ISI’S FRIENDSHIP PARTNER PROGRAM FEEDBACK FOR _____ ACADEMIC YEAR YOU MAY ANSWER EACH QUESTION BELOW, 1. Describe the type of contact you have had with your Friendship Partner. . 2. Approximately how many times did you actually have personal, face to face contact? 3. What type of events, activities, or visits did you find to be the most productive? 4. What barriers or obstacles did you find that limited your relationship with your Friendship Partner? 5. Describe the type of conversations or discussions that you had that were spiritual in nature. 6. Are you planning to maintain the friendship partner relationship with the same student/scholar next year? 7. What could we at ISI do to better assist you in this relationship? 8. Please give us your candid, overall impressions of your experience as a Friendship Partner? OR – YOU MAY WRITE A NARRATIVE PARAGRAPH THAT DESCRIBES YOUR EXPERIENCE WITH YOUR FRIENDSHIP PARTNER OR – IF YOU WOULD PREFER TO GIVE FEEDBACK BY PHONE REGARDING YOUR EXPERENCE, PUT A CHECK HERE: _________ AND WE WILL GIVE YOU A PHONE CALL Thanks you so much for your help. Please email this form back to: [INSERT CONTACT INFORMATION HERE]