UCC 101-017: College Success Professor June Pomann Class: Monday/Wednesday Time: 11:15-12:10 P.M. Classroom: K-428 Office Hours: Monday: 12:45 P.M. - 2:15 P.M. Thursday: 11:00 A.M.- 12:00 P.M. Plainfield Campus: 6:30-7:00 P.M. or by appointment FALL 2014 Office: E-505 Voicemail: (908) 659-5121 Tuesday: 10:00 A.M.- 12:00 P.M. Email: jpomann@ucc.edu Website:http://faculty.ucc.edu/english-jpomann Prerequisite: ENG 087 if required. This course is designed to help students adjust to college by giving them the information, support and strategies they need to feel secure in their college classes. It will help students clarify their goals, become familiar with the academic environment, and sharpen their ability to learn and think critically. DESCRIPTION: Course Outcomes: by the end of the semester, students who take UCC 101 will ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Demonstrate self-motivation. Employ self-management, including essential academic skills and self-management strategies. Apply emotional intelligence in relationships. Demonstrate personal responsibility for outcomes and experiences created in both college and life. Develop and evaluate meaningful goals. Demonstrate self-awareness. Employ interdependence. Actively and critically read classroom materials. Apply effective test taking strategies. Apply effective note taking strategies. Complete research using Library resources and develop effective college-level writing skills. COURSE REQUIREMENTS/ASSESSMENTS Regular attendance and preparation for each class. More than two unexcused absences may jeopardize your final grade . Individual and Group Presentations. Full participation in class activities and group work. Completion of all reading, writing, library, and Internet assignments on time. Weekly journal writing assignments handed in on time. Use of UCC email accounts for all correspondence. Completed Midterm and Final Exams (30% of Final Exam is an in class oral report on a career.) Quizzes and graded in-class writing cannot be made up. Any work handed in late will be graded down. Attend ALC and Library orientations EVALUATION At mid-semester, you will put together your folder of work, and write an evaluation of the course and what you’re learning. There will be another version of this assignment at the end of the semester. Each student will discuss these evaluations with me in one private conference, either at mid-semester or at the end of the semester. This conference is designed to keep the student informed of his/her overall average for the course. The grade is based on the student’s performance on the midterm and final exams, the mid-semester self-evaluation and conference, the quality of the work in class, and all out of class assignments given during the semester. If the student’s achievement is not satisfactory, the student will receive a grade of “F” and will have to repeat the course. Any work handed in late will be graded down. Example: A changes to B+ NOTE: IF YOU SHOULD BE ABSENT, YOU AGREE TO CONTACT ANOTHER STUDENT IN THE CLASS, GET THE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT, AND RETURN TO CLASS HAVING DONE THE ASSIGNMENT THAT IS DUE ON THAT DAY. You will also make up any classwork missed. Student Learning Outcomes: By the end of the semester it is expected that each student will 1-understand what is expected of college students and how to meet these expectations 2-clarify both short and long term educational and career goals 3-utilize learning strategies in individual courses 4-understand ways of thinking critically about articles, books, and other materials in the UCC Library, in databases, and online 5-apply critical thinking strategies to learning and life situations Student Resources: The following is required for this course: On Course Study Skills Plus Second Edition by Downing Academic Planner - A datebook/student planner for all assignments and important dates A pocket folder or loose leaf to keep all written assignments A folder and loose leaf for journal assignments Loose leaf paper for written work A jump drive or other data storage device for assignments ALC: Academic Learning Center in Elizabeth: It is located on the 3rd floor of the Lessner Building. The ALC is a place to go for tutoring in many subjects. It is also a place to study as well as to type assignments. Any student with a disability should contact the Disability Counselor in Cranford at: (908) 709-7164 Please note: Union County College offers reasonable accommodations and/or services to persons with disabilities. Any student who has a documented disability and wishes to self-identify should contact the Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities at (908) 709-7164, or email disabilitysvc@ucc.edu. Accommodations are individualized and in accordance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1992. In order to receive accommodations, students must be registered with the Disability Services Office. Students should register with the office as soon as possible. No accommodation is official until the Faculty Accommodations Alert Form is issued from the student to his or her instructor. FINAL GRADE EVALUATION: ( 30 % of your final exam will be an oral report given in class) Final grades: A+, A, B+, B, C+, C, D+, D, F will be calculated in the following way: Homework, journals (including self-evaluations) Midterm Quizzes and in class assignments Class Participation (includes group work) Final Exam (includes oral report) 25% 15% 15 10% 35% Dates to Remember: Last date to withdraw: October 22nd Midterm: October 22nd College open but no classes: November 26th College Closed: November 27th-30th Last day of regular classes: December 12th : Final Exam: December 17th Behavior for Which Students Shall be subject to Disciplinary Action: Please see student handbook for a list which includes: 1- The use of electronic communications (cell phones, etc.) which interfere with the academic learning environment, College programs, and the rights of other individuals. 2- Cheating/Plagiarism There is the expectation that students will present as their own work only that which they have done themselves. The College will not condone academic dishonesty at any time, whether it be plagiarizing (the act of representing someone else’s ideas as your own) or cheating by any means during a test, an examination or in any work intended to be done independently. Tentative Schedule: This is a tentative list, and may change as we progress through the semester. We will be scheduled for one ALC visit (the ALC is the Academic Learning Center Room 316 in the Lessner Building on September 10th . You can go there for free tutoring, typing a paper, using the internet or to study.) You will also attend a library orientation on 9/24 and a second visit on how to do research on a career on October 29th . Your oral report will be a group assignment about a career based on your library research. You will receive more information about this assignment on a separate handout. The Oral Report is due on December 1st. Each group will hand in their oral report on numbered index cards on December 1st . Each group will sign up to present their report on December 3rd, 8th, or 10th. Please keep this syllabus in your notebook or folder. I have read the UCC 101-017 syllabus for fall 2014 and understand the requirements for passing this course. _________________________________ __________________________________________________________ date signature This is a tentative list of assignments and due dates for the semester. Due Date 9/03 9/08 9/10 Chapters Pages Assignments 1 1 Class will be held in the ALC 1- top of pg.21 21-38 Journal # 1 Do Self-Assessment pgs. 6-8 Journals# 3 and optional: Journal # 4 Journals will be collected in Room 310 of the ALC in the Lessner Building. 9/15 9/17 9/22 9/24 2 2 2 2 9/29 Class will meet in the library. 3 39-46 & 69-74 47-54 & 75-80 55-62 & 81-83 63-68 & 84-87 The class will meet in the computer room of the library 10/01 3 10/06 3 91-106 & 119-123 106-109 & 119-125, and 127-130 109-118 & 131-135 10/08 4 139-151 & 169-175 10/13 10/15 4 4 152-160 & 176-181 161-168 & 182-189 10/20 10/22 5 193-206 & 219-224 Midterm 10/27 5 206-218 & 225-231 10/29 11/3 11/5 11/10 11/12 6 Library Class will be in the 6 6 6 7 235-243 & 259-261 Computer Lab of Library 244-251 & 262-265 252-258 & 266-269 270-277 281-296 & 310-317 11/17 7 296-309 & 318-327 11/19 8 331-344 11/24 11/26 8 College open 9 1-9 1-9 1-9 345-357 No classes on day before Thanksgiving 367-376 Review Review Review 11A.M. 12/01 12/3 12/8 12/10 12/17 Attendance is required Journal #5 Scavenger Hunt Journal #7 Journal #8 and Academic Skills Plan pages 88-89 Journals will be collected in the library. (Kellogg Building) Attendance is required Optional: Journal # 9 Required: J #10 Journal #11 Journals # 12 and Academic Skills Plan pages 136-137 Journal # 13 Journal # 15 Optional: Journal # 16 Required: Handout on mid-semester self – evaluation & Academic Skills Plan pgs. 190-1 Journal # 18 Open Book and notes/journals Journal # 20 and Academic Skills Plan pages 232-233 Journal # 21 will be collected in the library Attendance is required (Kellogg Building) Journals #22 & optional: J#23 Journal #24 Academic Skills Plan pages 278-279 Journals #25 & 26 & do inventory on pages 290-2 Optional: Journal # 27 and Required: Pages 328-329 Optional: Journal #29 Required: group oral report on index cards Optional: Journal # 31 & required: J# 32 Do Self-Assessment and Journal # 33 Oral Report presentations to be assigned Oral Report presentations to be assigned Oral Report presentations to be assigned Final Exam