

February 23, 2015


Round table discussions will be hosted by Committee and facilitated by each Committee Chair.

The discussions will last 30 minutes, followed by a 15 minute recap session presented by facilitators. Please review the following list of Committees and discussion topics that will be addressed during each individual round table discussion and select one of the following in which you would like to engage:

Membership Committee

The Membership Committee works together to develop and lead recruitment program for gaining new members as well as developing a strategy for member retention. Committee members explore ways to continuously serve the membership through various available benefits.

Today’s discussion topics will include:

Membership referral plan. o What benefits motivate current members to bring in new members?

Review of brochure and focus on benefits of RGCA. o What are we missing? o What does your company find beneficial? o What influenced you to join?

Open and honest dialogue on what the RGCA could be doing better and how to get there.

What is the perception of differentiating membership value of RGCA vs. other Gift Card associations?

Bottom line: How do we attract new members?

Communications Committee

The Communications committee works closely with our Public Relations firm, The Fletcher

Group on the development of effective RGCA communications strategies. They work together to focus on developing a strong social media presence as well as both identifying and exploring various opportunities to establish the RGCA as a thought leader.

Today’s discussion topics will include:

What do RGCA members look for from our regular communications? o Simply a means of sending out messages regarding RGCA activity, updates, and

 alerts? o How do we best engage the membership through regular communications?

Determine set of priorities.

What messages do we send to the various channels reach? o The RGCA membership

o Prospective members o Consumers o Partners

Working closely with the Fletcher Group, How do we improve our current Public

Relations program? o Social Media presence o What topics and when is it appropriate for press releases? o Other ideas?

Knowledge Committee

The Knowledge Committee focuses on various topics including research and metrics, mobile technology, and fraud. Committee members identify and explore opportunities for education and best practices on all topics and are able to provide their input and suggestions regarding each.

Today’s discussion topics will include:

Government Affairs Committee

The Government Affairs Committee works closely with RGCA Legal Counsel, DFRG&R Law, on all government relations activity. They discuss strategy on legislative and regulatory issues, identifying both internal and external experts to help address these issues. They submit comment letters and determine affinity project ideas.

Today’s discussion topics will include:

Current outstanding bills: o Tennessee o Oregon o Connecticut o Uniform Unclaimed Property Act

Creation of a celebration protocol after a win like we saw in New Jersey: o Press releases o Social media o Member blast email o Other ideas?

Much of the current work is reactive (as it has to be in government affairs). Are there proactive actions we should be considering?
