KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY MANASAGANGOTRI, MYSORE-06 Bharath Postgraduate College (A Partner of KSOU) ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONS Instructions: NOTE: You are required to read the following instructions carefully before you answer. Write the Roll Number, Name and Title of the course at the beginning of your answer of each Subject. You should write the assignment separately with regard to each paper. Assignments without Roll No. and Name will be rejected. After writing the assignment, you should tag the assignment together, put them in a cover and send it to the address given below. The students are ADVICED TO KEEP A COPY OF THE ASSIGNMENTS with them and submit it in case the University demands the same. The assignments received after the last date will be summarily rejected. No further extension is allowed. DBMS SUB CODE: IMCA-07 ASSIGNMENT – I I. Answer any Four Questions 4x5 = 20 1. Explain E-R Model with an examples. 2. Discuss the design issues of database degisn. 3. Explain who will you delete and alter a table with examples. 4. Explain outer join with examples. 5. Describe structure and purpose of DBMS. ASSIGNMENT – II II. Answer any Four Questions 4x5 = 20 1. Describe the fundamental and additional operation of relational algebra with examples. 2. Describe tree based indexing with examples. 3. Explain 1.BCNF and Third Normal Form with examples. 4. Write short notes on concurrent execution. 5. Explain various aggregate operators with examples.