Literary Devices in Writing

Literary Devices in Writing
Mrs. Efpatridis
Authors use devices to enhance their writing. They can
 create mood and conflict
ex. “No one sat at Kath’s table without an invitation.”
Device: hyperbole
Effect: creates a tense feeling in the story;
sets up Kath as the enemy of newcomers
 develop character
ex. “What is that Mouse doing at our table?”
Device: metaphor
Effect: associative language creates a visual
impression of Helen = small, tiny, quiet, timid, brown hair, etc.
 create a visual image in the story
ex. “The ball flew out.”
Device: personification
Effect: creates an visual of an inanimate object
Your turn: using your list of literary terms, try to identify the device used. Be prepared to
explain what the device adds to the text:
1. Kath slid past the others.
2. I could feel the anger steaming off her.
3. It seemed my job to prove you didn’t get turned into a frog if you did something that made
Kath angry.
4. Kath snorted.
5. Everyone else at the table picked up their trays, following her like robots.
6. By the time we got off the bus, I was so mad I could hardly see straight.
7. To help her find her goal gloves.
8. You are such a baby.
9. When the final chords died, there was a deep silence.