Student Information Sheet for Teacher Dear Parents: Please complete this form by the first day of school so that we can better reach and teach your child. Your insight is very valuable to us, as you know your child best! Student Name________________________________ Nickname______________________Birthday_______ Allergies or health concerns______________________ __________________________________________ What does your child like to do at home?____________ __________________________________________ Is your child in any extracurricular activities?_________ __________________________________________ What is your child most interested in?______________ __________________________________________ What kind of rewards/reinforcements does your child respond to? Do you have any concerns as your child enters preschool this year? What are your goals for your child this year?______________ ________________________________________________ Does or has your child attended another preschool/daycare? Where/When?__________________________________ __________________________________________ Do you have anything else you would like us to know about your child?__________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Parents/Guardians__________________________ Siblings/ Ages_______________________________ Pets?_____________________________________ Best number to reach you at:____________________ Email address:_______________________________ Thank you from your teachers at Cedarburg Preschool.