State Mental Health Authorities Offices of Consumer Affairs or Representatives STATE STATE NAME E-MAIL ADDRESS ALABAMA Mike Autrey, Director Email ALASKA Yvonne Jacobson, Director Email ADDRESS PHONE FAX Consumer & Ex-patient Relations Alabama Dept. of MH & MR RSA Union Bldg. (100 N. Union St.) PO Box 301410 (mailing address) Montgomery AL 36130-1410 334-242-3456 1-800-832-0952 334-242-3025 Office of Consumer Affairs Dept. of Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities 350 Main St PO Box 110620 Juneau AK 99811-0620 907-465-3370 907-465-2268 AMERICAN SAMOA ARIZONA ARKANSAS Vanessa Davis, Assistant Director for Cultural and Minority Affairs Email Sheila LaPolla, Consumer Liaison 501-686-9106 501-686-9182 Department of Mental Health 1600 Ninth Street, Suite 150 Sacremento, CA 95814 916-654-2309 916-654-3198 Mental Health Services 3824 W. Princeton Circle Denver, CO 80236 303-866-7404 303-866-7428 COLORADO Deborah Amesbury, Director of Consumer and Family Affairs Email Division of Mental Health Services 4313 West Markham Little Rock, AR 72205-4096 CANAL ZONE CALIFORNIA Email 602-553-9042 CONNECTICUT Karen Kangas, Director Community Education and Recovery Affairs Email DELEWARE Frank Armstead 860-418-6948 860 418-6786 Division of Substance Abuse & Mental Health 1901 North Dupont Highway New Castle DE 19720 302-255-9421 302-577-4486 Office of Consumer & Family Affairs DC Department of Mental Health 77 New York Avenue NE 4th floor Washington DC 20002 202-673-4377 Department of Children and Families Mental Health Program Office 1317 Winewood Blvd. Bldg. 6, Room 233 Tallahassee, FL 32399 850-921-5699 Office of Consumer Relations Georgia Dept. of Mental Health Suite 23-411 # 2 Peachtree Street NW Atlanta GA 30303-3142 404-657-2100 404-657-4349 Adult Mental Health Division Dept of Health PO Box 3378 Honolulu, HI 96801-3378 808-586-4677 808-586-4745 208-336-5533 EXT 340 208-331-0267 Office of the Commisioner CT Dept. of Mental Health & Addictions Services 410 Capital Avenue PO Box 341431 MS 14CED Hartford, CT 06134 302-255-9399 Email DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Frances S. Priester, Ms.Ed., LL.B., Director 202-673-3433 Email FLORIDA Jackie Beck, MSW Email GEORGIA Larry Fricks, Director Email HAWAII Randolph Hack, Consumer Advocate Suncom 291-5699 (850) 4872239; SunCom 2772239 Email UPS or FEDEX: 1250 Punchbowl Street Rm. 256 Honolulu HI 96813 IDAHO C. Joseph Drayton, Director Office of Consumer Affairs & Technical Assistance 1607 West Jefferson Boise ID 83702 1-800-577-2884 Email ILLINOIS Nanette Larson, Associate Consumer Services Development Email Consumer Development Services 5407 N. University St. Peoria, Il 61614 312-814-4823 312-814-4832 Office of Consumer and Family Affairs Division of Mental Health and Addiction 402 West Washington Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-232-3472 317-233-3472 515-281-5227 515-242-6036 INDIANA Rosemary Carney, Bureau Chief Email IOWA Anthony Covington, Director Consumer Resource Outreach Project (CROP) Office of Consumer Affairs 1305 E. Walnut Street Hoover Building 5th Floor Des Moines, Iowa 50319 1-877-338-2767 Toll Free Email Tcoving@DHS.STATE.IA.US KANSAS Randy Johnson, Program Specialist Email KENTUCKY 785-296-3773 785-296-6142 270-535-5533 502-564-9010 225-342-2624 225-342-5066 Division of Health Care Policy Mental Health Substance Abuse Treatment & Recovery 915 SW Harrison Street, 10th Floor North Topeka KS 66612-1570 KY CAN 3621 Plano Road Bowling Green, KY 42104 Carolyn Kates Glass Email LOUISIANA John J. Bellew, MS Email Program Manager Office of Mental Health Dept of Health & Hospitals PO Box 4049, Bin #12 Baton Rouge LA 70821-4049 MAINE Leticia Brockman, Consumer Affairs Specialist Statewide Lead Email Maine Katherine McKimmy, Consumer Affairs Specialist MAINE Katherine Storer, Consumer Affairs Specialist Email MARYLAND Stacey Diehl, Acting Director Region I Office of Consumer Affairs 40 State House Station Augusta, ME 04333 Region II Office of Consumer Affairs 141 State House Augusta, ME 04333 Region III Dept. of Behavioral and Developmental Services 176 Hogan Road Bangor, ME 04401 Office of Consumer Affairs Mental Hygiene & Administration Dix Building, 55 Wade Avenue Catonsville MD 21228 207-287-4253 207-822-0295 207-941-4788 207-9414389 410-402-8450 410-402-8301 617-626-8000 EXT 68063 617-626-8077 (Shared FAX - Pls use cover sheet) 517-373-1255 517-335-6775 517-335-4078 517-241-2969 Susan Kadis, Consumer Liason Email MASSACHUSETTS Steve Holochuck, Director Email MICHIGAN Colleen Jasper, Administrator Email Pamela Werner, Person-centered Planning Specialist Office of Consumer and Ex-Patient Relations Dept of Mental Health 25 Staniford Street Boston, MA 02114-2575 Office of Consumer Relations Department of Community Health Lewis-Cass Bldg., 6th Floor 320 S. Walnut Lansing MI 48913-0001 Service Innovation and Consultation Section Division of Community Services/Mental Health Bureau of Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Long Term Care Programs Administration Email: Michigan Department of Community Mental Health Lewis-Cass Building, 6th Floor 320 S. Walnut Lansing, MI 48913 MINNESOTA MN Consumer/Survivor Network 1821 University Avenue W Suite S-134 St. Paul, MN 55104-2803 1-800-637-2007 0r 651-637-2800 Office of Consumer Affairs Missouri Dept. of Mental Health 1706 E. Elm Street PO Box 687 Jefferson City MO 65102-0687 Mental Health Ombudsman Office of Ombudsman 1412 ½ 8th Ave PO Box 200804 Helena MT 59620-0804 573-751-8093 Office of Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Addiction Services Dept. of Health & Human Services (Folsom & West Prospector Place) PO Box 98925 (mailing address) Lincoln NE 68509-8925 402-479-5193 Dan Northern Nevada Adult Mental Health Services 480 Galletti Way Sparks, NV 89431 775-688-0401 702-486-0477 OCA CMHSA DBH OF NH Main Bldg. Room 126C 603 271-5138 603-271-5040 Tom Peterson, Executive Director MISSISSIPPI MISSOURI Christine P. Squibb, Director Email MONTANA Bonnie Adee, Ombudsman Email TTY 573-526-1201 406-444-9669 NEBRASKA Dan Powers, Consumer Liaison Phyllis McCall, Consumer Liaison Email 573-526-7926 406-444-3543 402-479-5162 402-479-5192 Phyllis Email NEVADA Barbara Jackson, Consumer Services Assistant NEW HAMPSHIRE William R. Quinn, Director Email NEW JERSEY Margaret Molnar, Special Assistant Consumer Affairs 105 Pleasant St Concord NH 03301-3861 Office of Director New Jersey Division of Mental Health Services PO Box 727 Trenton NH 08625 609-984-4813 609-777-0662 New Mexico Dept. of Health Behavioral Health Services Division (1190 St. Francis Dr.) PO Box 26110 Santa Fe NM 87502-6110 1-800-362-2013 505-827-0097 Bureau of Recipient Affairs 44 Holland Avenue, 8th Floor Albany NY 12229 518-473-6579 518-474-8998 Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Substance Abuse Services 3001 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-3001 919-715-3197 919-733-4962 Consumer Services & Development Ohio Dept. of Mental Health 30 E. Broad Street, 8th floor Columbus OH 43215-3430 614-466-2333 614-466-1571 Ohio Dept. of Mental Health 30 E. Broad Street, 8th floor Columbus OH 43215-3430 614-466-4742 614-466-6349 Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services 1200 NE 13th P.O. Box 53277 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73512-3277 405-522-4148 402-522-3650 Email NEW MEXICO Nick Ossorgin - Director Email NEW YORK John Allen, Director of Bureau of Recipient Affairs 505-827-0116 NORTH CAROLINA Chris Phillips,, Chief of Advocacy and Customer Services NORTH DAKOTA OHIO Grisetta Griffin, Co-Manager Email Somers L. Martin, Area Director - Central Ohio Email: OKLAHOMA Melody Riefer, Director, Office of Consumer Affairs Email OREGON Rollin Shelton, Interim Director Email PENNSYLVANIA Anita K. Thiemann, Bureau Director Email PUERTO RICO Carmen Capella, M.D. No Email Office of Consumer Technical Assistance 1528 SE Holgate Blvd Portland OR 97202 503-232-9154 503-231-1949 Consumer and Family Affairs Dept. of Welfare Office of Mental Health & Substance Abuse Services PO Box 2675 Harrisburg PA 17105-2675 Clinical Director of Mental Health Services Mental Health & Anti-Addiction Services PO Box 21414 San Juan PR 00928-1414 717-772-7860 717-772-7827 787-758-0241 787-765-7104 RHODE ISLAND Jim McNulty, Coordinator of Consumer Affairs Email SOUTH CAROLINA Vicki Cousins, Director Email SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE Joe Swinford, Director Email TEXAS Cindy Hopkins, Director Email Pamela Carley, Director of Consumer Affairs and Rights office 787-758-7155 401-462-2338 Department of MHMR 14 Harrington Road Cranston, RI 02920 ` Office of Consumer & Family Affairs South Carolina Dept. of Mental Health (2414 Bull St.) PO Box 485 (mailing address) Columbia SC 29202-0485 803-898-8621 803-898-8590 Tennessee Dept. of Mental Health & Dev. Disab. Office of Consumer Affairs 425 5th Avenue North 5th Floor, Cordell Hull Bldg. Nashville TN 37243-0675 615-532-6700 615-253-3920 Office of Consumer Affairs Texas Mental Health /Mental Retardation 909 W 45th PO Box 12668 (mailing address) Austin TX 78711-2668 512206-5759 512-206-5770 Send with cover sheet 512-206-5765 Protection UTAH Martha J. Anderson, Consumer Programs Specialist Department of MHMR West 45th Street Austin, TX 78711-2688 SLC Utah State Division of Mental Health OCA 120 North 200 West, # 415 Salt Lake City UT 84103-1500 801-538-4270 801-538-9892 toll free 1-877-585-1770 802-775-6834 802-775-6823 Office of Consumer Affairs WA-DSHS Mental Health Division PO Box 45320 Olympia WA 98504-5320 360-902-0800 360-902-7691 West Virginia Mental Health Consumers Association 910 Quarrier Street, Suite 414 Charleston WV 25301 304-345-7312 304-345-7303 Consumer Relations Coordinator Bureau of Community Mental Health (1 W. Wilson St., Room 433) PO Box 7851 (mailing address) Madison WI 53707-7851 608-267-1427 608-267-7793 Mental Health Division - Administration 6101 Yellowstone Road Room 259B Cheyenne WY 82002 307-777-7293 307-777-5580 Email VERMONT Linda Corey, Executive Director Email Vermont Psychiatric Survivors 52 Howe Center Rutland, VT 05701 VIRGINIA VIRGIN ISLANDS WASHINGTON Chris Wilde, Director Email WEST VIRGINIA Sherry Jenkins Tucker Director of Operations Email WISCONSIN Kellianne O’Brien Email WYOMING Scott C. Hayes, LCSW Regional Consultant Email 2002 – 2003 Officers Chair Past Chair Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Member-at-Large 2003 – 2004 Officers Chair Past Chair Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Member-at-Large Dan Powers, NE Karen Kangas, CT Vicki Cousins, SC Cindy Hopkins, TX C. Joseph Drayton, ID Randy Johnson, KS Joe Swinford, TN Christine Squibb, MO Vicki Cousins, SC Dan Powers, NE Joe Swinford, TN Christine Squibb, MO C. Joseph Drayton, ID Randy Johnson, KS Cindy Hopkins, TX