Unit 3 French 1: Our Homes (about 3

Unit 3 French 1: Our Homes (about 3-4 weeks)
Wiki pages for the unit:
In this unit students acquire vocabulary and functions necessary to talking about where
they live and the activities they can do in various rooms of their homes. They also
compare and contrast their homes with typical homes in France and elsewhere in the
francophone world, and experience an online home buying activity that provides an
opportunity to make increased cultural connections.
Unit 3 Main Resources
Almost all of the unit resources are linked/housed on the wiki page cited above. They
include links to practice exercises and videos, and a variety of authentic French sites. In
addition, online assignments (such as the house buying opportunity) were uploaded and
readily available to students.
Ohio Academic Standards Addressed in this Unit:
1. Communication
Benchmark A, (interpersonal) grade 9 : Exchange information via letters, email/video mail, notes, conversations or
interviews on familiar topics (e.g., school
events, weekend activities, memorable
experiences, family life).
Benchmark G , grade 9 (interpretive): Use a variety of reading and listening strategies
to derive meaning from texts.
Benchmark J (presentational, grade 9): Present differences in products and
practices (e.g., sports, celebrations, school life)
found in the target culture.
Benchmark K (presentational, Grade 9)
13.Apply age-appropriate writing process
strategies (prewriting, drafting, revising,
editing, publishing).
2. Cultures
Benchmark B, Identify and simulate
regionalisms of the target culture (e.g., dress/
costumes, foods, homes)
Explain and discuss products of the target culture
that may be unfamiliar or misunderstood (e.g.,
3. Comparisons
Benchmark D: Explain how products,
practices and perspectives of the target culture
vary from those of the students’ own culture
(e.g., sports, celebrations, school).
Essential Questions:
 What types of housing and shelter do people have in francophone areas of the
 How does habitat relate to climate and geography?
 What underlying perspectives are illustrated by the differences in French homes
from American ones?
 How do I talk about my home and the activities I do there?
Thematic vocabulary:
Vocabulary for describing homes and property
Action and activity words
Grammatical accuracy:
ER verb family
Information questions
Prepositions of place
 Introduction and practice of the thematic vocabulary and grammar structures via
gestures, songs, games (such as jumping in, out and on boxes when learning
prepositions), paired and group activities, whole class discussion and questioning,
information gap activities, flash cards, powerpoints, learning stations
 Drawing /Labeling
 Study of and use in an infogap activity the famous “Bedroom in Arles” Van Gogh
painting and Rene Magritte’s “Valeurs Personelles” Painting
 Short homework exercises with emphasis on PRACTICE of what has been
learned in class and sharing this learning (i.e. teaching it) to one’s family and
 Songs and ditties and verb pattycake activities to help reinforce vocabulary and
Online cultural comparison reading and activity involving the reasons behind the
toilet and bathroom being separate rooms in France
Simulated online house hunting/buying activity
Student selected vocabulary review project in which students chose three ways to
present vocabulary (flashcards, wordless, games, etc.) for a whole class learning
station based test review activity
Sample Activities by Communicative Mode:
Paired, small
group, whole
exchanges and
role plays
relating to
vocabulary and
functions under
study; a
learning station
Students wrote
notes to
epals to
describe a new
house they
were buying
(after online
house buying
Video clips
(music and
others )
Online real
estate ads
present and
describe the
house they are
online to the
Students write
essays to
describe in
depth one room
of their own
home and
everything in
the room is
Unit assessments:
Frequent quizzes and a written unit test
Presentation of “new House”
Note to friend
Essay about a room
The vocabulary review graded activity
Formative assessments – ongoing teacher questioning, observation and monitoring of
class discussions and activities, bellringer and exit slip activities, completion of
homework and in class exercises, self-assessments after activities and on the written test
Differentiation needed for this unit:
Tasks and processes were differentiated, with every effort made to include a constant
variety of approaches and tasks geared for multiple intelligences and learning styles
(singing, movement based activities, games of rhythm (finger snapping and tapping),
activities involving art, and group, paired and individual work, etc.). Students were able
to choose their own products for the Vocabulary Review Project. The unit content will be
continually recycled in subsequent units and the teacher will use various techniques such
as grouping, work with individuals, etc. to ensure that all students successfully master
Instructional methods
Modeling, listening/repeating drills, whole class and individual questioning, cooperative
games and activities in pairs and groups, role plays, singing, use of realia, use of the
internet for interactive practice and interpretive task
Interdisciplinary Connections:
Social Studies, Music, Math, Art, Music