Minutes of ATPCC Patient Participation Group (PPG) Meeting Tuesday 13th October 2015 Present: Kath Terreros, Lindsey Lappin, Ronnie Wilson, Joan Finnigan, Gerry Smith Welcome & Introduction Kath Terreros welcomed everyone to the meeting. Apologies: Margaret Leigh, Mary Kelsey, Amanda Blaney, Jean Welbourne, Gwynyth Revitt New Items Friends and Family Test (FFT) Results Kath explained the process where patients have the chance to complete a very quick questionnaire after every consultation. There are printed cards in reception and we send the same questions by text to any patients who have a mobile number on their notes. In August we had 59 responses and 86% of those would recommend Ashby Turn Surgery to Family and Friends, 12% said they would not recommend us and 2% did not know. We had 24 comments made from these responses which were a mixture of positive and negative. Kath read the whole list to the members. In September we had 67 responses with 94% of those saying they would recommend the surgery to family and friends, 4% said they would not recommend and 1% did not know. There were 28 comments made of which most were positive and pleasing. These were again read out by Kath. Joan Finnigan asked if FFT will replace the annual patient questionnaire. Kath advised that currently we are still required to carry out an annual survey as well but this may change in the future. We can see any themes of issues patients may have from the FFT questionnaire along with the things patients are happy with. Joan went on to say that after helping in previous years with the annual survey, most patients do not want to fill one in and it takes a lot of time and effort encouraging patients to take the time to complete it. Macmillan Fundraising Thank you to Margaret Leigh for volunteering to manage our cake sale for the Macmillan coffee morning. The staff baked and bought cakes that were available in reception for a donation to Macmillan. There were no hot drinks due to health and safety regulations. We managed to raise £143.46 in just a couple of hours which we are very pleased with. PPG Members Conference Details of this conference have been sent to all members already. This is just a reminder of that meeting on Tuesday 27th October from 1.30pm to 4.30pm. The meeting is at The House Conference Centre, New Life Church, Brumby Wood Lane for anyone wishing to attend. You will need to book your place by ringing 0300 3000567. Amanda Blaney and Gerry Smith are going to attend and any other members are welcome. Amanda Blaney felt it was a good idea for members to attend as it would be a good opportunity to speak to members of other PPG groups and exchange ideas and thoughts on how the group could run. Terms of Reference Again this has had to be deferred to the next meeting as there were only 3 attendees this time. Any input/feedback on this item would be gratefully received either by attending the next meeting or by telephone or email prior to the meeting. A.O.B Ronnie Wilson asked if we get many complaints. Kath explained that since July we have had only 4 written complaints. We only have to log official written complaints. We report on this every year. From April 2014 – March 2015 we had 24 complaints. 12 were clinical, 11 were admin and 1 fell into the ‘other’ category. These are reviewed by the partners and 13 were found to be justified or partially justified. At the end of every year the partners review all complaints and make sure the outcomes have been upheld. Kath went on to explain that 92% of the 24 complaints we resolved within 2 weeks. Two complaints took longer. If a family member complains on behalf of a patient this sometimes takes longer to resolve as third party consent has to be gained to proceed. Ronnie Wilson also asked about our appointment system. Kath explained that most appointments are kept for booking on the day. However, we do have some pre-bookable appointments available up to around 3 weeks in advance. There are also pre-bookable appointments available when patients register for systmOnline. Ronnie Wilson likes the fact that the phone system tells you which number you are in the queue when waiting for it to be answered. Kath said the MJOG text service is working well but we still have a lot of patients where we do not have a mobile number. Ronnie Wilson also suggested that we could ask for suggestions at the PPG Members Conference on how to get members to join and participate on our group. Lindsey will contact Ian Reekie for any advice also. Following on from the meeting, Lindsey has had notification from Helen Ford that she would like to step down as chair of the group. Amanda Blaney has been filling in, in Helen’s absence. At the next meeting it will be necessary to elect/decide on a new permanent chair. All members are invited to either put themselves forward for the position or express their choice of person to take over. Date of next meeting Wednesday 25th November 2015 @ 1.00pm It would be helpful to have as many members present as possible to go through the ‘Terms of Reference’ and discuss the aims of the group going forward). Any agenda items should be sent to lindsey.lappin@nhs.net . Alternatively you can telephone Lindsey at the surgery on 01724 749326.