English and computing - Somerset Learning Platform

English: making links with the Computing curriculum (based on Somerset model)
Skills and knowledge that are part of the computing curriculum work
alongside the skills of language to support pupils to participate fully as
a member of society. Opportunities for communication and
collaboration online will provide a context for pupils to communicate
their ideas and emotions to others. Confidence to search for, and
evaluate information online, will provide experiences to enable pupils
both to acquire knowledge and to build on what they already know.
Computing provides opportunities to write clearly, accurately and
coherently in different contexts, for different purposes and for different
audiences. Pupils will need to elaborate and explain understanding
and ideas clearly. They will acquire skills to help them make formal
presentations and to demonstrate thinking and ideas to others.
Year 1 and Year 2
Direct links between English and computing can be seen within
Technology in our Lives and Multimedia threads of the Somerset
Computing Curriculum. http://bit.ly/primarycomputing.
Links to enhance learning can also be made through the development of
computational thinking (CT) as part of the programming thread.
Development of CT through decomposition and abstraction will support
the development of pupils’ capacity to explain their understanding of
books and, together with algorithmic design, will help them prepare
their ideas before they write. Pattern recognition and decomposition
will contribute to skilled word reading and transcription. All aspect of
CT will contribute to composition and will support spelling, grammar
and punctuation.
Year 3 and Year 4
Year 5 and Year 6
Spoken language is supported and developed through different threads within the Computing curriculum:
Spoken Language
Pupils will ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and knowledge of technology as highlighted
in ‘Technology in our lives’ thread.
Pupils will articulate and justify answers, arguments and opinions as they discuss their use of technology and
seek to understand ways to stay safe through the e-Safety thread.
Pupils will give well-structured descriptions, explanations and narratives for different purposes through
activities within the programming and multimedia threads.
Pupils will maintain attention and participate actively in collaborative conversations together with using
spoken language to develop understanding through speculating, hypothesising, imagining and exploring
ideas; through activities within the programming, handling data and multimedia threads.
Pupils will speak audibly and fluently as they become creative in their use of multimedia resources.
Pupils will participate in discussions, presentations, performances, role play, improvisations and debates,
together with needing to consider and evaluate different viewpoints; as they develop skills and understanding
through the e-Safety thread.
Pupils will develop awareness of selecting and using appropriate registers for effective communication as
they use sound recording as part of multimedia thread.
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English: making links with the Computing curriculum (based on Somerset model)
Year 1 and Year 2
Reading - word reading
Reading comprehension
Year 3 and Year 4
Pattern recognition and decomposition
are used to apply phonic knowledge
Algorithms are used to apply
and skills as the route to decode
knowledge of root words, prefixes
words. This supports the recognition
and suffixes.
of alternative sounds for
Multimedia experiences are used to
support the development of pleasure
in reading, motivation to read and
extending vocabulary and
Abstraction and generalisation are
used in the understanding of books
read and in explaining clearly their
understanding of what is read to
Abstraction and generalisation support
the identification of themes and
conventions in a wide range of
Multimedia is used to prepare and
perform poems and plays.
Abstraction is used to identify main
ideas and summarise these.
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Year 5 and Year 6
Pattern recognition and decomposition
are used to apply growing
knowledge of root words, prefixes
and suffixes to read aloud and to
understand the meaning of new
words they meet.
Sound recording as part of multimedia
will support pupils to read with
appropriate intonation.
The use of appropriate web sites
extend the width and frequency of
reading, outside as well as in
school, maintaining positive
attitudes to reading and
understanding of what they read.
Multimedia is used to prepare and
perform poems and plays, allowing
pupils to evaluate intonation, tone
and volume and clarity of meaning
to an audience.
Abstraction is used to understand
what they read and to discuss and
evaluate how authors have used
Search engines are used effectively to
retrieve information from nonfiction. It is recorded and presented
using a variety of multimedia.
Pupils distinguish between
statements of fact and opinion as
they evaluate digital content.
English: making links with the Computing curriculum (based on Somerset model)
Year 1 and Year 2
Writing - transcription
Pattern recognition is used in the
spelling of words including the
addition of prefixes and suffixes,
words with contracted forms, the
use of the possessive apostrophe
and the distinguishing between
homophones and nearhomophones.
Year 3 and Year 4
Pattern recognition supports spelling
which is reinforced through the use of
a keyboard.
At year two writing for different
purposes includes contributing to a
Writing - composition
Writing about real events and
writing poetry is developed and
presented through different multimedia
Greenscreening is used to provide
opportunities for pupils to develop
and order their ideas through
playing roles and improvising
scenes in various settings.
Pattern recognition supports pupils to
spell words they have not yet been
On-line dictionaries used to check
the spelling and meaning of words.
On-line thesaurus used.
Use of a keyboard is used to reinforce
letter recognition and spelling.
Algorithms are used in the
sequencing of sentences and the
planning of what they want to write
Year 5 and Year 6
A class blog enables pupils to write
for real purposes and audiences.
The reading and writing of blog posts
supports evaluation and editing as
pupils assess the effectiveness of
their own and others’ writing.
Decomposition is used to learn from
the structure, vocabulary and
grammar of writing similar to that
which they are planning to write.
Communication and collaboration
opportunities on line are used to
reflect understanding of the
audience and purpose of their
Algorithms are used when using
simple organisational devices.
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English: making links with the Computing curriculum (based on Somerset model)
Year 1 and Year 2
Writing – vocabulary,
grammar and
Year 3 and Year 4
Decomposition is used to analyse
Algorithms support the development of sentence construction including the
pupils’ confidence to punctuate
recognition of a clause,
sentences appropriately.
conjunctions, adverbs and
Pattern recognition is used to reinforce
the use of capital letters and
Programming challenges are used to
develop confidence in using and
punctuating direct speech.
Year 5 and Year 6
Decomposition, pattern recognition
and algorithms are used to develop
understanding of the concepts of
grammar and punctuation.
Opportunities for use of keyboard to
input writing emphasises and makes
fluent the use of grammatical and
other features such as commas,
hyphens, brackets, bullet points,
colons and semi-colons.
Algorithms are used to support the
development of the use of diagonal
Pupils select, use and combine a
and horizontal strokes that are
variety of software (including internet
Handwriting and
Algorithms are used to support the
needed to join letters and
services) as part of choosing the
practise of forming letters and digits.
understanding of which letters,
writing implement best suited for a
when adjacent to one another, are
best left unjoined.
Examples of technology Blog, Email (Gmail in Google apps for Education or RMEasymail)
tools to support English Ideas / shared thinking: Padlet http://padlet.com, Primary Wall http://primarywall.com, Thinglink (KS2)
Free online
Shared documents: Primary Pad http://primarypad.com, Google docs, Office 365
Examples of technology
PurpleMash online documents and templates (also appropriate for KS2)
tools to support English
J2e online documents and ‘desktop publishing’ (which can be sent directly to blog)
Subscription online
Examples of technology Pic collage (A), Puppet Pals, Sock Puppets, Morfo Booth (£0.69), QR reader (A), Green Screen by Do Ink (£1.99),
tools to support English Comic Life (£2.99), Comic Strip IT (A), Thinglink (KS2), iMovie (KS2 £2.99), Aurasma (A) See also iPad Apps and
Apps (A=Android+ iPad)
Android Apps for teaching and learning
Examples of technology 2Simple Infant Video Toolkit
Textease Studio, Microsoft office – Word, PowerPoint
tools to support English Hyperlinks to websites in Textease,
ZU3D (animation and green screen), BackDrop TV (green screen)
Word, PDF or Smartnotebook
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