Henry Chen

2006 Dragon’s World Summer Camp
Writing and Leadership Workshop
Colonial Williamsburg
Victor Shen
On August 5th, my family and I left for Colonial Williamsburg. I couldn’t
wait to see all the thrilling and magnificent sites!
However, on that very day, we encountered a pack of cars. It was a
TRAFFIC JAM! For two hours, we stayed on just one road. It felt like we
were moving at just one meter per minute. Eventually, we stopped to have a nice refreshing
lunch. I ate most of a sandwich, except for some crust and meat. After the meal, I first fed the
crust to the birds, hurling it at them. They dodged it skillfully and caught it in their mouths. I also
threw some turkey to them, but they didn’t even look at it! I was really disappointed. I was
looking forward to seeing them go for it.
When we got back on the road, we thought that the traffic jam was over … until we
turned onto another road. After some continuous rest stops and five hours of grueling driving, we
finally made it! We arrived at the Hospitality Inn where we would be staying.
We unpacked our luggage right when we entered our room. The room was fairly decent,
but I really wanted to go to Williamsburg and get it over with so that I could go to Water Country
USA the next day. However, when we got there, it was 5:00 p.m. and too late to see anything.
There were so many exhibits and so little time! So, my parents said I’d go to the water park the
day after.
Colonial Williamsburg was great! I saw how the silversmith created silverware and how
they used the forge to soften the steel. All the trees in Williamsburg are priceless! Their bark is so
rich and pure, their leaves gleaming under the sun. The birds fly to and fro, chirping in harmony;
this must surely be a place for a good vacation.
In the city of Williamsburg, we saw the courts that Governor Dunmore sat in. One cool
fact about the court is that in old times, they could finish at least 3 trials in one day. If you
committed a crime and were at least 30 years old, you would be immediately executed. If you
were under 20 years of age, you would be spared. But, they would use a piece of hot iron shaped
in the first letter of the crime and brand you, usually on the left hand. For example, T stood for
thief, and if you ever went to court again, you’d be sentenced to death.
Next, we entered the Governor’s Palace. The lawn of the palace was certainly fitting for a
governor! We entered the actual governor’s house, and there was a tour guide who showed us
how the governor lived, what he did for entertainment, and some precious items, such as the first
piano ever made in Virginia. After the tour, we went exploring and found a beautiful pond. It had
all sorts of trees, such as the weeping willow.
We also saw the gunsmith, who showed us actual guns. I really liked the jail cells. We got
to hold the shackles for the men and women, and they were heavy! The tour guide frightened me
when she said there might still be ghosts where the prisoners lived. After all this action and
excitement, my feet were tired and sore. So, we took the bus back to the hotel and settled in for
the day.
The water park was absolutely awesome, but the lines for the rides were too long! My
favorite rides were the JetScream since it turned you around and around, the Nitro Racer because
you slide on your belly, the Aquazoid because it’s completely dark, and the Atomic Blaster,
because it grinds your butt.
My trip to Williamsburg was full of adventure and blazing with excitement. I look
forward to new vacations in the future. One thing’s for sure, Williamsburg rocks!
Blue Cheese and White Bananas
Cynthia Liu
Being out on my front porch and moon gazing is a thrill to me. Even at the young age of
three, I always had a big curiosity for the moon. It was so interesting to think that it was made
out of blue cheese, that it had a beautiful face, and that the crescent was a white, mushy banana.
As I got older, I wanted to find out the facts. I had this feeling that what I thought wasn’t
exactly the truth. So once every week, I googled for information and went to the library to do
research. After that, I knew that the moon looked like blue cheese because it had many craters. I
knew that the crescent looked like a white banana because of the moon’s phases.
While researching that information, I also learned about the work of astronauts. This
made me think. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if I could be one of those people? I could explore
outer space and become famous. Yes, I could! I didn’t really think about it at the time because I
was still too little, and I would wait until I grew older.
Even though I had already found out the facts, the funny thoughts are still kept in my
mind. The moon is made out of craters, and it has phases. But to me, it’ll always be blue cheese
and white bananas!
Deep Creek Lake
Billy Wang
Last month, my family and I went to Deep Creek Lake, along with my friend Dennis
Zhao’s family. My family followed Dennis’s car to get there. It took us about 3 hours until we
got to the hotel because we kept on getting lost. When we got to the hotel, it was 10:00a.m, but
we couldn’t check in yet because the hotel people weren’t done cleaning our room. The hotel
manager told us to come back at about 2:00p.m.
First, we went horseback riding, and it was my first time, so I was really excited. I went
horseback riding with my family and Dennis’s family, and it was lots of fun. I got to ride my
horse Avon for a whole hour. He has a positive attitude like me. For example, I made him stop
walking so he could get some rest and eat some grass, but he didn’t want to, so he kept on
walking. I also went to the pool and rode a boat. Finally, we could check in. After that, we went
to a beach, but the waves were small.
My favorite activity was riding a horse because I got to experience the control of a horse.
I liked this weekend a lot because I got to spend a whole week at Deep Creek Lake with my
friends and family.
The History of My Pets
Chris Chen
One day, I went to Petco to search for a pet. My dad said, "I think we should get a
gerbil.” I agreed with him. Then, I asked someone to help us. My dad asked if a gerbil came with
a cage, and the salesperson said there were two cages. One of them was separated so the two
gerbils wouldn’t fight. I chose the smaller one, and it came with one gerbil.
I liked playing with my gerbil. I think he adored me. Sometimes, he ran away, but once I
let him go and then chased him for fifteen minutes. Another time, we found him under the
fridge. We also went to a park. There were wind gusts, and he almost didn’t make it out alive.
Unfortunately, my gerbil died. After that, I longed for another pet. Last Sunday, I went to
Petco to pick up another cage. It was huge and could fit up to three hamsters, but the cage was
easy to set up. There were four floors. The first floor was just an exercise wheel. The second
floor had water and a food dish. The third floor had stairs. The fourth floor allowed you to travel
with your gerbil.
First, I got a male hamster for the cage. I only had it for a few hours. My dad said it was
stinky, so he made me return it. I got one dollar back and a gerbil instead. I put him in the fourth
floor. I thought he would like to bathe in the sun.
That is the history of my pets.
Falling off a Ski Lift
Phillip Tran
One day, I was riding the ski lift with my accident-prone friend,
Stephen. He has had many accidents because he doesn’t really pay attention
to what he does. When we were at the highest point of the ski lift, I turned
around to look at the view. While I was turning around, Stephen was
bouncing on the seat. It was then that he slipped and fell off the seat into a
huge pile of snow on the ground below. Looking down, I saw a dark
shadow taking off his skis and using them to dig a hole out of the huge pile
of snow. When I met up with Stephen at the bottom of the ski slope, he told
me that he wanted to ride the ski lift again. I was not afraid to ride the ski
lift again, so I agreed. But, this time I told him not to fall off, and he didn’t!
Crab Catching: a Crab’s Life
Alex Zhang
One sunny July 21, 2006, I went to catch little crabs on the beach. They are very easy to
catch. They usually crawl around a lot in the sand. I just scooped the little crabs up with my little
yellow shovel. Next, I put them in a Coke bottle. I caught two big crabs and fourteen little crabs.
They were in an assortment of colors. There were brown crabs, blue crabs, and striped ones too. I
accidentally let one go, and the last thing I saw of it was that it was crawling like a spider, but
sideways. The one that ran away was the smallest one, weighing about half an ounce. The others
weighed about one ounce to one and a half ounces. When I felt I’d caught enough, I brought the
Coke bottle home along with my tools. During the night, I accidentally suffocated the crabs to
death, and I had to pour the crabs down the drain.
Horseback Riding Camp
Amanda Zhen
I recently went to a horseback riding camp located in Urbana. There were many exciting
things that happened at the camp, like jumping off the bridge into the lake, going on the zip line,
a water battle that went out of control, or my first time horse jumping. The story I am going to
tell you is about being bitten by a pony named Sunny.
It was my second year at the camp so I knew which horses and ponies were bad. But
nobody would take Sunny, so I took him even though I knew he bit people and other horses and
ponies. Jumping was pretty hard for him and it was sort of hard to jump on him. That wasn’t the
hardest thing about him to control. He kept trying to bite, so I had to make him keep moving his
head, so he wouldn’t bite me. In the end he bit me anyways. After he bit me, he went to the staff
and tried to bite them, but they just kept pushing his head back. But that’s not the only bad thing
about Sunny. He also never stopped walking and didn’t like to trot. Then, it was the end of class.
After class I started itching everywhere and I started getting bumps everywhere. My mom
said it was an allergic reaction because the horses eat hay, and I’m allergic to the pollen in the
hay. Even though Sunny bit me that one time, I still like to ride horses and ponies, but I also have
an excuse not to ride Sunny again.
Skiing Accident
Charles Wang
It was December 30th at Libery Bell. I was calmly skiing and decided to
go on a ski lift. I was pretty good at skiing. The slope I was going to was the
Black Diamond, the hardest slope there. The seats were icy and slippery; I
forgot to put on the safety bar. When I was ¾ there, I slipped right off. I was
screaming and yelling. I was about 15-20 feet high in the air. I kicked my
skis off and fell on my fingers first. I broke a finger and dislocated a bone in
another finger. But, I never knew that I injured myself until I was arriving
home. My mom and dad started to examine my finger. We drove back to the
hospital and I got two casts. I was not happy!!
Falling off My Bike
Taiyuan Pai
One sunny day after school, I was at my friend’s house playing Halo. We both got bored,
so he got out his ramp, which he hadn’t used for a long time. I went back to my house, which is
on the same street, to get my bike and scooter. “Wow, this is going to be the first time I’m going
to go off a ramp on my bike,” I thought. I was totally oblivious to what would happen next. The
ramp was just a slope that my friend set up at the bottom of our cul-de-sac/hill street. I just went
off the ramp on my scooter a few times, and it was fun to fly off the ramp and fly through the air,
so I decided to go off the ramp on my bike. The first time I went off the ramp I fell hard on my
crotch, but I decided to jump off the ramp again because I wanted to see what would happen if I
went off the ramp after riding down from the top of the cul-de-sac. I got a painful answer. I
whizzed down the hill and my stomach dropped into my shoes as I flew off the ramp. When I hit
the ground I braked, and then I flipped over and plummeted into the ground like a meteorite. My
friend dragged me onto the grass, and after a while, I limped back home. As I lay in bed, I
thought, “At least I didn’t get hit by an oncoming UPS truck.”
• Author’s Note: The author has new bike with shock absorbers now.
A Plane Trip
Vivien Chen
I looked out the window with my brother as the plane took off from the Chicago airport.
Settling back in my chair, I sighed. My dad, my brother Henry, and I are going to visit China for
a month, but my mom has to work, so she isn’t coming with us. Despite my sadness, I look
around and feel some excitement growing, for this is my first time on a long airplane ride and I
don’t know what to expect.
I am in a gigantic plane with fascinating things around me. On the arm of my chair, there
is a remote control that has interesting features. It is related to the mini TV in front of me, which
happens to be installed on the back of the person’s chair. On TV, you can see the flight map,
watch TV shows/movies, or listen to the radio.
Looking around, my sadness fades away. Henry and my dad sit next to me, and I feel
safe. I’m smiling as I settle down and start to watch Cartoon Network, excited about going to
Shanghai, China.
My trip to Florida
Matthew Chou
When I went to Florida in second grade, it was very fun. I was eight years old. I went to
many places in Florida: Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, and Sea World.
The first place I went to in Florida was Magic Kingdom. It was a very big place. There
were a lot of roller coasters. Some were very scary, but others were not. One roller coaster was
called Space Mountain. My mom did not like this ride, but I did. It was very dark, like space,
and it was scary. Another roller coaster was a waterslide. It’s not that scary until the waterslide
part. I don’t know what the name of the waterslide is, but I got very wet when I got on this ride.
The next place I went in Florida was Animal Kingdom. You get to see many animals.
This place was really cool. There was a big, thick, but fake, tree. You can go inside the tree.
This tree is special because it has many animal carvings, including monkeys, elephants, dolphins,
and birds. I also saw dolphin shows. They are really cute.
The last place I went in Florida was Sea World. Sea World is the coolest place ever in
Florida. I saw a lot of dolphin shows, killer whale shows, and puppet shows. These things were
really fun!
Florida was really fun because I get to see and do many things that I have never seen
before. I really liked Florida!
How the Giraffe got his Neck
Cynthia Liu
One clear, sunny day in the middle of a jungle in Central Africa, there happened to
be a hippo sleeping in the water. Just when she started to fall asleep, a curious shortnecked giraffe, Spotty, came to ask Lola, the hippo, a question. Lola opened a sleepy eye
and thought, “Why does that nosy giraffe always have to bother me when I’m sleeping?”
As if reading Lola’s thoughts, Spotty said, “I’ve come today to ask another question: Do
you know what leopards eat for lunch?” Lola looked disgusted. “Leopards? Well, I don’t
know. Why don’t you just go and ask Shadow yourself?” Shadow was the one and only
black leopard in the Jungle. “Thanks!” Spotty replied happily. “But be careful! Shadow
can be pretty fierce sometimes.” But Spotty ignored Lola’s warning. He was eager to find
the answer to his question.
So Spotty walked the long way from the swamp to Shadow’s lark, which was built on
a short, but sturdy tree. “Hello!” Spotty called. “Who is it?” asked Shadow. “It’s me,
Spotty, the giraffe. I just came to ask you a question. What are you eating for lunch
today?” Spotty asked. Shadow decided to answer in the most appropriate way for this
question. “I’ll tell you what I’m eating today, YOU!!” “Oh, no!” Spotty cried. He
desperately tried to run away, but Shadow already clamped down on the strongest part of
Spotty’s neck. Then, he started to pull. Spotty started to tug. And when Shadow saw
Spotty still wasn’t dead yet, he gave up and walked away. Spotty checked to make sure he
wasn’t seriously hurt. When he looked down on his neck, he was shocked!! It had grown
longer. Now he finally had something to show Lola besides his questions.
How the Leopard got his Spots
Amanda Zhen
One day the leopard was hunting for food in the forest. He
saw some mice, but they all already saw him try to catch them, so
they ran away.
The leopard smelled the fresh cake and pie from the
bakery and had an idea. He went to the bakery and said to himself, “I will buy some syrup
and mix it with some black paint. The syrup will make it stick to my fur, and it will be my
camouflage.” After he painted his camouflage, the leopard went back to the forest to hunt
for food again. This time when he saw the mice, they didn’t run away because of his
camouflage, and the leopard caught them for dinner. After the leopard caught enough
food, he wanted to wash his camouflage off, but it wouldn’t come off. So from that day on,
he always had his spots.
Why dogs and cats don't get along
Vivien Chen
Now, this story happens not too long ago, only about 200 years before today. At
that time, dogs were known to be very patient, especially to other animals, including cats.
There never was such a thing as a dog fighting with a cat, at least until one particular day.
It was a hot day in the desert, with cactus and sand as far as the eye could see. There was
a faint breeze carrying voices and the smell of food cooking from a house. All of a sudden,
the door flew open and a handsome young man stepped out. His dog, a strong alert
Doberman, greeted him with several friendly licks. Smiling, the man patted him and said, “I
am going to a party right now and I’m counting on you to be a good watch dog.” And with
that said, he mounted his horse and galloped away.
Fifteen minutes later, the Doberman was looking in the direction his owner went and
heard a soft padding behind him. He whirled around and saw the neighbor’s cat walking on
his property, her head held high. She was a Persian, with silky fur and walked with a
superior air. Politely, he woofed, “Excuse me, but you just stepped on my property. Would
you step out for my sake? I’m doing the role of a watchdog right now.” Now, this cat was
no ordinary cat. She was proud and stubborn, a cat who didn’t appreciate being pushed
around like that. Looking at him, she said coldly, “I have the right to do anything I want, so
shut up.” The dog would not give up. Patiently, he asked the cat to move, but she refused.
This went on for a while until the dog couldn’t stand it anymore. The cat was just too much
for him, and she had worn his patience thin. Finally, he exploded, “Get off my property you
stupid fur ball,” and started to curse. Angrily, the cat unsheathed her claws and pounced in
the angry dog. The dog put up a good fight, but finally collapsed and fell unconscious.
The dog was woken by a shake. Opening his eyes, he saw his owner look at him
disgustedly. The owner said, “I thought I could count on you! You’ve disappointed me!”
Then, he kicked the poor dog out. From that day on, dogs never liked cats.
Why the Monkey doesn’t have a Home?
Janny Zhang
A long time ago, in a small forest, there lived a monkey who did not
have a home. One day, it was raining very hard. The monkey said, “I will
build a home that is the most beautiful in the forest.” He went under a
leaf and fell fast asleep. The next morning, the monkey woke up very early. Can you guess
what the monkey did? Monkey asked every animal in the forest to go to his house and play.
Monkey had a lot of friends, but when he went back on a tree it started to rain, so monkey
did not build a house. The next day, monkey’s friends were mad since they came to visit
him and did not see a home. If you could ask monkey when he is going to build a home, he’ll
say, “I’ll do it tomorrow.”
Domino’s Pizza tour
Vivien Chen
Noisy chattering filled the air. Class D was going to have a
pizza tour! My friend Cynthia and I were really excited. We climbed
into Tony’s car, and drove to Domino’s.
During the pizza tour, we did many things. First, we went into
the big refrigerator where they stored all the toppings, dough, sauce,
etc. The refrigerator was cold and it gave me the goose bumps!
Next, Mr. Mark showed us how to make pizza. The dough was
made out of water, yeast, and cornstarch. He tossed the pizza in the
air and made the dough the size he wanted. Then, he put on the sauce and toppings,
which was cheese in that case. The last step was to put it in the hot oven to bake for 5
After the demonstration, it was our turn to make a pizza. It was fun, but
spreading the sauce wasn’t as easy as it looked. The dough kept moving when I spread
the sauce. I put pepperoni and extra cheese on my pizza. After my pizza finished
cooking, Ms. Lindsey cut it and put it in my pizza box so I could take my pizza home.
My pizza was very good, and my family enjoyed it too. But of course, I wouldn’t
have eaten my pizza if I didn’t to go on a pizza tour. I would like to thank everyone
who contributed and made this wonderful pizza tour possible.
Pizza Making
Alex Zhang
On August 16, 2006 I went to Domino’s
Pizza to make my own pizza. First, you start
with dough that is frozen. Next you put on
cornmeal. Then, you put on all the toppings you
want. Finally, you put it in the oven. My pizza
had pepperoni, sausage, mushroom, green bell
peppers, and bacon. It was very delicious. I also
brought home a Domino’s magnet.
Field Trip to Domino’s Pizza
Cynthia Liu
On Wednesday, August 16, Class D of Dragon’s World Summer Camp went on a
field trip to Domino’s Pizza. Our teacher Tony took turns driving us there. There were
three people who worked at the store: Mr. Adam, the manager, Mr. Mark, the guy that
showed us how to make pizzas, and Ms. Lindsey, who is the assistant manager.
First, Mr. Adam asked us to wash our hands and stand in their big refrigerator. It
was really cold! Then, Mr. Mark showed us how he makes the crust from the dough
using a dough pan and screen, and yellow cornmeal. Next he showed us how to spread
the tomato sauce on the dough. He said that we could put anything we want on the
pizza. After that, he put it in the oven to bake. The oven was really hot - 477 degrees!
The pizza slides in slowly, and in 5 minutes the pizza was ready.
Finally, Mr. Adam said that we could start making our own pizzas. I put
pineapple, ham, bacon, and sausage on my pizza. It looked really good when it came
out of the oven! I really enjoyed my trip to Dominoes Pizza. I hope I get to go again!
Pizza Tour
Tai Pai
One August 16, 2006, I went with my summer school class to Domino’s Pizza at
Seven Locks for a pizza tour. When we got there, the staff introduced themselves as
Mr. Adam, Mr. Mark, and Mrs. Lindsey. They showed us around, pointed out the
oven, and let us walk in their giant refrigerator. Then we washed our hands to prepare
to make our own pizza.
First, Mr. Mark showed us how to rub dough with cornmeal and how to turn
that lump of dough into pizza bread by spinning it. Then he gave us pre-made pizza
dough and demonstrated how to spread the Marinara sauce. After we
spread on the sauce, we put on all sorts of toppings, from Italian
Sausage to Jalapeno peppers. Then we baked the pizza at 477 degrees F
for 5 minutes. Finally, they took our pizzas out of the oven, boxed them,
and gave them to us along with free Domino’s magnets. After that, we
went back to school and waited to eat our delicious pizzas.
Guest Speaker: Ms. Kimberly Geary
Vivien Chen
Kimberly Geary’s job is a very interesting one. She is a Pediatric Occupational
Therapist. She works with kids from ages 1-7 who have problems with concentrating
and balancing. The interesting thing is that Kimberly helps kids concentrate using their
7 senses.
On August 17, 2006, Kimberly came to our class and talked to us about those
methods that she teaches kids. For example, hearing can be used to listen to music.
Depending on what kind of tone the music has, it will put you in that mood. Vision is
important, so Kimberly has kids give their eyes a break every 15 minutes. Using your
mouth while doing homework, I found out, can be very helpful. Chewing or drinking
can help you focus on tasks most of the time. Surprisingly, smell can also help you
think. Like music, different smells can give you different moods. In addition, if you’re
doing work and your hands and feet start to feel uncomfortable, Kimberly suggested
that kids have some things nearby that might
help ease the restlessness. If you can believe it,
movement and gravity/ balance were the last
two senses Kimberly talked about. She showed
us the actions we could do to help focus, like
sitting on a ball while doing homework.
By inviting Kimberly to talk to us, it
helped me learn some new ways to concentrate
and focus on things. But, a lot of kids are
different, and I figure that some methods might
not work for me. Even so, I’m glad that
Kimberly was able to talk to us.
Kimberley Geary
Cynthia Liu
Ms. Kimberly Geary is an Occupational Therapist. She helps people who have
trouble concentrating on their homework. Today, she came to talk to us about how to
concentrate, since school is about to start.
In her presentation, she talked about the different senses. She taught us how to
use different objects, such as gum and music, to help us calm down. She also told us
that there are another two senses: balance and muscles. If some of the kids have these
kinds of problems, she helps them with it.
I was very glad that Ms. Geary came in to talk about her job. It was very
interesting to learn about what she does as a Pediatric Occupational Therapist. I hope
she will come to talk again sometime soon.
Where would you go to eat?
Erica Lin
I like going to Old Country Buffet. I would eat corn, ham, carrots,
mashed potatoes, peas, milk and orange juice. I would want my
family to come too. My family eats a lot. My little brother and I love
Old Country Buffet.
Jasmine Chang
I would go to a Japanese restaurant called Fe. They let you drink ice water. My favorite
dish is noodles in soup. I recommend noodles and vegetables in soup. My family also
loves noodles in soup a lot, just like me! I would wear a light dark green dress. Also, I
would bring my whole family.
Henry Chen
I would go to McDonald’s. We would wear regular clothes. I would invite my family. My
mom would order salad. My dad would order a hamburger. My sister would order a
hamburger too! I would get order chicken nuggets. I like to put ketchup on my chicken
nuggets. Also, we would get milkshakes.
Jeffrey Chu
I would go to Potomac Pizza because their food is very good. Their pizza tastes good
because the pizza is thin. My favorite topping is pepperoni. The most I ever ate was six
slices. When I go I would wear my regular clothes. Also, I would invite my
grandparents. That’s where I would go out to eat.
Calvin Liu
Once, I went to McDonald’s with my sister, mom, and my dad. I went there with a red
shirt and black pants. When we got to McDonald’s, I would get some Powerade,
McNuggets, a Big Mac, and a Kid’s meal with some ketchup. A Big Mac is two pieces of
beef, three layers of cheese, and lettuce all in three buns. The Kid’s meal would give
me a Hotwheels car with stickers. After that, I will play a little, and then we would go
Patrick Pai
Once upon a time, I went to a restaurant called Burger King. I like to eat cheeseburgers.
Then, I got a sprite and Calvin and my parents got a drink. People would wear clean
clothes. I would invite my parents and Calvin.
Ethan Chen
I love McDonald’s. I like going to McDonald’s and eating chicken nuggets with fries and
Powerade. Sometimes, I get ice cream.
Kevin Jiang
Today, if I were going out to eat, I would go to Popeye’s. They
have spicy and crispy chicken, and I love spicy and crispy
chicken. I would wear a new shirt. I would bring my friends
named Paolo and Gabriel. Next to my spicy and crispy chicken, I
had a whole box of mashed potatoes, and I drank water. My
brother Owen said that he likes Popeye’s, so why should I not like
Sara Zhu
If I were hungry, I would go to Famous Dave’s. If I went to Famous Dave’s, I would eat
a cheeseburger with ketchup and fries plus a drink. I would also wear something not
that formal. I would probably invite my mom and dad because I can’t drive. Plus, I
would eat two Oreo cookies for dessert.
Andrew Sosilo
I go home to my Dad’s house to eat barbecue. My family comes too. We also have hot
dogs, chicken, broccoli, carrots, and corn. We have ice cream for dessert. After that,
we go home.
Michael Chou
I like to go to Burger King. My friends Kyle and Ben, my brother, and I are going to
Burger King. Kyle, my brother, and I are getting a Double Stacker and small fries. Ben
will always get a cheeseburger. My brother has Mountain Dew that comes with his
meal. I put barbecue sauce in my burger. I like BK burgers because they have one of
my favorite foods, bacon.
Andrew Halligan
McDonald’s is my favorite restaurant. I like French Fries and chicken nuggets. I get
regular or chocolate milk too.
Abbie Tran
Last week, I went to a Chinese grocery store called Shin ya. My dad drove us into the
store’s parking lot. Only my mom went in the store, and she bought a newspaper. If I
could buy whatever I want, I would buy bubble gum. There are two kinds of bubble
gum, and I like the kind with a picture of Hello Kitty on it.