File - Lansdowne High School Class of 1981

I will to you all my spirit of love, friendship, independence and devotion. And with this spirit, I
include the wonderful memories of high school… the dances, the basketball, volleyball, football games, the
Junior Prom, the car washes and of course, your Senior Follies. But most of all a life that is happy and
fruitful no matter which road you choose to take.
Remembering all,
Miss Boodhoosingh
Dear Seniors:
A teacher and an advisor always views the graduation class with mixed feelings – happy to see a
class make it yet sad to see them go. This year is an exception only in the sense that my feelings toward the
class are stronger because of our close associations over the last four years.
If I could write a Last Will and Testament that came true, I would will you a Ring Ceremony that
was successful. Since I cannot change anything, I would like to wish each and everyone of you a successful
future and happiness in the years ahead.
Best Wishes Class of 1981
Steve Fiorello
I, Linda Rau, being of sound mind and body, herby bequeath to:
Joe Finizza – One book entitled One hundred things to do fifth period in the Business office, a
life-size Linda doll for many years of craziness.
Trish Sullivan – A bill for the infinite amount of money you owe me.
Carol Schwartz – Nerve pills to enable her to put up with me for many more years, a life-size
Ronnie doll to ward off all loneliness.
Mr. Fisher – I leave the heart he stole from me and all my love with it and a lifetime supply of
Mr. Walker – May you be haunted by my memory the rest of your teaching career.
Troy Nooe – I leave you my skid marks, still as crunchy as the day they were skidded, a visit from
Jimmy Stewart, a life filled with success of an acting career, and finally a book entitled How to
wipe out Linda’s Jokes.
I, Veronica Gregory, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath to:
John – a book of “clean” ideas and all my jeans that have holes in them.
Kathy C. - some new ankles that never get shin splints, a years supply of blue ribbons and
something to get rid of “reptile skin.”
Kathy W. a years supply of air head pills to share with Kathy C. and some padded hurdles that
don’t hurt when you hit them.
I Tanya Taber will………..
Jennie Gutkoska my height
Joe Finizza my alligator shirt
Gina Clark the good times in Mr. Trouts Social Studies Classes
Darlene Ordakowski my record “Little Jeannie”
Mrs. Jeanne Baker my good times and memories at LHS
Evanne Moore my love of talking and laughing
Mrs. Currie my seat in Human Dynamics as a rememberance of me.
I, Lori Cathers, being of sound mind and body, herby bequeath to:
Kim a parking spot where no one can find her not even the cops.
Mike a part in the movie Popeye playing the part of Whimpy.
Blondie a bottle of hair lightener and good luck always with your severe pains
Mr. Fort A one-way ticket to Napoleons battle field. Also, I leave him a free ticket to all the
political parties in 1984.
Mr. Huff ALL my TOP packets and a year supply of Tylenol for next years COE class.
Connie a bowl of Minnie Minnie Wan Wan.
Tammy A parking spot where her and Tucker can be found. Also, a thesaraus so you can learn to
spell words the way I try.
The Eclipse a year supplies of diet pills. No I’m just kidding, I’m really going to leave you free
passes to the movies with Mike and I.
My sister all my compositions that I did in English.
Mike my senior project so that he doesn’t have to do one on his own.
All the Seniors, Good Luck in the future!
I, Carol Schwartz, being of sound somewhat mind, herby bequeath to:
Senior Class the best of luck after graduation.
Ms. Wharton my Nike basketball shoes.
Ms. McNabb My Nike spikes and gloves
Mike Bareford and Ward Marsh a pen so they don’t have to borrow mine.
Kim Cooper my cheek to pinch
Bob & Jo Stracke name tags so I can tell them apart.
All the people at our lunch tables some French fires to throw at Ron and Nick
Linda Rau a joke book so she doesn’t have to tell Pat, Ron and me all those dumb jokes.
Robin Schwartz my gym shirt and sox.
Troy Marts. Laura Knickman, and Evanne Moore a pass to walk around the halls any time they
Loretta and Peggy good luck in the up coming sports.
Paula yellow overalls so she can look like a banana instead of a fire engine.
I, Lynn Crutchman, being of no mind and body, bequeath the following to:
Joe Finizza - leave in the dressing room four pairs of underwear in assorted colors. And the
picture of us from “Birdie”. And a magazine rack from the Double T.
Cyndy Gloth – a night at the carnival with Dan (from Penn.), with no gas, but a lot of fun.
Kathy Blevins – a collection of my Bette Midler albums and a lifetime supply of Sophie jokes. A
lot of laughs and a road map easy enough for speds to read.
Janet Kreiner – a copy of Silitoe’s The Long-Distance Runner, so you can read it after graduation.
And a lifetime supply of French fries to eat, not to throw.
Ray Buckingham – all the homework you ever gave me to keep me out of trouble; (Thanks for
thinking I was a snob in 6th and 7th grade), and all the good times together.
Dave Arnold – a lifetime supply of good friendship and laughter.
Larry Dale – a tape measure to measure the inches of growth each year. (P.S. you stopped growing
in 7th grade.) Love ya.
Michele Faber – lots of fun times together and craziness in Dynamics and throughout our school
Miss Kendrick- love and friendship because you’ve been great through everything. Remember,
you still owe me a night out.
Duane Gamble – lots of love, you and Jan are great friends. And lots of cheese and ice cream.
Jennie Gutkoska –a Toni perm, and not enough time to do it in. And a tape measure, but just
remember I am still taller than you.
Ward Marsh – I leave Cyndy Gloth.
Sharon Henning – I leave Elsa of the blood drive, (don’t eat in the library because it doesn’t look
Tom Hoban – a list of vocabulary words on the side board of Mr. Schnuit’s room.
Mark Hubbard – a lifetime supply of French fries from Gino’s. And love and friendship.
Christa Lee – a lifetime supply of Accounting I problems from 11 th grade.
Michele Marchbanks – good times and friendship.
Troy Marts – lots of kinky times at Senior Follies practice. I luv youo.
Karen Moore – lots of good times and fond memories of B lunch. And lots of materials for Mrs.
Wright’s class so we don’t get bad daily grades.
Gregg Picket – Another year so you can be a snior.
Steve Rykowski – a lifetime supply of Rubic’s Cubes so that everytime Harry and I make a bad
move you can yell, Ohhhhhhhhhh!
Bob Sadler – lots of fun times together especially at my parties. I love you thanks for being a
Glenda Vega – lots of good memories. And another class in Human Development.
Sherri Randlett – a lot of rain so that I can finally pass you on a tan.
Steve Watts – your own place of stuff stiffs, and lots of good times.
Paula Washenfeld – lots of good times in homeroom, even though I was nasty.
Liz Barboza – a tape recorder so you can keep track of who you’re not talking to.
Sharon White – lots of good times in sewing and in lunch.
Mr. Vance – a long life of advising Student Council. You do it so well.
I, Julian Arca, leave my height to Mr. Doxsen.
I, Hunter Matassa. Leave my muscles to Mr. Marchak.
I, Ron Markwood. Leave my Chevelle to Tony Prescott so he will always have a ride to the caves.
I, Steve Rykowski, being of potentially sound mind and even sounder body, do herby bequeath the
following articles:
Bob Hammond - my mother’s old stroller that she used when I was a young toddler. I’m sure
you’ll fill it numerous times.
Mark Ziolkowski – the remnants of my old coin collection. I don’t know why, but I didn’t have
anything else to leave him.
Steve Watts – the following sage piece of advice. Get into embalming that type of work suits your
Gregg Pickett – a ten year supply of Ronco doorknobs with the brand new stay fast lock included
in the deal.
I Sandy York, bequeath to:
Donna Slack – a pair of glasses so she can read the billboard at the Oriole games.
Randy Slack – for all the wonderful memories you have given me. Good luck in the Army.
Lisa Young – Good Luck to the future Mrs. McDonald.
Gail Williams – a pair of sweats to wear over your Colts cheerleading uniforms.
Dawn Phelps – also shortie – but a sprinter layback, Good luck with Steve. It is time to hang up
your spikes.
Karin Wagner – I would like to leave you my legs to use when your legs are injured. Good Luck
in the 1984 Olympics.
Laurie Zaccagnino – I wish you a dream date with T.C.
Laurie Cavey – wish you all the luck in the world. Next Year you are going to need it.
Mr. D – I hope you learn to shut doors properly and not SLAM them.
Mrs. Blake – I wish you a lifetime of honeymoons in Colorado.
Miss Moran – I agree 79 is great but 81 is best.
Mr. Milbourn and Mrs. Hickman – Good luck next year.
Bev Helmick – I hope you and Chuckie are always happy together.
Lon McLaughlin – watch those moving cars, especially when Billy is driving them.
Mr. Walker – I hope next track season is a success.
Class of 81 Good luck and success in your future endeavors. See you all at the caves.
I Veronica Gregory, being of sound mind and body do hereby bequeath to:
Linda a life size Ziggy to hug.
Sharon Henning a name tag big enough to fit all the names I’ve ever called her, a lifetime supply
of “bullets” and good bowling scores.
Carla and Darla something they can finally agree on and a book of the latest gossip.
Joe number 500, 509, or 507 and a telephone booth to jump up and down in.
Kathy B. a bird like Billys that she can call her own and a years supply of egg rolls.
Mary Jo a box of broken pencils and an accounting book with all the wrong answers.
Janice a years supply of cookies for accounting and passes to see Mr. Walker
Billy a new car that never gets dirty or dented and a life time supply of pickles and sandwiches.
Roy some happy pills, somebody nice to tickle his ears, and finish computer programs.
Lon a book on how to fall off cars without getting hurt.
Ding a recording of the Pledge of Allegiance and a chair to stand on when she says it.
I, Laurie Zaccagnino, bequeath to:
Stephanie Disney – my continued friendship, best wishes for you and Ged, a wild time for you at
O.C., a pile of math papers to grade, and great memories of L.H.S.
Kevin Herbert – All the fun times we have shared over the past years, and a telephone, so we can
always be in touch. A friend for a lifetime, and a key to my heart.
Robin Flavin – a lot of good looking guys, a dance floor so you can woogie to the music, a great
week at O.C., memories of the summer of ’80, a car that runs, and many more wild times.
Regina Folks – a lifetime of happiness with Mike and my friendship forever. A pen and a pad of
paper so you can write me when you are at York.
Christa Lee – a six-pack, a can of hair spray, and a cute guy to sweep you off your feet. A big car
for Ocean City, two guys with no teeth, and their phone numbers. Plus a future like a puzzle with
all the pieces fitting together.
Mary Harrison – A plane ticket to Miami, a life size baby doll named Timmy, a box of crackers
and cheese, a car full of gas, four fantastic years at Yo.. and my home phone number.
Bonnie Miller – a book with all the answers in it for your anatomy homework, a new summer with
3 guys, a passing ID of 45, all the memories of the past, and all the songs of the future.
Cheryl Miller – A bowling ball and a crash course on how to bowl, many funny times from Rurik
and trying to make a deadline.
Karin Wagner – a typewriter, an eraser that won’t wear down, and all the fun we had trying to pass
typing, a pair of running shoes that will bring you good luck in your races at Maryland, and that all
your dreams may come true.
Mr. Grosso – to my pal at Lansdowne, I leave you my friendship and love, always.
I Tanya McDonald, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath to :
Todd Stevens – the only man in my life – all my love and devotion and a wish for a long and
happy life for us together.
Karen and Sharon Gilleland – the determination and will to keep going even when the going gets
Jason Linton – all the love and happiness a little kid deserves.
John Willington and Ray Miller – my friendship that will never die, and a wish for a long, happy
Michele Lusby – all the happiness she deserves, good luck in everything she does and all the love
that is soon to come her way.
Terri Gude, Kathy Krueder, Denise Schumacher and Patty McGowan – good luck and friendship.
Mr. Huff, Mr. Fort, Mr. Dilella, and Mr. Brivitch – a warm thank you.
Mrs. Holmes – a very warm thank you for all she has done for me and for being the kind of friend
that she has always been to me.
Girls of COE class – Congratulations for getting through the class with a smile.
Fellow Seniors – Heartfelt Congratulations!
Kim Summers, hereby leave the following:
Cindy Brandt – the answers to all future tests so she won’t have to cheat anymore.
To the lunch table – something other than guys, gossip and sex to talk about.
Lynne S. – a chance to play a full season in softball and a thank you for being such a good friend.
Ray T. – a brand new pair of docksides and a wardrobe of preppy clothes.
Linda S. – Ziggy printed wallpaper and a thank you for use of your ear in computers.
Darla – a better hockey record and a playmate for Doo-doo.
Joe F. – a pill to control his urges and
To the L--- Club more members to fulfill the requirements and an invitation meeting at Ocean
Gail W. – a perfect French soufflé and an unmelted Tupperware bowl.
To Carla, Darla, Lynne, Kris, Linda and Sharon – a bigger car to go to McDonald’s with.
Carla F. – less corruption.
Mr. Brivitch – all the transperencies that I took from him.
I, Joe Finizza and all…………., hereby leave……………………those who don’t………..City.
I, Jan Meador and Michele Wheeler and Joe Finizza and Kathy Meerdter, being of no mind and morals,
hereby leave Mr. Dilella ONE full week of actual work in Accounting Class.
Jan Meador and Kathy Meerdter and Michele Wheeler – leave Joe Finizza an accounting project he can’t
I, Kim Johnson, being of sound mind and body, do hereby bequeath to:
Groga: A dictionary to learn how to spell your last name and also all the brownies I have earned.
Mr. Fort: A year’s supply of already made brownie points. Also a bottle of peroxide and the sun
for your hair.
Mr. Huff: All my old shorthand pads, three minutes transcripts, one minute letters and mailables,
and also a typewriter that doesn’t break on me.
Jabber Jaws: A muzzle for every day use.
Christa – An extra set of peacock feathers to wear while taking dictation in Jeanie’s class.
Teddy Bear: A car that can beat me when we race and not a purple one either!!!
Mr. Brivitch: An English class that will come to class.
Twiggy: An employer who dictates like Mr. Sulin!!!
Bev: The best life has to offer for both you and Chucky as you begin your new live together –
please keep in touch always. Thanks for your friendship.
Tammy: The best life has to offer for you and Tom (The Tucker Tots, too) in your new life
together – Please keep in touch always.
Lisa: The best life has to offer for both you and John as you begin your new life together. Please
keep in touch always.
Bev; Another bridal shower for your wedding in November.
Bev: A Senior project on “How to Rid Yourself of SEVERE Pains”.
Tammy: A pair of SEX boots – one for every day of the week.
Lori: The best life has to offer you and your English. P.S. Also a grammar book written by Mr.
Joey Brivitch.
Ms. Kenderick: Thanks for being there. Best of luck always. Please keep in touch always.
Ms. Berlin: Thanks for lunch and your friendship. Please keep in touch always.
I, Leah McGovern being of sound mind and body do bequeath to:
Mr. Burgess: a whip and a bottle of liquor of his choice so that he can handle the problem students
of next year.
Mr. Huff: A child psychology book for the next years’ COE class.
Mr. Fort: one class that can take all the work that he gives and survive.
Mr. Trout: An up-dated book of jokes, all the Lonnie Anderson posters that it takes to cover his
walls, and all the fun from his period 4 class.
Mr. Brivitch: a pair of stilts and the book of excuses that we used to leave early.
Ann: A tranquilizer to use on Leon when the going gets rough.
Susan: something to cover her mouth so that while she is typing, 4-letter words won’t slip out!!!!
Ruthie: all the homework that I finished so that she can take it easy.
Robin: A life time supply of any liquor of her choice and gas for her car.
Christa: All the A’s that she hung on the walls of our shorthand class.
Lorie: I leave you my “A” in shorthand, the one you always wanted.
Tammy: I leave you a new book to get your big words out of.
Bev: all the money that I can get together so that you and Chucky will always be happy.
Mr. Huff: A gift certificate to Montgomery Ward’s, where he got me a job. (The Bargain Room).
I, Michele Purper, do hereby offer:
Linda: A pair of Dr. Scholl’s sandals for her to wear the next time she goes bus-chasing.
Sharon: I leave my beloved map of Virginia so she will never get lost on her many future visits to
Carla: I leave a year’s supply of hot black coffee and cold rags so she will never fall asleep in her
college classes like she has in high school.
The Kings Dominion Gang: I leave a bottle of energy pills to give them the strength to “run away”
from certain individuals.
Joe: I leave my Advanced Science textbook to keep him company during his lonely nights.
I Cyndi Gloth, being of sound mind and body, bequeath to the following:
My friendship forever, Oedipus
Sharon Gehringer: a never ending supply of lighters
Mr. Russell: The best teacher I ever had, a joke book for his poor humor
Ward Marsh: A brand new set of golf clubs and all the balls you can handle and also a date for the
Lynn Crutchman: a week in Ocean City away with Chipper Scheitlin.
Joe Saia: An insurance policy for my car as long as he promises to stay off Unger’s Field.
Kathy Bender: I leave Brian Stanoski
Mary Thompson: I leave a phony diploma, she’ll never get the real one.
Mr. Huff: A book to learn how to control your 3 rd period class.
I, Kathy Blevins, being of somewhat sound mind, hereby bequeath to:
Cobi Michael: All the O’s she can handle and a lifetime of spoons!!!!
Teresa Chinault: I leave the “Grand Titons!” Just in case she ever needs them.
Lynn Crutchman: LPS every week end. All the Zappa albums she can handle. All the happiness in
the world.
Liz Elkins: All of my “Oh Baby’s” the highest pair of heels she can find.
Jackie Harold: A mouse with a very long tail. A pair of monkey’s with very long tails and
anything else she can find with a long tail!!
Karen Kasemeyer: The right guy, if she can find him and a lot of rockin’ times.
Denise Grap: Best wishes and good luck.
Accounting Period 5: All the good times and gossip sessions! Keep your ears open Kevin!
Mr. Delilla: A class for next year that is better than us. If that could ever be so! A book on how to
give tests.
David Flair: Alligators! Alligators,!Alligators!
Brian Elliott: Accounting lessons (only until June, cause then I’m leaving)
Janice Sparks: A nice looking guy in nice looking pants.
Veronica Gregory: The best looking tattoo she can find.
Joe Finizza; The answers to test in rhymes.
I, Karin Wagner, Bequeath to:
Sandy York – a submarine to travel to Germany and kidnap R.S. for two weeks; and a blast in
Mark Cusic – spotlights, music, stages!
Mike Dunn – the determination to be a competitor who hates to lose.
Ms. Kolodny – the authority to swing into action all the creative ideas she has for the Eddas.
Dawn Phelps – love and happiness with Steve and the knowledge that our friendship will never
end no matter how much distance there is between us.
Bobby Hammond – a unique relationship that time will take by the hand and guide, also the
chance for me to give you the 12,004 kisses I owe you.
Laurie Zaccagnino – a tall, dark and handsome prince who loves to talk.
Cheryl Miller – a whole truck load of writing paper and enough money to pay the phone bill next
John Pullen: the confidence to keep writing poetry and let someone appreciate it.
Kris Wagner – the knowledge that being you and only you makes you special. I won’t be that far
Tanya – a rosebush minus the thorns.
Ms. Hickman – a sailboat to think about theme and a computer to keep the deadlines straight.
Janice Sparks – a whole track team of little D.R.’s to manage.
Rich Kidd – self-confidence, confidence, and more confidence.
Lansdowne Track Team – Many thanks for all your support and confidence in me. I’m glad I had
the chance to be a member of a great group of people.
Mr. Walker – the knowledge that I couldn’t have done it without you and if I make it, an invitation
to be my coach.
Steve and Steve – doorknobs to open any door you command to do so, and strength to be happy
although you’re separated.
Mr. Mohler – a thank you for your friendship, that at times, I forgot..
I, Raymond Buckingham, hereby publish and declare this codicil to be my Last Will and Testament:
Lynn Crutchman – the full length motion picture of “My EMR Summer”, a year supply of
dizziness, my everlasting friendship, and my address so that I may receive your wedding
Jennie Gutkoska – an over-heated Xerox machine, tons and tons of paper, a cassette of Mr. Dubbs,
a bag of Fritos and my love in the future.
Richard kidd – an extra large band-aid and a bottle of glue to try and repair our broken friendship.
To Harvey Johnson of “Bye Bye Birdie” (Joe Finizza) – a ble and white striped tie and a pair of
wire framed glasses, and the sequel to Lynn’s “My EMR Winter.”
Mama Henning – A bunch of peace and quiet, a Ginsue quarter, a bag of French fries to be thrown
at you, and much luck in the future.
Tammy Grogan – my friendship, admiration, and luck along with my Mickey Mouse
paraphernalia, a happy future with Tom Tucker.
Lisa Yeshnik and Kim Manning – next year’s choir whether you want it or not. “Fun” times with
Mr. Dubbs and the school to run next year.
Cindy McDonnell – a new rider for your car, and a full fledge office of your very own to open
your own business with (Doctor Lady Jay.)
Donna, Laura, Vickie – the Naval Academy, the 4 H’s, a sun lamp and a fun time in O.C.
Sara Ajello – a megaphone so that others will be able to hear you, and a good life.
Lori Price – a year supply of white out, a better paper, a secret lover with the initials J.A., and all
the luck in the world.
Mrs. Pundt – my forgery techniques, a new group of aides, my love and friendship.
Mrs. Huesman – a certain Jewish person, a record of the choir, a new job, 2 rolls of quarters.
Mr. Dubbs – a new trash can, and someone else to fight with the Xerox machine.
I, Kristin Gearhart, leave the following items to all those who I hope will remember me:
Sherri Mainer – all of my cold and left over lunch food.
Mr. Dubbs – all of my “A flats” and “A naturals”, I’m sure you’ll need them.
Mr. Brivitch – a pack of new library passes.
Bob Hammond – a pair of new Nikes to keep up with Karin.
Bob Fitzgerald – my life.
Mrs. Rosmere – All of the “Bye Bye Birdie” costumes.
Cindy Brandt – extra strong contact lenses for her extra straining eyes.
Sharon Henning – a life without Mr. Dubbs.
Mrs. Langdon – my overdue library books.
Kevin Wright – a German dictionary.
Concert Choir – Straight “A’s” in all of your adjudications, good luck!
Senior Class – a good life and a wham-banger of a time in Ocean City.
I, Michele Faber, being of somewhat sound mind, hereby bequeath:
Mrs. Kendrick – all my Home Ec. Classes that I have ever taken in the past 4 years.
Christa lee – all the happiness in the world.
The Class of ’81 – all the luck in the world and success in the future. Good Luck Seniors!
To all the teachers I ever had at Lansdowne in the past 4 years – all the thanks in the world. You
were all terrific.
Sue Dietz – many fun times we had together. You are one great friend. Good Luck! You never
took the flag down.
Steph, Regina, Connie and Coop – all the fun we had in homeroom together for the past three
years. Good Luck.
Mary – I leave all the success and happiness in the world.
Mike Krebs – a set of pens so he doesn’t have to borrow any more.
Period 5 Accounting Class – remember the formula A+L=OE. Thanks Mr. D for all your help.
Cheryl Miller – you were a great navigator.
I, Jan Meador bequeath the following:
Mr. H – a lifelong stack of request forms for student slips allof them pre-stamped casue I’ve done
my last stack.
Ray – myself, forever and ever whether he likes it or not!
I, Linda Steinwedel, do hereby leave to:
Shay-ron: a weekend “shopping” guide, a lifelong memory of GD in Towson, and a ….doll to take
out your frustrations on…
Michelle – a schedule of the bus routes and a map of the city.
Ray – all of the loose strands of hair on my head.
Ver- a can of “green” shaving cream.
Jennie – 3 inches of height.
I, Bob Fitzgerald Leave:
The Concert Choir – my flat notes, I like to take the good ones with me.
The Soccer team – my shin guards for all the great kicks.
Mr. Everett – all those lousy tennis balls from practice.
The Class of ’81 Calculus class leaves the Class of ’82 Calculus all of their headaches.
I, Gail Williams, bequeath the following to:
Mr. Lawson – a big THANKS for helping me get through College Algebra, and a day when
there’s no trouble in River City.
Jerry Creighton – a book on “How to say 40-40 in more ways than one” Good Luck playing
number one.
Sandy York- a dozen packs of writing paper to send to randy. Also, a thanks for being a good
friend, and a pass to P.I.
Janice Sparks – another good year with D.R. and a new track team to manage as well as you
managed LHS’s.
Lisa Young – a supply of dimes and nickels so you can call John anytime. Also, a supply of
cafeteria jokes to tell your mother.
Mrs. Sabatini – a new aide to grade your vocabulary tests and especially your outlines. Thank you
for everything you’ve done for me.
John Hall – all of my love and a big thanks for everything you’ve done for me. Also, a place to
tuck away all the memories of the fn times we’ve had together.
Wendy L. Morsberger, being of reasonable intellect, slightly bulging body, do hereby bequeath the
Mary Bond – a boyfriend who is faithful and understanding, and an accident-proof van; a sister
who is only around when you need her; two showers a day which are uninterrupted by phone calls
and unwanted quests; enough alcoholic beverages to last a lifetime; my friendship and love and
my best wishes for a long and happy future.
Jeni Bond – a David who never fights with you (especially at bowling alleys at League time);
parents who never question your activities; my friendship and good wishes for the future!!
George Little – the ability to drink more than three beers without passing out; a car that never
needs repair, and does not stop in the middle of uninhabited areas in the middle of the night; an
“A” average in Dynamics; the intelligence to pass the entrance exams for the police department;
my friendship and best wishes for the future – you’re going to need all the help you can get.
Ray Buckingham – three years of uninterrupted sleep at night; a high grade average you don’t
have to work for, newspapers that come out on time; my friendship and love, best wishes for the
Cheryl, Karin, Ray, and Mom – and the rest of the RURIK staff – a printing machine that works,
along with a stencil burner, met deadlines and a bigger office.
Last year’s Concert Choir – memories of all the times we had.
Frau Kranzler, Michael, Cindy, John and Sam of German II – I leave my thanks for the memories
and best wishes for the coming year.
I, Cheryl Miller, bequeath to:
Karin Wagner – Bob and happiness always, a ton of writing paper to keep in touch with, success
in reaching the Olympics, and most of all my friendship and gratitude for always having time to
Jennie Gutkoska – a full tank of gas, Arizona sunshine, and a case of Heiny-skins.
Ms. Huesman – more 35 cents from EF, a person who knows how to ski, a prince that meets your
standards as well as my friendship and utmost respect.
Lori Price – machines that work, a bottle of white-out, a great senior year as editor-in-chief, and
my phone number and address to keep in touch.
Joe Finizza – a de-pervert machine and a girl to carry out your wildest fantasies.
Regina Folks – a thousand pictures of Mike and a great 4 years at York and more sunglasses and
signs to make our trip back and forth even crazier.
Laurie Zaccagnino – a date with TC, a free admission to all the nightclubs in Maryland, and a life
time membership to Fairlanes.
Stephanie Disney – Ged, and happiness always
Steve Watts – a lifetime supply of toothpaste and a toothbrush to keep your teeth white forever,
and a new “friend” after you and Bird are separated.
Steve Rykowski – a bottle of your favorite wine and Devo’s “Whip It”.
Robin Flavin – a new car, and a great nursing career.
Mr. Mohler – a new Cadillac, better jokes, and thanks for always listening to my problems.
I, Bev Helmick, being of sound mind, do bequeath to:
Kimba – all the white-out she can handle and her first beer. Good luck and thanks for your
friendship, also my bridal shower.
Lori – a Duracell battery to keep her mouth running – Poor Whimpy – thanks for your friendship.
Also a book of grammar.
Groga – Ten little tucker tots to raise, and a b bottle of peroxide, a bigger locker so she doesn’t
have to fight with kimba. Thanks for your friendship.
Leah – a head start on her TOP packets, along with her Big “AA” in shorthand.
Christa – the great memories of our shorthand I class with Jennie.
Mr. Huff - All my blank shorthand pads for all the homework that I haven’t done, and all the
stencils that I had to run off.
Mr. Fort – a pair of POLITICAL swim trunks for his new house in Florida.
Ms. Berlin – thanks for being there when I needed someone to talk to.
Seniors – Congratulations!!! We made it !!!
Chuck – all my love. I hope we are happy together.
To all the girls in COE Class – Good luck and congratulations.
Kin – a car that she thinks is as fast as my car.
Always the Class of ’81 is the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I, Regina Folks, being of sound mind and body bequeath to:
Christa – a new pair of gray Levi’s, a pink flowered skirt and a set of combs.
Mary – a string of boyfriends to go through and a pair of white pants without a wine stain.
Steph – a new COBOL nook.
Liz – the competition with Laurie.
Cheryl – stencils and a thousands copies of the RURIK.
Christa and Mary – all the good times we had in the past 4 years.
Birdie – a guide on how to dress Preppy and 7 alligator shirts one for each day of the week.
Greetings and Salutations to all:
Pumpkin – a box of cinnamon Granola Bars – Lusty.
Beezely – an open invitation to my house so she can have one of my mommy’s sandwhiches
anytime she wants.
Valerie – a stalk of celery.
The Class of ’81 – the best of luck in the future and may you always be happy and don’t let life
get you down.
Nancy Picker
Mr. Russells’ “Biggest” English Class, bequeath to you “sluggy” six packs of wild ties to keep us awake
during the survey of English literature and the 2 nd vocabulary list accompanied by 11 jokes.
I, Robin Flavin leave …
-Mr. Sulin one class full of top notch secretaries to take shorthand at 190 for 3 minutes with 0
-Christa L. one tall dark state trooper to escort her home from dancing, one terrific summer with
the gang, all the guys she can handle and 8x10 framed picture of Bob Rush’s phone number.
- Zacc a triple date like the last one but with different guys, a great future with D.H., one warm
summer day to write note and tan, a world full of dreams that come true, and a lost memorie of
- Mark Hubbard a presidential appointment to the coast guard and a girl of your dreams.
- Regina Folks fulfilled life with Mikey, and address book to remember to write a life long ticket
to Mike’s games.
-Cheryl Miller a prom date who is always willing, a bowling team she can rely on, the editorship
of the New York Times and a terrific life at York.
-Mary Harrison one alarm clock and the will to get to school on time, a house next to Timmy, the
Burger King franchise, and my friendship forever.
-Bonnie Miller one dozen eggs, a diet book, a jar of tonsils to take the place of her own, an excuse
book, a life full of dreams and happiness and the memories of all our fun times that we had last
summer and all of the ones yet to come.
- Mr. Vance a broken recording of the song “I Will Survivie.”
- Mr. Fi 35 kids to give you 35 new excuses.
I, Laura Marie Cole, being of sound mind and body, hereby leave the following items to these participants
of Lansdowne Senior High School:
-Mr. Lucas my faithful tennis coach I leave my frozen fingers and a season without wind.
-Ms. Damiao I leave my deepest gratitude for being there to listen to my problems and
accomplishment. Thanks for being a friend.
- Mr. Mohler I leave twp pounds of college literature and thanks for his guidance. I’m sure I’ll like
going to your alma mater.
- Donna, Vickie and Ray I leave another set of ears. I have certainly used up their old ones with all
my problems. Thanks for listening and for being my friends.
- My borther Roy I leave 3 more years of high school. Hang in there, “84” is coming.
- Next Year’s Band the strength to rise at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday morning to make pizza, have fun.
Mr. Lawson I leave my surprise whatever it is.
Mrs. Curries Classes a full year without problems with video equipment.
I, Cindy Brandt being of sound mind and body, do bequeath to….
-Mr. Ken Walton – a commemorative pressing of “Another One Bites the Dust” and the lHS fight
song, featuring Greg Z. on the tuba.
-Mr. Don Mohler – one game of 26 questions to make up for my absence, thank you for your help.
-Lisa Yeshnik – a great Senior year, luck with Chris, and a lot of stationary so you can have no
excuses for not writing.
-Tony Bent – a fake I.D. and a fighting blue hen.
-Mark Ziolkowski – a copy of “Differential and Integral Calculus”.
-Ms. Blake – a championship team - beat Curley for me too.
-Steve R. – a copy of the “Basics of Sportscasting” by Howard Cosell and a Toupe so you look
like your idol.
-Steve Mooney – a lifetime supply of Izods and docksiders.
Steve Rykowski Continued:
Rick Ashman – Eight thousand tickets to Ted Nugent’s next performance.
Kevin Rupp – my book on good posture so he can finally stop walking like an uncaged gorilla.
Carl Schwartz – an airbag to put in her car that will blow open in case of a fatal or near fatal
To anyone who knows Kim Cooper – a readily available supply of earmuffs because if she talks
any louder she’ll break the sound barrier.
Ged Welsh – my old set of golf clubs. Each one of them is broken but it’s the thought that counts.
Christa Lee – an 8x11 picture of myself so she’ll always have a dart board to play with.
Doug Wehberg – a word of warning. Hopkins students are notorious for being mentally deficient.
Please don’t let this happen to you.
Mr. Russell – a pennant-winning Red Sox team and a year’s supply of quality jokes.
Duane Gamble – a pro contract for the Pittsburgh Steelers.
I, Lisa Young, bequeath to:
Kim Johnson – a lifetime supply of hair coloring to get back her original color after she lightens it.
Thanks for being such a great friend.
Sandy York – a ticket to see Randy in Germany, and a full time hairdresser to cut your hair
whenever you want. Thanks for all your advice.
Gail Williams – a lifetime supply of note pads for taking notes, and all my boredom days. I’m
really glad we became good friends.
Janice Sparks – a step ladder to make kissing Doug more comfortable. Thanks for all the good
times we’ve had in lunch.
Lisa Montley – a lifetime supply of prom gowns for all the proms and an umbrella for when it
rains you can still go places.
Donna Slack – a lifetime supply of name tags so you can remember all your dates last names.
Mr. Sulin’s Shorthand II Class – a lifetime supply of Mr. Sulin’s dictation papers so you can
always get the practice. Thanks for making the class bearable.
Class of ’81 – the memories form LHS. Lots of success.
I, Tammy Grogan, being of sound mind and body bequeath to:
My sister Bridget – all my Social Studies projects.
Tommy – thanks for all the memories we’ve had and the many more we’ll share. TG
Jabber Jaws – good luck with Wimp.
Bev – have fun with those Severe Pains.
All my love to the Green Giant, from your Little Green Sprout.
Mr. Fort – a Republican beach umbrella for his new home in Florida.
Mr. Brivitch’s next year class – the answers to the vocabulary teats A, A, B, D, C, E, E….
Kim – a parking space in a dark lonely deserted corner at the warehouse of her choice.
Mr. Huff – lifetime supply of whoppers from Burger King.
The librarians – my paycheck to cancel all my overdue books.
Tucker – my Senior Project so he will get through his Senior Year.
I, Bob Sadler, being of sound mind and body hereby leave to:
Mr. Russell – a new joke book,
Mrs. Korz – the answers to the next CPA exams.
Mr. Bareford – a decent starting line-up.
Mrs. Welsh – some electric typewriters.
Mr. Baccalla – his very own space shuttle.
Senior Class, being of sound mind and body hereby leave:
The junior class – three Benji Shugars, two Lionell Burgess’ and a Kevin Wright..
Mr. Fiorello – a snowstorm on his vacation.
Mr. Buchheister – new colleagues.
Mr. Harmeyer – another parking lot so he’ll be quiet for a change.
To the entire school- another class almost as great as us!
We 1979-1980 Auto II class hereby leave to Mr. Watts for his next Christmas present:
12 “Fouling Up” Fauvers.
11 “Loafing” Loughs.
10 “Enormous” Emmets.
9 “Crying” Krafts.
8 Lutz on Ludes.
7 “Wobbling” Watcheskis.
6 “Praying” Haas’.
5 “Puking’ Pittmans.
4 “Grease Throwing” O’Connels.
3 “ Class Cutting” Cooks.
2 Baby “Bozo” Bartos.
1 “Knowing nothing” Norrises.
I, Carla Feeheley, of deranged mind and no virtue, do hereby bequeath the following to:
Mrs. Hickman’s 1st period Public Issues class – another extension on our projects.
Michele Wheeler – a spill proof quill pen.
Joe Finizza – some morals so he won’t corrupt anymore naïve young girls with halos.
Valerie – therapy on the cure for paranoia, and a new puppy.
Mr. Dubbs – a nametag exclaiming “the other one.”
Kristin Gearhart – a winning McDonald’s ticket and all my shoes.
Darla – a guy who won’t snub her out of three proms, an accounting project with all the answers
and a car that’s immuned to jumping off bridges.
Michele Purper – a first aid kit for all the times we’ve kicked her study and a pillow for English
Sharon Henning – a hair dryer for the next visit to Turner Ashby, and a whole week of free time so
she can catch up on her Calculus homework.
Concert Choir – a larger robe room and a losing basket ball team so we don’t look so bad.
Mr. Russell – an aide to grade all his senior projects and perfect attendance.
Mr. D –a 101 elephant joke book to enhance his routine.
Mary Jo – a broken arm so she can’t do her accounting project and a class with an advi….
Veronica Gregory – a sub to get flat on.
My lunch table – a topic that has nothing to do with sex or sex or sex.
Robert Hammond - a “Total Woman”.
Mrs. Welch’s 6th period class – a sock to stuff in our Miss little goodie-two-shoes mouth.
Mr. Milbourne – a year rest and a pair of roller skates.
Third period study – a day in the Marines to find out how our study teachers bellow.
Mark Ziolkowski – a water-proof picture of Michele to take with him at swim meets.
Steve Rykowski – a chance to defend Nixon in the Watergate case – he probably would have won.
Linda Rau – a fan to scream Auntie Em into and an audition for the Peppermint Patty
Kathy Blevins – a male escort service.
I, Sharon Henning, Being of demented mind and even worse body, do hereby bequeath the following to my friends:
Lindy: a lifetime supply of gas to go SHOPPING (our kind), all the cottage cheese in the Eastern United
States (your choice of fruit topping), a one-way ticket to Kings Dominion, and a guarantee to never take you
to anymore camps.
Joey- a muzzle, a new navigator (the kind that understands BEARL), a copy of the best seller “Gone With the
Liab”, and a priest to listen to all the ummoralistic things you do.
Michele – knee pads to crawl down the hall with, a discount ticket to Buddy’s Bunsen Burner Shop, and one
piece of paper to replace the one I ripped up.
Carla – 10,000 more choir periods with the people we all know and love, a 1oth year reunion of 3 rd period
study and a “summer”.
Darla – an accurate machine to take role, one alto section with no bull-horn voices and another fun-filled day
at Kings Dominion.
Concert Choir – a three month all expenses paid trip to Turner Ashby High School.
Mr. Dubbs – one complete trash can with no dents, and a ninth grader to put in choir you’ll quit embarrassing
Liz, Steph, Mike, Jay, and Karen – the famous “Father Fisher’s” words of wisdom.
Mr. Fisher’s 5th period class- loneliness, because it is the only thing that exists, and a congratulations for
making it this year.
Richard Kidd – a book entitled “How to keep your nose in your own business.”
Mr. Vance – this school to run as you please, a Senior Follies without me, and the “Queen”, somebody else to
yell at because I’m sick of it, and another weekend in Virginia.
My study teachers – some patience to put up with some of the jerks you have in there, and a book of your
students 100 best excuses.
Lunch Table – one table that is on its best legs, and a lifetime supply of Ginsu Dimes.
Mrs. Friesland – some more friends to relate to any topic we discuss, and all the pictures in our last textbook
to show your sons!!
Doug Wehberg – his very own eraser so he’ll leave me alone.
I, Tracy Wellen, Bequeath the following to:
Terry Worrell – a brand new Social Studies project of all the preps with all the crude remarks.
Rhonda Fowler – a disco album complete with feet you put on the floor, so she can keep up with
her bus driver.
Jennie Sullivan – all the answers to every Social Studies and English tests over the past three
Mr. Brivitch – a fresh supply of parachutes to use when his senior classes get too rough.
Lisa Kinslow, a pair of brass knuckles and a bottle of Visine to get the red out, every morning.
Lois Alderton – I leave her six dollars and a perfect attendance record complete with a Social
Studies and senior project.
Cheryl Marshall – all the preppies things in life.
Mr. Redd – two copies of my album and a pair of jingling, jangling spurs
Mr. Martin – all my little Burger King surprises so he can start a collection.
Joe Finizza – a new supply of red rubber balls, a camel with big false eyelashes, a new name
(John) and a free pass to get into 4th period English class.
Gretchen Steffe – Kelly’s little black book for those sudden emergencies.
Debbie Kimble – a hot date with good old Renaldo N.
Christa Lee – an oil painting of our favorite English teacher – you know who I mean.
Rich Kidd – an English credit since we never had a Richard in our class last year.
Robin Flavin – the good old pole from BK Christmas dance to keep her company on lonely nights.
Duane Gamble – All the cut-out letters he worked so hard on from the backboard of our favorite
psychiatric class with D.S.
Everybody from the Class of’81 – thanks for the memories.
I, Janice Sparks, bequeath the following:
Veronica G. – memories of all the good times we had in Accounting class and PE and for pool
lessons so you can beat me.
Doug Randlett – thanks for all the good times and many more to come.
Sherri Randlett – best of luck with Scott and a 7th period study (so much fun) also a house in
Kathy Blevins – a supply of candy, a compass to find your way around, and your very own
parking lot.
Valerie DeVincent – a supply of skin lotion especially made for dry legs and a wall poster of Mr.
Mr. Walker – an “A” manager and another state champion. Also a manager who doesn’t as…
Karin Wagner – best luck in college and I hope to see you in “84”.
Sandi Herbert – a map of the city so “you’ll know where you’re going” and your very own book
Zacc – memories of all the fun we have had in Mr. Huesman’s class, track managers, and
everything else.
Sandy York – more discussions during Home-ec and a Randy doll to keep you company while he
is away.
Michele D. and Kelly R. – a pass to get into Mr. Pips anytime and the memories of the Rustler.
Jennifer Franz – your very own shoe store, a supply of Spree, and best of luck in Bo…
Michele Kusby – a supply of crackers and Doritos to be eaten during 1 st period, and a Mr. Fort
doll that has pretty eyes and a baby face.
Senior Class of ’81 – Congratulations on making it this far and best wishes.
David Flair – an airplane ticket to Florida and a supply of preppy clothes.
Lisa Young – your very own phone so you can call John.
Tanya Tabor – another typing class so you can learn something and a ticket to Minneapolis to visit
I, Michele Wheeler, bequeath the following:
Mr. Schnuit – A scholarly class, a reader’s guide to Oedipus Rex, and an alarm check to wake up
the class while reading Macbeth.
Joe Finizza – a lifetime supply of vitamin E, a complete Faye Dunaway film library, and a decent
fake ID to get in everywhere.
Caral Feeheley – a map of Washington Blvd on it to see that it has no end!
Linda Rau – a Norm Lewis weather expert button.
Darla Feeheley – a pair of glasses to tell who her father is, a book of secrets so she can spread
them around.
Mark Ziolkowski – A first aide kit for his bike trip to O.C.
Bob Hammond – A “Nuke the Jocks” button to wear with his “ Nuke the Preps”.
I, Darla Feehely, being of no mind and a gorgeous body do hereby bequeath the following:
Mr. Brivitch – a class consisting of all ex-paratroopers.
Mr. Dubbs – a football team for choir and an accurate secretary.
Mr. Dillela – a class of mutes.
Ms. Welsh – a business law class of dumb bunnies.
Mr. Milbourne – a year of Fridays, (weekends included) and at least one clone to help divide all
the work.
Class of 83, 84, 85 … A ring ceremony!
Cindy Brandt – a telescope for more subtle cheating.
Michele Wheeler – a a constant supply of for her brain.
Valerie DeVincent – a pterodactyl.
Mark Ziolkowski – Michele Wheeler clothed in computer cards with the holes conveniently
punched out.
My Double, Carla Feehely – A name-tag, a nose job like Barbara Striesands and the horse she
always wanted.
Kathy Cassianos – anything she wants, she deserves it.
Jennie Gutkoska – an endless supply of dittoed excuses for her absences in college or at work.
Joey Finizza – The joint editing of the diary of all our weekends to give to Uncle Milty (Mr.
I, Joe Finizza, being of no mind bequeath the following to:
The Class of ’83 – a ring ceremony
Laura Cole and Vickie Edwards – a de-moralizer Kit.
Kathy Meerdter – an extra month to finish her Accounting project.
Cindy Brandt – all of Mark Ziolkowski’s college prep papers for her to look off of.
Mr. Brivitch – a good collection of Literature (not Lord of the Flies and “Waiting for Godot”) like
a subscription to Playboy.
Jan Meador – an authentic pair of docksides and an alligator shirt.
Mrs. Hickman – an extra deadline for Yearbook.
Mr. Milbourne – a set of books outlining “the Yearbooks gang’s” weekends including all of the
gory details.
Sharon Henning – a Bunsen Burner, a crumpled note from Spanish, an iou for the rest of her life
and 10 “LIAB” memoirs.
Kathy Blevins – a year’s supply of Garfield comic strips.
Ray Buckingham – a highlight.
Linda Rau – the original soundtrack of the “Wizard of Oz” all the Sugar Daddies she can eat, and
a video-taped copy of “Cinderblock.”
Rhonda Fowler – a collection of absence notes for college when she takes those periodical
Valerie DeVincent – an extra tank of gas in case she decides to take another 120 mile car rally.
Cheryl Miller – matching pterodactyls, a “press” card for all her scoop stories and a stick of chalk.
Jennie Gutkoska – a driver’s handbook, all the booze she can drink and a frog.
Darla Feehely – a map for a car rally to match the gas for Val’s car work
Assignment #10 for Photography, and some anti-dizzy pills.
Tracy Wellen – a “Sensa” ball, a Terrt nametag, a collection of Arthur Miller plays, and a stuffed
Mark Ziolkowski – a swimming pool, a computer and Michele Wheeler – in that order.
Carla Feehely – a course in “How to corrupt yourself” taught by Prof. R.H.
Kim Summers – a pill to control her urges, and a book of all the senior guys in the class.
Michele Wheeler – a Mother tee-shirt for the Ocean.
Lynn Crutchman – a pair of underwear to show off at her next play, a cast party and a collection of
Mr. peanut glasses.
Michele Purper – a month of dreary hellos and a 9th grade worm report.
I, Mark Ziolkowski being of sound mind and body, do hereby leave the following to the following:
Doug Wehberg – Kebin’s peach suit.
Fung-ye Wong – 3 feet 6 inches to bring you up to the average height!!
Vanessa – a lesson on how to answer a two choice question and on the pronunciation of the words
“calma” (comma), and “shivers” (shivers).
Kevin Wright – one “cosmic cushion” and a date with Vanessa.
Cheryl Miller – the age of 18 so she doesn’t have to lie about her age.
Steve Rykowski – one “tonsillectomy” performed by Dr. Rob and a reserved seat in our English
Calculus Class – the benefit of partial credit!
Young Ham – tennis shoes that will not run, the color, when washed.
Cindy Brandt – the grace of the average elephant on a tightrope and one win (for a change) of an
argument with me.
Kim Summers – a pharmacist to keep her supplied.
Linda Steinwedel – a punctual morning at the office.
English Class – the answers to all mid-terms to make it fair.
Darla Feeheley – a one-stationed radio, and an old man to call Daddy-doo.
Carla Feeheley – a complete STYX collection, and dancing lessons on behalf of the senior Follies
crew (R.E Vance suggestion).
Robert Hammond – a “memory book”, his tape (STYX), and luv diapers.
Joe Finizza – exposure to other things other than _____ _____ ______ to broaden his horizons
(hint-begins with S and ends with X and is not the band).
Michele Wheeler – windex, ajax, (c/0 Joe), and my luggage to the ocean (and even Bob’s).