National Institute of Plant Health Management Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture Government of India Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad – 500 030 Telephone :+ 91-40-24015379 e-mail : niphm@.nic .in Tele-Fax : + 91-40-24015346 NOTICE INVITING TENDER FOR PROVINDING HOUSE KEEPING OF NIPHM HOSTEL Sealed quotations are invited from qualified agencies for housekeeping of NIPHM Hostel. For further details regarding cost of the tender form, terms and conditions, EMD and last date for submission of sealed quotations visit our website Sd/REGISTRAR 0 (please sign on each page) TABLE OF CONTENTS Sl.No. Description 1 2 3 4 5 6. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Preamble of Tender Check List Salient Features of the Tender General Instructions Eligibility Criteria Job specifications & Scope of work Tender Cost and EMD Submission of Tender Opening of Tenders Tender Evaluation Criteria Acceptance of Tender Payment of Security Deposit Execution of Agreement Extension of Contract Terms of Payment Deductions for Exceptions Page No 1 2 3-4 4-7 7 8-10 10-11 12-14 14-15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 Details of Technical Bid/Part ‘A’ – Annexure I 18-19 18 Details of Price Bid/Part ‘B’ – Annexure – II 20-21 (List of materials/consumables to be supplied – annexure II – Part B) 19 1) Format for Authorisation letter Annexure –III 22 Preamble of Tender National Institute of Plant Health Management, an autonomous Institute under Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. Of India is mandated to promote environmentally sustainable Plant Health Management Practices in diverse and changing agro-climatic conditions and provide policy support to Central and State Government on Plant Health Management, Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary issues and emerging bio-security challenges. In order to streamline the hostel upkeep of the Institution, NIPHM invites ‘Sealed Bids’ under ‘two cover system’ for housekeeping services from the services of qualified housekeeping service providers of qualified housekeeping service providers registered under AP Shops and Establishment Act, 1988 (copy should be invariably enclosed). The contract period will initially be for a period of one year extendable on satisfactory performance and mutual consent on the same terms and conditions on half year/yearly basis subject to a maximum period of another two years. 1 (please sign on each page) 2. CHECK LIST BIDDER TO FILL IN THE CHECK LIST GIVEN BELOW (State YES/NO for each item) 1. Whether the Technical Bid (envelope A) and Price Bid (envelop B) are submitted in separate covers and both the covers enclosed in a common envelop. 2. Whether Technical Bid (envelope A) contains: a) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) amount b) cost of the tender form. c) Pre-Qualification details as laid down in the Tender under Eligibility Criteria. d) Technical Bid in the original Tender document and other supportive documents e) The filled up and signed Technical Specification. Annexure – I f) Letter of Authorisation for signing the Tender document.Annexure – III g) Audited Annual reports. 3 Whether Envelope-B contains: Filled up and signed Price Bid documents – Annexure II NOTE: Please ensure all the relevant boxes are marked YES/NO against each column. IMPORTANT NOTE: Tenderers must ensure that all the required documents indicated in the Tender documents are submitted without fail. Tenders received without supporting documents for the various requirements mentioned in the tender document are liable to be rejected at the initial stage itself. 2 (please sign on each page) 3)SALIENT FEATURES OF THE TENDER TENDER FOR HOUSE KEEPING SERVICE OF NIPHM HOSTEL 1 Tender inviting Authority Designation and Address 2 a)Name of the Work 3 , The Registrar, National Institute of Plant Health Management, Rajendranagar HYDERABAD – 500 030. A.P. Phone No. 24015346/043/374 Telefax No. 24015346 Email : Website : HOUSE KEEPING SERVICE OF NIPHM HOSTEL b)Tender reference F.No. 307/4/HKS/2011 c)Place of contract NIPHM, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030. A.P. d) Contract Period The contract period will initially be for one year, extendable on satisfactory performance and mutual consent on the same terms and conditions on half year/yearly basis subject to a maximum period of another two years. Tender documents available On all working days from the date of publication place and due date for to 03.10.2011 (up to 3.00 PM) from the obtaining tender address mentioned in (1). Alternatively, Tender documents can be downloaded from However, DD for Rs.250/should be enclosed towards cost of the tender document. The demand draft from a Nationalised bank/Scheduled Bank, should be drawn in favour of ‘NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PLANT HEALTH MANAGEMENT’ payable at Hyderabad. Cost of Tender Document Rs. 250/- (Rupees two hundred and fifty only) 4 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Rs. 25000/- (Rupees twenty five thousand only). The demand draft from a Nationalised bank/Scheduled Bank, should be drawn in favour of ‘NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PLANT HEALTH MANAGEMENT’ payable at Hyderabad. 6 Due Date, Time and Place of Up to 3pm on 04.10.2011at the address Submission of Tender mentioned in (1) Date, Time and Place of On 04.10.2011 at 4 PM at the address mentioned Opening of Technical Bid-A in (1) 7 3 (please sign on each page) 8 Other important criteria specified by the Tender Inviting Authority: 1. Eligibility Criteria: a) The firm should have been registered under AP Shops & Establishment Act, 1988. b) The firm should have at least 3 years experience in house keeping services during the last five years as on 31.3.2011. Of three years, at least one year should have provided housekeeping service in central autonomous /PSU/Govt. Dept. c) The annual gross turn over of the firm should be not less than Rs. 300000/- for at least 3 years during the last five years. d) The firm should be registered under the Service Tax Rules, 1994. e) The firm should be income tax assessee. f) The firm should be registered under EPF Act. g) The firm should be registered under ESI Act. 2. Two cover System will be followed and the Tenderers are required to submit Technical bid and Price bid / Price Bids in separate sealed covers and both of these covers should be enclosed in a common envelope and submitted to the Registrar, NIPHM, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030. 4 4.1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS The Tenderers are requested to examine the instructions, terms & conditions and specifications given in the Tender. Failure to furnish all required information in every respect will be at the Tenderer's risk and may result in the rejection of their bid. The Tenderers are advised to do a complete survey of hostel on his own before offering rates. 4.2 Clarifications in the Tender a) A prospective Tenderer requiring any clarification regarding the Tender may address the Tender Inviting Authority by letter or by Fax. NIPHM will respond in writing to any request for clarification. b) The responses to the clarifications will also be notified on NIPHM’s website 4.3 Amendments to the Tender a) NIPHM may amend the Tender Conditions up to 2 days prior to the time fixed for receipt of the Tender. b) Also, amendment to the tender may be given in response to clarifications sought by prospective Tenderers solely at the discretion of NIPHM. c) Such amendments will be notified on NIPHM's website. 4 (please sign on each page) d) NIPHM at its discretion may or may not extend the due date and time for the submission of bids on account of amendments. e) All the Tenderers must periodically browse NIPHM website till the closing date of this Tender for any amendments or corrigendum issued in connection with this Tender. NIPHM will not be responsible for any misinterpretation of the provisions of this tender document on account of the Tenderers' failure to update the bid documents based on changes announced through the website. 4.4 The tender should be addressed to The Registrar, National Institute of Plant Health Management, Rajendranagar HYDERABAD – 500 030. A.P. Phone No. 24015346/043/374 Telefax No. 24015346 Email ; Website : 4.5 Any offer made in response to this tender when accepted by NIPHM will constitute a contract between the parties. 4.6 NIPHM NOT BOUND BY ANY PERSONAL REPRESENTATION The Tenderer shall not be entitled to any increase in the rates or any other right or claim whatsoever by any reason or any representation, explanation or statement or alleged representation, promise or guarantee given or alleged to have been given to him by any person of the NIPHM. 4.7 MEMBERS OF THE NIPHM NOT INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. No Director or official or Employee of the NIPHM shall, in any way, be personally bound or liable for his / her acts or obligations of the NIPHM under the contract or answerable for any default or omission in the observance or performance of any acts, matters or things which are herein contained. 4.8 The contractor shall indemnify the principal employer (NIPHM) against any risk and damages arising out of the default on the part of agency due to his negligence or that of his employee or non compliance of any of the aforesaid rules, regulations etc. laid down by the government and other statutory authorities from time to time. 5 (please sign on each page) 4.9. In case of any dispute between contractor & workers, it is the responsibility of the contractor to settle them amicably and the Institute will not be a party to them and will not be responsible for any lapses, etc., on the part of the agency vis-à-vis his workers. If under any circumstances a court awards decree against the Institute in cases relating to the workers employed by the agency at the Institute, the agency shall himself make all necessary action in fulfilment of the decree and the Institute as such shall not be liable to take any action. The workers engaged by the agency will not have any type of claim against NIPHM and the agency shall be liable and responsible for compliance of all Labour laws. 4.10 The contractor will comply with all the provisions regarding licensing, welfare and health, procedure, maintenance of various records and registers etc., as provided under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 and also orders issued by Govt. of Andhra Pradesh framed there under and for its noncompliance, the agency shall only be responsible for penalties levied by the appropriate Authority under the Act. The agency shall also be liable to comply with all other labour and industrial laws and such other acts and statutes (including Factories Act, Payment of Bonus Act, Payment of Gratuity Act EPF Act, ESI Act, Minimum Wages Act, workman’s compensation Act and Industrial dispute act etc). Depositing of P.F./ESI Contribution as may be applicable is the responsibility of the agency and submit the proof along with the monthly bills. Any default in compliance/violation of any loss or contravention of any of the provisions referred to above, the agency shall alone be held responsible. The rate quoted will be valid for the period of contract and no hike will be admissible except for increases n wages to be compliant with the Minimum Wages Act from time to time. 4.11 NIPHM shall not be liable to pay any allowance, salary or any other amount under any law in force for the staff engaged by the agency. NIPHM shall also not be liable for breach of any labour laws or any other laws in force by the agency or the persons deployed on duty. The person or institution to which the contract is given will not be entitled to any other allowances or benefits, which are not included in the contract. 4.12 The contractor shall have to execute the contract according to the provisions of the Act and Rules made there under. The cost of executing the contract, such as stamp duty, drafting charges etc., shall be borne by the agency as fixed by NIPHM. 4.13 NIPHM reserves the right to forfeit the EMD of empanelled bidders on account of (i) premature withdrawal from the bid (ii) non-payment of security deposit. The decision of the Director General, NIPHM shall be final in this regard. 6 (please sign on each page) 4.14 The agency shall not transfer or assign sub-contract to any other party. The agency shall be absolutely responsible and liable for any personal injuries or death and or property damage or losses suffered to the NIPHM due to negligence of the contract personnel in their performance of the services required under the contract 4.15 Corrections, if any, must be attested. All amounts shall be indicated both in words as well as in figures. Where there is difference between the amount quoted in words and figures, amount quoted in words shall prevail. 5) ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA The Tenderers should meet the following Eligibility Criteria for quoting the tender and the proof for the Eligibility should be provided in the Technical Bid. Sl. No 7 Minimum Eligibility Criteria Proof to be submitted for fulfilling the Eligibility 1 Tender should have been registered The tenderer should produce a copy under AP Shops and Establishment Act, of valid registration. 1988. 2 Tenderer must have at least 3 years Necessary copies should be enclosed. experience in providing housekeeping services during the last five years as on 31/03/2011. Of three years, the tenderer should have provided housekeeping service to central autonomous /PSU/Govt. Dept., at least for one year. 3 The tenderer’s annual gross turn over Tenderer should enclose the Audited should be Rs. 3, 00,000/- for at least 3 Balance Sheet for the previous five years during the last five financial years. years. 4 The firm should be registered under the The Tenderer should submit the copy Service Tax Rules, 1994. of the certificate to this effect. 5 The firm should be income tax assessee Copies of Income tax returns and PAN at least for a period of three years. Card should be enclosed. 6. The firm should be registered under EPF The Tenderer should submit the copy Act. of the certificate to this effect. 7. The firm should be registered under ESI The Tenderer should submit the copy Act. of the certificate to this effect. 8 Earnest Money Deposit The Tenderer should enclose demand draft drawn on any scheduled bank for Rs. 25,000/- drawn in favour of ‘National Institute of Plant Health Management’. (please sign on each page) 6. JOB SPECIFICATIONS AND SCOPE OF WORK 6.1 AREA COVERAGE FOR HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES IN TWO SHIFTS: Upkeep of the Institute’s hostel premises comprising of Ground + two floors, (presently) including 17 rooms in ground floor, 23 rooms in the first floor, 23 rooms in second floor, lobby, corridors, roofs, toilets, front yard, stair case, etc. However, NIPHM reserves the right to entrust the work for third floor also. Therefore, work force required should be quoted as follows: a) Requirement for ground + 2 floors. b) Additional manpower for 3rd floor. 6.2 BROAD DETAILS OF SCOPE OF WORK: Cleaning, sweeping moping and wiping of floors, stair cases, corridors, front yard should be done on daily basis including Saturdays or as required by Officer-incharge. Cleaning activity shall start in the morning 7.00 A.M. Thorough cleaning of all toilets with phenol, removing all dust and unwanted material, keeping dry, cleaning of window grills/glass once in a day. Naphthalene balls should be put in wash basins and toilets. Air purifiers, toilet rolls and liquid soap are to be provided by the bidder regularly to ensure continuous availability of the materials in requisite place. Lifting, carrying and disposing the dead birds animals, rats, insects etc, if found in and around the hostel. Cleaning and sweeping of open area including balconies and roof tops with brooms. The bidder shall also be responsible for pest control in the hostels and shall carry out sprays etc., minimum once in a month. The insecticides and pesticides should be sufficient enough to take care of mosquitoes, cockroaches, silver fish, crawling insects etc. The insecticide and pesticide sprayed should be of ISI mark and in case the pest control is ineffective the firm shall have to carry out operation more than once in a month. The bidder must employ adult and skilled labour only. Employment of child labour will lead to the termination of the contract. The successful bidder shall engage only such workers, whose antecedents have been thoroughly verified, including character and police verification and other formalities. In order to maintain quality 8 (please sign on each page) services and minimize operational problems, the bidder must rotate the staff once in six months with prior written intimation to NIPHM. Proper registers/records for the jobs carried out on daily, weekly, fortnightly and monthly basis should be maintained by the Supervisor of the bidder and will be countersigned by the NIPHM officer-in-charge at regular intervals and finally at the end of each month. The bidder should possess or procure needful infrastructure, gadgets and other material required for smooth housekeeping services. No additional cost towards this will be borne by NIPHM. 6.3 JOBS TO BE CARRIED OUT DAILY : Cleaning of general toilets at least twice daily (at 7.00 A.M and 3.30 P.M.) with phenol and detergent etc., and maintain the toilet floors dry during office hours. Cleaning of windows and window grills of all toilets to be done regularly. Wash basins, urinals are to be cleaned with suitable detergent. Flushing systems of all toilets are to be checked at regular intervals every day. Naphthalene balls, air purifier and liquid soap and paper rolls are to be provided by the agency regularly to ensure continuous availability of these materials in requisite place/container. Collection of water paper from rooms, waste paper, baskets, lobbies and putting in bags at the specified location. Cleaning of carpets by soft brush. To clean glass panes on doors, windows and partitions with soap/cleaning agent. Cleaning of chokage in sewer and pumping lines within premises as and when required. Cleaning/removal of any type of stains of ink etc, from the area of hostel premises. 6.4. JOBS TO BE CARRIED OUT WEEKLY i) Acid cleaning of sanitary ware without damaging their shine, scrubbing and cleaning of floors and walls in toilets/rooms, corridors with soap, detergents, kerosene/petrol or any other chemicals, automatic mopper/scrubbing machine to be used at least once in a week. 9 (please sign on each page) 6.5 JOBS TO BE CARRIED OUT FORTNIGHTY BASIS a) Dusting of false ceiling etc. with soft broom and cloth. b) All floors in common area including staircases shall be cleaned thoroughly with floor scrubbing machine with soap and water to remove all stains etc. 6.7 PROVIDING WORKFORCE, The bidder has to provide workforce in sufficient numbers to maintain the hostel area. The bidder shall, however, survey the area and make assessment of the manpower requirement on their own. The bidder shall ensure that all the workforce deployed wear uniform while on duty. It is to be noted that the requirement in the second shift may be less than morning shift. 6.8. SUPPLY OF MATERIAL AND CONSUMABLES: All materials/consumables other related items projected by the Tenderer in Annexure II part – B has to be of ISI marked or in conformity with the specification/make keeping in view good quality/standard. The firm shall assess the quantity of consumables to be used and supply them in advance and store them at NIPHM on fortnightly basis. The stores are to be replenished at least 5 days in advance. Consumables shall be issued every morning in presence of an official authorized by NIPHM. 7. TENDER COST AND EMD 7.1. Cost of Tender Document: a) The cost of Tender document is Rs. 250/-. The Tender document is not transferable to any other Tenderer. b) The Tender document cost may be paid either by Cash or Demand Draft in favour of “NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PLANT HEALTH MANAGEMENT”, payable at Hyderabad. OR c) The Tender document can be downloaded. However, DD for Rs. 250/- drawn in favour of “NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PLANT HEALTH MANAGEMENT”, payable at Hyderabad should be enclosed along with Technical bid. 10 (please sign on each page) 7.2. EMD Amount and Mode of Submission: An EMD amount of Rs.25000/- should be paid along with Technical Bid by way of Demand Draft / Banker's cheque drawn in favour of “NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF PLANT HEALTH MANAGEMENT”, payable at Hyderabad. a) “The EMD amount of the unsuccessful Tenderers will be returned after the acceptance of the successful Tenders within a reasonable time. b) The EMD amount held by NIPHM till it is returned to the unsuccessful Tenderers will not earn any interest thereof. c) The EMD amount of Successful Tenderers will be adjusted as part of the Security Deposit (SD) due for successful execution of the contract. d) Tenders without EMD and tender cost amount will be rejected by NIPHM as non-responsive. e) The EMD amount shall be forfeited: If a Tenderer withdraws the tender during the period of tender validity specified in the tender (or) in the case of the Successful Tenderers, if the Tenderer fails to sign the contract or to remit Security Deposit. 7.3. Cost of Bidding The Tenderer shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its tender and the buyer will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process. 7.4 RATES AND PRICES a) Bidders should quote the rates in the format given Price Bid - Annexure – II. Details of number of persons proposed in each shift should also be mentioned in this bid. Incomplete bids will summarily be rejected. All corrections and alterations in the entries of tender papers will be signed in full by the Bidder with date. No erasing or over writings are permissible. Price quoted shall be firm and any variation in rates, prices or terms during validity of the offer shall require forfeiture of EMD. 11 (please sign on each page) 8. SUBMISSION OF TENDER Submission of Tender: Two-cover system will be followed: 8.1 General Instructions: a) The Tender proposes two stage tender system viz. (1) Technical Bid and (2) Price Bid. The first stage enables the buyer to know whether the Tenderer is technically competent and capable of executing the order. Only those who qualify in the first stage would be eligible to take part in the second stage viz. Price Bid. The Price Bids of Tenderers who failed in the first stage will not be opened. b) The bids should be submitted in two envelopes viz. Envelope-A: Technical Bid / PART – A (Annexure I) Envelope-B: Price Bid/Price Bids / PART – B (Annexure II) c) Both the covers must be sealed separately and superscribed with Tender number, due date and Name of the Envelope on the respective covers. These two covers should be enclosed in a separate cover and addressed to the Tender Inviting Authority. 8.2 b) c) d) e) f) g) 12 Details to be furnished in the Envelope-A Technical Bid: a) Crossed Demand Draft / Bankers' cheque towards EMD amount and cost of tender form. Profile of the Company – stating whether the firm is parternership/registered under the Companies Act along with its necessary enclosures. Authorisation letter (Annexure III ) from the Competent Authority of the Company to sign this Tender document. Documents received without such authorisation will not be considered for further processing. This is not applicable if the proprietor signs himself as competent authority. The Tenderers should furnish the location with addresses and license details of the firm. The Tenderers shall furnish as part of the bid, documents establishing the Tenderers eligibility to bid and its qualifications to perform the Contract if their tender is accepted. All the required documents for Eligibility Criteria and other documents wherever insisted in the Tender. The Tenderers should have the technical and finance capability necessary to perform the contract. The documentary evidence of the Tenderer's qualifications/eligibility shall be established to the satisfaction of NIPHM. (please sign on each page) 8.3 Signing of Bids a) The bids shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Tenderer or a person or persons duly authorised to bind the Tenderer to the Contract. Tenderers are requested to sign each and every page of the tender document including Annexure(s) attached thereto. b) Any alterations, erasures shall be treated valid only if they are authenticated by full signature by the person or persons authorised to sign the bid. Tender documents should be free from over writing. 8.4 Details to be furnished in the Envelope-B i.e., Price Bid Firm Prices must be quoted only in the Price Bid Form (Please see the “PART-BPRICE BID – ANNEXURE II”. 8.5 Mode of Submission: a) Both the Envelopes viz. Envelope-A and Envelope-B must be put in a single cover, sealed and must be superscribed “Tender for HOUSE KEEPING SERVICE OF NIPHM HOSTEL It shall be addressed to The Registrar, National Institute of Plant Health Management, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad – 500 030. A.P. b) The Tender may be dropped in the Tender box kept at NIPHM office. c) Alternatively, the Tenders must reach NIPHM on or before the due date and time by registered post/courier. NIPHM will not be liable or responsible for Postal/Courier delay, if any. d) The Tenders received after Due Date and Time or Unsealed or Incomplete shape or Tenders submitted by Facsimiles (FAX) or by Electronic mail will be summarily rejected. e) A Tender once submitted shall not be permitted to be altered or amended. 8.5 FORCE MAJEURE CONDITIONS If at times during the continuance of the Agreement/Contract, it becomes impossible by reason of war or war-like operations, epidemics, pestilence, earthquake, fire, storm or floods, the firm shall during the continuance of such contingencies not be bound to execute the contract as per the agreement/contract. The work shall be resumed immediately after the contingency/cies has / have ceased or otherwise determined and the Successful Bidder’s obligations shall continue to be in force for correspondingly extended period after the resumption of execution. The Successful Tenderer shall however inform the NIPHM by registered post/fax about such Act duly certified by the Commissioner of Labour at the 13 (please sign on each page) beginning and end of the above causes of delay within 10 (ten) days of occurrence and cessation of such Force Majeure conditions. In the event of delay lasting over one month, if arising out of cause of Force Majeure, the NIPHM reserves the right to cancel the contract without any compensation. Only events of Force Majeure which affects the order progressing at the time of its occurrence shall be taken into cognizance. The NIPHM shall not be liable to pay extra costs due to delayed supplies made under Force Majeure. 8.7. DISPUTES AND ARBITRATION a) All matters relating to any dispute which may arise during the execution of the contract shall be referred to Arbitration of an Arbitrator to be mutually agreed upon between the parties. In the case of failure, the dispute shall be referred to the Award of two Arbitrators, one to be appointed by Agency and the other by NIPHM. The two Arbitrators shall appoint an Umpire in advance of their consideration of any point of dispute. The decision of the Arbitrator in the case of former and that of the Umpire in the case of latter shall be final and conclusive and binding on both the parties. The provisions of the Indian Arbitration Act, 1996 and the Rules made there-under and any statutory modification thereof shall be deemed to form a part of contract. b) The venue of such Arbitration shall be at Hyderabad only. Arbitration suits or any other claims filed in any Court of Law outside Hyderabad City will not be binding on NIPHM. 8.8. JURISDICTION Subject to the above Clause, it is hereby agreed that Hyderabad City have jurisdiction to decide or adjudicate upon any dispute which may arise out of or be in connection with this contract agreement. The contract shall be governed by the Laws of Union of India/Government of Andhra Pradesh in force 8.9. Service of Notice: Any notice hereunder may be served on the Successful Tenderer by Registered Post at his last known address. Proof of issue of any such notice should be conclusive of the Successful Tenderer having been duly informed. 9) OPENING OF TENDERS 9.1 Tender Opening: a) Tenders will be opened at the prescribed date and time in the presence of Tenderers or their representatives who choose to be present. The representatives of Tenderers must bring the authorisation letter from the 14 (please sign on each page) bidding companies for attending the Tender opening. Not more than two representatives for each Tenderer would be allowed to take part during the bid opening process. b) Envelope-A containing Technical Bid would be opened first. Eligibility Criteria such as payment of EMD and compliance with pre-qualification conditions will be checked. The supporting documents would be cross checked wherever required. c) Only the Technical Bid will be opened on the due date. d) The date, time and venue of opening the Price Bid will be intimated separately. e) Tenders non compliant with any of the tender terms will not be considered for the next stage i.e. for opening of the Price Bid. 10. TENDER EVALUATION CRITERIA: The evaluation of Tenders will be done by NIPHM as detailed below: 10.1. Technical Bid evaluation. Tenderers will be eligible for further processing only if they fulfil the following criteria a) Compliance with Technical and capacity requirements. b) Payment of cost of tender document. c) Compliance with the eligibility Criteria. NIPHM will prepare a list of Tenderer based on the compliance of detailed Technical and capacity requirements as given in Tender form. The Tenders, which do not conform to the Technical Specifications or Tender conditions or Tenders from Companies without adequate capabilities for supply shall be rejected. The Eligible Tenderers alone will be considered for further evaluation. 10.2 PRICE BID EVALUATION: Opening of Envelope-B Price Bid: Tenderers who are qualified in Technical Bid (Envelope-A) only will be called for Price Bid opening. The technically qualified Tenderers alone will be informed of the date and time of opening of the Price Bid and their Price Bids alone will be opened on the due date and time in the presence of the Tenderers or their authorised representatives who choose to be present. The contract will be entrusted to the Tenderer whose bid has been determined as L1. In case the lowest Tenderer fails to execute the contract, NIPHM will have right to consider 2nd lowest or subsequent quotation or reject/cancel all the tender without assigning any reason thereof. However, the decision of NIPHM will be final in this regard. 15 (please sign on each page) 11. ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER a) The final acceptance of the Tender is entirely vested with NIPHM which reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the Tenders in full or in part. b) After acceptance of the Tender by NIPHM, the Tenderer shall have no right to withdraw his Tender or claim higher price except for increase in wages to be compliant with the Minimum Wages Act from time to time. The Tender accepting authority may also reject all the Tenders for reasons such as changes in the scope of work, lack of anticipated financial resources, court orders, accidents or calamities and other unforeseen circumstances. c) After acceptance of the Tender, NIPHM would issue Letter of Acceptance (LOA) only to the Successful Tenderer(s). The letter of acceptance will include the details along with terms and conditions of the tender. 12. PAYMENT OF SECURITY DEPOSIT (SD): a) The Successful Tenderers will be required to remit the Security Deposit equivalent to 2% (Two percent) of the contract value. Since the EMD amount will be adjusted towards the Security Deposit to be paid, the Successful Tenderer shall remit the balance Security Deposit amount due. The SD should be paid by way of Demand Draft payable in favour of NATIONAL INSITITUTE OF PLANT HEALTH MANAGEMENT payable at Hyderabad or in the form of unconditional irrevocable Bank Guarantee, which is valid up to one year from the date of agreement. b) In case, the Successful Tenderer pays the Security Deposit by way of Demand Draft, the Security Deposit will be released to the successful Tenderer only after 90 days of successful execution of the Work Order. The Security Deposit held by NIPHM till it is released to the Successful Tenderer will not earn any interest thereof. 13. EXECUTION OF AGREEMENT: a) The Successful Tenderer is required to execute enter into an Agreement on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- for fulfilment of the contract. Along with the Agreement the required Security Deposit shall be remitted. b) The Successful Tenderer shall not assign or make over the contract, the benefit or burden thereof to any other person or persons or Body Corporate for the execution of the contract or any part thereof. 16 (please sign on each page) 14. EXTENSION OF CONTRACT: The contract period will initially be for a period of one year extendable on satisfactory performance and mutual consent on the same terms and conditions on half year/yearly basis subject to a maximum period of another two years. If the contract is extended, NIPHM will pay 2% additionally on the rate agreed on consumables and 3% on third year, 15. Terms of Payment: Payment will be released on monthly basis within a fortnight after receipt of bill, along with the proof of remittance of EPF/ESI contributions and certification by the officers concerned nominated for this purpose stating that the services provided during the month are satisfactory. The payment will be after deducting the appropriate income tax. 16. DEDUCTIONS FOR EXCEPTIONS The deductions shall be made for the following jobs, if missed as exception. Such exceptions will duly be conveyed to the agency by NIPHM in writing. i) Not properly carrying out the jobs as defined for ‘daily’ – 2% (each exception). ii) Not properly carrying out the job as defined for ‘weekly’ – 3% (each exception) ‘fortnightly’ or ‘monthly’. However, if the exceptions become general practice, the contract will be cancelled immediately and EMD/SD will not be returned. ***** 17 (please sign on each page) Annuexure I 17. HOUSE KEEPING SERVICES – TECHNICAL BID – PART I 1. a) b) c) d) THE FIRM Name Regd. Address Address for correspondence Contact Person’s i)Name & Designation ii) Address iii)Tel. No. Landline mobile iv) Email ID 2. Type of Firm Soloproprietor/Private Ltd/ Partnership/ Cooperative / Public Co. (Pl. tick and enclose copy of Memorandum/Articles of Association/ Certificates of Incorporation) 3. PAN/GIR NO. (please enclose photocopy) 4. TIN NO. (please enclose photocopy) 5. Service Tax regn. No. (Please enclose photocopy) 6. EPF Registration No. (Please enclose photocopy) 7. ESI Registration No. (Please enclose photocopy) 8. Annual gross turnover of the firm should be Rs. 3,00,000/- for at least for 3 years during the last five years. 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 (Pl. enclose copies of ITR/Audited balance sheet and P&L aacount etc.) 9. Experience of similar work in the field at least for three years during last five years as on 31.03.2011. Of the three years, the tenderer should have 18 (please sign on each page) provided house-keeping service in Central Autonomous/PSU/ GOVT.DEPT/ at least one year. (Pl. submit the copies of documentary evidence e.g work order, corresponding satisfactory job completion certificates from clients specifying value and period of work order. 10. Infrastructure details : i) Work force (Nos.) Please give the list giving employee-wise names, PF and ESI nos. 11. Earnest Money details DD NO. Dt. Amount Rs.25,000/- drawn on _______________. Signature of authorised signatory Name : ______________________ Designation ___________________ Seal : 19 (please sign on each page) Annexure II 18. I. HOUSE KEEPING SERVICES – PRICE BID – PART B S.No. 1 Categor y of Manpow er Numbe r Monthly rate EPF rate ESI rate 2 3 4 5 6 Bonus 7 Total Cost per person (col.4+5 +6+7) 8 Service charges all inclusive Total Monthly Cost(Col . 8+9) 9 10 First shift Second shift TOTAL 18. II. Total cost of Material/Consumables Rs. (details to be furnished in Part B of Annexure II) GRAND TOTAL Note : ... Rs. ============== 1. 2. 3. Service Tax should be quoted separately. The cost of the consumables should be quoted separately. In case of discrepancy between unit price and total price, the unit price shall prevail. 4. The wages (Agriculture) quoted should not be less than the wages as per “Minimum Wages Act” as prescribed by Assistant Labour Commissioner (Central) Hyderabad, AP. 5. If the contract is extended, NIPHM will pay 2% additionally on the rate agreed on consumables and 3% on third year, We are herewith undertaking to provide the above service of manpower for House keeping of NIPHM hostel including material and to abide by the terms and conditions contained in the bid document and also agree to enter into the agreement in the format, as specified by NIPHM. Signature of authorised signatory Name : ______________________ Designation ___________________ Seal : 20 (please sign on each page) ANNEXURE II of PART - B List of materials and consumables proposed to be used for Housekeeping work. The list of materials and consumables proposed to be used on monthly basis in carrying out the housekeeping activities at NIPHM. This is submitted based on the assessment after physical inspection and are adequate for properly carrying out the housekeeping jobs specified in tender of NIPHM. S.No. Item Unit Brand Total qty per Cost month month per TOTAL Signature of authorised signatory Name : ______________________ Designation ___________________ Seal : 21 (please sign on each page) ANNEXURE –III 18. FORMAT FOR AUTHORISATION LETTER To The Registrar, National Institute of Plant Health Management, Rajendranagar, HYDERABAD – 500030. Andhra Pradesh. Sir, I/We hereby authorise _____________________ to submit a Bid and subsequently participate and sign the contract submitted against the Ref.: ____________________________________. I/We hereby accept his decision taken, as final, in this regard. Signature of authorised signatory Name : ______________________ Designation ___________________ Seal : 22 (please sign on each page) 23 (please sign on each page)