MAATA-N-TUDU ASSOCIATION (MTA) ISFUND CONSULTING SERVICES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF INFORMATION SYSTEM (IS) DRAFT REPORT ON SOFTWARE EVALUATION Prepared by Norman G. Williams C/O Asamoah & Williams Consulting (AWC) P.O. Box 10005 Kumasi, Ghana AUGUST, 2006 ABBREVIATIONS GHAMFIN Ghana Microfinance Institutions Network IS Information System IT Information Technology MIS Management Information System MTA Maata-N-Tudu PDA Personal Digital Assistant (Handheld computer) UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply Table of Contents Page Section 1 Introduction......................................................................................... 1 1.1 Background ................................................................................................ 1 Institutional Background .................................................................................... 1 Ownership, Governance, and Management ......................................................... 1 Products and Services ........................................................................................ 1 Strategic Alliances ............................................................................................. 2 Current State of Information System .................................................................. 2 Previous attempts at restructuring the Information System .................................. 3 Strategies to Re-structure the Information System: ............................................. 4 1.2 Terms of Reference of the Assignment ......................................................... 4 Assignment component: .................................................................................... 4 Deliverables ...................................................................................................... 4 1.3 Structure of Report ..................................................................................... 4 Section 2 Executive Summary.............................................................................. 6 Section 3 SOFTWARE EVALUATION FRAMEWORK ................................................ 7 3.1 Consultant’s Approach to the Assignment ..................................................... 7 SECTION 4: EvALUATION CRITERIA..................................................................... 8 4.1 Primary (major) Requirements..................................................................... 8 4.2 Secondary Requirements ............................................................................. 8 Clients Information Management ........................................................................ 8 Savings ............................................................................................................. 8 Loans ............................................................................................................... 9 General Ledger ................................................................................................. 9 4.3 Specific Requirements of individual modules ................................................. 9 4.4 Scoring Scheme .......................................................................................... 9 SECTION 5: FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS ........................................................ 10 5.1 General .................................................................................................... 10 5.2 Summary of Findings and Conclusions ....................................................... 10 5.3 Scores...................................................................................................... 13 SECTION 6 – ESTIMATED SOFTWARE COST ............................................................ 14 APPENDIX A: CORE REQUIREMENTS .................................................................... A1 APPENDIX B: Technical Specification – CLIENTS Information ................................. B1 APPENDIX C: EVALUATION - SAVINGS ................................................................. C1 APPENDIX D: SOFTWARE EVALUATION LOANS ..................................................... D1 APPENDIX E: MODULE EVALUATION – ACCOUNTING/GL ...................................... E1 Page i CGAP ISFUND Contract Information System (IS) for Maata-N-Tudu Association Draft Report on Software Evaluation SECTION 1 1.1 INTRODUCTION Background Institutional Background Maata-N-Tudu Association is a non-governmental membership association operating in the three northern regions of the Republic of Ghana, namely: Northern Region, Upper East Region, and Upper West Region. Its core business covers a developmental program, and a Savings and micro-credit program. The institution has been in existence for more than ten (10) years, and is considered one of the leading microfinance institutions in the country, from the point of its institutional structures as well as its portfolio size. Ownership, Governance, and Management Maata-N-Tudu is a membership organization and the members are the owners of the association. In addition to being the owners they are also the beneficiaries. However, majority of the members have either very little education or no education at all. Consequently the constitution requires executives of the association to serve on the board and also to appoint highly qualified members of their communities as board members. The De-facto management therefore lies with the board of directors. The board has therefore appointed a technically competent sub committee with relevant professional and technical skills to advice on matters of micro finance. A team of competent staff with several years of experience will complement their skills in credit delivery and management. See appendix of staff qualification and experience. Products and Services The Association offers two streams of services, namely: a Development program, and a microfinance financial services program. The Development program has, over the past ten years, acquired extensive leadership and group management experience, provides training to the clients at minimum cost. The microfinance department provides financial services in the form of micro savings and Group loans to its members. In the early years of its existence, there was not much separation, at least from the financial management angle, between the two services. Credit was seen as a development intervention. However, this policy has now changed. Several studies undertaken in 2004 concluded that the credits Maata-N-Tudu Association IS Implementation - Report on Software Evaluation Page 1 scheme could be separated form the development program and constituted into a separately resourced and financially self-accounting unit. Implementation of this policy began in 2005. The Association has now completed studies to refine its original credit products, and also introduced newer ones. As a result of this exercise, the Association came up with the following products: Product Savings Products Compulsory Savings Loan Products Anfaani Rice Processing Anfaani Sheabutter Anfaani Handicraft Anfaani Petty Trading Anfaani Grain Banking Anfaani Pito Brewing Remarks Rural Rural Rural Urban Rural Rural A full description of individual products is the subject of Section 7 of this report. Strategic Alliances As the demand for financial services increase the association has developed strategic alliances with other financial institutions like BESSFA rural bank that provide the association with some leverage over and above the association’s loan fund. The bank therefore has a stake in the management of the association due to the linkage relationship described above. BESSFA is therefore a member of the technical committee of the board. Current State of Information System Most of the information required for everyday operational and management decision making is maintained in internally developed Excel spreadsheets. The quality of these spreadsheet programs is very high and the system is able to provide key management reports. The staff have demonstrated a keen understanding of the key indicators for portfolio management and performance monitoring, and actually have programs that calculate all the financial ratios. However the system suffers from the usual weaknesses typical of spreadsheet-based information systems. The major ones are discussed below. a) Lack of integration: The Credits department maintains information relating to savings and loans on non-networked desktop computers. The accounting department maintains a general ledger and produces standard financial statements and ratios Maata-N-Tudu Association IS Implementation - Report on Software Evaluation Page 2 from a separate set of spreadsheet programs on a stand-alone desktop. Information exchange between the two key Units is usually done at the end of the month and in summary form. Information exchange between the departments and the Executive Secretary is mainly through hardcopy reports, and occasionally through data transfer on removable storage media. b) Duplication of data processing efforts: Because each department maintains its own set of information, the same source document is often processed twice, especially those transactions that affect both credits administration as well as general ledger accounting. c) Relatively high transactional unit cost: This is the obvious result of the two defects mentioned above, i.e. the low level of integration, and incidence of duplication in transaction processing. d) Low level of sophistication: It is a common knowledge that bespoke spreadsheetbased systems cannot provide the type of data validation, file management and database security features provided by standard portfolio management database systems as standard. It is true that a skillful use of formulas, functions and macros can automate most arithmetic and statistical computations, but it is also true that the non-relational structure of spreadsheet programs make the platform unsuitable for performing even the most basic routines such as on-line data validation to ensure that a new customer name or account code does not duplicate an old one. Previous attempts at restructuring the Information System In the past two years, the management and professional staff have been fully occupied with number of undertakings aimed at improving the institutional capacity and practices, product refinement, and introduction of newer ones. The efforts have yielded many positive results, including the ones mentioned below: A thorough review of the existing financial products and streamlining of product methodologies and delivery terms (product refinement); Definition and introduction of new products and services; Preparation of a medium term business plan to guide its operations up to the year 2007; and Human resource development including various training programs for the core staff. Serious consideration has also been given to the implementation of an effective information system to improve information delivery and enhance management capacity to effectively monitor and direct its operations. A major impediment that prevented Management from initiating an IS implementation project was funding. This problem has been solved in part with the kind decision of the ISFUND to finance the consulting services to assist in the detailed planning and execution of a comprehensive IS project. Maata-N-Tudu Association IS Implementation - Report on Software Evaluation Page 3 Strategies to Re-structure the Information System: The Management of Maata-N-Tudu, on the advice of the consultant, has accepted to take a holistic approach to the IS evolution process. It has accordingly engaged the consultant first to undertake a detailed operational review to determine its total information needs, and the institutional structures and resources that must be put in place to implement the recommended solution. This will include an inventory of the computer hardware and communication/networking resources, human resources skills, and operational guidelines. The consultant is also required to undertake a professional search for the optimal software to implement the IS solution. 1.2 Terms of Reference of the Assignment Assignment component: The contract with ISFund covered three components of the traditional Information System transformation cycle, namely: a) Project Preparation and management; b) Detailed assessment of the information needs of the institution; and c) Software evaluation to select the optimal software package(s) for the implementation of the recommended IS solution. This report covers the Needs Assessment stage. The terms of reference, as specified in the consultant’s project proposal, are reproduced below. i. To undertake a technical evaluation of popular microfinance MIS software packages and recommend one that best fits the requirements of Maata - N - Tudu. Deliverables The contract stipulated the following products to be delivered at the end of the Software Evaluation stage: o A Request for Information (RFI) in the form of a detailed questionnaire sent to short-listed vendors, and the responses received comparison o A software comparison matrix document – with summaries of product functionality presented in a format for easy comparison. o A recommendation to Management giving reasons for the preferred software o A completed contract with one selected software vendor – a well negotiated legal contract listing services to be provided by the vendor, with associated cost. 1.3 Structure of Report This report is divided into six parts, as follows: Section 1 is the introductory part which provides a background to the assignment, terms of reference, and deliverables. Section 2, the Executive Summary, contains a summary of key findings and recommendations. Maata-N-Tudu Association IS Implementation - Report on Software Evaluation Page 4 Section 3 describes the consultant’s framework for the execution of the assignment. Section 4 discusses the criteria used in evaluating the selected packages, and the scoring scheme. Section 5 presents a summary of findings and conclusions. Section 6 presents the estimated costs of individual software packages. In addition, there are five Appendices as follows: Appendix A: Evaluation results. Core requirements Appendix B: Evaluation results, Clients Information Management Appendix C: Evaluation results, Savings Appendix D: Evaluation results, Loans Appendix E: Evaluation results, Accounts (General Ledger) Maata-N-Tudu Association IS Implementation - Report on Software Evaluation Page 5 SECTION 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the preceding Information Needs Assessment phase of this assignment, a set of key requirements were emerged. These were used in this Software Evaluation phase to determine the suitability of individual software packages that were reviewed. The consultant prepared a shortlist of seven microfinance software packages and contacted the vendors for detailed information and a demo package. Five of the vendors obliged. Two did not respond in spite of repeated reminders. Two popular software packages, namely: eMerge and Bankers Realm MFI were not included in the shortlist because of the initial cost and also the level of technical expertise require to operate and manage them. One Software package, namely The Exceptional Assistant (TEA) was found to be extremely versatile but was disqualified because it doen to have Savings and General Ledger modules. The vendors have promised these would be available in the next release. The remaining four software packages were found to be substantially responsive to the IS needs of Maata-N-Tudu. Three of the packages, namely: Loan Performer from Crystal Clear Software, Finance Solutions from Sigma Data & Computers, and M2 MFI from Southern Horizon were found to be fairly easy to learn and operate, and therefore very attractive to Maata-N-Tudu as an entry-level user with low level in-house technical support team. The fourth package, Microbanker MBWin from FAO/GTZ was found to have very interesting and unique features not offered by standard microfinance package. For example, automatic re-calculation of non-performing loans, and maintenance of CGAP performance ratios. However, there were two disturbing aspects, namely: it does not seem to track loan cycles. And it does not seem to provide features for linking loans to designated savings accounts as SECURITY (other linkages such as savings account as SERVICE account, and savings account for transfer of deposits lumped with repayment installments. Obviously, an IT person and/or a senior microfinance practitioner would need to receive an intensive training, most likely outside Ghana, to fully master the package and be able to exploit its numerous features. MicroBanker comprises a base module plus many other specialized modules which are purchased separately. It was not easy to put up price estimates because the variables involved in its price structure. However, the cost could very likey range between US$25,000 and 30,000. The consultant obtained price quotations from three of the vendors. This is shown in Section 6. There was not much difference in prices, except that Crystal Clear categorically offered a 40% rebate (quantity discount) on the number of licenses to be obtained, thus bringing their quotation to nearly 60% lower than the rest. Recommendation: Loan Performer version 7.07 is recommended as the software of first choice. Maata-N-Tudu Association IS Implementation - Report on Software Evaluation Page 6 SECTION 3 3.1 SOFTWARE EVALUATION FRAMEWORK Consultant’s Approach to the Assignment The consultant developed the following framework as the basis for evaluating the suitability of commercial software packages: a) A system functionality and features matrix to serve as criteria to guide in determining the suitability of available commercial packages; b) A request to short-listed vendors for demo version of their software together with any relevant technical materials; c) Development of a scoring scheme based on the relative importance of individual functions/features to Maata - N – Tudu; d) Preparation of representative data to process through the demo software provided by the vendor in order to fully assess the capability and suitability of each package. e) Comparison of costs of software and other associated charges; The findings, conclusions and recommendations are contained in the Sections that follow. Maata-N-Tudu Association IS Implementation - Report on Software Evaluation Page 7 SECTION 4: 4.1 EVALUATION CRITERIA Primary (major) Requirements Based on the findings during the information needs assessment phase of this assignment, the following emerged as the key requirements for any software that is to be recommended for selection. a) Functional Modules: The software should have modules for Client Information Management, Savings, Loans and Accounting (General Ledger. b) System Integration: The modules should be seamlessly integrated with each other to allow the sharing of common data. c) Lending Methodology: The software should support both Individual and Group lending methodologies, with additional facilities to track loans and savings at Member level. d) Ease of Use: Maata-N-Tudu is an entry-level organization with limited internal Information Technology (IT) specialist staff. The software should therefore be fairly easy to learn, operate, and support. e) Number of Clients: Maata-N-Tudu is a fast growing MFI with projections for the total number of clients to increase from the present 6,000 to about 15,000 in 4-5 years. The software should have the capacity to handle this number. f) Multi-Branch Support with Head Office Consolidation Capabilities: The software should support a distributed database environment allowing branches to run separate databases in a stand-alone or LAN environment, but at the same time provide facilities for the databases from all branches to be consolidated at Head Office for corporate reporting. g) Reliability and Scalability: The software should have a good reputation for reliability as testified by other users. It should also offer growth path for future expansion of the operations of Maata-N-Tudu. 4.2 Secondary Requirements The following are the secondary functions and features required from the software. Clients Information Management a) Individual Clients, Groups, and Group Members details b) Photographs and Signatures c) Basic reports on Clients, e.g. Clients register, Clients Analysis by Type/Gender, etc. Savings d) e) f) g) Ability to create and maintain different Savings products and products methodologies Individual as well as Group savings Support for both deposits and withdrawals Automatic generation and posting of savings transactions to General Ledger Maata-N-Tudu Association IS Implementation - Report on Software Evaluation Page 8 h) Basic reports on Savings including: Savings transactions listing, client’s savings account statement, savings concentration analysis. Loans i) Ability to create and maintain different Loan products and products methodologies j) Individual as well as Group lending with tracking of loans at Member level k) Interest calculation l) Penalty calculation m) Automatic generation and posting of loans transactions to General Ledger n) Tracking of loans by Loan Cycle o) Basic reports on loans including loan transactions listing, clients loan account statement, loan balances, etc. p) Portfolio Analysis reports including Portfolio at Risk, Delinquency by Age intervals, etc. General Ledger q) r) s) t) u) v) 4.3 Accrual accounting standard Chart of Account modifiable by user Ability to export accounting reports as Excel, Text, or .DBF Ability to export accounting transactions to popular accounting packages of choice Basic general ledger reports including transactions listing, GL Account details, etc. Standard financial statements including Trial Balance, Income Statement, Balance Sheet, and Cash Flow Statement. Specific Requirements of individual modules Detailed functional requirements matrix used to evaluate individual application modules are contained in Appendices A through E of this report. 4.4 Scoring Scheme Evaluation Criteria Primary Requirements (as listed in Appendix A) Detailed Requirements Appendix B) Detailed Requirements Appendix C) Detailed Requirements Appendix D) Detailed Requirements Appendix E) Points 30 – Clients (as listed in 15 – Savings (as listed in 15 – Loans (as listed in 25 – Accounts (as listed in 15 Total 100 Maata-N-Tudu Association IS Implementation - Report on Software Evaluation Page 9 SECTION 5: 5.1 FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS General The consultant requested and obtained demo programs from four of the software manufacturers on his short-list. These are: Loan Performer Version 7.07 Crystal Clear Software Limited M2 MFI Southern Horizon Limited Finance Solutions Sigma Data & Computers Limited MicroBanker MBWin FAO/GTZ In addition, the consultant also received a demo program for TEA – The Exceptional Assistant from Common Goals Software. TEA, however, was not given serious attention because it does not have modules for Savings and General Ledger. All the software packages met the primary (core) requirements as listed in Section 4.1 above. In fact, they were short-listed for this very reason. In carrying out these tests: a) The demo software received were all fully functional packages with little or no restrictions on the functions and features that could be accessed and tested. b) The consultant prepared a representative data covering all the functional areas, and used the same data to run through individual packages so as to gain a better understanding of the capabilities and institutional fit of each package. c) The results of the tests were recorded on the evaluation criteria matrix. The term “Available” was used to indicate that the package met the requirements. “Not available” means the package did not have the specific function or feature, or did not produce the expected result according to the institutional requirements of Maata-NTudu. 5.2 Summary of Findings and Conclusions Software Package Findings and Conclusions Loan Performer Significant Advantages: i. ii. iii. iv. The package matched most of the core requirements. There are a number of MFIs already using the package in Ghana, two of them located in the same Region as Maata-N-Tudu A comprehensive Budget management feature allowing multiple budgets to be defined for the MFI as well as for Donors/Partners. The introduction of a new menu, the Purchases and Sales Menu, has strengthened the capability of the accounting module by facilitating the management of non-financial transactions and maintenance of Maata-N-Tudu Association IS Implementation - Report on Software Evaluation Page 10 v. vi. vii. databases on vendors and customers. The package offers a comprehensive array of loan and portfolio management reports ranging from routine operational (Activity) registers to complex portfolio analyses. There is also a feature for setting portfolio performance targets and reporting against these targets at the Branch level. Each report can be exported in Excel (.XLS), Acrobat (,PDF), and Database (.DBF) format for further formatting/analysis in an external application package. Comprehensive report filtering screen that allows the user to produce reports disaggregated by all the standard parameters such as Branch, Loan Officer, Product, Fund, Date range, etc. Significant Shortcomings: i. No in-built tools for designing new reports or modifying the formats or content of existing ones. Although the software comes with a vast array of standard reports, there certainly would be a a need to customize some of these reports to fully match the needs of the organization. Simple design tools could be useful. The vendor claims the software works with the third party product Crystal Report Writer. However this could not be tested because the consultant could not obtain a copy of Crystal Report Writer. Finance Solutions Significant Advantages: i. Finance Solutions is, in all material respects, a Loan Performer Lookalike or “clone” As such, it has most of the strong points already mentioned under Loan Performer above. ii. It has a Credit Appraisal utility which appears fairly comprehensive in scope. But I needed some research work to fully understand and evaluate it. iii. It provides a Budget management feature allowing budget maintenance for previous and current year. It does not however support Donor/Funds Budgets. iv. The package offers a comprehensive array of loan and portfolio management reports ranging from routine operational (Activity) registers to complex portfolio analyses and portfolio performance monitoring. v. Each report can be exported in Excel (.XLS), Acrobat (,PDF), and Database (.DBF) format for further formatting/analysis in an external application package. vi. Comprehensive report filtering screen that allows the user to produce reports disaggregated by all the standard parameters such as Branch, Loan Officer, Product, Fund, Date range, etc. Significant Shortcomings: i. The Client Information file is not detailed enough. For example: It provides for only one address type with no indication as to whether this is a mailing or home address; It does not provide for information on contacts. However it provides for names for next-of-kin, with a nice feature to specify % of inheritance. Each report can be exported in Excel (.XLS), Acrobat (,PDF), and Maata-N-Tudu Association IS Implementation - Report on Software Evaluation Page 11 ii. iii. Database (.DBF) format for further formatting/analysis in an external application package. It does not provide for the addresses, phone numbers, or other means of contacting next-of-kin The types of conditions/restrictions that a user can attach to a savings product do not go far enough. For example: Withdrawal allowed/not allowed Overdrawn balance not allowed Intervals between 2 withdrawals The Budget feature does not provide for multi-donor budgets to be set up and managed. M2 MFI Significant Advantages: i. Comprehensive Clients Information including multiple addresses, full details of contacts, full information on Guarantors, and full information on any number of beneficiaries. ii. Provides a Financial Performance Ratios report as standard. iii. Significant Shortcomings: i. Does not track loan cycles ii. Does not have image processing features to enable storing and retrieving clients photographs and signatures. iii. Does not provide facilities for managing information on Donors and Funds. iv. The number of standard reports included in the software is not comprehensive enough. Report filtering criteria are not comprehensive enough. Apparently, the explanation is that a user is expected to use Crystal Report Writer to design or customize most of the reports v. Does not have Budget management function. MBWin Significant Advantages: i. Comprehensive Clients Information including multiple addresses, full details of contacts, full information on Guarantors, and full information on any number of beneficiaries. ii. Built-in report design tool for creating customized reports but this feature was not tested. iii. COA well structured, and additional routines incorporated, to handle re-classification on non-performing loans in the Balance Sheet Significant Shortcomings: i. Does not track loan cycles ii. Does not provide linkage to a savings account as security. iii. Does not provide facilities for managing information on Donors and Funds. iv. The number of standard reports included in the software is not comprehensive enough. Report filtering criteria are not comprehensive enough. This may however be compensated by the in-built Reports Design tool that could be used to create customized reports. vi. Maata-N-Tudu Association IS Implementation - Report on Software Evaluation Page 12 5.3 Scores Applying the scoring scheme shown in Section 4.4, the consultant awarded the following marks to the four software packages evaluated: Evaluation Criteria Weight Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Core Requirements (Appendix A) 30 27 25 20 25 Clients Information Management (Appendix B) 15 12 11 9 10 Savings (Appendix C) 15 13 11 11 11 Loans (Appendix D) 25 22 18 16 20 Accounts (Appendix E) 15 13 11 10 10 100 87 76 66 76 Total Maata-N-Tudu Association IS Implementation - Report on Software Evaluation Page 13 SECTION 6 – ESTIMATED SOFTWARE COST The consultant obtained pro-forma cost indicators from the short-listed vendors. The comparative costs are summarized in the Table below. Branches / Sites No. of Users Loan Performer M2 MFI1 6 2,200 4,050 2,000 1x3 2,700 2,025 3,000 2 1,600 1,350 1,500 District Offices – Upper West Upper East Regional Office 1x3 2,700 2,025 3,000 2 1,600 1,350 1,500 District Offices – Upper East 1x3 2,700 2,025 3,000 19 13,5002 12,825 14,000 121,500,000 115,425,000 126,000,000 4,0503 2,5654 2,8005 National Secretariat / Northern Regional Office 3 District Offices – Northern Region Upper West Regional Office Total License Cost: US$ Total License Cost: Cedis Annual License /Annual Maintenance Fee (one year) US$ MBWin Finance Solutions The amount is calculated at 10% quantity discount off the standard license cost, i.e. US$675 per user instead of US$750. 2 The vendor promises a 40% rebate on 6-10 licenses. This could bring the license cost as low as US$8,100 3 Annual Maintenance at 30% of original license cost 4 Annual Maintenance at 20% of original license cost 5 Annual Maintenance at 20% of original license cost 1 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION (System Requirements Matrix) APPENDICE A: CORE REQUIREMENTS APPENDIX A: Data (field) Description Functional Modules CORE REQUIREMENTS M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions The number of modules available Available in the software. The requirements are: Clients Information Management Savings Loans Accounting (General Ledger Available Available Available System Integration The level to which individual Available functional modules integration with each other and with the General Ledger. The integration should allow common information to be shared across modules. It should also allow automatic generation of accounting transactions from the Savings and Loans modules to the General Ledger. Available Available Available Savings Methodology The software should support both Available Individual as well as Group Savings methodologies. It should also support tracking of savings at Group Member level. Available Available Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix A: Core Requirements Loan Performer Page A 1 Data (field) Description Lending Methodology The software should support both Available Individual as well as Group lending methodologies. It should additionally support loan tracking at Group Member level. Ease of Use The software should be fairly easy to learn, operate and support without extensive technical support from either the vendor/dealer or high-level inhouse technical experts. Number of Clients The software should be capable of managing the accounts of up to 6,000 clients, with growth path to 15,000 in the next four to five years. Multi-Branch with Head The software should support Office Consolidation decentralized operation allow the system to be run at different branches, and at the same time provide features for consolidating Branch databases at the Head Office. Reliability and Scalability Proven record of reliability based on factors such as opinion of current or past users, and the reports of other technical experts Software Evaluation – Appendix A: Core Requirements Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available, but could not test this feature as special license is required to do so. Available. Multi-Branch available. Available Satisfactory recommendations from users at the Users Group on the internet. Over 130 users in four continents. Satisfactory. Not sure if Branch consolidation is available. Satisfactory. Satisfactory. Page A 2 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION (System Requirements Matrix) APPENDICE B: CLIENTS INFORMATION APPENDIX B: Data (field) TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION – CLIENTS INFORMATION Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions B1: PERSONAL INFORMATION Client Name The full name of the Individual Available client, Group client, or Group member. Available Available Client Type This field identifies the client as an Available Individual, Group, or Group Member Available Available Surname/Family Name This is the surname (or last name) Available of the individual client or Group member. This is the first name of the Available individual client or Group member. Available Available Available One name field, but not separated into surname/ first name, etc. Available Individual; group; and Group Members Not available Available Available Not available This is the middle name(s) of the Available individual client or Group member. Available Available Not available Available as Date registration approved. Available Available. Available Available Available First Name Middle names Membership date Registration This is the date the Individual or Available. Group member was registered as Calendar available a member of the MFI. Date Group Registered This is the date the Group client effectively became a member or client of the MFI. Available. Calendar available Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management Page B 1 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Date of Exiting (Group) This is the date the client effectively ceased to be a client of the MFI. This is a description of the reason(s) for leaving the MFI. Available. Calendar available Available Available Available Available. No facility to maintain List of Reasons. User cannot choose from a drop-down List box Available. Provides flexibility for user to assign own code. Available. Reasons Table maintained ??? Not available Available as Customer Identification – CID. System assigned Available as Customer Identification – CID. System assigned Available. Assigned manually by the user Assigned in the Loans module Available. Available. Available. Blacklisted code available; also client exited code available. Available Available. Available. Relates to loans and savings transactions Available Not available Available District Codes and Country/subcountry codes Reason for Exiting Client Registration Number This represents the registration code assigned to the client on registration. It is a unique code that is used to reference the client throughout the system. Credit Officer / Loan Officer This is the name of the credit officer (or loan officer) assigned to the client. The credit/loan officer becomes the de facto accounts officer This is code that indicates the status of the client, i.e. Active, Dormant, Blacklisted/Blocked, Exited, etc. Client Status Resident This is a Yes / No indicator to Not available describe whether the Client is a resident of the country of the MFI. Valid entries are : Y = Yes N = No Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management Page B 2 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Nationality This is the nationality of the client. Not available Not available Not available. Not available Country of Residence This is the client’s country of Not available residence. This is the birth date of the Available. Individual client or Group member Calendar available Available Not available Available Available. Calendar available Available. Calendar available Gender (Sex) This is the gender of the Available. Individual client or Group member Drop-down list box available. Available. Available. Drop-down list box available. Available. No Calendar available Available. Marital Status/ Civil Status This is a code that describes the Available. marital status of the Individual Drop-down list box client or Group Member. available. Available. Drop-down list box available. Available. Drop-down list box available. Available. Drop-down list box available. Name of Spouse This is name of the wife or Available as husband of the Individual client or “Partner’s Name” Group member Not available. Available through the Related Contacts feature Number of Children This is information on the number Available of children the Individual client or Group member has. Available Available Number of Dependants This is information on the number Available of dependants the Individual client or Group member has. Available Available Not available. But system provides for 4 lines of Next-of-kin details Not available. One of the four user-defined fields could be used for this purpose. Not available. One of the four user-defined fields could be used for this purpose. Date of Birth Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management Page B 3 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available. System allows the setting up at least 3 address types, i.e. home, business. And Mailing User can indicate which address to use to send statements to. Available. System allows the setting up at least 3 address types, i.e. home, business. And Mailing User can indicate which address to use to send statements to. Available. System allows the maintenance of Area and Center Codes Available. System allows the setting up at least 3 address types, i.e. home, business. others Available. Provides a single field for physical / postal address Available. System allows the setting up at least 3 address types, i.e. home, business. others Available. Provides a single field for physical / postal address Available. System allows the maintenance of a Location Code Available. B2: ADDRESSES Physical Address – Street / Suburb This is the street name and house Available number/apartment number where the Individual client or Group member resides, or the meeting place of the Group Physical Address – City / Town / Municipality This is the town or city where the Available client resides District This is the District where the client Available. resides The user can setup a “Geographical Area” coding system to cover Districts and Regions Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management Page B 4 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Region This is the Region where the client resides Available. See remarks above Available. Can be built into the Area and Center Codes. Available. Can be one of the 4 address lines Available. User-defined Area Codes can be designed to cater for Region and Districts. Group Postal Address This is the full postal address of Available as Group the Group client Mailing Address” Available. Addresses for Group is separate from those of Group Members Individual / Member postal address This is the postal address of the individual client or group member Available Available. System allows the setting up at least 3 address types, i.e. home, business. Mailing Available. System allows the setting up at least 3 address types, i.e. home, business. Others Individual / Member / Group telephone number This is the Individual / Member's landline telephone number. Available. Available. Up to 3 tel. numbers for each address type. Available. Individual / Member / Group Fax. No This is the contact person's facsimile number. Available. 2 phone numbers for each individual. 1 phone number for each Group. Not available for Group member. Available. Available. Available. Up to 3 Fax numbers for each address type. Not available. Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management Available. Physical/postal Address for Group is separate from that of each Group Member Available. Page B 5 Data (field) Description Individual / Member /Group Mobile number This is the Individual / Member's (cellular) mobile telephone number. Individual / /Group E-mail Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available. 2 phone numbers for each individual. Could be one of the 2 phone numbers. Member This is the contact person's e-mail Not available address. Available. Available. 2 mobile numbers on the client’s personal details page. Available. Available Available 2 e-mail addresses Not available. Available Provides separate fields for Passport and Drivers License See above Available as National ID (NID) Available. Not available. Not available. Available. Available Available. Available B3: IDENTITY DOCUMENT(S) INFORMATION Personal Identification Personal Identification Type This is a description of the document that serves as personal identification for the Individual client or Group member This is a code that describes the personal identification document, e.g. Voter Card, National ID Card, Driver’s license, etc. Photograph of Individual Client or Group Member This is a photograph of the client (Individual or group member). Signature / Thumbprint of Individual Client or Group This is a signature or thumbprint of the individual client or the Available Available. The system does not provide facilities to maintain “Type of ID document Table”. Therefore the user can use a prefix such as “PP” for passport. Available for both Not available. individual clients and group members. Available for both Not available. individual clients Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management Page B 6 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Executives group executives. Group Executive – Chairperson This the name of the chairperson/ president/ etc. of the Group client and group members. Available Available. One of the members can be marked as Leader Not available Available Not available. Software does not provide for designating members of a Group as Secretary, Treasurer, etc. Not available Group Executive – Treasurer This the name of the Treasurer of Available the Group client Not available. Software does not provide for designating members of a Group as Secretary, Treasurer, etc. Not available Group Executive – Other This the name of any other Available executive of the Group client, e.g. Organizer Not available. Software does not provide for designating members of a Group as Secretary, Treasurer, Not available Not available. Software does not provide for designating members of a Group as Secretary, Treasurer, etc. Not available. Software does not provide for designating members of a Group as Secretary, Treasurer, etc. Not available. Software does not provide for designating members of a Group as Secretary, Treasurer, etc. Not available. Software does not provide for designating members of a Group as Group Executive – Secretary This the name of the Secretary of the Group client Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management Page B 7 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions etc. Signatories to Group Accounts / Correspondence This is a list of the group executives permitted to sign cheques and other documents on behalf of the Group Available Not available Available Secretary, Treasurer, etc. Not available. Not available. Available. Available. Set the contact up as another contact, then use the “Related Contact” feature to link the two.. Not Available. However, software provides for four Next of kin details, including % share of inheritance. Not available. Not available Not available. Not available Available explanation Available explanation Not available. Not available Available – see explanation above. Not available. Not available Available – see explanation above. Not available. Not available Not available. Not available Available – see explanation above. Available – see B4: CONTACT PERSON INFORMATION Contact Name This is either the Client name or the name of a person designated by the Client to whom correspondence should be addressed. For Group client, it may be name of a Group Executive such as the chair person / president. Contact postal address This is the postal address of the contact person Contact Suburb / Street This the suburb or street of the postal address of the contact person Contact Town / City / This the Town or City/municipality Municipality of the postal address of the contact person Contact District This the District or municipal area of the postal address of the contact person Contact Region This the Region of the postal address of the contact person Contact Work Tel. No This is the contact person's work Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management – see above. – see above. Page B 8 Data (field) Contact Home Tel. No. Contact Mobile No Contact E-Mail Contact Fax. No Description telephone number if applicable. This is the contact person's home telephone number if applicable. This is the contact person's (cellular) mobile telephone number if applicable. This is the contact person's e-mail address if applicable. Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions explanation above. Available – see explanation above. Available – see explanation above. Not available. Not available Not available. Not available Not available. Not available Available – see explanation above. Not available Not available. Not available Available – see explanation above. Not available This is the name of the next-of-kin of the individual client or Group member. Normally, the person becomes a beneficiary to the client’s savings balances on death, incapacity or other disability This a code that describes the relationship, e.g. spouse, child, sibling, etc. This is the postal address of the Next-of-kin Available Available. Comprehensive details on beneficiaries maintained Available Available. Provides for four Next of kin details, including % share of inheritance. Not available. Available Available Not available Available Available Available Not available This is the physical address of the next-of-kin e.g. Street or suburb, village/town/city/municipality, District, and region Available Available Available Not available This is the contact person's facsimile number if applicable. B5: NEXT-OF-KIN INFORMATION Next-of-kin name Type of relationship Next-of-kin postal address Next-of-kin physical address Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management Page B 9 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions B6: LITERACY / LANGUAGES INFORMATION Languages Spoken / Written This is a list of the language(s) spoken or written by the client Available. Allows user to maintain a Languages Table. Provides a dropdown list box to choose from at data entry. Available. Allows user to maintain a Languages Table. Provides a drop-down list box to choose from at data entry. Available. Allows user to maintain a Languages Table. Provides a drop-down list box to choose from at data entry. Available. Allows user to maintain a Languages Table. Provides a dropdown list box to choose from at data entry. Educational level This is a description of the highest educational qualification of the Individual client or Group Member. Available. Available Not available. Available This is the name of the Bank where the client maintains his/her/its savings account. This is the name of the Branch of the Bank where the client maintains at least one savings account. This is the Savings Account Number of the client at the Branch. Not available Available Not available Not available Not available. Available. Not available. Not available Not available. Available. Not available. Not available This is the date the savings account was opened at the Bank Branch. Not available. Available. Not available. Not available B7: Client’s External Bank Account Information Savings Account Details – Bank name Savings Account Details – Bank Branch Savings Account Number Date Savings Account Opened Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management Page B 10 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions This is a description of the economic activity the client is engaged in, e.g. vegetables seller, shoe repairer, poultry farmer, etc. Not Available. System does not classify a client as belonging to a specific business sector. However, loans are attached to economic sectors at loan creation. Available. Occupation Table is maintained Available. Customer classification – occupation Table can be customized to store various occupations. Not available Available. Occupation Table is maintained Also stores Income Sources (1 and 2) ??? Not available ??? Available. Not available Not available Not available Not available B8: BUSINESS ACTIVITIES INFORMATION Business / Service Industry / Economic Sector This is a code that describes the industry in which the client operates, e.g. Agriculture, trading, manufacturing, services, etc. Business Start Date This is the date the client’s business operation started Monthly Turnover This is the average monthly turnover. However, user defined “Client Category” scheme could be used to achieve this result. System provides facilities for maintaining a Table of business/economic sectors. Used when creating loans. Not available. Available. An “Income Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management Page B 11 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Not Available. However the software maintains an Income History information to record the income over time. Partially available. The “Total Income” Table could be customized to define various income levels. Partially available. The “Total Income” Table could be customized to define various income levels. Available. User can set up Income level ranges e.g.C0-500, C501-999, etc. Available Available. 4 Date fields including Date Training given; 4 Value fields including Income values 1-4; 4 Text fields Available. 2 numeric, 2 alphanumeric, and 2 date fields can be created Available. 4 Text fields Available. Provides multiple report formats and sort order for the user to choose from Available. Provides sort order and other report filter criteria Separate reports for Individuals and for Available. Provides sort order and other report filter criteria Available. History” facility can be used to enter incomes for any defined periods. Income Level / Poverty Level at Time of Joining This information describes the client’s income level at time of admission, i.e. before benefiting from any financial intervention from the MFI. B9: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION User-defined fields At least six free data fields that the MFI can use to store any other information in the future B10: CLIENT-RELATED REPORTS Clients Register An alphabetic listing of Groups and members broken down by Districts within Regions. The register will serve as a directory, given reference data such as Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management Page B 12 Data (field) Clients Statistics Description Loan Performer name of group, number of members, date admitted, group executives, address, meeting place, etc. Various analyses of Groups and Group members by criteria such as gender, education level, income level, age, etc M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Groups. Not Available. User may have to export data to Excel to perform the analysis. Presents a list of clients that have Available. been blacklisted since a given date or within a date range. Analysis of the developmental and Not Available other training programs presented to the Groups within a specified period or since the group was admitted. A computer generated deposit slip Available for all deposits received and loan repayments entered Available. Not Available. Available. Not available ???. Available. Not Available Not Available Not Available Available. Available. Available. Customer Account Balances Account balances as at a specified Available date. Available Available Available Customer Statement of Account by Product Statement of Account for savings Available and loans ledgers, filtered by product type. Available Available Available Not available Available Photo and Signature available Blacklisted Clients report Clients Training Payment Receipt/ Deposit Slip B11: OTHER FUNCTIONALITY/ SYSTEM FEATURES Image processing A facility to store and maintain the photographs and Available Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management Page B 13 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions signatures/thumbprint of clients System Reference Tables Maintenance Facilities for creating and maintaining a number of reference tables, with additional features that display these Tables in dropdown list boxes during data entry. The following reference Tables are considered basic: Client Type Client Status Education Languages spoken/written Income level / poverty level Business Sector Geographical Areas Districts/Regions Reason for exiting Reject Reason Available Available. Available. Available. Linkage of Group members to the Groups they belong Ability to link and trace any group member to the Group the member belongs to, for purposes such as transactions processing, portfolio tracking, etc. Available Available Available Available Linkage of Clients Information database to all the core modules including savings, loans, and accounting. A seamless integration between the Clients Information database and the other system modules Available Available Available Available Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management Page B 14 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Report filtering Flexibility for the user to generate disaggregated reports using filters such as client category, geographical area, client status, etc. Available. Available. Available. Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix B: Clients Information Management Page B 15 SOFTWARE EVALUATION APPENDICE C: SAVINGS MODULE APPENDIX C: Data (field) Description EVALUATION - SAVINGS Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions C1: SAVINGS PRODUCTS MANAGEMENT Creating new Savings products Capability for the user to create new Savings products and define the product terms and methodologies for all products Available Available Available Available Categories of Savings The ability to classify savings products into broad categories e.g. Compulsory Savings, Voluntary Savings, and Loan Guarantee Savings. The ability to assign a unique code to identify each Savings Category, and a Product Code for each savings Product within the Category Savings product sub-classification not available. Available Not available Available System automatically assigns a Savings product code to each new product in chronological order, e.g. the first loan product is assigned the product ID “S00”; the next “S01”; etc. Available Product Code available Available Product Code (ID) and Savings Category Code Sub-classification with savings not Software Evaluation – Appendix C: Savings Page C 1 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions available. Not available Available Not available Not available Validity period for Product The ability to define the starting date and, optionally, the expiry date, for the savings product Deposit Amount The ability to define the amount of deposit, e.g. Minimum amount Maximum Amount Standard contribution Not available Not available Not available Not available Frequency of Deposit The ability to define the frequency of deposit e.g.: Daily Weekly Bi-weekly Monthly Bi-monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Seasonal Not available Available Not available Not available Other product restrictions The ability of the user to attach various conditions to the product. The standard ones are: Minimum account balance Minimum balance before interest can be paid Minimum balance before withdrawal allowed Minimum compulsory savings balance Available Available Software Evaluation – Appendix C: Savings Available Available Available Not available (Has minimum balance to open account Not available Not available Page C 2 Data (field) Description Interest Calculation methodologies Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Not available Available Available Available Available Available Available (as global system setting) Available Available as “Days divisor” Available Period of savings before qualifying for loan The ability to define the methodology for calculating interest for each product, including: Frequency of application (at maturity, in arrears at end of each month/quarter/year, etc.) Interest rate % Minimum Interest Amount Account Balance type (Highest, Minimum, Average, Actual, Daily balances, Day of deposit to day of withdrawal, etc.) Number of Days in year (360/365 Available Disbursement method Ability to define the standard method of disbursing interest earned. i.e. . Credited to same account Credited to a designated account By Cash/cheque/transfer Not available Interest is automatically added to the same savings account Available Not available Available General Ledger Accounts : The GL accounts associated with the product, i.e. Liability A/C for the savings product Expense A/C for interest paid/accrued Available Available Available Available Software Evaluation – Appendix C: Savings Page C 3 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available Available Available Available Not available Available Available Available Income A/C (for commission on withdrawal, charges on cheque clearing, penalties, etc.) Tracking of savings at Group Member Level: Whether or not savings can be tracked at Group member level. Available Available Restrictions on Withdrawal What restrictions are there on withdrawal. The following are the minimum restrictions the user should be able to define: Days interval between two withdrawals Minimum balance on account, including amount set aside as loan guarantee Available Available C2: SAVINGS ACCOUNT OPENING (a) Group Savings Account Opening Group Savings Account Number This is the savings account number for the Group. It is the Group Savings ledger account number maintained by the MFI, and is different from the savings account number of the Group at the Bank. All savings transactions including deposits and withdrawals will be posted to this account. Software Evaluation – Appendix C: Savings Available Available Page C 4 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Group Registration Number (Group ID) This represents the registration code assigned to the client on registration. It is a unique code that is used to reference the client throughout the system. Available Available Available Available Group name This is the name of the Group Available Available Available Available District This is the District where the Group resides. Available. User has to set up a Geographical Area Codes structure that includes Districts and Regions. Available. Available. As part of the multi-level Location Code Available. Region This is the Region where the Group resides. Available. User has to set up a Geographical Area Codes structure that includes Districts and Regions. Available. Available. As part of the multi-level Location Code Available. Date account opened This is the date the Savings Account was opened. Available Available Available Available Savings product This is the code describing the savings product, e.g. Compulsory Savings. .Available Available .Available .Available Software Evaluation – Appendix C: Savings Page C 5 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions (b) Group Member Savings Account Opening Group Registration Number (Group ID) This represents the registration code assigned to the Group on registration. It is a unique code that is used to reference the Group throughout the system. Available. User has to Enable the “Tracking at Group Member Level” option. Available. User has to Enable the “Tracking at Group Member Level” option. Available. User has to Enable the “Tracking at Group Member Level” option. Available. User has to Enable the “Tracking at Group Member Level” option. Group name This is the name of the Group Available Available Available Available Member Registration Number This represents the Member ID code assigned to the member on registration. It is a unique code that is used to reference the Member throughout the system. This is the full name of the Member Available. Available. Available. Available. Available Available Available Available This is the savings account number for the Member. It is the Member Savings ledger account number maintained by the MFI, and is different from the savings account number of the Member at the Bank. All savings transactions including deposits and withdrawals will be posted to this account. This is the District where the Member resides. Available Available Available Available Available Available Available. As part of the multi-level Location Code Available Member name Member Savings Account Number District Software Evaluation – Appendix C: Savings Page C 6 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Region This is the Region where the Member resides. Available Available Available. As part of the multi-level Location Code Available Date account opened This is the date the Member’s Savings Account was opened. This is the code describing the savings product, e.g. Compulsory Savings.. This is the photograph of the Member This is the signature or thumbprint of the Member Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Savings product Member Photograph Member Signature or Thumbprint (c) Individual Client Savings Account Opening Individual Client Registration Number Individual Client name Individual Client Savings Account Number This represents the Client ID code assigned to the individual client on registration. It is a unique code that is used to reference the Member throughout the system. This is the full name of the Individual Client This is the savings account number for the Individual Client. It is the Individual Client Savings ledger account number maintained by the MFI, and is different from the savings account number of the Individual Client at the Bank. All savings transactions including Software Evaluation – Appendix C: Savings Page C 7 Data (field) District Description deposits and withdrawals will be posted to this account. This is the District where the Individual Client resides. Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available Available Available. As part of the multi-level Location Code Available Region This is the Region where the Individual Client resides. Available Available Available. As part of the multi-level Location Code Available Date account opened This is the date the Individual Client’s Savings Account was opened. This is the code describing the savings product, e.g. Compulsory Savings. This is the photograph of the Individual Client This is the signature or thumbprint of the Individual Client Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Savings product Individual Client Photograph Individual Client Signature or Thumbprint C3: SAVINGS TRANSACTIONS PROCESSING – SAVINGS DEPOSITS Savings Account Number Group ID, and Name Member ID, and Name This is the Savings Account Number of the Individual client, Group, or Group member. These are display fields showing the Group code and name of the selected Group Member These are display fields showing the Software Evaluation – Appendix C: Savings Page C 8 Data (field) District Description Member code and name of the selected Group Member This is the District where the account holder resides. Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available Available Available. As part of the multi-level Location Code Available Region This is the Region where the account holder resides. Available Available Available. As part of the multi-level Location Code Available Savings product This is the code describing the savings product for the selected account, e.g. Compulsory Savings. This is a code that identifies the type of activity, e.g. D=Deposit, W=Withdrawal, I=Interest, etc. This is the date of the Deposit transaction. This is the transaction document reference e.g. receipt number, deposit slip number, or receipt voucher number. This is the cheque number, where the deposit was by cheque instead of cash. This is the name of the bank on whom the cheque is drawn. This is the number of days for the cheque to clear. This is the amount deposited. Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Transaction Code Transaction Date Voucher Reference Cheque number Bank name Cheque Clearing days Amount Software Evaluation – Appendix C: Savings Page C 9 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Savings Deposit Slip This is a computer generated receipt slip for the amount deposited. Available Available Available Available C4: SAVINGS TRANSACTIONS PROCESSING - SAVINGS, WITHDRAWALS Savings Account Number This is the Savings Account Number of the Individual client, Group, or Group member. These are display fields showing the Group code and name of the selected savings account These are display fields showing the Member code and name of the selected savings account This is the District where the account holder resides. Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available. As part of the multi-level Location Code Available Region This is the Region where the account holder resides. Available Available Available. As part of the multi-level Location Code Available Savings product This is the code describing the savings product for the selected account, e.g. Compulsory Savings. This is a code that identifies the type of activity, e.g. D=Deposit, W=Withdrawal, I=Interest, etc. This is the date the withdrawal was Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Group ID, and Name Member ID, and Name District Transaction Code Transaction Date Software Evaluation – Appendix C: Savings Page C 10 Data (field) Voucher Reference Cheque number Bank name Description made. This is the transaction document reference e.g. receipt number, deposit slip number, or payment voucher number. This is the cheque number used to pay client. This is the name of the bank on whom the cheque is drawn. Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Amount This is the amount withdrawn. Available Available Available Available Savings Withdrawal Slip This is a computer generated slip for the amount withdrawn. Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available. Status can be Active; Closed; Dormant; or Frozen. Available Available C5: SAVINGS INTEREST CALCULATION Automatic Interest Calculation This is the capability to ask the system to calculate interest on the due date C6: OTHER FUNCTIONALITIES AND SYSTEM FEATURES System Integration Tracking of account status The Savings module should be tightly integrated with all the core modules including clients information, loans and accounting. The software should track account status and validate/ warn or disallow certain transactions based on account status, e.g. posting to dormant or closed account. Software Evaluation – Appendix C: Savings Page C 11 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Disallow accounts to be overdrawn The ability of the system to prevent savings accounts to be overdrawn Available Available Not available Not available User Defined query filters during report generation Flexibility for the user to customize reports through the use of appropriate filters, e.g. reporting date, products types, geographical area, etc. Available Available Available Available Available Not available. Available Available Available Not available. Available Available Available Not available. Available Available Available Available Available Available. If tracking at Group Member level is enabled, statements are printed for individual members, otherwise for the Group. C7: SAVINGS RELATED STANDARD REPORTS Daily Deposits Register Daily Withdrawal Register Daily Deposits Summary Group Savings Statement A detailed listing of deposits taken during the day. A detailed listing of withdrawals made during the day. A summary of deposits taken during the day, broken down by various parameters such as product, district/region, etc.. Detailed listing of the savings ledger showing transaction details and running balance. Software Evaluation – Appendix C: Savings Page C 12 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Passbook Printing Updating of client’s passbook Not available Available Available Not available. Savings Interest Register Detailed listing of savings interest calculated Available Available Available Available Group Savings Balances Savings account balances in the Group savings ledger Available Available Available Available. Member Savings Statement Detailed listing of the savings ledger of the selected member, showing transaction details and running balance. Available Available Not available Available Member Savings Balances Savings account balances, showing the balances of individual members in the Group. Available Available Available Available Savings Concentration Report This summary report gives a Not available breakdown of savings by number of transactions and % within defined amount range, for each type of savings product Available Not available Available Software Evaluation – Appendix C: Savings Page C 13 SOFTWARE EVALUATION APPENDICE D: LOANS MODULE APPENDIX D: Data (field) SOFTWARE EVALUATION LOANS Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available Not available Available Available D1: General Requirements Product Definition and Customization Capability for the user to create new Loan products and define the product terms and methodologies for all products. The following are considered minimum configurable options: Available Loan product code and name Available Rural/Urban/Peri-urban Indicator Loan size (minimum, maximum, Available average, etc.) Available Available Available User can handle this through COA structure. Available Duration of loan Interest rate per annum Interest calculation method (flat rate, fixed, amortized or declining balance, floating/variable rate, stepped rate, etc.) Payment frequencies (Daily, Weekly, Bi-weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Balloon payment, etc.) Payment year (360/365/366 days, 48-weeks, 50-weeks, 52-weeks, Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 1 Data (field) Description Loan Repayment Schedule Grace period Interest calculation/payment during grace period Penalty methods Calculate as %, or flat amount Calculate on the Principal in arrears only, or Principal + Interest in arrears Minimum Penalty amount, etc. Other fixed or variable charges (processing fee, commitment fess, stationery fee, training fee, etc.) The software should provide features for automatic preparation of loan repayment schedule. This facility should be available at loan application processing, with the schedule being updated at disbursement. The following data is considered basic: Group ID number Group name Branch/District Region Loan product code and name Loan account number Loan Cycle Total Amount Total Principal Total interest Number of installments For each installment: Installment Number, e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc. Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Available Not available Available Not available Available Available Available Available. Available. Available. Available Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 2 Data (field) Linkage to Savings Account as Security Description Loan Performer Due date Amount due – Principal Amount due – Interest Total due (Principal + Interest) The ability to link borrowing to a specified Savings account, to serve as collateral. Minimum linkage schemes should include the following: Percentage of loan account to be in Available the savings account Range of percentages depending on Available loan size, cycle, or other parameters M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available Not available Available Available Not available Available Linkage to Savings Account as Servicing or Loan Recovery Account The ability to select a specified Savings Available account, to from which loan repayments (mode of payment are taken, (sometimes called Transfer = Transfer) Account). Available. (Mode of Payment = Transfer) Available Available (mode of payment = Transfer) Linkage to Savings Account as Surplus Account The ability to designate one of the Not available client’s Savings accounts to which amounts in excess of the actual loan repayment due are credited. This is particularly useful in situations where the regular repayment and compulsory savings are lumped together Optional. Not Available Available Not available Interest Calculation Software feature/program to calculate interest on loans. The following features are required as minimum: The software should provide features Available Available Available Available Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 3 Data (field) Description Loan Performer for all the popular interest calculation methods. It should allow MTA to define the grace period and whether interest is to be calculated during this period. Flexibility to specify whether interest Available is paid as lump sum during first installment (up-front), spread equally over the repayment period, deducted at disbursement, etc. Required. M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available Available Available Tracking of account status The capability for the software to track and report on account status, e.g. active, dormant or inactive. Required. Available. Available. Available. Available. Configurable alerts The software should include features to track and display alerts (caution messages) in the event of unusual transactions, e.g. loan disbursement date earlier than the loan application date, insufficient funds in savings account to cover the required collateral, etc. Available. Available. Available. Available. Individual, as well as Group Lending methodologies The software should support both group and Individual lending methodologies. It should additionally support loan tracking at Group Member level Available. Supports both individual and Group lending. Tracking at member level available. Available. Available. Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 4 Data (field) Description Penalty Calculation and Application The software should provide facilities for the user to specify the Penalty calculation methodologies and terms. Minimum requirements would include: Penalty calculated as fixed amount per day/week/month etc. or over period; The amount per day/week/month or period; Penalty calculated as % per day/week/month or over a period; The % per day/week/month or period; Penalty calculated on Principal in arrears; Penalty calculated on Principal + Interest in arrears; Waiver; Minimum penalty amount; Automatic booking of Loan transactions to GL Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Not Available Available Available. Available. Available Available Available. Available. Available Available Available. Available. Available Available Available. Available. Available Available Available. Available. Available. Not available Not Available The ability of the software to automatically generate and post accounting journals for all the typical loan transactions. Minimum requirements would include: Automatic posting of loan Available. disbursements to the Group loan account and Group Members loan accounts Automatic posting of loan Available. disbursements to the cash book Automatic posting of loan Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available Available Available Available Available Available Page D 5 Data (field) Description Loan Performer disbursement (in summary) to the general ledger Automatic posting of loan Available. repayments to the Group loan account and Group Members loan accounts Automatic posting of loan Available. repayments to the cash book Automatic posting of loan Available. repayment (in detail or in summary) to the general ledger M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available (posted in Detail) Available (posted in Detail) Available (posted in Detail) Available Available Available Available Available Available D2: Group Loans Account Opening Group Registration Number (Group ID) This represents the registration code Available. assigned to the Group on registration. It is a unique code that is used to reference the Group throughout the system. Required The software should display the Group names and Registration Codes in a dropdown list box for the MFI to choose from Available. Available. Available. Group name This is the name of the Group Required. The software should automatically retrieve and display Group Name by reference to the Group ID selected/entered by the user Available. Available. Available. Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 6 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Group Loans Account Number This is the Loans account number for the Group. All Loans transactions including disbursements and loan repayments will be posted to this account. Required. Software should assign this number, but provide the flexibility for the MFI to change the code if it so wishes Available. Available. Available. Available. Branch/District This is the Branch/District/Location where the account holder resides. Required. Read-only fields. Software should retrieve and display this information from the Customer Information File (CIF) Available. Available. Available. Available. Region This is the Region where the account holder resides. Required. Read-only fields. Software should retrieve and display this information from the Customer Information File (CIF) Available. Available. Available. Available. Loan product This is the code describing the Loan product. Required. The software should Display ALL Loan Products in a drop-down list box for the user to choose from. Available. Available. Available. Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 7 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Date account opened This is the date the Group Loan Account was opened. Required. The software should provide a calendar pop-up button to display the date. Available. Available. Available. Available. Group Executive Photographs This is the photographs of the leading Executive members of the Group Optional. The software should retrieve the photographs from the Group Clients Information database and display them This is the signatures or thumbprints of the leading Executive members of the Group Available. Not available Available Available. Available. Not available Available Available. This is the date the Group Loan Account was closed. Required. The software should provide a calendar pop-up button to display the dates. Available. Available Available Available This represents the registration code Available. assigned to the Group on registration. It is a unique code that is used to reference the Group throughout the system. Required. The software should display the Group Available. Available. Available. Group Executive Signatures or Thumbprint Date account Closed D3: Members Loans Account Opening Group Registration Number (Group ID) Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 8 Data (field) Group name Member’s Registration Number (Member ID) Group Member name Group Member Loans Account Number Branch/District Description names and Registration Codes in a dropdown list box for the MFI to choose from. This is the name of the Group Required. The software should retrieve and display this data from the CIF This represents the registration code assigned to the Group Member on registration. It is a unique code that is used to reference the Group Member throughout the system. Required. The software should display the Group Member’s names and Registration Codes in a drop-down list box for the MFI to choose from. This is the full name of the Group Member This is the Loans account number for the Group. All Loans transactions including disbursements and loan repayments will be posted to this account. Required. The Software should assign this number, but provide the flexibility for the MFI to change the code if it so wishes This is the Branch/District where the account holder resides. Required. Read-only fields. The software should retrieve and display this information Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 9 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Region This is the Region where the account holder resides. Required. Read-only fields. The software should retrieve and display this information This is the code describing the Loan product. Required. The software should provide facility to maintain a Products Codes and Description Table. A drop-down list box to display valid Loan products for the user to choose from. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Date account opened This is the date the Group Loan Account was opened. Required. The software should provide a calendar pop-up button to display the dates Available. Available. Available. Available. Group Member Photograph This is the photograph of the Group member Optional. The software should retrieve the photographs from the Clients Information database and display them. Available. Not available Available Available. Member’s Signature or Thumbprint This is the signature or thumbprint of the Group Member Optional. The software should retrieve the signatures or thumbprints from the Available. Not available Available Available. Loan product Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 10 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available. Available Available Available Clients Information database and display them Date account Closed This is the date the Member’s Loan Account was closed. Optional. The software should provide a calendar pop-up button to display the dates D4: Individual Clients Loans Account Opening Individual Client Registration Number (Individual ID) This represents the registration code assigned to the Individual client on registration. It is a unique code that is used to reference the client throughout the system. Required. The software should display the Individual clients’ names and Registration Codes in a drop-down list box for the MFI to choose from. Available. Available. Available. Available. Individual Client name This is the full name of the Individual client Required. The software should retrieve and display the client name as Read-only. Available. Available. Available. Available. Individual Client Loans Account Number This is the Loans account number for the Individual Client. All Loans transactions including disbursements and loan Available. Available. Available. Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 11 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions repayments will be posted to this account. Required. Software should assign this number, but provide the flexibility for the MFI to change the code if it so wishes. Branch/District This is the Branch/District where the account holder resides. Available. Available. Available. Available. Region This is the Region where the account holder resides. Available. Available. Available. Available. Loan product This is the code describing the Loan. Available. Available. Available. Available. Date account opened This is the date the Loan Account was opened. Available. Available. Available. Available. Individual Client Photograph This is the photograph of the Individual Client Optional. The software should retrieve the photograph from the Clients Information database and display them. Available. Not available Available. Available. Individual Client’s Signature or Thumbprint This is the signature or thumbprint of the Individual Client Optional. The software should retrieve the signature or thumbprint from the Clients Information database and display them Available. Not available Available. Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 12 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Date account Closed This is the date the Loan Account was closed. Available. Available Available Available Guarantors ID This is the field to be used to enter the ID and names of Guarantors Optional. The software should provide facilities for maintaining a database on Guarantors. Available. Available. Available. Not available. Collaterals This is information on collaterals provided by the borrower. It contains a description of the type of collateral and the value. Optional. The software should provide facilities for maintaining a database on collaterals. Available. Available. Available. Not available. Borrower’s ID (Group ID / Member ID / Individual Client ID) This represents the registration code Available. assigned to the client on registration. It is a unique code that is used to reference the client throughout the system. Available Available Available. Borrower’s name This is the name of the borrower, i.e. the Group name, Group Member name, or Individual client name Available. Available Available Available. Branch/District This is the Branch/District where the client resides. Available. Available Available Available. Region This is the Region where the client Available. Available Available Available. D5: Enter/Edit Loan Applications Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 13 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions resides. Loan product This is the code describing the Loan Available. Available Available Available. Loan Application Reference This is a code assigned to identify the application. Available. Available Available Available. Date Application Received (or Date applied) This is the date the loan application was received. Available. Available Available Available. Total Amount applied for This is the total loan amount applied for by Group or the Individual Client Available. Available Available Available. Amount applied for by each Group Member This field contains the names of the Group members and the amount applied for by each member Available. Business Sector This is the economic sector where the Available. borrower is engaged in or where the loan will be used. Required. The software should maintain a Table of economic sectors and provide a dropdown list box for the user to choose from at data entry. Available Available Available. Guarantors ID This is the field to be used to enter the ID and names of Guarantors provided by the borrower as security for the loan. Available Available Not available on the Application form. This Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Available. Page D 14 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Optional, The software should provide facilities for maintaining a database on Guarantors Collaterals Processing fees / Stationery Fees This is information on collaterals provided by the borrower as security for the loan. It contains a description of the type of collateral and the value. Optional, The software should provide facilities for maintaining a database on collaterals. This field contains the amount paid as loan form fee or other application preprocessing charges Optional, Finance Solutions information is entered during disbursement Available. Available Available Not available on the Application form. This information is entered during disbursement Available. Available Available Not available. Fees are entered separately. The software does not have a screen to enter Appraisal information. However it provides a facility for maintaining a user-defined checklist of documents to be provided and inspected by Loan Officer. Not available Not available There is a Loan Appraisal Utility, but I need some more research to understand how to use this feature Loan Appraisal Borrower’s ID (Group ID / Member ID / Individual Client ID) This represents the registration code The software does assigned to the client on registration. It not provide support is a unique code that is used to reference for loan appraisal. the client throughout the system. Borrower’s name This is the name of the borrower, i.e. the Group name, Group Member name, or Individual client name Not available Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 15 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI Branch/District This is the Branch/District where the client resides. Not available Not available Region This is the Region where the client resides. Not available Not available Loan Application Reference This is a code assigned to identify the application. Not available Not available Loan product This is the code describing the Loan product for the selected account, e.g. Anfaani Trading. Not available Not available Date Application Received This is the date the loan application was received. Not available Not available Total Amount applied for This is the total loan amount applied for by Group or the Individual Client Not available Not available Supporting Documentation This is a list of the documents that the borrower should provide to support the application Optional. The software may provide a checklist of documentation required for the loan product Not available Available Not available Not available Amount recommended This is the amount recommended by the by Credit Officer / loan appraisal officer. It will be zero if Loan Officer the officer does not recommend the loan Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management MBWin Finance Solutions Page D 16 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI Amount recommended This is an optional field applicable to for each Group Group loans and shows the amount Member recommended by the loan appraisal officer for each Group member. It will be zero if the officer does not recommend the loan for the entire Group. Recommended for This is flag that shows whether the Approval / Rejection appraisal officer recommended the loan Flag for approval or rejection, e.g. Y=Recommended for approval; N=Recommended rejection. Reason for This is text field containing the reason Recommendation for the positive or negative recommendation by the appraisal officer Credit Officer / Loan This is the code and name of the credit Officer ID officer or loan officer that carried out the loan appraisal. Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available Appraisal Date This is the date the Credit Officer’s appraisal report was submitted. Not available Not available Credit Officer / Loan Officer ID This is the code and name of the credit officer or loan officer that carried out the loan appraisal. Not available Not available Loan Review Committee’s recommendation Flag This is flag that shows whether the loan review committee approved or rejected the loan, e.g. A=Approved; R=Rejected. Not available Not available Reason for Rejection This is text field containing the final decision of the loan review committee, Not available Not available Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management MBWin Finance Solutions Page D 17 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions and the reason for approving or rejecting the application. D7: Enter/Edit Processing Fees Commissions and Charges Borrower’s ID (Group ID / Member ID / Individual Client ID) This represents the registration code Available. assigned to the client on registration. It is a unique code that is used to reference the client throughout the system. Available. Available. Available. Borrower’s name This is the name of the borrower, i.e. the Group name, Group Member name, or Individual client name Available. Available. Available. Available. Branch/District This is the Branch/District where the client resides. Available. Available. Available. Available. Region This is the Region where the client resides. This is the code describing the Loan product Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. This field contains a code that identifies the type of charges, e.g. Processing Fee, Commission, Training, etc. Required. The software should provide facilities for maintaining a System Table on Types of Fees and Commissions. The Table will contain a Code, description, default amount, and Income Account Number in Available. Available. Available. Available. Loan product Type of fee or commission Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 18 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions the Chart of Account, as minimum Amount Received This is the amount received Available. Available. Available. Available. Voucher Reference The Receipt number or Bank Pay-in-slip Number, etc. Available. Available. Available. Available. Method of Payment This is a description of the mode of payment, e.g. by cash, cheque, transfer from the client’s savings product, direct payment to the MFI’s Bank account, etc. Available. Available. Available. Available. Cheque Number This is the cheque number if amount was paid by cheque Available. Available. Available. Available. GL Income Account Number This is the income account to be credited with the fee or commission Available. Available. Available. Available. GL Cash/Bank Account Number This is the Cash orBank account to be debited with the fee or commission received. Available. Available. Available. Available. Linkage to Loan Disbursement This condition specifies whether the payment of fess and charges are mandatory before a loan could be disbursed. Optional. The system should specify the type of linkage/restriction, e.g. Must pay before you can disburse Must be deducted at disbursement Other Available. Not available Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 19 D8: Enter/Edit Loan Approval/Rejection Borrower’s ID (Group ID / Member ID / Individual Client ID) This represents the registration code Available assigned to the client on registration. It is a unique code that is used to reference the client throughout the system. Available. Available The software simply Available displays a list of loans Applied and allow the user to Change Status to Approved/Disapproved. Approval Date defaults to system date Available Borrower’s name This is the name of the borrower, i.e. the Group name, Group Member name, or Individual client name Branch/District This is the Branch/District where the client resides. Available Available Available. Region This is the Region where the client resides. This is a code assigned to identify the application. Available Available Available. Available Available Available. Available Available Available. Date Application Received This is the code describing the Loan product for the selected account, e.g. Anfaani Trading. This is the date the loan application was received. Available Available Available. Total Amount applied for This is the total loan amount applied for by Group or the Individual Client Available Available Available. Amount Approved This is the amount approved, if application was accepted. This amount Available. Defaults to amount Defaults to amount applied with no Available. Loan Application Reference Loan product Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Available. Page D 20 Data (field) Description Loan Performer needs not necessarily be the same as the original loan amount applied for. applied, with no option to change this value. Available Date Approved or Rejected. This is the date the application was approved or rejected. Reason for Rejection This is the text explaining why the application was rejected (not approved). Required. The software should facilities for maintaining standard reasons for rejection. Required. The software should provide facilities for maintaining a System Table on Reasons for Rejection. This will enhance future analysis of the loan approval process. M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions option to edit this figure Defaults to system date Available. Available. The software maintains Reject Reasons Table. The software maintains a Reject Reasons Table Defaults to system date with no option to change this date Not available Available. Available. D9: Enter / Edit Loan Disbursements Borrower’s ID (Group ID / Member ID / Individual Client ID) This represents the registration code Available. assigned to the client on registration. It is a unique code that is used to reference the client throughout the system. Available. Available. Available. Borrower’s name This is the name of the borrower, i.e. the Group name, Group Member name, or Individual client name Available. Available. Available. Available. Branch/District This is the Branch/District where the client resides. This is the Region where the client resides. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Region Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 21 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Loan Application Reference This is a code assigned to identify the application. Not Available Available. Available. The loan application date is entered during disbursement Date Approved This the date the Loan was approved Required. The software should retrieve and display this information from the list of applications approved. Not available Available. Available. Available. Loan product This is the code describing the Loan. Available Available. Available. Available. Loan Account Number This is a unique code that identifies the loan. Available Available Available Available Amount Approved This is the total amount approved. May be different from the amount applied. Available Not available Available Available. Date Disbursed This is the date the loan was disbursed. Available Available. Available. Available Amount Disbursed This is the total amount disbursed for Individual Client Loan or a Group loan. Available Available. Available. Available Amount Disbursed for each Group Member This field is applicable to Group Loans methodology, and contains the names of the Group members and the amount disbursed to each member Available Available. Available. Available Voucher Reference The Payment Voucher, Loan Disbursement Sheet Reference, Pay-in- Available Available. Available. Available Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 22 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions slip Number, etc. Method of Payment This is a description of the mode of payment, e.g. by cash, cheque, transfer from the client’s savings product, direct payment to the MFI’s Bank account, etc. Required. The software should provide a facility for maintaining a System Table on Methods of Payment. Available Available. Available. Available Cheque Number This is the cheque number if amount was paid by cheque Available Available. Available. Available Loan Officer This is the name of the Loan Officer/Credit Officer. Available Available. Available. Available Loan Cycle This is the Loan Count Available Available. Available. Available GL Asset Account Number This is the Account Receivable account to Available which the Loan Principal is debited. Available. Available. Available GL Cash/Bank Account Number This is the Cash or Bank account from which the disbursement was made Available Available. Available. Available This represents the registration code Available assigned to the client on registration. It is a unique code that is used to reference the client throughout the system. Available. Available. Available. D10: Enter/Edit Loan Repayments Borrower’s ID (Group ID / Member ID / Individual Client ID) Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 23 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Borrower’s name This is the name of the borrower, i.e. the Group name, Group Member name, or Individual client name This is the Branch/District where the client resides. This is the Region where the client resides. This is the code describing the Loan. Available Available. Available. Available. Available Available. Available. Available. Available Available. Available. Available. Available Available. Available. Available. Loan Account Number This is a unique code that identifies the loan. Available Available Available Available Loan Amount This the original Principal disbursed. Available. Available. Available. Available Last Installment Date This is the date of the last installment made by the client. Available. Available. Available. Not available Loan Balances This is the total amount outstanding. The amount due should broken down into: Principal Balance; Interest Balance; Penalty Balance. Available. Available. Available. Available. Installment Due This is the total amount of the next installment due by reference to the Repayment Schedule. The amount due should be broken down into: Principal Due; Interest Due; Penalties Due. Available. Available. Available. Available. Branch/District Region Loan product Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 24 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Not available Available Not available Required. These amounts may be displayed as read-only fields, or as default amounts received, which the user can modify or accept. Installment Due Date This is the scheduled date of the next installment according to the Repayment Schedule. Actual date Installment received This is a data entry field for the user to enter the actual date the installment was received. Available. Available. Available. Available. Installment received This is the actual amount received. The software should provide separate fields for: Principal Paid Interest Paid Penalty/Commission Paid Available. The system automatically distributes the total amount paid based on the payment priorities set by the user. But this can be modified. Available. Available. Available. Voucher Reference The Payment Voucher, Loan Disbursement Sheet Reference, Pay-inslip Number, etc. Available Available. Available. Available. Method of Payment This is a description of the mode of payment, e.g. by cash, cheque, transfer from the client’s savings product, direct payment to the MFI’s Bank account, etc. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 25 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions GL Asset Account Number Required. For cheques, the software should Available. provide fields to enter the cheque number, date, clearing days, etc. For direct payment to Bank, the Available software should provide fields to enter the Bank name and Pay-in-slip number, and date received. This is the Account Receivable account to Available which the Principal repaid is credited. Available. Available. Available. Available Available Available Available. Available. Available GL Cash/Bank Account Number This is the Cash or Bank account which is debited with the amount received. Available Available. Available. Available GL Income Account Number This is the Income account to which the interest received is credited. Available Available. Available. Available Available. Available. Available. Available Available Not available D11: Other Functions and Processing Features Loan Rescheduling This feature provides the facilities to change the repayment plan of an existing loan. Rescheduling methods should all or some of the following: Increase the number of installments Available. and spread remaining balance equally over this period Manually enter the amount of Available installment due (in respect of Principal, interest, penalty or commission) for each installment, ensuring the total is equal to Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 26 Data (field) Description Loan Transactions Reversal Loan Performer remaining balance. Re-schedule Group loans at Member Available level M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available Available Available Available Available. Available Available Available Available Available Available This feature provides a controlled approach to cancel/reverse a loan transaction, including: Loan application registration Available. Available as Loan approval Available Available . Disbursement Repayment Available Available Available Available Portfolio Transfer This feature allows the institution to Available reassign an existing portfolio to a different Loan officer. Cheque Clearing This feature manages cheque clearing by providing features for automatically clearing cheques or manual clearing by the user, Minimum requirements are: Maintaining a log of all cheques Available. received or issued (status = Uncleared) Recording the clearing days (maturity Available date) depending on whether local or outstation cheque Available Clearing the cheque on due date Handling cheques bounced or Dishonored Available Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Available Available Available. Not available. Available. Available. Available Available Manual clearance Not available Manual clearance Not available Page D 27 Data (field) Description Loan Performer Optionally, commissions or charges Available on cheque clearing Loan Repayment by transfer from a designated savings account This feature allows the MFI to service a Available. loan by deducting the amount due from a designated savings account of the borrower. Penalty Calculation and Application This feature provides the facilities for calculating and posting penalties. Minimum requirements are: Define penalty calculation terms and parameters for each loan product Calculate penalty for a specified loan account Cancel (remove/reverse) penalty calculated for a specified account or period Post penalty transactions Loan Loss Provisioning M2 MFI MBWin Available Not available Finance Solutions Available. Available. Available. Can be done individually through the Loan Repayment entry form or automatically (in batch mode) through the Period End procedure. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available Available Available Available Available ??? ??? Available ??? Available Available This feature provides the facilities for calculating loan loss provision. Minimum requirements are: Setup/modify arrears (Age) intervals Available. (at least four intervals) Define the provision rate (%) for Available Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Available. Available. Available. Available Available Page D 28 Data (field) Description Loan Write-off Accrued Interest management Loan Performer each arrears interval Define the GL expense account for Available provision cost, and the GL Provision/Reserves Credit account Trigger automatic calculation of Available provision Confirm Posting of Provision Available calculated. This feature provides the facility to write- Available. off specified loans. Required flexibility is: Select the loan account to write off Select the element of the loan to write off i.e. Principal, Interest, Penalty, Commission Enter the amount to write off for individual element Confirm/post Write-off This feature provides the facility to calculate- accrued interest as at a specified date. Required flexibility is: Available. Select the loan product Define the accrual period Confirm/post accrued transactions Available interest Available Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management M2 MFI MBWin Available Available Available Available Available Available Finance Solutions Available. Available. Available Available. Available Available Available Available Available Accrual is per Branch/District or for ALL Branches/Districts. Automatically selected Available Accrual is per Branch/District or ALL Branches. Available. Automatic Available Page D 29 D12: Loans and Portfolio Management Reports Report Category / Report title / Description Required / Optional Category A: Loan Processing Reports A1: Loan Repayment Schedule This category comprises reports on activities leading to the creation of a new portfolio. A loan repayment Schedule provides a Available. plan for the recovery of the credit by showing the due dates and amount expected – both Principal and Interest. It is a useful information to the borrower because it reminds him/her of the due dates so that he/she can plan to meet repayment deadlines. It is equally critical to loan monitoring because it helps determine due dates and arrears Delinquencies. Available. Available. Available. A2: Loan Contract This the capacity to automatically Available. generate a loan contract at Disbursement. Available Not available Not available. A3: Loan Applications Register A listing of all loan applications received Available. and logged during a specified period, showing details such as Client ID and name, Date applied for, amount applied, guarantors and collaterals, etc. Available as Pending Loans Register. Available as Pending Loans Register. Available. A4: Loan Approval / Rejection Register A listing of applications approved during Available. a specified period, showing details such as Client ID and name, date approved, Not available. Available. Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management MBWIN Page D 30 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available. Available. Available. amount approved, reason for rejection, etc. A5: Loans Disbursed report A Detailed or Summary report shows the Available. loans disbursed during the reporting period Category B: Loan Activity Reports This category comprises reports on loan activity and includes reports on individual loans used to communicate information to clients on the status of their accounts, and routine management reports used by field staff to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their day-to-day routines. B1: Loan Disbursement Register A loan disbursement register provides Available detailed information on amounts disbursed during a specified period, showing such details as the loan number, client ID and name, amount disbursed, mode of payment (i.e. cash or cheque) etc. The report may be dis-aggregated by Branch/District, Loan Officer, Product, etc. Available. Available. Available. B2: Loan Repayment Register A loan repayment register provides Available. detailed information on loan repayments received during a specified period, showing such details as the loan number, client ID and name, amount received, mode of payment (i.e. cash or cheque) etc.. The report may be dis-aggregated by Available. Available. Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 31 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Branch/District, Loan Officer, Product, etc. B3: Client Loan Status Report This report lists the status of all active Available. loan accounts for the client, the history on all the client's closed accounts, etc.. Available. Not available. Available. B4: Active Loans by Loan Officer - This is one of two key reports used by Available. Loan officers to monitor their clients' status. It should be printed weekly or at more frequent intervals. The report lists all active loans for a Loan Officer, with initial information such as loan amount, disbursement date and term, upcoming payments and current loan status. Available. Not available. Available. Available. Not available. Available. Not available. Available. Available. Not available. Available. Available. For delinquent loans the report shows the principal and interest in arrears so that the loan officer can inform the client the total amount due. This report could be adapted to be a Available. B5: Daily Payments by Loan listing of the Daily Collection Sheet from Officer loan officers and mobile bankers B6: Expected Repayments report B7:Loan Dues Vs Repayments report This report provides details of loan Available. repayments that fall due today. It can be used by loan officers to plan their collection itenery for the day. This report compares the amounts due Available. and the amounts actually paid during the reporting period. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 32 Data (field) Description B8: Outstanding Loan Balances report Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions This report provides a summary listing of Available. loans showing the balances as at a date selected by the user. The report could be disaggregated by product, branch, loan officer, loan fund, etc. Available. Available. Available. B9: Rescheduled Loans Report This report provides details of Available. rescheduled loans during a specified period. Not available. Not available. Available. B10: Loan Guarantors Report This report provides a detailed listing of Available. loan guarantors, showing their names, addresses, other personal data (like gender, marital status, education, occupation, etc.) and the loans they have guaranteed Available. Not available. Available. B11: Collaterals Report Not available. Not available. Available. B12: Loan Ledger Card This report provides details collaterals Available. used by clients to secure loans. It shows the type of collateral and the value for each loan. This report prints details on the loan Available. account showing details such as the original contract terms, the disbursement and repayments history, and the outstanding balance. Not available. Not available. Available. B13: Portfolio Concentration Report To diversify risk, management should Available. regularly monitor the distribution of the portfolio by criteria such as business Not available. Not available. Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 33 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions activity, geographic area (Districts/Regions), and loan size. Distribution is monitored according to both number of loans and share of portfolio, and percentages of totals are calculated for each category. Category C: Portfolio Quality Reports The reports in this category focus on portfolio quality indicators. Several of them provide detailed information on single loans or single clients, some provide information on a single Loan Officer's portfolio, and others cover single District offices. Most provide information on delinquent loan status and ageing of the portfolio at risk. C1: Portfolio at Risk report Portfolio at risk is the most important Available. indicator for monitoring portfolio quality. The portfolio-at-risk indicator is based on the concept that if one or more payments are overdue on a loan, an entire loan is in jeopardy (at risk), not just the installment that is overdue, as in the arrears rate indicating. Available. Not available. Available. C2: Loans Arrears by Aged intervals by Loan Officer This report is one of the most important Available. to be used by Loan Officers. It should be produced weekly and be used to follow up immediately on overdue loans. It includes all information helpful in client follow-up, such as contact phone numbers. Not available. Available. Available. Although it is similar to the Active Loans by Loan Officer report, it includes more Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 34 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions details on delinquency. C3 Delinquent Loans by Branch/District by Product This report is used primarily by District Available. Credit Managers /credit officers to monitor the most seriously overdue loans in their District. It shows basic characteristics of the loan such as financing sources and economic sector, and notes the responsible Loan Officer. Available. Available. Available. C4 Summary of Portfolio at Risk by Loan Officer This management report provides a Available. summary of portfolio at risk analyzed by credit officers. Available. . Not available.. Available. C5 Summary of Portfolio at Risk by Branch/District and Product This management report provides a Available. summary of portfolio at risk analyzed by product type, within Branch/Districts and Regions. Not available. Not available. Available. C6 Loan Write-off and Recuperation report This report provides detailed or summary Available. information on loans written-off or recuperated during the reporting period. Available. Not Available. Available. C7 Loan Loss Provisioning Report This report provides information of the Available. loan loss provisioning calculated for the period. Available Category D: Other Portfolio Analysis Reports Available. These are other statistical analyses of total portfolio using different indicators as listed below. Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 35 Data (field) Description D1: Portfolio Analysis report D2: Portfolio Analysis By Loan Cycle report D3: : Portfolio Analysis By Loan Size Report Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions This report analyzes the loan portfolio by Available. various parameters such as Business Sector, Loan Size, and Client Type. For each category, the report shows the total number of loans, Original principal, and outstanding balances. It also shows the % of each to the total portfolio. Available. Not Available. Available (Performance Monitoring report; Performance Indicator Report) This report provides a breakdown of Available. portfolio by loan cycle. Minimum Requirements are: The user should be able to select to print either in detailed form or summary. The flexibility to disaggregate report by popular parameters such as Branch/District, Loan Product, Loan Fund, Business Sector, etc. This report provides a breakdown of Available. portfolio by loan size. Minimum Requirements are: The user should be able to set loan sizes in ranges, e.g. Less than 500,000; 500,001-1,000,000; 1,000,001-2,000,000; Above 2,000,000. The user should be able to select to print either in detailed form or summary. The flexibility to disaggregate report by popular parameters such as Branch/District, Loan Product, Loan Available. Not Available. The “Active Loans by Loan Officers” report can be filtered by Loan Cycle Available. Available. Portfolio Concentration Report Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Page D 36 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available. Available. Available Fund, Business Sector, etc. D4: Funds Utilization Report Other Reporting Requirements This report provides information on Available. utilization of various loan funds such as Internal Revolving Fund, etc. It shows the movements within the fund at each period (e.g. each month), i.e. Starting balance, Total disbursed, Total deposits (repayments received, etc.), total transfers, and Closing balance. These are other functions and feature supporting the creation of new reports and customization of existing standard ones. Designing new reports The tools for designing new reports. These may be in-built design tools or by allowing the use of third party report generating programs such as Crystal Report Writer. Software supports Crystal Report Writer, but this feature was not tested during the evaluation. Customizing standard reports The ability to modify the content or Available layout of any or all of the standard reports. Minimum requirement would be comprehensive filter options to tailor a report to meet the MFI’s requirements. Available Available Available Export reports to other applications The ability to export standard reports. To Available Excel, Word, Adobe Acrobat, etc. Optional Available Not available Available Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management Available Page D 37 Data (field) Description Loan Performer Software Evaluation – Appendix D: Loans and Portfolio Management M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Page D 38 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION (Information Requirements Matrix) APPENDICE E: ACCOUNTING MODULE APPENDIX E: Data (field) MODULE EVALUATION – ACCOUNTING/GL Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions E1: General Features and Accounting Standards Cash or Accrual Accounting The software should allow the user to Available. configure it to track transactions on accrual or cash basis. Required. Available. Available. Available. System Integration The accounting module should integrate Available seamlessly with the portfolio management modules, allowing accounting transactions to be generated from savings and loans and posted to general ledger Required. Available. Available. Available. Cost Center The software should be able to track Available transactions by cost center and provide the facilities to generate standard accounting / financial reports by cost center. Not available ??? Could be in-built in the COA structure Not available. Fund Accounting The software should be able to track Available transactions by source of funding and provide the facilities to generate standard accounting / financial reports by donor/source of funding. Required. Available as “Source of Funding” However reports cannot be filtered by Fund. Not available. Not available Software Evaluation – Appendix E: Accounts (General Ledger) Page E 1 Data (field) Description Loan Performer Interface with (linkage to) Other Accounting Systems The ability to export GL transactions to Available other accounting packages. The software should provide facilities such Configurable as customizable export templates that will Export template facilitate the formatting of the data to export. M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available. Supports AccPac, MYOB, QuickBooks, Peachtree, and Ciel. ??? Not available. Available. Available. Available. E2: Chart of Accounts Maintenance User-defined chart of accounts structure Chart of Accounts Import template The ability of the MFI to restructure and create its own chart of accounts that meets its internal accounting and financial policies and procedures Required. The software may provide a sample chart of accounts to guide the user. However there should be facilities to completely delete this sample if the user wishes to do so. Available Available. Available (Import Chart of Accounts procedure will replace existing COA The software should provide facilities for Available. Available. Not Available. the user to set up the chart of accounts in Excel spreadsheet or other popular application and later import it to the accounting system after it has been reviewed and approved by the organization Required. An Import template to guide the user as to Available. Not Available. how to format the source data Import file could Import file should be .XLS, .CSV, be in .Txt format .Txt or .DBF Software Evaluation – Appendix E: Accounts (General Ledger) Accounts must be deleted one at a time. Not available. Page E 2 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available. Available Available. format Multi-layered structure A multi layered structure that allows the Available. accounts to be segmented into layers. Theses are: Available Major account, sub-account; Branch Code; Cost center Code Fund Code; Product Code: Program Code. Available as separate code Available as separate code Available as separate code Available as separate code Available as separate code Available Available Not available. Available as separate code Not available. Not available Not available. Available as separate code Available as separate code Not available. Not available. Not available. Required Account Designation The ability to designate an account as Posting, Summary or Header account. Additionally, the software should restrict posting to only those accounts designated as “Posting”. Required. Available. Available. Available. Account can be A GL account can (as GL Pointers) either Posting or either be “Detail” non-posting or “Header”. Not Available Maximum number of accounts The chart should be capable of accommodating at least 5,000 active accounts Required. Available. Width of GL Account can be up to 12 Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix E: Accounts (General Ledger) Available. Available Page E 3 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI General Ledger Accounts Classification Ability to classify accounts into the major accounting classification in conformity with International Accounting Standards (IAS), i.e. Balance Sheet, Liabilities, Equity, Incomes, Expenses, and Off-balance sheet accounts. Required. Available. Available. Available. Available. Follows UK/US standards. Follows UK/US Follows UK/US Follows standards. standards. standards. Optionally supports PARMEC format Beginning balances The software should provide a function to Not available. Available. allow entry/editing (with security) of Beginning beginning balances of accounts Balances have to Required. be entered as general journal transactions. Not available. Beginning Balances have to be entered as general journal transactions. Not available. Beginning Balances have to be entered as general journal transactions. Account number verification Ability to restrict entry to only valid major Available. account/sub-account combination. Various System Required. Accounts can be set up for Savings, Loans, Interest, etc. using the System Configuration feature. Available. Various System Accounts can be set up for Savings, Loans, Interest, etc. using the System Parameters – GL Control Accounts feature. Available. Various System Accounts can be set up for Savings, Loans, Interest, etc. using the Admin Products Setup feature. Available. Various System Accounts can be set up for Savings, Loans, Interest, etc. using the System Parameters – GL Control Accounts feature. MBWin Finance Solutions E3: Budget Maintenance Multiple budgets The ability to maintain multiple budgets, Available. Not Available. Not Available. Available e.g. Operational budget, Donor Funds, etc. Standard budget The system does The system does Software Evaluation – Appendix E: Accounts (General Ledger) Page E 4 UK/US Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Required. as well as multidonor budgets can be set and managed. not have Budget management function. a not have Budget management function. Multiple years The ability to maintain budgets for previous year, current year, and next year Required. Available. Not available. Not available. Available. Budget Variance Reporting The ability to track actual incomes/expenses by budget codes, perform variance analysis Required. Available. Not available. Not available. Available Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. Available. a E4: General Ledger Transactions Maintenance Automatic transactions The accounting system should integrate seamlessly with other modules. The Savings module should generate and Available. transfer accounting entries for all deposits, withdrawals, charges, etc. to the General ledger. The Loans module should generate and Available. transfer accounting entries for disbursements, repayments, interest and other incomes, etc. to the General Ledger. Required. Software Evaluation – Appendix E: Accounts (General Ledger) Page E 5 Data (field) Description End-of-Day Routines M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Routines for performing day-end close out Available functions. Required. Available Available Available. End-of- Month Routines Routines for performing Month-end close Available. out functions. Required. Available. Available. Available. Year-end Closing Facilities for performing year-end close out Available. functions Required. Available. Available. Available. Double-entry checks The system should automatically restrict Available. transactions from updating accounts unless total debits equal total credits Required. The system should generate balancing offset entry by default Available Available Available. User-defined Journal entry Types The ability to maintain a Table describing Available. Types of Journal entries, e.g. General Journal, Bank Account Reconciliation, etc. Required. Not available Available Not available. Automatic transaction numbering The system should automatically assign Available. unique reference number to each transaction Required. Not available Available Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix E: Accounts (General Ledger) Loan Performer Page E 6 Data (field) Description Online validation of journal entry information M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Basic data validation of transactions, e.g. Available. validate account number, validate transaction date, etc. Required. Available. Available. Available. Posting to Prior Year or Next Year Ability to post transactions to prior ??? month/year (Back-dated transactions) or future periods (Forward-dated transactions) Required. ??? Available. ??? Audit Trail controls The system should maintain a detailed Available. audit trail of all transactions processed, with controlled access to audit trail information. Required. Not available Available. Accessing Historical (or Archival) Data The system should provide controlled ??? access to accounting transactions for prior (closed) years Required. Not available. However the software tracks and reports on Changes to System Parameters. ??? Available. ???. Report Output formats Ability to output reports in various formats, Available. especially: Print/Preview To Excel (.XLS) To Text file (.CSV/.TXT) To database (.DBF) Required. Available. Not available Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix E: Accounts (General Ledger) Loan Performer Page E 7 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions E5: ACCOUNTING AND FINANCIAL REPORTS Report Title Description Frequency Remarks Detailed and Summary listing of Journal Entries processed during the reporting period. Required. The software should provide facilities for filtering transactions e.g. by date, cost center, fund, product, etc Frequency should be: Daily Weekly Monthly Detailed and Summary printout of the Cash and Bank Accounts Required. Daily Weekly Monthly A detailed printout of the selected accounts, showing opening balance, debit and credit transactions, running balance, and closing balance. Required. Frequency is: Monthly, and User-defined period range Available. Available. Report date range is user defined Report date range is user defined Activity Reports Journal Entries Cash Book Detailed General Ledger Account Statement Software Evaluation – Appendix E: Accounts (General Ledger) Available. Report date range is user defined Available. Report date range is user defined Available. Available. Report date range is user defined Not available. Available. Report date range is user defined Not available. Not available. Available. Report date range is user defined Page E 8 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Audit Trail Detailed Audit Trail listing Required. Frequency is On-demand Available. Not Available. (limited Audit trail report covering Changes to System Parameters available) Not available. Available. Budget Variance Report Comparison of Actuals against Budget. Required. Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Yearly Available Not available. Not available. Available. Monthly Trial Balance Ability to generate detailed and summary Available. monthly Trial Balance Required. Frequency is Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Yearly The system should allow the user to define the reporting date. Available. Available. Available. Financial Statements Software Evaluation – Appendix E: Accounts (General Ledger) Page E 9 Data (field) Description Income Statement M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Detailed and Summary Consolidated Available. Income Statement; Detailed and Summary Income Statement by Branch/Cost Center; Detailed and Summary Income Statement by Fund Required. Frequency is Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Yearly Available. Available Available. Balance Sheet Detailed and Summary Consolidated Available. Balance Sheet; Detailed and Summary Balance Sheet by Branch/Profit Center; Detailed and Summary Balance Sheet by Fund Required. Frequency is Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Yearly Available Available Available Cash Flow Statement Required. Frequency is Monthly Quarterly Half-yearly Yearly Not available. Not available. Available. Software Evaluation – Appendix E: Accounts (General Ledger) Loan Performer Available. Page E 10 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Financial Ratios and Trends: - Loan Portfolio Quality Analysis Portfolio at Risk (PAR) Arrears rate Repayment Rate Current Repayment Rate Financial Ratios and Trends: - Staff Productivity Ratios Number of active loan clients per loan officer Number of active loan clients per branch office Gross portfolio outstanding per loan officer Yield on portfolio Financial Productivity Ratios – Cost Efficiency Ratios Administrative efficiency Personnel Expense ratio Software Evaluation – Appendix E: Accounts (General Ledger) Page E 11 Data (field) Description Loan Performer M2 MFI MBWin Finance Solutions Available. Day-end closure Also available. Available Available. Day-end closure Also available. Available Available. Day-end closure Also available. Available Available Available Available. Not available Not available Operating Expenses ratio Financial Expenses ratio Operational SelfSufficiency Financial SelfSufficiency Other GL Functions and Features End-of-Month Processing End-of-Year Processing Data Export to Excel or Text The ability to schedule and run specialized operations at month end, e.g. Penalty calculation, savings interest calculation, etc The ability to schedule and run specialized operations at Year end, e.g. Loan Loss Provision calculation, Loan Write off, etc. Standard End-of Financial Year Accounts Close Out Ability to format and export GL transactions to popular accounting packages. The software should provide an export template to guide users. Software Evaluation – Appendix E: Accounts (General Ledger) Available Page E 12