252y0521s 3/25/05 First take-home problem – based on 9.26 on page E-48 ————— 3/25/2005 1:54:04 AM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. MTB > WOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05021.MTW". Retrieving worksheet from file: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0502-1.MTW' Worksheet was saved on Fri Mar 25 2005 Results for: 252x0502-1.MTW MTB > print c1-c4 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 x1 45.14 10.11 29.38 19.65 16.25 29.46 8.13 45.63 24.49 12.71 37.04 x2 9.55 38.76 16.65 19.00 17.00 29.01 12.34 11.18 12.15 14.40 8.00 16.19 33.46 18.37 9.86 rx1 10 2 7 5 4 8 1 11 6 3 9 rx2 2 15 9 12 10 13 6 4 5 7 1 8 14 11 3 Descriptive Statistics: x1, x2 Variable x1 x2 N 11 15 N* 0 0 Mean 25.27 17.73 SE Mean 4.02 2.35 StDev 13.33 9.11 Minimum 8.13 8.00 Q1 12.71 11.18 Median 24.49 16.19 Q3 37.04 19.00 Maximum 45.63 38.7 MTB > TwoSample c1 c2; SUBC> Pooled. Two-Sample T-Test and CI: x1, x2 Two-sample T for x1 vs x2 x1 x2 N 11 15 Mean 25.3 17.73 StDev 13.3 9.11 SE Mean 4.0 2.4 Difference = mu (x1) - mu (x2) Estimate for difference: 7.54382 95% CI for difference: (-1.52083, 16.60847) T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 1.72 Both use Pooled StDev = 11.0641 P-Value = 0.099 DF = 24 MTB > TwoSample c1 c2. Two-Sample T-Test and CI: x1, x2 Two-sample T for x1 vs x2 x1 x2 N 11 15 Mean 25.3 17.73 StDev 13.3 9.11 SE Mean 4.0 2.4 Difference = mu (x1) - mu (x2) 1 252y0521s 3/25/05 Estimate for difference: 7.54382 95% CI for difference: (-2.32775, 17.41539) T-Test of difference = 0 (vs not =): T-Value = 1.62 P-Value = 0.125 DF = 16 MTB > VarTest c1 c2; SUBC> Unstacked. Test for Equal Variances: x1, x2 95% Bonferroni confidence intervals for standard deviations x1 x2 N 11 15 Lower 8.87606 6.39055 StDev 13.3313 9.1054 Upper 25.6219 15.4332 F-Test (normal distribution) Test statistic = 2.14, p-value = 0.187 Levene's Test (any continuous distribution) Test statistic = 2.96, p-value = 0.098 Test for Equal Variances for x1, x2 Test for Equal Variances for x1, x2 F-Test Test Statistic P-Value x1 2.14 0.187 Lev ene's Test Test Statistic P-Value x2 5 10 15 20 95% Bonferroni Confidence Intervals for StDevs 2.96 0.098 25 x1 x2 10 20 30 Data 40 50 MTB > Mann-Whitney 95.0 c1 c2; SUBC> Alternative 0. Mann-Whitney Test and CI: x1, x2 x1 x2 N 11 15 Median 24.49 16.19 Point estimate for ETA1-ETA2 is 6.87 95.1 Percent CI for ETA1-ETA2 is (-2.12,17.31) W = 178.0 Test of ETA1 = ETA2 vs ETA1 not = ETA2 is significant at 0.1323 2 252y0521s 3/25/05 MTB > NormTest c2; SUBC> KSTest. Probability Plot of x2 Probability Plot of x2 Normal 99 Mean StDev N KS P-Value 95 90 17.73 9.105 15 0.244 0.024 Percent 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5 1 0 10 20 30 40 x2 MTB > NormTest c1; SUBC> KSTest. Probability Plot of x1 Probability Plot of x1 Normal 99 Mean StDev N KS P-Value 95 90 25.27 13.33 11 0.118 >0.150 Percent 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 x1 MTB > 3 252y0521s 3/25/05 First take-home problem – based on 9.26 on page E-48 Lilliefors computations. ————— 4/7/2005 10:01:12 PM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. MTB > WOpen "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\notmuch.MTW". Retrieving worksheet from file: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\notmuch.MTW' Worksheet was saved on Fri Jan 21 2005 Results for: 252x0502-1.MTW MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB > > > > > let c10=c1 let c11 = c10*c10 let k10 = sum(c10) let k11=sum(c11) print k10, k11 Data Display K10 K11 277.990 8802.55 MTB > let k10 = k10/11 MTB > print k10 Data Display K10 25.2718 MTB > let k12 = 11*k10*k10 MTB > print k11 k12 Data Display K11 K12 8802.55 7025.31 MTB > let k11=k12-k11 MTB > print k11 Data Display K11 -1777.24 MTB > describe c10 Descriptive Statistics: x Variable x N 11 N* 0 Mean 25.27 SE Mean 4.02 StDev 13.33 Minimum 8.13 Q1 12.71 Median 24.49 Q3 37.04 Maximum 45.63 MTB > let k11 = k11/10 MTB > print k11 Data Display K11 177.724 MTB > let k11 = sqrt(k11) MTB > print k11 Data Display K11 13.3313 MTB > Center c10 c13. MTB > describe c13 Descriptive Statistics: C13 4 252y0521s 3/25/05 Variable C13 Variable C13 N N* Mean 11 0 -1.11022E-16 Maximum 1.527 SE Mean 0.302 StDev 1.000 Minimum -1.286 Q1 -0.942 Median -0.0586 Q1 12.71 Median 24.49 Q3 37.04 Minimum -17.14 Q1 -12.56 Median -0.782 Q3 0.883 MTB > describe c10 Descriptive Statistics: x Variable x N 11 N* 0 Mean 25.27 SE Mean 4.02 StDev 13.33 Minimum 8.13 Maximum 45.63 MTB > print k10 k11 Data Display K10 K11 25.2718 13.3313 MTB > let c12 = c10-k10 MTB > describe c12 Descriptive Statistics: C12 Variable C12 Variable C12 N N* Mean 11 0 -1.11022E-15 Maximum 20.36 SE Mean 4.02 StDev 13.33 Q3 11.77 MTB > let c12 = c10-k10 MTB > print k11 Data Display K11 13.3313 MTB > MTB > MTB > MTB > MTB > MTB > MTB > MTB > MTB > SUBC> MTB > SUBC> MTB > SUBC> MTB > let c12 = c12/k11 let c12 = c12 * 10000 let c12 = c12/100 let c14 = c12 round c12 c14 let c12 = c14/100 let c15=c14 let c16 = c15/11 CDF c13 c17; Normal 0.0 1.0. Sort c10 c11 c12 c17 c10 c11 c12 c17; By c10. sort c13 c13; by c1. let c18 = c16 - c17 MTB > let c18 = abs(c18) MTB > print c10 c11 c12 c14 c15 c16 c17 c18 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 x 8.13 10.11 12.71 16.25 19.65 24.49 29.38 29.46 37.04 45.14 45.63 xsq 66.10 102.21 161.54 264.06 386.12 599.76 863.18 867.89 1371.96 2037.62 2082.10 zrnd -1.29 -1.14 -0.94 -0.68 -0.42 -0.06 0.31 0.31 0.88 1.49 1.53 Descriptive Statistics: D Variable D Variable D N N* Mean 11 0 0.0614 Maximum 0.1179 O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SE Mean 0.0131 CumO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 StDev 0.0433 Fo 0.09091 0.18182 0.27273 0.36364 0.45455 0.54545 0.63636 0.72727 0.81818 0.90909 1.00000 Minimum 0.00687 Fe 0.099251 0.127705 0.173025 0.249286 0.336622 0.476617 0.621020 0.623301 0.811314 0.931932 0.936631 Q1 0.0153 D 0.008342 0.054114 0.099702 0.114351 0.117924 0.068837 0.015344 0.103972 0.006868 0.022842 0.063369 Median 0.0634 Q3 0.1040 5 252y0521s 3/25/05 Wilcoxon Paired Problem Lee p612 Row x1 1 2 3 4 5 6 40 35 42 30 63 36 x 2 d x 2 x1 62 49 39 28 66 40 Row x1 1 40 2 35 3 42 4 30 5 55 6 63 7 36 Variable n 7 x1 x2 d -22 -14 3 2 -3 -4 d 22 14 3 2 3 4 r r* 6.0 5.0 2.5 1.0 2.5 4.0 1.0+ 2.54.0- x 2 d x 2 x1 62 49 39 28 55 66 40 -22 -14 3 2 0 -3 -4 Mean 43.00 SE Mean StDev 4.46 11.80 7 48.43 5.15 13.62 7 -5.43 3.49 9.24 Teaching Problem Bassett p134 MTB > TwoSample c1 c2; SUBC> Pooled; SUBC> Alternative -1. Two-Sample T-Test and CI: x1, x2 Two-sample T for x1 vs x2 N Mean StDev SE Mean x1 250 68.45 7.96 0.50 x2 150 70.62 7.06 0.58 Difference = mu (x1) - mu (x2) Estimate for difference: -2.17521 95% upper bound for difference: -0.87525 T-Test of difference = 0 (vs <): T-Value = -2.76 P-Value = 0.003 DF = 398 P-Value = 0.002 DF = 343 MTB > TwoSample c1 c2; SUBC> Alternative -1. Two-Sample T-Test and CI: x1, x2 Two-sample T for x1 vs x2 x1 x2 N 250 150 Mean 68.45 70.62 StDev 7.96 7.06 SE Mean 0.50 0.58 Difference = mu (x1) - mu (x2) Estimate for difference: -2.17521 95% upper bound for difference: -0.91322 T-Test of difference = 0 (vs <): T-Value = -2.84 MTB > VarTest c1 c2; SUBC> Unstacked. Test for Equal Variances: x1, x2 F-Test (normal distribution) Test statistic = 1.27, p-value = 0.107 6 252y0521s 3/25/05 Marble Problem One-Sample T: x1 Test of mu = 12 vs < 12 Variable x1 N 105 Mean 12.0150 StDev 0.0498 SE Mean 0.0049 95% Upper Bound 12.0231 T 3.09 P 0.999 ChiSquare Problem ————— 3/30/2005 10:22:03 PM ———————————————————— Welcome to Minitab, press F1 for help. Results for: 252x0502-7.MTW MTB > WSave "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05027.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0502-7.MTW' MTB > sum c1 Sum of O Sum of O = 180 MTB > echo MTB > Execute "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252chisq.mtb" 1. Executing from file: C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252chisq.mtb MTB > #252chisq MTB > Name c1 'O' #O on c1, E in C2 MTB > Name c2 'E' MTB > let c3='E'-'O' MTB > let c4=c3*c3 MTB > let c5=c4/'E' MTB > let c6='O'*'O' #Shortcut method MTB > let c6=c6/'E' MTB > print c1-c6 Data Display Row 1 2 3 4 5 MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB MTB O 42 33 35 25 45 > > > > > > > > E 36 36 36 36 36 C3 -6 3 1 11 -9 C4 36 9 1 121 81 C5 1.00000 0.25000 0.02778 3.36111 2.25000 C6 49.0000 30.2500 34.0278 17.3611 56.2500 name k1 'n' let k1=sum(c1) #k1=k2=n let k2=sum(c2) let k3=sum(c3) #Should be zero let k5=sum(c5) name k5 'chisq' let k6=sum(c6) name k4 'chisq1' 7 252y0521s 3/25/05 MTB > let k4=k6-k1 MTB > print k1-k6 Data Display n K2 K3 chisq1 chisq K6 180.000 180.000 0 6.88889 6.88889 186.889 MTB > end MTB > Save "C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x05027.MTW"; SUBC> Replace. Saving file as: 'C:\Documents and Settings\rbove\My Documents\Minitab\252x0502-7.MTW' Existing file replaced. MTB > 8