Darwin Plus: Overseas Territories Environment and Climate Fund Final Report (To be completed with reference to the Reporting Guidance Notes for Project Leaders (http://darwin.defra.gov.uk/resources/) it is expected that this report will be a maximum of 20 pages in length, excluding annexes) Darwin Plus project information Project Ref Number Project Title Territory (ies) Award holding Organisation Partner Organisations Grant Value Start/end date of project Author(s), date Note: please remove the blue guidance notes from all sections before submission. This report should be sent in Word only (if you have concerns about layout you may submit a pdf but this is in addition to a Word version). If you have already answered a question in one section, do not repeat the information in another section, but refer back to the section number. Each section contains questions to guide the completion of the report. Not all questions/sections have to be answered – Project Leaders should exercise judgement as to those most relevant to the project. As far as possible, reports should provide evidence to support what you say. 1 Project Rationale Please describe the problem your project was trying to address. 2 Project Achievements 2.1 Purpose/Outcome Did the project achieve its intended Outcome? What evidence can you present to support this? If your project did not fully achieve the project Outcome what was the reason for this? If it was due to factors outside your control please comment on what actions you took to recover from this? How has the project helped to deliver long-term strategic outcomes for the natural environment in the Overseas Territory (ies)? Section 2.2 should be brief and concise and be no more than 2 pages long. Please support comments with evidence. Try to consider the impact and outcome of these activities as well as the achievements. Describe what the project has achieved and what will change as a result of the project. 1 Darwin Plus Final report format with notes – April 2013 Has the project influenced wider decision making and in any way helped embed environmental issues into decision making? Please describe the impact(s) of the project and how it has delivered value for money. 2.2 Outputs What outputs did you set out in your application and have these been met? Concentrate on the actual changes achieved rather than listing a series of activities undertaken. Activity does not necessarily mean a change has occurred. Did the project encounter problems, either anticipated or unexpected, in achieving the outputs, and how were they resolved? Please support comments with evidence. 2.4 Sustainability and Legacy Which project achievements are most likely to endure? What steps or actions were taken to ensure the impact of the project will endure after the project closure? What will happen to project staff and resources now the project funding has ceased? 3 Project Stakeholders Darwin Plus projects should engage/support key stakeholders. Please describe the support/ engagement/involvement of stakeholders throughout the project. To what extent were stakeholders involved in project planning and decision making? Have there been particular achievements, lessons or challenges when engaging with the stakeholders? 4 Lessons learned What lessons learned/failures/challenges have emerged from the management of this project? Could knowledge of these be of benefit to the wider Darwin community? Consider issues such as The project management structure – was it suitable for this style of project? Did you have the right sort of expertise employed on the project? Was the project well planned i.e. was it based on a good understanding of the underlying issues? Had you correctly identified the problems in the application form? Was the timeframe realistic? Did you allocate sufficient resources to the problem outlined? Any other lessons you could draw out from this project that could be useful? 4.1 Monitoring and evaluation Please record any major changes in the project design and how these changes were adapted into project design and the ability of the project to achieve project goals. 4.2 Actions taken in response to annual report reviews For those that have received feedback from annual reports, have you responded to all issues raised in the reviews of your annual reports? Please use this section as an opportunity to comment on any outstanding issues. Have you discussed the reviews with your partners and other collaborators? 2 Darwin Plus Final report format with notes – April 2013 5 Publicity Please outline any publicity the project has received and the impact this will have on the sustainability and legacy of the project. 3 Darwin Plus Final report format with notes – April 2013 6 Finance and administration This section seeks information about the finances of your project since your last annual report. Please amend the financial years in the tables to suit the reporting period and add/remove rows in the sub-tables if necessary. 6.1 Project expenditure Complete the expenditure table below, providing a breakdown of salaries, capital items and explanations of ‘Other’ costs. If the budget was changed since the project started, please clarify the main differences. Explain any significant variation in expenditure where this is +/- 10% of the approved budget lines. Project spend since last annual report 2013/14 Grant (£) 2013/14 Total actual Darwin Costs (£) Variance % Comments (please explain significant variances) Staff costs Consultancy costs Overhead Costs Travel and subsistence Operating Costs Capital items Others TOTAL Staff employed (Name and position) Cost (£) 4 Darwin Plus Final report format with notes – April 2013 TOTAL Consultancy – description of breakdown of costs Other items – cost (£) TOTAL Capital items – description Capital items – cost (£) TOTAL Other items – description Other items – cost (£) TOTAL 5 Darwin Plus Final report format with notes – April 2013 6.2 Additional funds or in-kind contributions secured Please confirm the additional funds raised for this project. This will include funds indicated at application stage as confirmed or unconfirmed, as well as additional funds raised during the project lifetime. Please include all funds relevant to running the project as well as levered funds for additional work after the project ends. NB: the total of both these sections is the figure required for Annex 4, Q23. Were any additional in-kind contributions secured during the project? Source of funding for project lifetime Total (£) Source of funding for additional work after project lifetime Total (£) TOTAL TOTAL 6.3 Value for Money Provide comment on the value for money this project has achieved. Please note that this does not mean we are looking for how inexpensive the project was, but if the desired output was achieved at the lowest price. 6 Darwin Plus Final report format with notes – April 2013 Annex 1 Standard Measures The Standard Measures represent a 21 year dataset of brief statistics of Darwin Projects. They largely comprise a series of inputs, activities and outputs or deliverables. Projects are not evaluated according to quantity of Standard Measures and completing Annex I is optional, but collecting information on these Measures are still useful. That is – projects that report few standard measures are not seen as being of poorer quality than those projects which can report against multiple standard measures. Please quantify and briefly describe all project standard measures using the coding and format of the Darwin Initiative Standard Measures. Download the updated list explaining standard measures from http://darwin.defra.gov.uk/resources/reporting/. If any sections are not relevant, please leave blank. Code Description Totals (plus additional detail as required) Training Measures 1 Number of (i) students from the UKOTs; and (ii) other students to receive training (including PhD, masters and other training and receiving a qualification or certificate) 2 Number of (i) people in UKOTs; and (ii) other people receiving other forms of long-term (>1yr) training not leading to formal qualification 3a Number of (i) people in UKOTs; and (ii) other people receiving other forms of short-term education/training (i.e. not categories 1-5 above) 3b Number of training weeks (i) in UKOTs; (ii) outside UKOTs not leading to formal qualification 4 Number of types of training materials produced. Were these materials made available for use by UKOTs? 5 Number of UKOT citizens who have increased capacity to manage natural resources as a result of the project Research Measures 6 Number of species/habitat management plans/ strategies (or action plans) produced for/by Governments, public authorities or other implementing agencies in the UKOTs 7 Number of formal documents produced to assist work in UKOTs related to species identification, classification and recording. 8a Number of papers published or accepted for publication in peer reviewed journals written by (i) UKOT authors; and (ii) other authors 8b Number of papers published or accepted for publication elsewhere written by (i) UKOT authors; and (ii) other authors 7 Darwin Final report format with notes – April 2013 Code Description Totals (plus additional detail as required) 9a Number of computer-based databases established (containing species/generic information). Were these databases handed over to UKOTs? 9b Number of computer-based databases enhanced (containing species/genetic information). Were these databases made available for use by UKOTs? 10a Number of species reference collections established. Were these collections handed over to UKOTs? 10b Number of species reference collections enhanced. Were these collections handed over to UKOTs? Dissemination Measures 11a Number of conferences/seminars/workshops/stakeholder meetings organised to present/disseminate findings from UKOT’s Darwin project work 11b Number of conferences/seminars/ workshops/stakeholder meetings attended at which findings from the Darwin Plus project work will be presented/ disseminated 12 Number of national/local press releases or publicity articles (i) in UKOT; (ii) elsewhere 13 Number of issues of newsletters produced 14 Estimated circulation of each newsletter. Were the newsletters made available in the UKOTs? 15a Number of dissemination networks established 15b Number of dissemination networks enhanced or extended 16a Number of TV programmes/features (i) in UKOTs; (ii) elsewhere 17a Number of radio interviews/features (i) in UKOTs; (ii) elsewhere 18 Number of news articles (including radio, media, newsletters, TV, etc) (i) in the UK; (ii) in the UKOTs; (iii) elsewhere Physical Measures 19 Estimated value (£s) of physical assets handed over to UKOT(s) 20 Number of permanent educational/training/research facilities or organisation established in UKOTs 21 Number of permanent field plots established in UKOTs 8 Darwin Final report format with notes – April 2013 Code Description Totals (plus additional detail as required) 22 Value of additional resources raised for project (See Section 8.2 above) Other Measures used by the project and not currently including in DI standard measures 9 Darwin Final report format with notes – April 2013 Annex 2 Darwin Contacts To assist us with future evaluation work and feedback on your report, please provide details for the main project contacts below. Please add new sections to the table if you are able to provide contact information for more people than there are sections below. Ref No Project Title Project Leader Details Name Role within Darwin Project Address Phone Fax/Skype Email Partner 1 Name Organisation Role within Darwin Project Address Fax/Skype Email Partner 2 etc. Name Organisation Role within Darwin Project Address Fax/Skype Email 10 Darwin Final report format with notes – April 2013