La Historia de los Aztecas

WRITTEN BY: Michele Cummings
Date: 4th quarter
Grade: 8
Subject: Spanish 2
Objectives and
Time: 1 hour
Topic: La Historia de los
Give students a pre-test about the history
of the Aztecs leading up to the Conquista.
(See below)
Students will be able to tell the history of
the Aztecs in Spanish, in past time, leading
up to “La Conquista,”
in order to better understand Mexico today.
This will lead to showing them a map of what
“New Spain” looked like and how it changed
to what Mexico is today.
Hard copies of pretest for students
Set of Clickers for immediate results of
Smartboard program with lesson of photos and
Laptops for students
A hard copy of photos and text in Spanish
describing events with a cloze exercise
 Give students the pretest and they use
clickers to take the test.
 Go over the % of questions answered
See photos and text below pre-test:
 Show 8 photos and text (one at a time,
on the smartboard) of the main events
of the history of the Aztecs/Mexicas.
(See below)
 Students fill in missing words on
their hard copies.
(Teacher can fill in with details by
expounding a bit on each photo. Also
explain the “Codices” and how they depict
the history of the Aztecs through
Check for
Guided Practice:
Independent Practice:
Read through the text describing the
first photo and ask students to fill
in missing words.
Break down text according to new
vocabulary words and ask for meaning
of text.
Relate text to the photo.
Have students read text to each other
and check for comprehension for each
Repeat for each photo as the history
Have students cover the text with a
Read one of the descriptions and the
students point to the correct picture.
Do the same covering photos, show
photo on smartboard and students find
matching text.
Prepare same photos and text on
smartboard, but lock the text in
place, and mix up the photos making
them movable.
Do another page with the text movable
and the photos locked in place.
Put in folder accessible to students
on their laptops.
Students have to match photos to text,
then text to photos.
Teacher walks around and checks .
Teacher prepares a smartboard page with
activities and puts them in a folder
accessible to students:
Put text in order: Text is written out on
Bars. Click and the bars move to a mixed
order. Students then have to put the text
in the correct order by moving the bars.
Put photos in order: Photos are placed on
template in order. Click and photos are out
of order.
Randomizer: Photos are put into the activity
template and identified with short text
Pictures flash one at a time. Click on box
to stop flashing and see one photo. Choose
1 of the 3 labels given underneath to
describe photo being shown.
Students are put in pairs. 3,2,1
Student on left chooses 3 photos and
describes events in Spanish. Student on
right chooses 2 photos and describes events.
Student on left chooses 1 photo and
describes events.
Give students a quick quiz. Put photos on
Smartboard in order and ask students to
write anything they can about each photo.
Use ACTFL rubric for presentational writing
using the Intermediate mid as a 3 on a 4
point rubric.
Teacher can also tell the story of the “Popo and Ixta” in another lesson and have students
create their own “leyendas.”
Pretest for Historia de los Aztecas:
1. ¿Qué significa: la gente indígena?
a) los extranjeros
b) las personas que viven primero en un
2. ¿Qué es Tenochtítlan?
a) un volcán
b) la capital de los Aztecas
3. ¿Cómo se llama el idioma de los Aztecas?
a) el español
b) el nahuatl
4. ¿Qué es el Quetzalcoatl?
a) una serpiente con plumas
b) un emperador con plumas
5. ¿Qué es El Popocatéptl?
a) una ciudad
b) un volcán
6. ¿Qué es el Iztaccihuatl? ¿Conoces la leyenda?
a) un volcán y su nombre significa "the sleeping lady"
b) un volcán y su nombre signifíca "the laughing lady"
7. ¿Cómo se llaman los 2 dioses importantes
de los Aztecas (Mexicas)
a) Tlaloc y Quetzalcoatl
b) Tlaloc y Huitziloppochtli
(Teacher can add more questions if desired)