Club Manager's Catering Checklist

Manager's Catering Checklist
The activity manager is responsible for the economic and efficient
operation of facilities and activities. A manager's goal is to establish
and maintain a system of regular communication with and between all
departments and personnel. In addition, there are many financial,
operational, and employment requirements for the activity manager to
follow. The Manager's Checklist is a tool to review and remind
him/her of all duties, guidelines, and operational needs of the
program. This checklist should also be used at least yearly by the
IMA Regions, in conjunction with their self-appraisals, to find areas of
improvement, communicate accomplishments, and to discuss
employee concerns. It is not inclusive. Managers should add
additional information to the checklist to assist in the quality
assurance process.
Manager's Catering Checklist
Catering Office
1. Does management ensure each special function is documented on a prenumbered special function contract (standard EventMaster contract)?
2. Are special pricing considerations given to community relations or official
functions (this is prohibited)?
3. Are there established menu selling prices including facility use charges,
gratuities, labor supplies, sundry service, contract items, rentals, and
miscellaneous fees or charges?
4. Are special function sales and expenses broken out on the financial
5. Does the activity manager review customer files with the catering manager
(at least every 6 months) to review business, successes, highlighting top
business, needs for improvement?
6. Is there an annual telephone sales blitz for the catering managers to call
repeat clients to review for additional business?
7. Has the manager reserved those dates required by the Command or
DMWR for the activity to perform Community functions and or events? i.e.
Mothers Day, Thanksgiving, St. Barbara’s Day weekend, 4th of July etc.
8. Is there a monthly report printed on each catering manager's customer
9. Is the catering manager using the note pages in EventMaster for added
10. Is the catering manager's correspondence to members timely based on
the "pop-up" recommendations of EventMaster?
11. Are the standardized forms being used for all member correspondence
and placed in the appropriate file?
12. Are banquet checks/members event charges reviewed after each function
to check for billing accuracy?
13. Are vendor receipts/invoices being processed on a timely basis when
rentals are involved with a catering banquet or wedding?
Manager's Catering Checklist
14. Space Review: Is the catering manager utilizing or booking the meeting
space effectively choosing the right room for the size of the group and its
15. Are customer feedback forms (performance evaluations) being sent out
with the appropriate thank you letter?
16. Customer Evaluation Form (performance evaluation): After receiving
feedback from the customer, are the catering manager and/or activity manager
following up on any items needing attention?
17. When customer forms are not returned, is the manager making a call to
the event sponsor to ask how their function went and sharing feedback with
those departments involved?
18. Is there proper communication between the catering manager, cook
supervisor, wait staff leader and bartender leader? If not, advise date of next
team building session to cover problem solving issues.
19. Are there Catering Program Meetings with "menu review" covered
weekly? Are these meetings efficient and productive, utilizing sufficient time to
cover problems and/or challenges for the week?
20. Are telephones being answered efficiently?
21. Has the facility manager had exposure or attended social events with new
and prospective clients?
22. Does the manager “view” catering functions or meals in the guests’
perspective on a weekly basis?
23. Is signage clearly posted for all events and special functions?
24. Are all departments notified when special participants, activity sponsors
and VIPs arrive? Do the facility manager and/or catering manager welcome
groups to the activity?
25. Is the catering office neat and organized in appearance?
26. Is the manager sharing financial information with the catering manager
such as the average breakfast, lunch and dinner checks on a monthly basis to
watch for growth and improvements?
Manager's Catering Checklist
27. Is the banquet equipment for catering functions being stored safely, kept
in good working condition and attractive appearance?
28. What communication steps have been taken to advise the catering team
of doing a "good job"?
29. Is the catering office observing proper office coverage hours so there is
always someone there to handle phone calls and walk-in customers?
30. Are operating hours clearly and prominently posted along with phone
contact information?
31. Are “Party Brochures” accessible to customers and staff at all times?
32. What is the current catering guarantee or room fee policy, and is it the
same for all FB&E Activities on the base?
33. Has management reviewed the current service charge policy for special
functions and is it the same standard at all MWR FB&E activities on post?
34. Are rental fees and charges reviewed and updated at least annually?
35. Has the room deposit refund policy (pro-rata functions) and cancellation
fee policy (applicable to all functions) been reviewed and is it the same
standard for all activities on post?
Wait Staff and Set up Staff
1. Is a pre-event meeting taking place for the wait staff and bartenders before
a banquet, wedding reception, or special function, to go over group or guests
attending the event, special VIPs, menu overview, wine selections, any special
steps of service or protocol needs based on the type of group they're serving,
shift assignments, break time issues, proper uniform check, introduction of new
staff, words from the catering manager about the group, review special steps of
service or entertainment breaks?
2. Is the time scheduled for room set-up appropriate for the amount of work
being performed? Has set-up labor been reduced, or rescheduled and are setups being planned ahead to maximize productivity?
3. Has the set-up restoration fee been implemented for official functions?