network planning/provisioning, digital exchange software support and
maintenance, staff training and supervision.
Quick learner with an ability to rapidly assimilate job requirements and employ new methods
and technologies. Energetic and self-motivated team player/builder. Evidence of this is seen by
having self tutored (and self sponsored) myself to become a Microsoft Certified Systems
Engineer (NT 4.0 Track). I am also a Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP). Below is an
excerpt of what Cisco Systems have to say about what a CCNP can do:
The CCNP certification (Cisco Certified Network Professional) indicates advanced or journeyman
knowledge of networks. With a CCNP, a network professional can install, configure, and
operate LAN, WAN, and dial access services for organizations with networks from 100 to more
than 500 nodes, including but not limited to these protocols: IP, IGRP, IPX, Async Routing,
AppleTalk, Extended Access Lists, IP RIP, Route Redistribution, RIP, Route Summarization,
OSPF, VLSM, BGP, Serial, Frame Relay, ISDN, ISL, X.25, DDR, PSTN, PPP, VLANs, Ethernet,
Access Lists, 802.10, FDDI, Transparent and Translational Bridging.
Strong communication, intuitive and IT/IS skills. Proven ability to work efficiently in both
independent and team environments. Adaptable and efficient in work situations with changing
Strong work ethic based on Christian moral values.
Work Experience
As a Student Engineer and later as a Graduate Engineer (1989-1992) I was attached to
Tel*One (Formerly PTC) Telecommunications departments including:
Carriers and Microwave Transmission
Satellite Communications
Data and Telegraphy
External Plant
Development Lab
Electronics and Telephone repairs
In the first half of 1993 I worked in the Cable Planning National department where I planned
the optical fibre links linking the old CABS HQ in the city centre to the new HQ in Northridge
and another linking Harare main Exchange & Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC)
equipment room at the National Sports Stadium. It was from the sketches I made on the later
project, that the drawing office produced the actual layout of the cabling. Before this we had to
rely on a proposed plan for the National Sports Stadium, not what was actually on the ground.
Between mid 1993 to 1997 I worked in various capacities including Acting Head Software
Support Centre and Acting Head Principles and IT Training at the PTC Telecom College. The
duties involved the Operation and Maintenance of the TRN/SSC Fujitsu F150 exchange and the
running of Digital Switching Courses. The software Support Centre (SSC) was used for
generating Exchange Office and Subscriber Data and as a test bed for software patches before
launching them on the “live” exchanges.
From mid 1998 to the end of 1999 I worked as Senior Lecturer Principles Training and was also
a Windows NT 4.0 LAN administrator responsible for PC repairs and Software upgrading.
PRESENT JOB (MBCA – 1 October 2002 to Present)
Technical Infrastructure Manager
Administration of the DNS servers, Mail servers, Authentication servers, and Web servers
(Server platforms include Solaris 8.0, FreeBSD 4.70, Redhat Linux 8.0 and Windows
Attending to any networking connectivity issues (e.g. email, Internet, printing, SWIFT etc.).
Configuring routers, PIX firewall, Cisco IDS & snort, switches, and other network elements.
Network design and troubleshooting. Designing, building and commissioning LAN and WAN
 Management of users and groups on the various Servers.
 Developing and modifying scripts on Servers
 System backup, full, partial and incremental as and when necessary.
 Supporting users. Offering specialist training to different classes of users and colleagues
 Ensuring System Security through regular auditing of various network elements.
 Liaising with other network administrators on interconnection issues.
Responsible for all aspects of IT Security from the drafting of Security Policies to their
implementation and involvement in the enforcement of such policies.
 Responsible for the delivery of all Infrastructure, network and disaster recovery capability
to the business.
 Procurement of all hardware and management of all system upgrades
 Maintenance of vendor relationships
PREVIOUS JOB (TEL*ONE - Jan 2000 to Sept 2002)
Projects Manager Internet & Data
 Registration of Domains under the .zw ccTLD domain
 Administration of the DNS servers, Mail servers, Authentication servers, and web servers
 Attending to Internet Service Provider Faults.
 Configuring routers, Access Servers, switches, other network elements and port
management. ( Routers range from the 1600 to the 7500 series).
 Liasing with international bodies such as ARIN, InterNic, IANA, ISOC, etc on issues
concerning Top Level Domains, IP number assignments and general governance of the
 Network design and troubleshooting. Designing, building and commissioning LAN and WAN
 Responsible for upgrade of Internet Dialup Connectivity.
 Currently the Project Manager for VoIP which has seen the setting up of an iBasis PoP and
an ITXC PoP.
 Planning and maintenance of Data Networks, which includes the Alcatel (formerly
Newbridge) Frame-relay network.
 Managing of planned outages and fault resolutions.
 Laying out of maintenance schedules for Data Networks
 Management of the physical network through Network Management Services (NMS) and
interpretation of data for any necessary network reconfiguration.
 Management of users and groups on Sun Solaris Servers.
 Developing and modifying Sun Solaris scripts for Servers
 System backup, full, partial and incremental as and when necessary.
 Supporting users. Offering specialist training to different classes of users and colleagues
 Ensuring System Security.
 Liasing with other network administrators on interconnection issues.
 Tender floatation.
 Coming up with the evaluation criteria for tenders.
 Contract negotiations and sitting on adjudication committees for the purchase of
 Network planning in view of customer requirements and available resources.
 Setting up internet/intranet solutions for both outside and Tel*One in-house customers on
a consulting basis.
 Providing on job training for Technicians and Junior Engineers
 Assisting Internet Services Manager in the preparation of the budget for the cost centre.
 Meeting customers, interpretation of their requirements and ensuring quality of service.
 Liasing with other departments; Power & Air Conditioning, Sales and Marketing, Switching,
Transmission, Earth Station, External Plant, and Projects and Installations .
Major achievements
In the few months that I have been with MBCA, I have managed to come up with a redesigned
topology of the network with a strong emphasis on Security and Availability through provision
of backup network elements. The design has been approved and implementation is in the
process of completion. Below are some highlights:
CEPECS (CD1) System
My knowledge of the Internet infrastructure in Zimbabwe has enabled us to connect to the CD1
system at speeds that surprise even the implementers of the system at RBZ. I have received
several calls from other banks who want to know how we have done it.
We are in the process of upgrading to the new SWIFTNET FIN network. The process of applying
is mostly online, and again because of previous experience it has been easy liaising with SWIFT
and the network provider, Equant/SITA and I am sure the upgrade will be smooth and on time.
Bulawayo Office
When I came on board, there were intermittent connectivity problems with the Bulawayo
office. Almost every week there was this or the other problem. Bulawayo users could not
access the Internet and even the MBCA Internet Banking Site hosted here on our servers. With
the coming of the fibre link at the beginning of the year there has only been two incidents
when the link went down, one of which was as a result of a scheduled maintenance by
Powertel. Bulawayo users can now browse just like the Harare users, and a CD1 inputter’s
machine has been “wired up” to speed up access to the RBZ site.
Security Policy
Apart from the HR Computer usage form there really has not be a formal Network Security
Policy in place. I managed to come up with some policies that should become enforceable at
the beginning of 2004.
Internetwork Troubleshooting
I have been in the “Internetworking trenches” long enough to know what works and what
doesn’t. When I came on board I was actually surprised as why things were working at all
because of the many mis-configurations that were on the network elements. I have worked
hard to resolve these and we have had no need to outsource any Internetworking issues as
used to happen before. On the contrary, I actually assist in resolving problems at our ISPs. As
far as I am concerned I could easily be the most qualified Network and Security professional in
the country.
Previous Achievements at Tel*ONE
Project Manager for VoIP and ISDN
I was Project Manager for two projects introducing Voice over IP (VoIP) in Zimbabwe. The two
projects were with the market leaders in IP Telephony, iBasis and ITXC. Both companies were
quite impressed with the level of expertise we have in Zimbabwe as compared to other African
countries outside South Africa. iBasis was so impressed they felt it not necessary to send their
own field engineer to set up and install the VoIP gateway. The projects involved working with
other departments like Electrical Power and Air Conditioning (for provision of power), Projects
Installations (for installations of E1 coaxial cables), Switching (for switch configurations),
Technical Support Unit (for Channel allocations), Transmission and Earth Station (for the
provision of IP E1s), and Services and Sales (for the provision of telephone lines for dial up
backup connectivity).
I managed to test ISDN connectivity in Harare and Bulawayo (ZITF 2002). I could easily be the
only person in Zimbabwe with practical experience of ISDN Dial on Demand Routing (DDR).
ISDN is alive and well in a few exchanges in Harare and Bulawayo, however Tel*ONE has not
marketed the service well.
Participation at International and national exhibitions
I pioneered participation of Tel*One Internet Services at exhibitions like the Zimbabwe
International Trade Fair (ZITF), Harare Agricultural Show and Zimtel. This involves everything
from the application of data leased lines and telephone lines, setting up and configuration of
LAN and WAN components to the actual presentations/demonstrations of dial up and leased
line Internet connectivity and other services.
DNS Tender
I led a team in putting up a Tender bid for the provision of DNS services involving the .zw cc
Top Level Domain(TLD) and its subdomains. The General Manager was impressed and Tel*One
was set to win the contract for provision of DNS services in Zimbabwe. Unfortunately POTRAZ
abandoned the Tender procedure in unclear circumstances.
In addition to the above, Tel*One embarked on an Internet Expansion Project (with the help of
Global One – now France Telecom Long Distance) that was to increase the number of PoPs
(Points of Presence), expand the Internet backbone and saw Tel*One become a fully fledged
Internet Service Provider (ISP). My area of speciality was the Installations and configurations
of the LAN and WAN components (routers, switches, hubs, CSU/DSUs etc) as well as Web Sites
Hosting. I led a team to upgrade the Gweru, Masvingo Kwekwe, and Chinhoyi PoPs.
ICS Diploma in Radio, Audio and TV Servicing (1992 – 1993)
Thirteen weeks training on the Fujitsu FETEX 150 digital switching exchange at the TRN/SSC
exchange situated at Tel*One (formerly PTC) Training Centre, Harare, Zimbabwe – August to
October 1993
Two months training on Digital Switching Engineering at NTT Central Training Institute,
Tokyo, Japan - June & July 1994. The course covered the following major subjects:
 The Digital Switching System (DSS), covering D70 hardware and software
 Peripheral Technology, covering ISDN, Traffic Management and Forecasting, Equipment
estimation and Plant design, Maintenance Control System, NEC’s Electronic Automatic
eXchange (NEAX61), Common Channel Signalling (CCS7) and Impact of New Technology.
 Practical exercises on the D70 Digital Switching System and observation of factory and
NTT’s Institutes
One year part time course at Harare Polytechnic for the Zimbabwe Further Education Teachers
Certificate – January to November 1995 (recognised Certificate in Southern Africa for teaching
Six weeks training on FETEX-150 Advanced Software at the Fujitsu Overseas Customer
Centre, Tokyo, Japan – September & October 1995
Six months Advanced training in Germany December 1997 to June 1998.
The course content includes the following:
Telecommunications Project Management
Modern Technologies in Information Technology
IT Networks Management
TCP / IP Networks
Internet and intranets
ISDN Networks
ATM Networks
Novell Networks
Human Resources Management
Financial and Cost Accounting
MS Project 98
Microsoft Access Database
Web Page design and publishing
Industrial attachment with Siemens, Alkatel, Deutsche Telecom and Detecon
Electronic Commerce
Frame Relay Networks
Wireless Networks
VSAT Communications
GSM 900
HDSL and ADSL Access Networks
HDSL data modems
Video Conference Systems
Fibre Optic Transmission Systems
Microwave Transmission Systems
Analogue and Digital Multiplexers
Add/Drop Multiplexers
SDH equipment
Self-tutoring of the Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer Certification Track (1998-1999)
One week Zimbabwe Institute of Management Course (Train the Trainer – Instructional
Techniques) – recognised by Microsoft Zimbabwe for the Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT)
certification – September 1999
Self-tutoring of the Cisco Certified Network Associate Certification Track.
One week course on Interconnecting Cisco Network Devices (ICND) - March 2000
CTO/ITU Internet for Africa Summit (Banjul, The Gambia) - June 2000
UNIXV4F FOUNDATION – New Horizons, Harare, July 2000
UNIXV4F ADMINISTRATION – New Horizons, Harare, July 2000
UNIXV4F GRADUATION - New Horizons, Harare, August 2000
Building Scalable Cisco Networks (BSCN) – Ambassador Training, Johannesburg, SA, May 2001
HTML 4.0, XHTML & XML – Ambassador Training, Johannesburg, SA, June 2001
CIW Design Methodology and Technology – Macromagic, Johannesburg, July 2001
Solaris 8 Fundamentals and Administration – Digix Computers, Johannesburg, July/Aug 2001
Building Cisco Remote Access Networks – Ambassador Training, Johannesburg, Oct 2001
Internetworking Security - Digix Computers, Johannesburg, SA, Nov 2001
Unix Performance Tuning & Troubleshooting - Digix Computers, SA, Johannesburg, Dec 2001
SWIFTNET FIN Migration – Harare, October 2003
Current Studies
Managing Cisco Network Security
UNIX Network Programming
C++ Programming
Sales and Marketing