Bonus Pts - the Department of Psychology at Illinois State University

Bonus Pts. #3 – due Tues. 2/24
You can learn a lot about workers’ complaints about their companies by visiting the Web
sites at which they post their concerns. Some of the more interesting ones are as follows:
 – Pilots, flight attendants, and passengers go to this site to voice
their complaints against United Airlines. – If you’d like to know what restaurant
workers think about each other and their customers, this site is an eye-opener. – the gripe site for McDonald’s (try the ‘employment’ link) – the gripe site for Starbuck’s customers/employees
Visit one of the above websites and answer the following questions. Before you do, it’s
only fair to caution that these are open to anyone and what you read may be completely
untrue, so don’t take them as valid representations of the companies depicted. It’s also
possible that some of the posting may be offensive, so use discretion:
1. How would you characterize the complaints/gripes you spotted?
2. Did you spot any concerns that appeared consistently, the kind that would
warrant your attention as a corporate representative?
3. Taking any one of the complaints listed on the website, what steps would you
recommend as an organizational representative to help turn things around and
enhance job satisfaction?