
- 2005 –
21 APRIL – 02 MAY 2005
Check-in Hotel „Handelshof“
FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2005
Bus F from “Bahnhofsplatz” to FH Nordhausen
10:00 – 11:45
Welcome by the Rector, Prof. Dr. Jörg Wagner
Presentation of the Fachhochschule Nordhausen
Prof. Dr. Jörg Wagner
Welcome and Introduction to the IP
Head of Marketing Studies,
Coordinator of the Intensive Programme Pirkko Varis,
Business School Virrat, Pirkanmaa Polytechnic, Finland
Presentation on Business School Virrat &
Pirkanmaa Polytechnic
Practical arrangements
Grouping into 3 groups for workshops / company visits
Presentation of the participants
Pirkko Varis and representatives of partner institutions
room: building 19, lecture hall 2
11:45 – 12:30
Presentations session 1
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
and the new economy
Mr. Dirk van der Laan
Hogeschool Windesheim,
University of Professional Education, the Netherlands
room: building 19, lecture hall 2
12:30 – 13:00
Tour of the Campus
13:00 – 14.00
Lunch - Mensa
14:00 – 14:45
Presentations session 2, building 19, lecture hall 2
Marketing Communications
M.Sc., BA (Hons) Mike Ward
School of Management, the University of Salford, UK
14:45 - 15:30
Presentation on Marketing
Students of the University of Salford, UK
15:30 – 16:00
Practical arrangements of the FH Nordhausen/IP
walk to the Hotel “Zur Sonne”, Check-In, students
Intensive Programme –Internet Marketing, IT Management
for Enterprises and e-Business 2005
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10:00 – 11:30
Presentations session 3, building 19, lecture hall 2
Internet in Marketing of Trade Fairs
Internet in Marketing of Upper Tampere Region Trade Fair,
Internet Bank Operations
Students of the option Marketing and International Business.
Business School Virrat, Pirkanmaa Polytechnic, Finland
(10.20 and 11.15, Upper Tampere Region Trade Fair in the internet)
Scandinavian Weekend Radio and Internet (10.45-11.15)
CIM Course Coordinator
Trevor Twyman
Business School Virrat, Pirkanmaa Polytechnic, Finland
11:45 – 12:45
Presentations session 4, building 19, lecture hall 2
Business Models on the Internet
Assoc. Prof. Rimantas Gatautis
Vice Dean for Infrastructure and External Relations
Economics and Management Faculty
Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
e-Commerce in Lithuania
Students of Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
12:45 – 13:15
eGovernment in Ireland
Lecturer in MIS/eBusiness
Ciara O’Doherty
IT Tralee, Ireland
13:45 – 15:00
Lunch at “Alt Nordhausen”
15:00 – 18:00
guided tour of the city & historical tram
workshop groups 1-3 take pictures
workshop group meetings:
selection of pictures and material for web pages
meeting rooms at “Zur Sonne”
SUNDAY, APRIL 24, 2005
10:00 – 20:00
Rural heritage and internet marketing: Harz
Workshop groups work on selection of visual and text material,
production of the material and selection of it for web sites and other
Work on the experiences of the day and how they are used in
workshop sessions.
Workshop group 1-3 meetings during the day
at various destinations.
Intensive Programme –Internet Marketing, IT Management
for Enterprises and e-Business 2005
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MONDAY, APRIL 25, 2005
09:15 – 10:45
11:00 – 12:00
Presentations session 5
Homepage and Marketing
FH-Prof. Mag. Hartwig Tauber
IMC Fachhochschule Krems, Austria
Presentation on FH IMC Krems
Students of IMC Fachhochschule Krems, Austria
room: building 19, lecture hall 2
Presentations session 6
Marketing in the Hungarian Higher Education
Dr. László Komáromi
Dennis Gabor College, Hungary
E-Marketing of “Hungaricum” drinks
Students of Dennis Gabor College, Hungary
room: building 19, lecture hall 2
12:00 – 12:45
Information systems for mobile computers
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sieck
FHTW Berlin, Germany
room: building 19, lecture hall 2
12:45 – 13:45
Lunch – Mensa
13:45 – 16:30
workshop 1, session a:
Defining an E-Marketing Strategy for a SME
FH-Prof. Mag. Hartwig Tauber
IMC Fachhochschule Krems, Austria
room: building 18, pc-lab 1
session aa:
Internet Marketing. 3dolli Production House
Head of Marketing Studies Pirkko Varis &
CIM Course Coordinator Trevor Twyman
Business School Virrat, Pirkanmaa Polytechnic, Finland
room: building 18, pc-lab 1
workshop 2, session a:
Customer analysis based on zipcode data
Dirk van der Laan
Hogeschool Windesheim, University of Professional Education,
the Netherlands
room: building 18, pc-lab 3
workshop 3:
Tourism Marketing with DVD
Prof. Dr. Uwe Groβmann
FH Dortmund, Germany &
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sieck
FHTW Berlin, Germany
room: Building 19, room 1
Intensive Programme –Internet Marketing, IT Management
for Enterprises and e-Business 2005
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09:15 – 10:45
Workshop 3
Tourism Marketing with DVD
Prof. Dr. Uwe Groβmann
FH Dortmund, Germany &
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sieck
FHTW Berlin, Germany
room: Building 19, room 1
11:00 – 12:30
Workshop 3
Tourism Marketing with DVD
Prof. Dr. Uwe Groβmann
FH Dortmund, Germany &
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sieck
FHTW Berlin, Germany
room: Building 19, room 1
9:15 – 12:30
Company visit 1 – Gaia Akkumulatoren
group: workshop group 1 students and staff members
Company visit 2 - HGN
group: workshop group 2 students and staff members
12:30 – 13:30
Lunch – Mensa
13:30 – 16:30
workshop 1, session b:
Website marketing plan development
Assoc. Prof. Rimantas Gatautis
Vice Dean for Infrastructure and External Relations
Economics and Management Faculty
Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
workshop 2, session b
Customer analysis based on zipcode data
Dirk van der Laan
Hogeschool Windesheim, University of Professional Education,
the Netherlands
room: computer room
workshop 3:
Tourism Marketing with DVD
Prof. Dr. Uwe Groβmann
FH Dortmund, Germany &
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Sieck
FHTW Berlin, Germany
room: building 19, room 1
17:30 – 21:00
Native American Indian Concert
Intensive Programme –Internet Marketing, IT Management
for Enterprises and e-Business 2005
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09:15 – 10:45
11:00 - 12:00
Presentations session 9
Students of IT Tralee, Ireland
Introduction to IT Tralee
Nichola McEllicott & Patrick Riordan
Internet and Marketing –the way forward
Shane Hennesy
Vodaphone – an example of internet marketing
Suzanne Bowler
Useful Gadgets – vis a vis internet marketing
Dusoswa Laurence
room: building 19, lecture hall 2
Presentations session 10
Successful Interpreneurship
Mr. Thomas Poulios
T.E.I. of Larissa, Greece
The Department of Project Management at Technological
Education Institute of Larissa
Students of T.E.I. of Larissa, Greece
room: building 19, lecture hall 2
12:00 – 12:30
Advantages and disadvantages of e-Retail in Lithuania
Students of International Business School
at Vilnius University, Lithuania
room : building 19, lecture hall 2
12:30 – 13:30
Lunch – Mensa
13:30 – 16:30
company visit 3a - EVN
group: workshop 3, half of the group
company visit 3b - Powertrain
group: workshop 3, half of the group
workshop 1, session c:
Internet Marketing. 3dolli Production House
Head of Marketing Studies Pirkko Varis &
CIM Course Coordinator Trevor Twyman
Business School Virrat, Pirkanmaa Polytechnic, Finland
room: building 18, pc-lab 1
workshop 2, session c:
Website marketing plan development
Assoc. Prof. Rimantas Gatautis
Vice Dean for Infrastructure and External Relations
Economics and Management Faculty
Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
room: building 18, pc-lab 3
Intensive Programme –Internet Marketing, IT Management
for Enterprises and e-Business 2005
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09:15 – 10:45
Communications with Computers
Mr. Derek Hill
The University of Salford, UK
11:00 – 12:30
Workshops 1-3
rooms: building 18, pc-lab 1 and 3, building 19, room 1
12:30 – 13:30
Lunch – Mensa
13:30 – 17:00
Workshops 1-3
rooms: building 18, pc-lab 1 and 3, building 19, room 1
21:00 – 24:00
Museum bei Nacht – Kunsthaus Meyenburg
Internet Marketing and IT solutions for museums.
FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 2005
09:15 – 10:15
Presentations session 11
Presentation on Corvinus University of Budapest
and student project
Students of Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Room: building 19, lecture hall 2
10:15 – 10:45
Presentation on IPAG
Students of IPAG Business School, France
Room: building 19, lecture hall 2
11:00 – 12:30
Workshops 1-3
Debriefing company visits
Preparation for workshop presentations
Room: building 19, lecture hall 2
12:30 – 13:30
14:00 – 17:00
Lunch – Mensa
Lager Dora
17.00 – 18.30
Workshops 1-3
Preparation for workshop presentations
Room: building 19, lecture hall 2
10:00 – 20:00
Heritage destinations and their marketing via internet.
Panoramamuseum and Kyffhäuser.
Workshop groups work on pictures, images and videos and on the
issues of material selection for web sites and other media.
Work on the experiences of the day.
Workshop groups 1-3 meetings during the day
at various destinations.
Intensive Programme –Internet Marketing, IT Management
for Enterprises and e-Business 2005
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SUNDAY, MAY 01, 2005
10:00 – 12:00
Presentations: all workshop groups 1-3
Room: building 19, lecture hall 2
12:00 – 13:00
13:15 – 14:15
Reports, writing articles, selection of pictures for web sites etc.
18:00 – 22.00
Farewall party / dinner
MONDAY, MAY 02, 2005
Workshop 1
E-marketing, CRM and Integrated Marketing Communications
In the workshop sessions the issues of eMarketing and CRM in the context of integrated
marketing communications and eBusiness will be tackled. International business cultures
approach is an integrated part of the workshop sessions
Workshop 1 session a: Defining an E-Marketing-Strategy for a SME
Objective :
The objective of the workshop session will be to set up an E-Marketing-strategy for an
existing SME. This includes presentation- and communication-strategy using a web-site,
email and SMS. The outcome should be a concept for this SMS how it can use modern
information- and communication-technology in a very efficient way. The company is a real
company from Austria– all necessary information will be presented during the workshop.
Short Description:
The workshop session consists of three parts:
Introduction of the company. Group work: in group work we will analyse the different tools
of E-Marketing and define a possible strategy. Presentation: the results will be presented
Target Group:
All students who are interested in a realistic point of view of how a SMS can use IT and
Telecommunication for its own marketing-strategy should attend this workshop. It would be
good if there is a good mixture of technical interested and marketing-interested students so
that we can discuss the difference between “doing all that is technically possible” and
“doing just things that fit to marketing”. There is no need of special technical knowledge to
attend this workshop.
Intensive Programme –Internet Marketing, IT Management
for Enterprises and e-Business 2005
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session aa: Internet Marketing. A Finnish company is used as a case study. 3dolli
Production House provides high-quality visualisations, 3D-animations and digital
cinematography for advertising and entertainment industry.
session b: Website marketing plan development
session c: continuing the work from session aa: Internet Marketing. A Finnish company is
used as a case study. 3dolli Production House provides high-quality visualisations, 3Danimations and digital cinematography for advertising and entertainment industry.
Workshop 2
Internet Marketing and CRM
In the workshop sessions the issues of Internet Marketing and CRM in the context of
integrated marketing communications and eBusiness will be tackled. International business
cultures approach is an integrated part of the workshop sessions.
session a: Customer analysis based on zipcode data
session b: Customer analysis based on zipcode data
session c: Website marketing plan development
Internet Marketing. A Finnish company is used as a case study. 3dolli Production House
provides high-quality visualisations, 3D-animations and digital cinematography for
advertising and entertainment industry.
Workshop 3
Tourism Marketing with DVD
We will develop and expose for a multimedia production, produce the multimedia
material and implement the DVD
Workshop 1 and 2 consist of different sessions.
Workshop 3 – the same and the same room all the time.
Students can take part either in workshop 1 or 2 or 3, and they should stay in the same
group all the time.
Intensive Programme –Internet Marketing, IT Management
for Enterprises and e-Business 2005
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