Sallie Belle Davis - Salem State University

Sallie Belle Davis
384 Summer Street #10, Manchester, MA 01944
Drive business results by growing managers and teams to new performance levels.
Experienced in financial services, investments, operations, systems, learning and
development. Quick to identify relevant patterns, issues and navigate to a goal.
Recognized as an action-oriented problem solver, change agent, facilitator, and coach.
Davis Consulting,
Manchester, MA
2003- 2004 & 2007-current
Established consulting relationships with financial service organizations, non-profits, law firms and
individuals. Developed and facilitated various workshops.
 Created career program for people re-entering the work force. Coached individuals on career
transitions, foreigners on working in the United States and women returning to careers after years
of staying home.
 Consulted with various entrepreneurs starting businesses and practices.
 Consulted with senior management of a 50-branch bank on the launch and analysis of their first
employee climate survey. Identified themes in written comments to support survey data and
recommended an employee communication strategy. Survey achieved over 90% response rate.
 Facilitated 4 leadership development workshops at FleetBoston for 85 participants at 3 sites.
Partners Healthcare System, Inc., Charlestown, MA
Revenue Operations Training and Quality Department Manager
Supported department with 350 employees and revenues of $2.2 billion. Established relationships with
staff, managers and senior directors to support organizational effectiveness.
 Improved the quality of meetings by creating standards for agendas and minutes and a baseline of
facilitation skills. Staff survey indicated an improvement in communication after the initiative.
 Improved business acumen via a supervisor rotation program and a staff development program.
 Developed Credit Training program to assist with the accomplishment of the 2007 fiscal year goal
of resolving all credit accounts within specified time frames.
FleetBoston Financial (and predecessor banks), Boston, MA
Learning and Development Business Partner
Supported businesses with up to 2000 employees and $170 billion in assets under management.
Established relationships with executives and middle managers to support performance, leadership,
and career development.
Change Management
 Designed and facilitated selection process for 15 key market managers in division of 1000
employees. After 2 years managers still successful. New managers contributed to divisions 10%
increase in revenue for 2001.
 Implemented diversity and employee listening initiatives for a 2000 employee division. Launched
two successful mentoring programs. Empowered employees to successfully drive their own
Leadership Development
 Trained HR business partners in succession planning. Implementation of succession planning
resulted in development plans for high potential employees in a division of 6000 employees.
 Coached new managers on management fundamentals and how to create a strategy for their
departments. Expedited on-boarding of 7 managers.
Sallie Belle Davis
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Training Manager
Consulted with clients to assess training needs and provide appropriate training solutions for
organization of 30,000 employees. Led and managed group of 8 to 14 instructional designers in 5
locations and 4 states.
 Conceived strategy for delivering multiple learning solutions for Microsoft Office training.
Negotiated favorable vendor contracts. Trained over 2300 people in 6 months via classroom (600
participants), books (1700) and one-to-one training sessions (14 executives). Saved over $500,000.
 Reduced business risk and improved compliance with federal regulations by implementing
computer-based training. Decreased training time by over 50%.
 Standardized training for 15 instructional designers. Having a common language and approach
was critical to the successful in-house development of 15-day new hire curriculum for bank sales
and service representatives.
 Implemented on-line manuals in the corporation. Resulted in streamlined and improved
communications to the retail division. Saved over $1 million.
 Promoted the use of computer-based training resulting in 11 computer-based training courses and
tests that improved compliance with banking regulations and performance during system
conversions and system upgrades.
Bank of New England, Boston, MA
Systems Consultant, Trust Division
Interacted with management, clients, vendors, technical and applications programmers to resolve
problems, plan, develop and control systems. Managed internal and external programmers.
 Developed reputation for unprecedented reliability by successfully managing and coordinating
analysis, maintenance and development of 5 trust systems.
 Managed a multi-million dollar asset allocation project that increased investment managers’
productivity by almost 15% and reduced liability to client lawsuits.
Operations Manager, Mutual Funds
Managed mutual fund operations with daily transactions averaging $100 million. Built solid client
relationships. Prepared and controlled annual budget of over $1 million. Managed staff of 30.
 Implemented controls and procedures that improved client service and increased productivity by
more than 20%.
Management Development Trainee, Finance Division
Compressed a 3-year program into 2 years. Program involved job rotations as programmer, supervisor,
and personnel counselor. Received highest evaluations.
Assistant Supervisor, Trust Accounting and Control
Asset Examiner, Trust Accounting and Control
Salem State University, Salem, Massachusetts Adjunct Faculty, School of Management
Myers Briggs, Behavioral Style Analysis (DISC), PDI’s 360, Coaches Training Institute
Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts MBA
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee BA French and Business