Customer Order Process in SAP R/3

Stock/Requirements List: MD04/MD07
Stock/Requirements List: Collective Access:
Numerous ways to select
Numerous ways to filter
Collective Access provides a powerful tool for managing a set of materials.
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Stock/Requirements List: MD04/MD07
Traffic lights and exception codes
indicate problems with materials
Material type
Low level code
other info
Stock levels
Day’s supply
Selection tools
Days supply graphics
Display order
Define traffic light: user-definable indicators
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Stock/Requirements List: MD04/MD07
1st rcpt, 2nd rcpt include
different in-process/planned
material receipts
Exception messages
(problems with plan) are
grouped by categories
Traffic lights can be defined
for each grouping
Day’s supply shows how many days in the future inventory will be zero only considering onhand material.
1st rcpt day’s supply, 2nd rcpt day’s supply shows how many days in the future inventory will be
zero considering on-hand material and material orders, depending on configuration.
Exception groups icon shows which exception messages are part of which groups:
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Sort (Display order):
Numerous criteria to
select for display order
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Select one or more materials,
then display material details
Two ways to choose selected materials:
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“Page” icon to switch
between selected materials
Overview Tree provides a very
convenient way to select materials
Choose material to display
by double-clicking
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Expand Header Details
Double-click to call
up the material master
in display mode
Header details present scheduling-relevant data from the material master. More data can be
obtained by double-clicking on the material field. This will call up the material master in display
mode—starting with the MRP1 View:
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Stock/Requirements list is a
snapshot—must be refreshed
to show changes
Navigation Profiles and Own Favorites
Navigation Profiles and Own Favorites allow for user-defined transactions to be linked to the
Stock/Requirements list via an Icon. To set the navigation profile, follow the pull-down menu
EnvironmentNavigation ProfileAssign
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Stock/Requirements List: MD04/MD07
Click on search function to list
pre-defined navigation profiles
ZMRPDEMO was developed
for the Fitter Snacker client
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Stock/Requirements List: MD04/MD07
Change Material Master
Create Planned Independent Requirements
Change Planned Independent Requirements
Run MRP (Single-item, Single-level)
Goods Receipt for Order
Note that both the transactions to be included in the Navigation Profile, as well as the icons used
to represent those transactions, are freely chosen in configuration. Navigation profiles can be
created by following the menu path:
Tools Customizing IMG Edit Project
Production Material Requirements Planning Evaluation Define Navigation
Profiles (click clock icon
Navigation profiles are created in a similar fashion to Own Favorites. Own Favorites are
configured by following the menu path:
EnvironmentOwn FavoritesMaintain
Which will produce the following screen:
Click on New entries
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Enter 1 for Navigation no.
CO01 (C Oh Zero One) for Transaction code
Create Production Order for Text in menu
Check With initial screen
Click on the Icon field, then click on the search
After making the entries above, search for an appropriate icon:
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Click on the save icon(
), then click on the back icon (
the following pop-up window:
) three times. This will produce
Click Yes
Click Yes and the new icon will appear, linked directly to the transaction Create Production
New icon, linked to
transaction CO01 (Create
Production Order)
Using Navigation Profiles and Own Favorites
Select material ##F110 using the overview tree, then click on the change material icon (
Select the MRP 1 view, then change the lot sizing procedure to the following:
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Set to EX (Lot-for-lot)
with a rounding
quantity of 7
Set the lot sizing to EX with rounding quantity of 7, so that MRP runs will create production
orders in multiples of 7 rather than multiple production orders of 7 cases. Save the change, and
you will return to the stock requirements list.
Next, click on the Create PIR icon (
) to create Planned Independent Requirements:
Enter version ##,
then click on the
enter icon
Enter ## for version, then click on the enter icon (
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Enter 500 for each of
the next three months,
then click on save
The Planned Independent Requirements Planning Table is a sophisticated tool for creating
Planned Independent Requirements—“forecasted” demand values that drive the MRP process.
After clicking on the save icon (
), you will be returned to the Stock/Requirements List:
Click on the refresh
icon to display the new
planned independent
You will not see the new planned independent requirements until you click on the refresh icon
). The navigation profiles/own favorites, in combination with the refresh requirement,
provide a good tool to teach production planning in a dynamic fashion.
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Alternative Units of Measure
If alternative units of measure are defined for a material, then the Stock/Requirements list can be
displayed in those units of measure. To change the units of measure, click on the search icon
( ):
Note that case is the Base unit of measure, which means that it is the smallest unit of measure we
can use for snack bars. Select PAL (Pallet), then click on the refresh icon (
Stock/Requirements List quantities will be displayed in pallet quantities:
), and the
Quantities are in pallets.
To see how many cases
are in a pallet, doubleclick on the material field
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Click on the Additional data icon
Click on the Units of
Measure tab to see that
1 pallet has 15 cases
Click on the exit icon (
) to return to the Stock/Requirements List.
Enter both CS and PAL in the units of measure fields (there are two):
then click on the refresh icon (
) to display the Stock/Requirements in two units:
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Quantities in cases and pallets
Switch back to display stock with just the case (CS) units of measure.
Stock Statistics and Stock Overview
It is important to know not only how much is in stock, but WHERE it is as well. Click on the
detail icon for the Stock row (
Click on the detail icon
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Click on Stock overview
This screen shows the status of stock material, as well as planned inward and outward
movements. Click on the Stock overview icon to see where the material is located:
All stock is located in
storage location 300
(Finished Goods)
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Click on the back icon (
) to exit the Stock Overview, then click on the enter icon (
close the Stock Statistics window.
) to
Days Supply
Note the date when the stock will first become negative:
Today’s date
Date when stock goes negative
The difference between Today’s date and the date when the stock goes negative is the Day’s
Supply—how many days the current on-hand stock will satisfy demand. In the example above,
it is 47 days.
The Day’s Supply is shown in the Stock Requirements List Material List. To see this, either
click on the back icon (
) or the Go to Material List icon (
Day’s of supply now calculated
Checkmark in Already
Accessed column show this
material has been reviewed
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Impact of Planned and Production Orders on Day’s Supply Calculations
Return to the Detailed display for the NRG-B bar. First, we need to make sure that the elements
that are included in the Day’s Supply calculation are properly defined. To do this, create a new
session ( ), then follow the menu path:
Tools Customizing IMG Edit Project
Production Material Requirements Planning Evaluation Define Receipt
Elements for Receipt Day’s Supply (click clock icon
Make sure that there is an X in:
PO/PrOr (Production/Process Order)
PO/SNSL (Purchase Order, Shipping
Notification, Schedule Line)
and a 2 in FPOrd (Firm Planned Order)
The X entries will cause Production Orders and Purchase Orders to be included in the
calculations for both the 1st Receipt Day’s Supply and the 2nd Receipt Day’s Supply. The 2 in
the Firm Planned Order column mean that Firm Planned Orders will only count in the 2nd Day’s
Supply Calculation.
Save any changes, then return to the Stock/Requirements List.
Next, we will create a production order to see it’s impact on the Day’s Supply calculations. We
want to create a production order that will be completed on the date that the inventory is planned
to be negative:
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Note date when stock is
expected to be negative
Note the date when the inventory is supposed to be negative, then click on the Create Production
Order icon (
Enter Material ##F110,
Production plant ##PT and
Order type PP01, then
click on enter
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Enter 500 for Total quant., the date when
the inventory will go negative for the
Finish date, then click on the save icon
Click on the refresh
icon to see the new
production order
Then click on the back icon to
return to the Material List
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Note that the 1st Receipt Day’s Supply and 2nd
Receipt Day’s Supply are now 999.9, which is the
Stock/Requirements List version of forever
Return back to the detail view for material ##F110, then click on the Change PIR icon (
Enter version ##,
then click on the
enter icon
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Add an additional
PIR for 500 cases
Add a PIR of 500 cases for a fourth month, then click on the save icon (
refresh icon (
). Click on the
) to display the new PIR:
New PIR creates a
negative Available qty.
Click on the back icon (
) or the Go to Material List icon (
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) to review the Day’s Supply:
Stock/Requirements List: MD04/MD07
Note that the 1st Receipt Day’s Supply and 2nd Receipt Day’s Supply is longer, as it includes the
production order that we created.
Return back to the detail view for material ##F110, then click on the MRP icon (
Click on the enter icon (
) twice to run MRP Planning. Click on the refresh icon (
display the new planned order:
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) to
Stock/Requirements List: MD04/MD07
Click on the detail icon
for the new planned order
Click on change
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Select the check mark to
Firm the planned order,
then click on save
Click on the back icon (
) or the Go to Material List icon (
) to review the Day’s Supply:
Note that the 2nd Receipt
Day’s Supply includes the
firmed planned order
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Available Date/Goods Receipt Date
To see the impact of the Available Date/Goods Receipt date display option, we need to enter a
Goods Receipt Processing Time to the Material Master. Click on the Change Material Master
icon (
) and select the MRP 2 view:
Set GR processing time to 1
then click on the save icon (
Click on the Goods Receipt/Available (GR/AV) icon (
NOTHING HAPPENS. That’s because the planned orders/production orders were created
before the material master was changed. To see the impact of the GR/AV icon, we need to
regenerate the planned orders and production orders. To do that, we need to delete the existing
orders. First, click on the details icon of the production order:
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Click on the details icon
Then click on the change icon:
Click on the change icon
Then follow the pull-down menu path FunctionsDelection flagActivate
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Click on the save icon (
order is gone:
), then click on the refresh icon (
) to confirm that the production
Next, click on the details icon of the planned order, then click on the change icon to change the
details of the planned order:
Click on the Delete Planned Order icon
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Confirm that you wish to
delete the planned order
Click on the refresh icon (
) to confirm that the planned order is gone:
No planned orders or production orders
Click on the MRP icon (
) and run single-level MRP Planning. Click on the refresh icon
), then click on the Goods Receipt/Available (GR/AV) icon (
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) to notice the
Stock/Requirements List: MD04/MD07
Customer Order
Create a sales order for the ##F110 snack bars. Refresh the Stock/Requirements List. Notice the
impact of the customer order on the existing planned order:
Customer order has
“consumed” planned order
Click on the customer icon (
The vendor icon (
) to display customer data on the sales order:
) provides similar functionality for purchase orders.
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