Homework Policy



Homework Policy

November 2010

Amended 2013

A better name for homework might be “learning out of school”. Children learn a great deal at school and parents can add to that learning by supporting them at home. Homework is learning which children do for themselves, perhaps with the support of parents or other family members such as grandparents or older brothers/sisters……..doing homework is important – it makes a difference to learning.

Learning and Teaching Scotland Website – “Parentzone”

This policy has been written following consultation with pupils, parents and staff. We believe it provides appropriate guidelines which will enable us to maximise the effectiveness of homework.

The Policy covers the following areas:

1. The purpose of homework.

2. The main features of homework.

3. The homework partnership: pupils, families and the school.

4. Examples of homework.

5. Departmental expectations.

6. Homework letters.

1 . The Purpose of Homework

It helps pupils become:

Successful learners,

Confident individuals

Responsible citizens

Effective contributors

It reinforces learning in the classroom

1. The Purpose of


It provides opportunities for family support

It encourages the development of new skills

(e.g. research)

2. The Main Features of Homework

It provides support and challenge

It is clearly expained

2.The Main

Features of


It involves a variety of activities

It promotes selfconfidence and understanding

It can allow for individual initiative and creativity

It is related to classroom activities

It is set at the appropriate level

3. The Homework Partnership

Parents/Carers will:

* check on progress by signing homework planners every week (S1/S2).

* wherever possible, provide the right conditions for doing homework – space, time, peace, materials.

* talk to their son/daughter about homework and offer encouragement & support.

* contact the school if their son/daughter is having difficulty with homework.

The school will:

* issue a planner.

* train pupils to use the planner effectively & monitor use.

* inform parents by letter if a pupil persistently fails to complete homework.

* ensure a consistent approach is taken across departments.

* offer additional support opportunities.

* include information on homework in reports.

Pupils will:

* be given a homework planner and take responsibility for it

* produce homework on time and to a satisfactory standard.

* set aside appropriate time for homework.

* ask their teacher for help if having difficulty (before the due date)

4. Examples of Homework

Preparation for assessments

(including past

SQA papers)

Revision of class work

Completion of class work

Reading and/or

Research: books, media internet, people

Practise e.g., musical intruments, presentations

& talks.

Creative activities

Homework takes different forms

Work to support individuals having difficulty

Homework sheets/essays


Extension work to challenge individuals

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations: Art & Design

Year Group/Course Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

S1/S2 Investigation, research and art and design studies related to ongoing practical classwork.

Pupils will be given homework on a fortnightly basis.


Pupils should be able to complete these activities in approximately 30 minutes.

Research for art and design studies in expressive/design units – notes, researched images, rough drafts and

S5/S6 completion of final presentation. Sketch books issued for investigation work in practical elements and ongoing practice.

Homework is given weekly and should be completed in approximately 1 hour.

Art and Design Studies exam format questions, reading, research.

Expressive and Design activity practical work– completion of sketchbooks.

Completion of ongoing elements and course work.

Homework is given weekly and should be completed in approximately 90 minutes.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations: Biology

Year Group/Course Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

S3/4 Weekly review of current work which should be completed in approximately 45 minutes.

One or two formal pieces of homework per topic consisting of exam format questions covering both Knowledge and

Understanding and Problem Solving.

Revision for end of topic assessments.

S5/6 Weekly review of current work which should be completed in approximately one hour.

One or two formal pieces of homework per topic consisting of exam format questions covering Knowledge and

Understanding, Data Handling, Experimental Technique and

Essay writing.

Revision for end of topic assessments.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations:

Business Education

Year Group/Course Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

S5/6 Business



Pupils issued with Course Outline.

Weekly review of current unit using Core Notes – approximately one hour. Completion of relevant Activities.

Learn Command Words to assist with exam technique.

Weekly piece of formal homework related to topic.

Completion of Personal Learning Plans.

Keep up to date with current business/economic affairs and use as examples to support essay questions.

Revision at the end of each unit in preparation for (NAB) assessments/final exam.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations: Chemistry

Year Group/Course Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

S3/4 Formal homework fortnightly to include additional questions and learning of concepts/definitions. However all pupils are expected to carry out some study and learning activities at home weekly.

Homework should take an average of between 30 and 60 minutes.

S5/6 Formal homework fortnightly to include additional questions, learning of concepts/definitions and consolidation. However all pupils are expected to carry out some study and learning activities at home weekly.

Homework should take an average of about 60 minutes.

S6 – Advanced Higher Formal homework fortnightly to include additional questions, learning of concepts/definitions, further consolidation and research. However all pupils are expected to carry out some study and learning activities at home weekly.

Homework should take an average of between 60 and 90 minutes.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations: Computing

Year Group/Course Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

S1/S2 Preparation related to ongoing practical classwork.

S3/S4 Preparation of material related to ongoing practical activities.

Past paper questions.

Written work designed to consolidate topics covered in class.

Pupils will be given homework every two weeks.

Pupils should be able to complete these activities in approximately 30 minutes.

S5/6 Preparation of material related to ongoing practical activities.

Past paper questions.

Written work designed to consolidate topics covered in class.

Background reading related to classwork.

Pupils will be given homework every two weeks.

Pupils should be able to complete these activities in approximately 30 minutes.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations:

Design and Technology



Year Group/Course Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

Design Technology S1 S1

After an initial homework focusing on working safely, pupils are given homework relating to the design process and their current design projects. Around 3 homework tasks will be given over duration of a project. Homework is intended to improve sketching, researching and encourage awareness design. Pupils should be able to complete homework tasks within 30 minutes . On occasions pupils may be asked to complete a class activity as homework.

Design Technology S2

Homework will cover a wide range of topics including design, material and manufacture processes. Homework will relate to Design and Manufacture or Graphic

Communication activities undertaken in class. Pupils should be able to complete homework tasks within 30 minutes. On occasions pupils may be asked to complete a class activity as homework.

Design Technology S3

In S3 pupil will be studying Design Technology with Craft or Design Technology with Graphic Products. Both groups will be given homework to develop sketching and designing skills. Specific work will be in line with the current project being undertaken. Homework will vary in its frequency dependant on class activity. Pupils should be able to complete homework tasks within 30 minutes

Senior Phase

S4 Design and


S4 N4/5




Product Design Higher and Intermediate 2

Design and Manufacture

During folio preparation pupils will be requested to complete specific sections of the folio work for homework.

At other times, pupils will be asked question on Design

Theory, Tools and Processes. During revision times students will be given exam format question to answer. Homework will be set approximately once every two weeks but may be more frequent during revision times. Pupils should be able to complete most homework tasks within 30 minutes.

Graphic Communication

Pupils will complete a range of sketching and preparation exercises that relate to project work. At other times, pupils will be asked question on examinable elements of the course. During revision times students will be given exam format question to answer. Homework will be set approximately once every two weeks but may be more frequent during revision times. Pupils should be able to complete most homework tasks within 30 minutes

Product Design

Design Knowledge : pupils are asked to complete sample questions covering all areas of the course throughout the year. A course textbook is recommended and available on loan to pupils. Pupils should be able to complete these homework tasks within 1 hour. Homework will be set weekly

Design Activity : pupils are asked to complete design work including sketching, annotating, researching and report writing. Pupils should be able to complete these homework tasks within 2 hours. Homework will be set weekly.

S5/6 Graphic


Higher Intermediate 2

S5/6 Practical Craft


Graphic Communication

Knowledge and Interpretation: Pupils will be set specific tasks to revise for unit assessment work and knowledge and interpretation revision.

Drawing Ability : Largely as part of folio production, pupils will be asked to complete tasks to reinforce or continue sketching techniques.

Homework will be set on a fortnightly basis and will vary in duration dependant on the stage of folio and topics in class with some more than others leading to opportunities to develop skills at home.

Practical Craft Skills: This course is assessed entirely but course completion of coursework models and tools test.

Therefore no homework is issued.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations: English

Home study will reflect the 4 main elements of English: Reading, Writing, Listening and

Talking. Pupils will be given the opportunity to improve their language skills, develop a life– long interest in reading, prepare for assessments and build essential research and organisational skills.

Year Group/Course





Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

Tasks may include: Completion of class work where appropriate.

Reading : Private Reading and ‘Reading for Gold’ programme; close reading questions; preparing for functional writing by collecting information from various sources including the


Writing: Planning, researching and making notes for creative, factual or discursive essays. Redrafting of work. Language reinforcement activities including spelling and punctuation work.

Listening and talking : Preparation, and / or locating information for individual talks as well as research and preparation for group discussion.


Homework will be issued weekly. In addition, we expect pupils to read regularly at home.

Reading : Personal reading; close reading questions; preparing for functional writing by collecting information from various sources including the Internet; reading/analysing non – fiction and journalism.

Writing: Planning, researching and writing notes for creative, factual or discursive essays; redrafting of work; language reinforcement activities.

Listening and talking : Preparation, interviewing and/or locating information for solo talks and group presentations. Listening to to media texts at home. Interviewing parents/ friends.


Homework will be issued weekly. The time pupils should expect to spend on home study will vary according to the individual pupil and the task set. Pupils are expected to read as often- and as widely- as possible.

S4 pupils are given a course outline and have a deadlines for the

Writing Folio. Thus, they should ensure that they prepare for these in their home study time. In addition, other work to be completed at home will be given by the class teacher and may include: close reading; analysis of media texts; planning and research; study of texts from different genres; textual analysis; critical evaluations and the planning and preparation of writing pieces.

Senior pupils are given a course outline and are aware of the dates of NABS and deadlines for the writing folio. Thus, they should ensure that they prepare for these in their home study time.

In addition, other work to be completed at home will be given by the class teacher and may include: close reading; planning and research; textual analysis; critical evaluations and planning and preparation of writing pieces.

Deadlines must be met if students are to keep abreast of the course.


This depends on the nature of the task, but pupils should expect to spend a minimum of 2 hours on their English home study each week.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations: Geography







Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

Consolidation of or extension to current classwork.

Usually involves element of choice. Often has a practical element (design, make, plan).

Scope for individuality/flair.

Issued every 1-2 weeks. Usually homework tasks should take about 30 minutes to complete and a week will be given for their completion. Larger project tasks will require more work at home and this will be reflected in an extension to the deadline.

Aim to consolidate key ideas and skills in coursework and to improve examination technique. Frequently exam style questions but also regular peer assessment of scripts

and occasional research projects started in class – gathering and presenting information.

Issued every 2 weeks, complete within 20 - 30 minutes.

The Added Value Unit is a research project. This is a compulsory element of the

National 4 and 5 courses. It will require considerable effort and work at home.


Consolidation of key ideas and skills checked regularly via homework.

Strong focus on improving examination technique through setting of exam style questions and regular peer marking of sample scripts.

Issued weekly (Higher), complete within 30 minutes.

Advanced Higher

70% of course assessment is through research, gathering and processing information.

A large proportion of this has to be done outwith school. Homework is therefore ongoing, ranging from 20 minutes to several hours per week.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations: History

Year Group/Course Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

S1/2 Homework will be issued on a broadly monthly basis, though this may increase or decrease based on progress or

S3/4 course.

Usually homework should last about half an hour, but could be longer for larger project work.

Homework for National 5 will increase in frequency as the course progresses (i.e. as more content is learned and skills can be assessed). On top of this there is an intense month of homework around the time of the added value assignment.

The length of time spent on homework thus varies between a few minutes for a source or recall question, an hour or so for an essay, or several hours’ preparation for the added value assignment.

For National 4, there will be half-termly project-based learning exercises. It is hoped that this will allow those for whom homework can be a problem more time to organise themselves and/or seek assistance from the teacher or at home.

S5/6 For the Higher, candidates are expected to undertake a considerable degree of independent learning in the form of reading and preparation for class-based exercises.

Homework varies between formal written exercises and the more informal completion of tasks undertaken in class for which there is insufficient time to finish. For essays, homework usually involves preparation for a timed class essay in order to sharpen up time management skills. The extended essay requires significant and prolonged research and construction outside school hours.

For Advanced Higher, the requirements are similar to those for Higher, but an even greater emphasis is placed on independent learning, particularly reading and note-taking.

The dissertation comprises the bulk of the formal homework required at Advanced Higher.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy





Health and Food



Hospitality N5

Cake Craft N5

Departmental Expectations:

Food and Consumer Technology

Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

Informal investigation and research related to ongoing practical classwork.

Pupils will be given 1 homework per unit

Pupils should be able to complete these activities in approximately 30 minutes.

Homework is given as appropriate and should be completed in less than 1 hour

Research for recipes, new foodstuff and latest preparation techniques.

Revision and practice of new techniques for assessments.

No formal written tasks issued for these courses due to the practical nature of final assessment. i.e. 2.5 hrs practical exam.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations


The Mathematics Department regard homework as an integral part of the teaching and learning process. Our aim is to make homework regular, varied and meaningful.

Homework should provide opportunities for student and parents to work together, to reflect upon learning, to consolidate knowledge and skills and to prepare for further study.

Homework will help the student to develop the ability to plan, organise and complete work within given timescales.

In all cases homework will be expected to be done to “exam standard” and handed in on time. Facilities are available within the department for asking about homework prior to it being handed in.

Year Group/Course Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

S1/2 (3)

CfE courses

1 st – 4 th levels

Homework will consist of finishing a piece of work started in class, formal homework at the end of a topic or preparation for the next lesson.

Each course has a homework booklet; or a set of

(S3)/ S4

CfE courses /

National courses

CfE as above

Lifeskills 3, 4, 5

Mathematics N4, 5 differentiated booklets

Approximately one hour per week should be enough time for most students to complete the pieces of homework

S3 sees the completion of an appropriate level of CfE.

Students would then embark on the next progression step.

For example completion of CfE 4 th

leads on to Nat 5

Each course will have a homework booklet, from which the teacher can select appropriate work.


National Qualification

Advanced Higher

Depending on the course and student, up to two hours should be sufficient time to complete homework exercises.

Students would also be expected to devise their own structured revision programme.

Homework would take the form of “formal” exercises during and at the end of each topic.

Finishing a piece of work started in class, or researching material for the next lesson would all form part of


Intermediate 2

Intermediate 1

Personal Finance

Award homework.

Approximately one hour per night, depending on the course, should provide enough time for a student to complete all homework.

Students would be expected to devise their own structured revision programme.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations: Modern


Year Group/Course Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

Weekly vocabulary consolidation in preparation for end of S1- S2


Weekly unit testing

Consolidation of grammatical points


French and Spanish


Revision for Speaking/ writing tests

Usage of linguascope website to support language acquisition

Weekly vocabulary consolidation in preparation for weekly testing

Consolidation of grammatical points

Revision for Speaking/ writing tests

Usage of linguascope to support language acquisition

Consolidation of grammar S5/6

French Spanish and



Preparation of written language

Preparation of oral language

Consolidation of Written / oral language production

Cultural investigations where appropriate

Revision of vocabulary

Usage of languages on line/ Scholar to support language acquisition where appropriate

A departmental web link is available to support learning and consolidation at home for the lower school French. This will be developed in the future to eventually offer support all levels and all languages.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations: Modern


Year Group/Course Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

S2 Homework will be issued on a broadly monthly basis, though this may increase of decrease based on progress or course.


Usually homework should last about half an hour, but could be longer for larger project work.

Homework for National 5 classes will increase in frequency as the course progresses (i.e. as more content is learned and skills can be assessed.) Pupils will be required to prepare for KU questions at home in order that they can be answered under timed conditions in class. Enquiry Skills questions will be completed at home. Completion of the compulsory added value assignment will require considerable effort and work at home.

For National 4 there will be half-termly project-based learning exercises. It is hoped that this will allow those for whom homework can be a problem more time to organise themselves and/or seek assistance from the teacher or at home.

S5/6 For the Higher, candidates are expected to undertake a considerable degree of independent learning in the form of reading and preparation for class-based exercises.

Homework varies between formal written exercises and the more informal completion of tasks undertaken in class for which there is insufficient time to finish. For essays, homework usually involves preparation for a timed class essay in order to sharpen up time management skills. The

Decision Making Exercise requires significant commitment outside school hours.

For Advanced Higher, the requirements are similar to those for Higher, but an even greater emphasis is placed on independent learning, particularly reading and note-taking.

The dissertation comprises the bulk of the formal homework required at Advanced Higher.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations: Music

Year Group/Course Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

S1/2 Homework set to consolidate class work: once or twice per term.

Instrumental practice for instrumental pupils: 15-20 minutes daily.



Revision of concepts covered in lessons: weekly, 20-30 minutes.

Instrumental/vocal practice: daily, 15-60 minutes as necessary.

Revision of concepts covered in class: weekly, 30 minutes.

Instrumental/vocal practice: daily, 30-60 minutes as necessary.

Composition work when required.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations:

Physical Education

Year Group/Course Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

S1/S2 There is no formal homework issued in PE in S1&2 however the pupils may be given tasks to work on at home such as health and fitness work and research for interdisciplinary projects.

S3/S4 Pupils are issued homework on a regular basis.

This should be completed in approximately 30 minutes.

S5/S6 Higher and Intermediate 2 pupils will be issued essay questions approximately every 2 weeks.

These should take approximately 90 minutes to complete.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy





Departmental Expectations: Physics

Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

There are weekly formal exercises of approximately 20 minutes duration to consolidate skills and give pupils further practice at the work they do in class. After every lesson pupils should also be going over their notes and completing quick tests.

For Higher, formal weekly exercises taking approximately 30 minutes are supplemented by finishing off tasks and the usual background reading which are required to keep up with the course.

Advanced Higher pupils should be keeping up with tutorial work, researching their investigations and consolidating the classwork using their notes and the Scholar online package.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations: Religious,

Philosophical & Moral Education

Year Group/Course Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

S1/2 * Research relating to ongoing class work.

* Homework will be issued on a monthly basis.

* Pupils should be able to complete these activities in approximately 30 minutes.

S3/4 Core Religious and Moral Education :

* Homework will not be issued.

National 4/5

* Research relating to ongoing class work/past paper questions to consolidate learning in class.

* Assignment work that contributes to an assessed element of the course.

* Homework will be issued on a weekly basis.

* Pupils should be able to complete these activities in

S5/6 approximately 30 minutes.

Intermediate 2 and Higher Religious Moral and

Philosophical Studies :

* Research relating to ongoing class work/past paper questions to consolidate learning in class.

* Homework will be issued on a weekly basis.

* Pupils should be able to complete these activities in approximately 60 minutes.

Trinity Academy

Homework Policy

Departmental Expectations: Science

Year Group/Course Description of homework given (with an indication of frequency and time)

S1/2 A variety of tasks relating to the topic being studied, including research, graphs and extended writing. Three 15 minute homeworks per six week topic.

Revision for end of topic assessments.


Homework Letter

Homework is an important way for you to learn and it is a serious matter when you do not complete it.

If you fail to hand in homework, or hand it in late, on 3 occasions then this letter will be sent home.

Name:_________________________________________________ Class:_______


Date Due:___________________




Signature:__________________________________ Date:__________________

Completed? YES/NO

Date Due:___________________




Signature:__________________________________ Date:__________________

Completed? YES/NO

Date Due:___________________




Signature:__________________________________ Date:__________________

Completed? YES/NO

Dear Parent/Carer Date___________________

__________________________________________ has failed to complete homework on the above occasions. We believe that the completion of homework develops good habits and encourages responsibility. It is also a vital part of your child’s education.

Please complete and return the attached slip.

Yours sincerely

Curriculum Leader Pupil Support Leader

I have received notification that ____________________________________ has not been completing homework.




Signature Parent/Carer ________________________________________

Please return to the Curriculum Leader
