parent handbook - Mmo Nursery School

288 Washington Street
Westwood, MA 02090
(781) 326-7448
or visit us at:
MA License: 8120789
Pages Section I
History And Philosophy
EEC Contact Information
School Teaching Staff
Section II
Goals And Objectives
Enrollment Requirements and Class Schedule
Enrollment and Registration, Tuition Costs
Daily Procedures –Birthdays, School Calendar
Weather and Emergency Closings, Arrival And Dismissal
Transportation, Classroom Visits, Clothing, Conferences And Assessments
Confidentiality, Hand-Washing, Parent Communication, and Snack and Lunch
Section III
School Policies – Allergies and Medication
Discipline, Emergency
Non-Discrimination, Referrals, Screenings
Suspension and Termination,
Sick Child Policy, Toileting change policy, Tuition policy
Section IV
Health Care Consultants, Health Care Proxy and Policy
Injury Prevention Plan
Plan for Administering Medicine
CPR/First Aid
Emergency Procedures
Plan for Evacuation
Procedures of Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse
Behavioral Indication Child Abuse
Section I
History and Philosophy
Mother’s Morning Out Nursery School (MMO) has provided an enriching and educational
experience for students for over 41 years. We value and honor the needs of every child. MMO
Nursery School will provide a safe and nurturing environment for your child to learn and grow.
For many children, MMO Nursery School will be their first significant step beyond the home.
Our competent and caring staff will make school an exciting and enjoyable journey. Each child
will learn that our staff provides a caring, fun and loving school experience. Our children are
encouraged to express their ideas, make decisions, explore and experience the world. We
encourage students to be independent while also learning to respect the rights of others.
Our “play” based approach to learning utilizes the classroom environment as a learning tool.
Our classrooms are child centered and full of materials that will interest and develop the mind of
the individual child. Daily activities promote learning through self-expression, good decision
making and exploration of their environment. Through play children process information and
make sense of their world.
MMO Nursery School was established in 1972 by the Islington Community Church, as a nonsectarian, non-profit community service. In September 2004, ICC disbanded and MMO became
an independent, non-profit community program. We serve families from Westwood and
surrounding communities. We are unique in that we offer parents a variety of options with
respect to age grouping, class time, and lunch.
M.M.O. Nursery school is located on the first and second floor of the Islington Community
Center at 288 Washington Street, Westwood, MA 02090. Our phone number is (781) 326-7448.
Our email address is
School Certification and EEC Contact Information
The Department of Early Education and Care (EEC) is responsible for regulating the operation of
child care centers in Massachusetts. All regulations must be adhered to by all staff to ensure that
all children are served by this child care center with an appropriate level of care. MMO is
required to inform parents of their rights, as found in the regulations, upon admission of their
child to the nursery school.
Parents may contact EEC for information regarding the MMO’s regulatory compliance history.
The regional office of the EEC is located at 10 Austin Street, 3rd Floor, Worcester, MA 01609.
(508) 798-5180. MMO license number is 8120789.
School Teaching Staff
Our staff is certified by the Department of Early Education and Care. All staff members attend
monthly continuing education workshops, in-service programs and conferences. Every staff
member is certified in First Aid Training and CPR/AED and renewed annually.
All staff must complete a background record check before working with children. Background
record checks will be done every two years.
The Director and the Assistant to the Director will handle the everyday organization of MMO
Nursery School. These people will see that the philosophy, goals and policies are met to
satisfaction. They assure the staff and parent input is taken into consideration.
The Director and the Assistant to Director are responsible for the records of all children and
personnel. The Director is also responsible for: staff development, supervision and training;
fostering parent involvement; social services programs; and the development and maintenance of
early childhood education programs. The Director is responsible for writing and implementing
all of MMO Nursery school policies. The Director and Classroom Teachers are responsible for
assuring that evacuation drills are held at different times and are practiced with all groups every
month. The Director is also responsible for human resource administration. The Director is
responsible for payroll.
The Assistant to the Director is responsible for parent billing, recording payments and
maintaining parent accounts; and for assisting the Director with Children’s records, staff
development, supervision, and training.
The teaching staff is responsible for the care and the supervision of Preschool and Jr. Preschool
sight at all times. Classrooms are set up so that there are no “blind spots” or nooks that are not
visible from all areas of the room. Gates are set up so that Jr. Preschool children cannot leave
the class room. Gates are also set up at the staircases. The teaching staff is responsible for
planning the curriculum within the parameters of MMO Nursery School philosophy, goals and
policies. Individual and group meeting with the Director provide opportunities for the teaching
staff to voice their input.
Administrative Team
Director: Ellen Naughton
Assistant to the Director: Nancy Sinatra
Accounts Receivable: Ellen and Nancy
Licensing Authority: The Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care
Section II
MMO Nursery School fallows the standard and guidelines set by the Massachusetts Department
of Early Education and Care. It covers the areas of interest including literacy, math, art, science,
dramatic play, including small and large motor play, indoors and outside. The main objective of
our program is to teach our children to learn in a safe environment and grow cognitively,
socially, emotionally and physically. The learning is child-directed with the help of a caring
experienced staff member.
Goals and Objectives
Our goal as educators is to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment where every child
can develop intellectually, emotionally and socially.
Enrollment Requirements and Class Schedule
Mother’s Morning Out, Inc. is licensed by the Department of Early Education and Care of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts to serve children ages 24 months to 7 years old. We offer
nursery school programs for preschoolers and toddlers. The classes are determined according to
a child’s age on August 31.
Junior Preschool:
24 months to 36 months of age
3 years to 6 years of age
Extended Day:
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
12:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
12:00 – 3:00 p.m.
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Enrollment and Registration
Registration for returning families is conducted by lottery in January. Registration for alumni
families is in person in January. Please call for specific dates and times. Registration for new
families is conducted on a rolling admission after current and alumni registration is complete.
Please call for specific dates and times.
Visits and tours of our program can be arranged by appointment. Registration forms and
information are available in January. Yearly physical exam signed by the physician is required
for all students. Health forms must include: lead screening, up-dated immunization record with
the chicken pox vaccine or a statement that the child has had chicken pox signed by the
physician. Health records must be on file at MMO within two weeks of enrollment and updated
accordingly. All preschool children must be 3 years old by August 31st. All junior preschool
children must be 2 years old by August 31st.
Four-year old class (M,W,F)
Three and four year olds combined (M,W,F)
Three and four year olds combined (M,T,TH)
Three and four year olds combined (T,TH)
Three & four year olds combined (M,T,W,TH,F)
Four & five year olds (M,T,W,TH,F)
Payments due:
M,W,F Class
M,T,TH P.M. Class
T,TH Class
Feb. 1, 2013
July 15, 2013
Oct 15, 2013
Five Day
Feb. 1, 2013
July 15, 2013
Oct 15, 2013
Jan 15, 2014
Extended Day: 3, 4, 5 year olds
Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 12:00 -3:00 $31.50 per day. Billed monthly.
24 months to 36 months. DAILY FEE, BILLED MONTHLY. Due 1st day of the
Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday
per day
Tuesday/Thursday Afternoon
per day
Daily Procedures
Due to an increase in student allergies, birthdays will no longer be celebrated with special foods.
Your child’s Teacher will let you know how they plan to celebrate birthdays.
Calendar for the School Year
MMO observes the Holidays and Vacation Schedule of the Westwood Public School system.
Please see our website,
Weather and Emergency Closings
MMO Nursery School will be closed for severe weather when the Westwood Public Schools
close. In the event of a one-hour delay, MMO will be open regular hours. In the event of a twohour delay, MMO will be closed for the day.
If the Westwood Public Schools issue an early release due to inclement weather, we will do the
same. We will only run the morning program, which will run from 9:00 to 12:00. Lunch will be
cancelled. If any other situation requires school closure, parents will be notified by phone.
There are no tuition refunds for weather related closures.
Parents can visit the Westwood Public Schools website or listen to their local news for
cancellations of school.
Arrival and Dismissal
Children must not be left before 9:00 a.m. for the morning classes or 12:30 p.m. for the afternoon
classes, and must be picked up on time. Parents are encouraged to bring their child to school on
time as to not disturb the class.
Please call if an emergency situation requires you to be late for pick-up. Please remember that
it is important to your child’s sense of security that they are picked up on time. Parents are
responsible for reimbursing the supervising staff person $10.00 per fifteen minutes after
scheduled dismissal time. Failure to adhere to these policies is grounds for termination.
Transportation Policy
The school provides no transportation. Adults who drive children to school must park their car
and escort children to their classrooms. They are responsible for their child’s safety until the
child enters the classroom. Adults who pick up are responsible for their children after the child
exits the classroom.
A transportation plan (Emergency Release Form) must be authorized by the parent and held in
the child’s file. Any changes to this authorization must be signed and dated by the child’s
Only those adults, 18 and over, authorized in writing by a parent or guardian may pick up a child
from the program. In the event of an emergency, individuals listed in your child’s file as
emergency contacts will be authorized to pick up your child. The Program Director must be
notified by the parent if someone other than them will be picking up your child. This designated
person must show proper photo identification to pick up your child.
Classroom Visits
Open Door Policy - MMO encourages visits to your child’s classroom while your child is
present. For security reasons, parents of children not yet enrolled must make an appointment
with the Director before visiting MMO. All guests must be buzzed in by the office during school
Please send your child to school in comfortable and washable play clothes with shoes that allow
for climbing and running during indoor and outdoor play. Children will be going outside if the
temperature is 30 degrees Fahrenheit or above. Please dress your child appropriately for weather
conditions. We will not utilize the playground if it is covered in snow. Please mark ALL of
your child’s clothing with their name with a permanent marker to avoid losses and mix-ups.
Conferences and Assessments
Parents have the right to request an individual conference at any time. The Director will make
staff available upon request. Preschool and Junior Preschool students will receive two (2)
progress reports. These will be sent out the first week of December and March. Jr. Preschool
classes will also receive “touch base” phone calls in November. Parent meetings will be offered
in October to all classes to give the opportunity to discuss classroom curriculum.
Confidential Information
All information contained in the child’s record will be privileged and Confidential. MMO
Nursery School will not distribute or release information in a child’s record to anyone not
directly related to implementing the program plan for the child without the written consent of the
child’s parent(s). A child’s parent(s) shall have the right to add information, comments, data or
any other relevant materials to the child’s record.
Hand Washing
Correct hand washing procedures are required for adults and children, particularly:
 Before eating, preparing food, or feeding a child
 After changing diapers, using the toilet or helping a child use a toilet
 After handling body fluids or using a tissue
 Ideally, upon arriving at the program.
Parent Communication
Day Sheets or Monthly Calendars are sent home and also posted outside classrooms for parents
to review. Classroom activities and programs are highlighted in monthly newsletters from each
Teacher. The MMO Director will send periodic newsletter of activities and upcoming events in
the school.
Parent Input
Parents are encouraged to meet with the Director to discuss any input in the development of
MMO policies and procedures. It is up to the Director, with the MMO Board of Directors to
decide on whether or not the policies will be implemented.
Phone Calls
Parents and Teachers may communicate by phone. Parents must call and set up a time with the
Director and include the number that they can be reached. An appropriate time will be decided
Snack and Lunch
Due to an increase in peanut allergies, our school practices “Peanut Avoidance”. We ask that
you do not send in any peanut, peanut oil or nut containing products for your child to eat during
lunch or snack. Products produced in facilities which produce nut products are not permitted.
Any exposure to peanuts or nuts through contact or ingestion can cause a severe/life threatening
If your child has eaten peanuts or nut products prior to coming to school, please be sure your
child’s hands have been thoroughly washed prior to entering the school.
Due to the large number of different food allergies, the school will provide a drink at snack/lunch
time. Each child is required to bring their own snack, sealed in a Ziploc bag with the child’s
name on it. Please remember snack time is approximately 15 minutes, small but nutritious items
are suggested.
Children may sign up for the lunch program which is an additional hour. (The lunch fee is
$10.00 per day.) A box lunch is provided by the parents. MMO will provide water for lunch.
Lunches (marked with the child’s name) are stored on shelves above the coat racks and parents
must provide a cool pack or thermos. Please do not pack anything that needs to be heated, as we
are unable to accommodate this service.
We ask that you do not send candy or soda in your child’s lunch. See the end of this handbook
for a list of nutritious foods that you can include in your child’s lunch/snack as well as a list of
peanut free snacks.
The Department of Early Education and Care requires Child Care Centers to offer tooth-brushing
assistance to children who participate in a lunch program. Parents who wish their child to
participate in this program are required to supply, in their child’s lunch box, a toothbrush clearly
labeled with their child’s name with a small, pea sized dab of toothpaste, enclosed in an adult
size toothbrush travel case, also labeled.
Section III
Allergy and Medication Policy
Parents must note any and all allergies on the child’s developmental history and update MMO
Nursery School when necessary. Parents should also verbally inform their children’s Teachers
of any allergy. While MMO attempts to make every effort to address the safety concerns and/or
the needs of its students who are predisposed to allergies, in cannot anticipate every situation in
which a child may be exposed to substances, chemicals and/or conditions that may illicit an
allergic reaction. For example, a child may eat peanut butter for breakfast and arrive at MMO
with traces of the peanut butter on her hands, thereby exposing children with peanut allergies to a
situation in which they may experience an allergic reaction.
Each classroom will post an allergy list so that all staff is aware of children with allergies.
For the safety of all our children, MMO, as a program, is a peanut-avoidance program. Please be
sure to wash hands thoroughly before entering school and do not send any snack/lunch items
which contain nuts or are made in facilities which make nut products.
MMO Nursery School will not administer non-prescription and/or prescription medicine to a
child without written parental authorization and a written order from a physician. The parent(s)
will provide MMO with a written authorization, which will be posted in the classroom for staff
to see. This form will be kept in your child’s file when the medicine is finished.
The written authorization indicates that the medicine is for the specified child, specifies the
dosage, the number of times a day and the number of days the medication is to be administered.
All medication will be stored out of the reach of children and stored in accordance with
prescription directions.
MMO will not administer prescription medication contrary to the directions on the original
container unless authorized by a written order of the child’s physician.
MMO will accept parental written authorization for non-prescription, topical medication. The
authorization must be dated and will be valid for no more than one year from that date. (Topical
medication includes the following: petroleum jelly, sunscreen, bug spray, diaper rash ointments,
and antibacterial ointments which are applied to open wounds, rashes or broken skin); these must
be stored in the original container with the child’s name written on it.
The staff at MMO will follow the directions of the physician in regards to any food allergies or
inhalers. All allergies and/or need for inhalers will be posted in each classroom and staff will be
aware of the children with allergies and those who may need inhalers. All other mediation will
be secured in the office. Any unused or expired medication will be returned to the parent.
The parents of children must meet with the Director and other necessary staff about the
administration of their child’s medication. They must have written permission of their child’s
health care practitioner to train staff in the implementation of their child’s health care plan.
All staff at MMO is trained yearly in American Heart Association First Aid/CPR/AED. All staff
at MMO are required to take the D.E.E.C. “5 Rights of Medication Administration” yearly. All
staff will practice due-diligence according to your child’s medical needs, but parents must be
aware that MMO Staff are not trained medial professionals. Parents of children with medical
needs must meet with the Director and other necessary staff to discuss their Child’s medical plan.
In an attempt to make parents of children who are predisposed to allergies aware of MMO’s
inability to anticipate each and every situation in which his or her child may be exposed, and to
also make them aware that MMO Staff are not trained medical professionals, MMO requires
parents of all such children to sign a release of liability.
Discipline Policy
MMO staff will provide discipline in a consistent and fair manner. Various discipline tools are
utilized to promote student resolution and understanding based on their development and
individual needs. Rules are established and identified at the beginning of the school year. If
appropriate, students will participate in the creation of classroom rules and procedures.
Discipline is constructive and appropriate utilizing such strategies as diversion, separation from
situation, and praise for positive behavior. Inappropriate punishment such as ridicule,
humiliation, abuse or neglect, physical hitting, denial of food, facilities, etc. is prohibited.
MMO staff will keep a record of any unusual behavior presented by a student. Any unusual
behavior will be kept confidential between staff members, the Program Director and the parents
of the child. The Program Director will set up a private meeting with the parents to discuss any
issues. If necessary, the Program Director and the parents will develop a plan to address these
issues. If the behavior is harmful to the child, to other children, the staff or the program,
termination procedures will be initiated.
Hand Washing Policy
Correct hand washing procedures are required for adults and children, particularly:
 Before eating, preparing food, or feeding a child
 After changing diapers, using the toilet or helping a child use a toilet
 After handling body fluids or using a tissue
 After handling animals or their equipment (cages, food dishes, etc.)
Ideally, upon arriving at the program.
Non-Discrimination Policy
Mother’s Morning Out Nursery School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic
origin, offers all the rights, privileges and programs to all students at the school. We do not
discriminate in our educational, admissions or staff policies, on the basis of race, color, religion,
cultural heritage, national or ethnic origin, political beliefs, disabilities, sexual orientation. Toilet
training is not an eligibility requirement for enrollment.
Referral Policy
MMO collaborates with specialists from the applicable Public School system as educational
consultants on educational, developmental, medical or social issues. The classroom Teacher will
document any behaviors or academic challenges a child exhibits that may require special
services. When a staff member identifies a child who may require an evaluation or special
services, the Program Director and Teacher will meet with the parents. At this conference any
issues will be identified and action plan for the child will be developed.
If you or your child’s Teacher feels there are any concerns regarding your child’s development in
the areas of speech, language, muscle coordination or vision, your child may receive free
screenings through their pubic school system, or for children under 3, Early Intervention. The
Director and your child’s Teacher will work with you to coordinate and schedule the screenings
with the appropriate school system.
Suspension and Termination
The following situations are grounds for an immediate termination from MMO Nursery School.
 Verbal abuse, physical abuse or harassment by a parent to a staff member, children or other
parents in the MMO Nursery School.
 The mutual trust between the parent(s) and the program has been damaged beyond repair.
This decision would be based upon attempts by the parent(s) and the program to resolve the
issue at hand and reach a mutually satisfying solution.
 Non-payment of tuition and no attempt has been made to resolve the issue.
 If the child is chronically picked up late.
 Failure of parents to abide by policies set forth in the Parent handbook
The following are circumstances for termination:
 The child cannot be kept safe in the program.
 When a child is jeopardizing the safety of another child with dangerous behavior, the
procedure to avoid termination will be enacted. Behaviors that endanger other children
include but are not limited to repeated biting, kicking, and/or hair pulling.
 The program is no longer able to assist in the development of the child.
Sick Child Policy
Please notify the school if your child will be out for the day or an extended period of time.
Parents must immediately notify the Director if a child has a contagious illness. We will
notify other parents, without using your child’s name, only if the possibility of exposure has
occurred. The school office will call you if your child becomes ill during the school day. We
will take a child’s temperature if necessary. If the temperature is high, parents will be contacted.
If a child has a fever, is vomiting, has diarrhea or any other symptom of an acute illness, parents
will need to pick up their child within an hour.
The child will be separated from the class in the Director’s office while awaiting pickup. Parents
must identify an emergency contact person, who is available to pick up your child in the event of
illness. If a child is sent home, she may not return to the program the next day, as a child is still
considered ill 24 hours after a fever has ended.
Toileting Policy
Being toilet-trained is not a requirement for admittance to preschool.
Regarding any toileting assistance, whether he/she is in pull-ups or diapers or underclothing, a
staff member is readily available to help a child with a change of clothes and clean-up. We will
double bag soiled diapers for daily removal. Our Junior Preschooler’s change of clothing,
diapers and wipes are kept in their classroom baskets. Please change the clothing for each
season and size change.
Pull-Up Changing Policy
 Director or the Director’s Assistant will change soiled or wet Pull-Ups when Needed.
 Adult will wear gloves.
 If the Pull-Ups are wet, the child will be changed in a standing position in the bathroom.
 If the Pull-Ups are soiled, the child will be changed in a toddler room on the changing
table. The Diaper changing policy will be followed.
 Fresh Pull-Ups and wipes are to be stored in the child’s backpack and used when needed.
 After Changing soiled-wet Pull-Ups, gloves, changing table paper and wipes are to be
double wrapped and disposed of in a diaper receptacle.
 Changing table should be wiped down.
 Adult and Child’s hands should be washed and the child should return to class.
Tuition Policy
Because our school is a nonprofit organization, our budget depends on tuition. Please help us by
following our policy. A signed Tuition Contract must be on file with the first tuition payment.
Jr. Preschool and Lunch Billing: Payments are due the first day of each month, in advance.
Preschool Tuition: Payments are made in three or four installments depending on class (see
tuition contract for dates.) The Director must approve any exceptions to this schedule. There
will be no tuition refunds for absenteeism or for sessions cancelled due to weather related
closures. Tuition has been adjusted to consider some no school days.
Late Fee: Payments received 7 days in arrears will be subject to a late fee of $10.
See Mrs. Naughton regarding special circumstances.
Check Return Fee: Returned checks will be subject to a fee of $10.
When your child is ready to move-on or up to the next classroom or school, we will prepare your
child in a way that he/she can understand. We are willing to share any information pertaining to
your child with another program with written consent from the parent/guardian.
Section IV
Health Care Consultants
M.M.O. Nursery School reserves the right to consult with our Health Care Consultants to discuss
a child’s symptoms. The child will not be identified at any time during the conversation or
Health and Well-Being
Yearly physical exam signed by the physician is required for all students. Health forms must
include: lead screening, up-dated immunization record with the chicken pox vaccine or a
statement that the child has had chicken pox signed by the physician. Health records must be on
file at MMO prior to the start of school and updated accordingly. Health forms are in effect for
only one year and an updated form must be resubmitted if your child has a physical exam during
the course of the school year.
Injury Prevention Plan
The Director and Teachers are responsible for monitoring the environment daily for safety and
will remove or repair all possible hazards. All poisonous and hazardous materials shall be
locked away and kept from child areas. A central injury log shall be kept by the Director who
shall investigate how future accidents may be avoided. Parents will be notified on writing of any
Health Care Policy
MMO Nursery School’s health care policy is in compliance with the Department of Early
Education and Care. Each child is required to have a recent health record on file at MMO. If a
child has any sign of illness, parents are strongly urged to keep the child home. MMO reserves
the right to send a sick child home. The Director or lead Teacher will make the decision. If
children become ill during the day, they will be isolated from other children and encouraged to
rest quietly. Parents will be asked to make arrangements to pick up their child as soon as
Children in all programs will play outdoors daily, weather permitting. Parents are responsible
for sending children in adequate clothing and footwear to maintain good health during outdoor
play in all suitable weather conditions, including normal winter temperatures. Please do not ask
us to keep a child inside because of a cold or other illness. A child who is too sick to go outside
is usually too sick to be in a social situation with other children.
If a child has been sent home with head lice, parents are required to have their child nit-free
before returning to school.
Parents are asked to notify MMO if a child contacts a contagious disease such as strep, impetigo,
viral infections, lice, etc., so that staff and other parents can be alerted. If you child has been
absent with a fever, the child must remain home for 24 hours after the fever ends, with out the
use of fever-reducing medicine.
Children cannot attend the school while awaiting the results of a throat culture. If a rapid test is
used and comes out negative, you still must keep your child home and wait for the results of the
24-48 hour test to come back. If the test indicates STREP, the child must remain home for at
least 24 hours after the beginning of antibiotics.
In the event of any of any contagious diseases listed below, a note will be sent home to the
parents. The health care consultant will be responsible for notifying the Board of Health if
needed. A doctor’s note will be required for a child returning to school after an occurrence. A
disinfectant spray will be used on all toys and equipment to minimize the spread of the disease.
Chicken Pox
Fifths Disease
Plan for Meeting Individual Health Care Needs
All food, chemical, material or environmental allergies are listed in the Director’s office and in
each individual classroom. It is also listed on the child’s Emergency Form. Any food, chemical,
or material which is found to be unsafe or unhealthy for the child would be avoided or removed.
Any individual needs for a child, i.e. screening, consultations, emotional support, etc. will be
determined by the Teacher and the Director and discussed with the parents. Appropriate
referrals will then be handled by the school.
Care of Mildly Ill Children
The Child will be taken to the Director’s Office to wait until he/she may be transported home.
The Director’s office will have a cot for the child to rest or sleep. Water and quiet toys or books
for will be available. The Director or available staff member will stay with the child until he/she
is transported home.
Plan for Administering Medication
MMO Nursery School will not administer non-prescription and/or prescription medicine to a
child without written parental authorization and a written order from a physician. The parent(s)
will provide MMO with a written authorization, which will be posted in the classroom for staff
to see. When the medicine is finished, this form will be kept in your child’s file.
The written authorization indicates that the medicine is for the specified child, specifies the
dosage, the number of times a day and the number of days the medication is to be administered.
All medication will be stored out of the reach of children in accordance with the prescription.
MMO will not administer prescription medication contrary to the directions on the original
container unless authorized by a written order of the child’s physician.
MMO will accept parental written authorization for non-prescription, topical medication. The
authorization must be dated and will be valid for no more than one year from that date. (Topical
medication includes the following: petroleum jelly, sunscreen, bug spray, diaper rash ointments,
and antibacterial ointments which are applied to open wounds, rashes or broken skin); these must
be stored in the original container with the child’s name written on it.
CPR/First Aid
All Employees complete CPR and First Aid Certification. A central injury log shall be kept by
the Director who shall investigate how future accidents may be avoided. Parents will be notified
in writing of any injury. If an emergency is deemed serious or life-threatening, the Director or
Teacher is to call 911.
If a situation is not life threatening, the child’s doctor will be notified and he/she will determine
where care is to be provided. The parents are to be notified as per procedure and will either pick
up the child at school or meet the child and Director at the doctor’s office or the local hospital.
The Director is responsible for bringing the child’s emergency form. If an emergency occurs on
the field trip and is serious, 911 will be called. If not serious, the child may return to school and
follow the procedure above.
MMO does not supply food to students. All parents are required to supply snack and lunch. All
staff receives basic training in the USDA recognized nutrition requirement guidelines and in
food choking hazards. The curriculum provides education to our students on the importance of
healthy eating in accordance with those guidelines.
Pet Allergies:
No pet will be kept on the premises.
Emergency Telephone Numbers
The following numbers shall be posted at each telephone:
Poison Control
(800) 222-1222
Norwood Hospital
(781) 769-4000
Emergency Procedure
MMO is required by the EEC to maintain an emergency contingency plan in the event of a
disaster. The evacuation plan is posted in every classroom, common areas and at each exit, and
is available to be reviewed in the office. In the event of a fire or any event that would necessitate
evacuating the building, the staff is fully trained and will follow the “Evacuation Plan”, which is
posted at each exit. In case of the need to evacuate the building due to fire or emergency, the
following procedures will be followed:
A First Aid Kit is kept on each Floor.
 First Floor – Room D classroom, top shelf
 Second Floor – Directors’ office
The contents of the kit shall include
 Bandages
 Gauze pads
 Scissors
Cold pack
Adhesive tape
Disposable latex gloves
First aid shall be administered by the most qualified person available. All staff members will
have been given first aid training by the health care consultant or another qualified instructor.
The Director is responsible for checking the first aid kits for completeness, and will replace any
items as they are used or expired. A first aid kit shall accompany the adult in charge on all field
trips. Anytime first aid is given to a child, a written report is to be filled out and given to the
parents with a copy kept in the central log.
Loss Child Policy
In the event a child should be reported missing all exit and classroom doors will be locked.
Police Department and parents will be notified. All outside and inside areas will be checked by
assigned personnel.
 Director will check perimeter of building.
 Secretary will check second floor.
 Third office assistant will check lower level.
Plan for Evacuation
In case of fire, or any emergency making it necessary to quickly evacuate the building, the
following procedures will be followed. The Director will call emergency personnel if necessary.
Ground Level Evacuation:
Primary Route – Room C, D, and E: Teacher and Assistant will lead children to the East Street
door and out to the grass area.
Secondary Route – Room C, D, and E: Teacher and Assistant will lead children out the main
door to the left and gather at the concrete wall that faces Washington Street.
The Director will check classrooms and exits.
Upper Level Evacuation:
Primary Route – Room 2 or 4: Teacher and Assistant will lead children through Room 3 down
back stairs to East Street door and out to grass area.
Secondary Route – Room 2 or 4: Teacher and Assistant will lead children down the main
staircase, out the main doorway to the left and gather at the concrete wall that faces Washington
Primary Route – Room 3: Teacher and Assistant will lead children down back stairs to East
Street door and out to grass.
Secondary Route – Room 3: Teacher and Assistant will lead children down the main staircase,
out the main doorway to the left and gather at the concrete wall that faces Washington Street.
The Assistant to the Director will check all classrooms and exits. Teachers/Assistants will bring
emergency form hanging by exit door and attendance book.
In case of fire: Staff will evacuate the building as directed in our fire drill plan to their
designated areas. Evacuation plans are posted in each room at the exits. Teachers will conduct
fire drills every month, alternating primary and secondary routes.
In case of natural disaster:
Chemical Spill – Windows and doors will be secured, fire department will be called by the
Director. Upon their arrival the staff will follow their instructions.
Bomb threats – the staff will evacuate the building and the fire department will be called.
Children will be evacuated to the fire station on Washington Street until given clearance by the
fire department.
Severe Storm Conditions – Children will be moved to the lowest level.
We are fortunate to be located next to a fire station, and freight trains do not run past us during
school hours. Trucks carrying hazardous materials do no come into this are due to the low
bridge near the school.
In case of power outage, loss of heat, and loss of water - The school will be closed and parents
Emergency Evacuation Plan
Should it be necessary to evacuate the area around the building, we will cross at the East Street
lights and meet in the tennis courts at the Islington Fire Station. Parents will be notified from
that area. The Director will check each classroom, common area and exit. The Fire Department
Deputy Chief Morrison of the Westwood Fire Department was consulted on this plan. Should
there be a need to evacuate the immediate area, the school will meet at the fields directly behind
the School Street Playground.
Fire Drills and Evacuation Plans
Fire and Evacuation Drills are performed every month in every class, including lunch. An
evacuation plan is posted in each classroom.
Procedure for Identifying and Reporting Suspected Child Abuse or Neglect to the
department of Children and family Services (DCFS):
Our staff is required by law to report any instances of suspected child abuse or neglect to the
Department of Child and Families. The suspected person will not have direct contact with the
children until the Department of Child and Families investigation is complete. The Program
Director will report the incident to DCF and file a 51A on behalf of the child. The Program
Director will prepare a written report for the office files.
Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS): 781/682-0800
Child at Risk Hotline: 800/792-5200 Judge Baker Center 617/232-4882
Signs of abuse and/or neglect:
1. Lack of supervision
 Very young child left unattended;
 Children left in care of other children too young to protect them; and
 Children inadequately supervised for long periods of time when engaged in dangerous
2. Lack of adequate clothing or hygiene;
 Children dressed inadequate for weather;
 Persistent skin disorders resulting from improper hygiene; and
 Children chronically dirty or un-bathed.
3. Lack of medical or dental care:
 Children whose needs for medical or dental care or medication and health care are not
4. Lack of adequate education:
 Children who are chronically absent from school
5. Lack of adequate nutrition:
 Children lacking sufficient quantity or quality of food;
 Children consistently complaining of hunger and/or rummaging for food; and
 Children suffering severe developmental lags.
6. Lack of adequate shelter:
 Structurally safe housing or exposed wiring;
 Inadequate heating; and
 Unsanitary housing conditions.
In identifying neglect be sensitive to different cultural expectations and values and to different
child rearing practices. Neglect is not necessarily related to poverty, although it could reflect a
breakdown in household management as well as a breakdown of concerns for and cart taking of a
Physical Indicators of Child Abuse
The following are often seen in cases of abuse or neglect. These indicators should be considered
in light of explanations provided, medical history (especially if inconsistent), and the
developmental abilities of a child to engage in the activities said to have caused the injury.
Bruises and Welts
 Bruises on any infant, especially bruises on the face.
Bruises on the backside of a child’s body.
Bruises in unusual patterns that might be made by an instrument (e.g. belt, buckle or
strap) or human bite mark.
Clustered bruises that might indicate repeated contact with a hand or object.
Bruises in various stages of healing.
 Immersion burn indicates dunking in a hot liquid (“sock” or “glove” burns on the arms or
legs or “doughnut” shaped burns of the buttocks or genital area).
 Cigarette burns.
 Rope burns.
 Dry burns indicating a child has been forced to sit upon a hot surface or has had a hot
instrument applied to the skin.
Cuts, Tears or Scrapes
 Cuts of lip, eye or any portion of a child’s face.
 Any cut or scrape on external genitalia.
Head Injuries
 Absence of hair or bleeding beneath the scalp due to hair pulling;
 Black eyes.
 Bruised, bloody, swollen eyes.
 Swollen mouth or jaw.
 Loosened or missing teeth.
Physicians may diagnose the following injuries:
Bone Injuries
 Rib Fracture.
 Fracture of the jaw, breastbone, and shoulder blades.
 Skull injuries.
 Repeated injuries to the same place.
 Injuries caused by twisting or pulling that a physician my see on an x-ray.
Head Injuries
 Bleeding beneath the outer covering of the brain (due to shaking or hitting).
 Bleeding behind the eye or detached retina (due to shaking).
Injuries to Stomach Area
 Rupture of bruising in internal organs.
 Serious abdominal pain or injury.
 Shock.
Behavioral Indication of Child Abuse
Children who are abused physically or emotionally may have certain types of behavior. Many of
these behaviors are common to all children at one time or another, but when they are present
often enough and strongly enough to describe a child’s overall manner, they may indicate abuse.
Children learn specific coping skills to deal with the world at large. As the struggle to get their
needs met in a disturbed, stressful household, they may learn to deny or exaggerate parts of
themselves. Behavior of abused children may include:
 Overly compliant, passive, undemanding, shy, withdrawn, affectionless, listless,
 Nervousness, hyperactivity, aggressive, disruptive, destructive, irritable.
 Unusually fearful of adults.
 Fearful of going home or being left in someone’s care.
The child may have
 Repeated nightmares.
 Phobias, fear of darkness or bathrooms.
 Chronic complaints such as stomach aches.
All Directors and Teachers are mandated reporters. As a mandated reporter, according to MA
General Laws, we must file a report if we have reasonable cause to believe that:
 A child is suffering from serious physical or emotional injury resulting from abuse
inflicted upon him/her, including sexual abuse.
 A child is suffering from neglect, including malnutrition.
 A child is physically dependent upon an addictive drug at birth.
Once a decision a report must be made, we are required to call the Department of Children and
Family Services (DCFS). A written report must follow within 48 hours. The report should
provide as much detail as possible.
When MMO telephones the DCFS Protective Screening Unit to make a report of possible child
abuse or neglect, we will be asked to give the fullest extent possible the following information:
 The name, address, present whereabouts, date of birth or estimated age, and the sex of the
child or children and any other known children of that household.
 The names, addresses and telephone numbers of the child’s parent and/or other persons
responsible for the child’s care.
 The principle language spoken by the child and the child’s caretakers.
If you have any concerns, questions, or comments regarding any of these handbook policies,
please contact the Director at (781) 326-7448.